21 minute read

by: Marie Joy Payumo-Salgado & Daniel Ong


by: Scott Ralph B. Paña


DepEd Memorandum no. 12, s. 2020 allows school administrators in every public school to create their own School Learning Continuity Plan (SLCP) provided that they have gathered data from a Learners Enrollment Survey Form (LESF). Schools with:

(a) a significant number of enrollees who have signified their intention to enroll in online learning, and

(b) verified instructional resources, are expected to design the appropriate Online Distance Learning modality plan for their specific needs.

Every SLCP provides a school with a roadmap on the teaching and learning processes for that school.


Ms. Ma. Sheena Jane B. Ureta, a Grade 3 teacher from Timoteo Paez Elementary School, has faced several technical problems with her Internet connection during online sessions. Similarly, some of her students were not able to join their online classes due to having no money for data load, or experiencing family problems which prevented the students from connecting from their homes. And as for Modular-based instruction, an alternative option for students who do not have the capacity for online learning, Ms. Ureta stated, “although some students would prefer modular based instructions, not a lot of parents/ guardians are knowledgeable enough to facilitate their child’s learning”.

In another case, a leading public school in Rizal, Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School, decided to provide online distance learning for its students. Mrs. Christine Elaine Ejercito, Grade 10 Araling Panlipunan teacher in this school, faced similar problems with poor Internet connection so often that she taught herself how to troubleshoot technical problems. To minimize the problems caused by intermittent Internet signal, another of the school’s

When asked about students who missed classes due to poor Internet connection, Mr. Halili said, “I always record our discussion on Google Meet and…send it to the student’s e-mail”.

teachers, Mr. Percival F. Halili, Grade 8 Mathematics, even added a second Internet link at his house as a back-up connection.


To the great credit of the public school system, no one is giving up. Public school teachers are continuing to think of strategies to help their students overcome online learning obstacles. When asked about students who missed classes due to poor Internet connection, Mr. Halili said, “I always record our discussion on Google Meet and…send it to the student’s e-mail”. Doing so allows the students to review and watch the lessons that they missed.

DepEd TV has also been one of the platforms for students who suffer from poor Internet connection. Teacher Sheena explained, “we instructed our learners who have no means to join the online class to watch DepEd TV Channel for the meantime”. Episodes are also uploaded to the official YouTube page, DepEdTV Official. Other video lessons purposely made for asynchronous online learning are also available online. Similar innovation was also implemented by Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School through their own YouTube page Felixians TV, containing schoolmade video lessons teachers use as supplementary learning materials. Mr. Halili is one of the contributors for this video lesson YouTube page.

As restrictions on holding face-to-face classes continue, teachers continue to adapt to this new normal, providing basic education services at a distance in the face of many obstacles. The process of shifting to online teaching has reminded teachers that while the tools have changed, their mission remains the same. Teacher Sheena shared, “this pandemic forced me to think of different ways to teach in the fastest and easiest way for the learners but still teach it without jeopardizing the process of learning”. As has always been the case, teachers are the frontliners in being more creative, in thinking of out of the box solutions, to fill in the learning gaps brought about by adverse situations, such as our current pandemic setup.


or around 4.3 million are enrolled exclusively in online distance learning.


or around 23.8 million of school-age Filipinos enrolled exclusively in modular distance learning.

Source: Social Weather Stations (SWS)



by: Maria Carla Nazareno

...the truly effective online teachers are those who not only consider the distance when designing lessons, but also plan harder on how to deliver these lessons.

When the COVID-19 crisis shut down schools worldwide, students suddenly found themselves in an unfamiliar and very challenging

learning environment. Before early 2020, students went to school and interacted with the teachers – that was the standard learning process. But locked down at home, students now have to master learning content on their own, somewhat assisted by parents, yayas, and assorted relatives to whom teachers involuntarily delegated the instructional assistance tasks.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic came at a point in history when the state of available information and communications technology (ICT) was sufficient to moderate the setbacks to the educational system. Even in the Philippine public school system, which is still dependent on printed modules, ICT was used to mix online instruction with the self-study modules – and most of the students were able to adapt to the setup. The students did not find this digital hybrid set-up strange since they belong to the age group (born between 1997 and 2015) considered as “digital natives”. The shift to remote learning was more of a challenge to their teachers and their parents, grandparents, the generations of the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), X (1965-1980), and Y (1981-1996) - collectively called “digital immigrants”, and so named because to these generations, digital communications is not an organic skill acquired in early childhood, but instead an add-on capability learned later in life.

One of those organic skills older generations have difficulty with is the ability to pre-package the digital communication for standalone delivery. A traditional teacher can adjust her lesson delivery as they proceed. Questions, interactions, even facial expressions, these are all cues for the face-to-face teacher to adjust the lesson. But that is rarely possible in remote teaching. Thus, the truly effective online teachers are those who not only consider the distance when designing lessons, but also plan harder on how to deliver these lessons. Well-planned lessons tailored for online learning are those that stick to simplicity, keep the instructions clear and self-guiding, and so make learners happy.

Teachers can also use their online learning platform to structure student activities methodically - notify students about synchronous meetings, scheduled tasks, and provide deadline reminders. A clear framework and organized

Parents would do well to sit down and talk to their children about how online distance learning works (no different from the speech on the first day of Nursery school that “I will come back for you after class”).

schedule for students, teachers motivate the learners into co-controlling their own learning. Several teachers should also consider collaborating on some tasks with common learning objectives for all learners, giving the students an expanded perception of the importance of that lesson/task.

In turn, parents should keep in mind that online learning is different from face-toface learning. Parents would do well to sit down and talk to their children about how online distance learning works (no different from the speech on the first day of Nursery school that “I will come back for you after class”). Stress that the expectations of academic performance are the same, but the methods of attaining the knowledge have changed. Take time to explain to the student why learning tasks are being assigned. In this, teachers should help out by giving assignments and tasks that involve interaction with family members.

A designated study area, no matter how small and simple. The very act of entering the study area conditions the student’s mindset that “it’s school time!”. The same rule about “it’s school time” applies to device use. During designated study hours, the student should be monitored by the parent that he or she is not doing something else that would not be allowed in school.

We have now moved on. What used to be the learning triad of the teacher, the learner, and the learning environment has now earned another facet - the parent. This four-stakeholder setup is what is called the learning square. This is a box filled with challenging but optimistic responsibilities that, despite the steep initial learning curve, could help the learner to adjust, survive and be victorious in a difficult educational setup.


A brief interview to a mother who is coping with online teaching during the pandemic. Asst. Professor IV and a mother, Maria Pilar N. Correo from Cavite State University shares her story


by: Pocholo Olanday

When the country suddenly announced a shift to online education in 2020, educators were initially caught off-guard on what to do and

how to proceed. But after a year, and thanks in part to all the educational institutions that provided training, the education system is now in a much better position to cope with the needs of the now-dominant modality of distance education/online learning.

A key aspect of this newly-developed coping ability is the widespread availability of tools for distance/ online teaching. A cursory Google search will result in hundreds of hits for various tools – some free, some for fee – suitable for distance education.

In McGreal and Elliot’s Technologies of Online Learning (E-learning), the authors talked about streaming audio, video, web conferencing, peer to peer sharing, wikis, digital games, etc. But while extensive, McGreal and Elliot’s list only focuses on one aspect of Online Learning - delivery.

For a better appreciation of the classification and use of the different tools for online learning, it would be helpful to adopt the definition of Kat Esteves of UP Open University in her Design and Evaluation of Multimedia Educational Materials course. Ms. Esteves classified digital technology as either:

Digital technologies as a

tool: Digital technologies can facilitate the design and production process; or

Digital technologies

as an outcome: Digital technologies can be the object of the design and production process. Digital technologies as a tool can further be broken down into: • Content Delivery; • Administrative Tool; and • Assessment Tool

In turn, Digital technologies as an outcome breaks down into: • e-Learning Course Authoring Tool • Content Creation

Consider specifically the area of content creation. Out of the 3,000 or so years of educational history, 2,850 of those years have seen content consisting solely of printed words on paper and scribblings on a board. No innovation crept in until the 1950’s. In fact, up to today, the label applied to a teacher stuck in the past, who does nothing but lecture in front of the class is “chalk and talk”.

But the development of new technologies, beginning with television in the 1950’s, photocopiers in the ‘60’s, computers in the 70’s and 80’s, and the Internet by the ‘90’s have A key aspect of this newly-developed coping ability is the widespread availability of tools for distance/ online teaching.

Instructional Design in Online Platform. © Headway.

given educators a broader arsenal for authoring content. The limit now is the imagination of the course creator.

Video apps such as Kinemaster, Canva, Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, and MS Window’s video editor can create simple videos, even add in talking heads. Designers can elect to use cartoonish videos to deliver content messages using software such as Vyond, Doodly, Powtoon, Adobe Character. With these, animated videos are a mere drag and drop command away, speeding up creation exponentially. And all these software deliver basic editing capabilities such as cutting, joining, and animating videos, which are then uploaded to YouTube or the organization’s LMS.

For interactivity by the advanced-level instructional designer, more advanced software such as Articulate 360, Adobe Captivate, and dominKnow can handle the tasks. The look and feel of these authoring tools are similar to PowerPoint but with much broader functionality. At the other end of the spectrum, novice instructional designers can use many rapid development tools available such as Rise360 by Articulate, Quizzit, Quizziz, Kahoot!, Nearpod, and Jamboard. These platforms are simple drag and drops with pre-templated intuitive interactions.

For static content, PowerPoint and Canva are popular choices for the base authoring tool. The content can then be supplemented with ready-made royaltyfree contents found in Shutterstock Freepic and Adobe Stock Photos.

Note however a fee of anywhere from PHP 500.00 to as much as PHP 80,000 annually.

With all these tools within reach, the only decision remaining to every teacher and course designer is: how innovative do you want to be? Are you going to be satisfied with simply flashing written content on screen, slide by slide (in 2020, some teachers did not even bother typing up the lecture into Powerpoint but simply scanned their textbooks!). Or are you going to embrace the opportunity to enhance the engagement with your students by embracing the new tools now available? Remember that innovation is not necessarily just about using new technologies, but developing new teaching methods or thinking about learning. (Bates, 2011). ...novice instructional designers can use many rapid development tools available such as Rise360 by Articulate, Quizzit, Quizziz, Kahoot!, Nearpod, and Jamboard. These platforms are simple drag and drops with pre-templated intuitive interactions.



by: Roxanne Mercado


“You are now connected. Please select a lesson,” says the device to the kid who excitedly held it up to complete his favorite Module after his farming duties with his father.

Today’s cutting-edge exploration of technology for training is the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) platforms, putting the learner inside a simulation. But at the far end of that tech spectrum is the disheartening reality that some teachers and students in the Philippines cannot even connect to the internet, and lack the devices needed for such.

Fortunately, distance education (DE) is not just about the use of technology. DE is about the learning content, learners, and teachers, which when strategically designed together, even when impaired by poor or unavailable connectivity and obsolete devices, can still be effective in learning. Dr. Martin Dougiamas himself, the founder of the Moodle, in his younger years, studied using only radio and correspondence courses. Although ideal if available, lack of serviceable technology should not be a hindrance to quality distance education. Because of the pandemic, the Philippines has been forced to adopt distance education, no matter how unprepared and lacking in technology, because there is no alternative but to push through.

To augment transitioning institutions and new DE practitioners in delivering quality distance education, below is a list of concepts taken from the pre-pandemic existing industry of online training.


There is a wealth of research available showing that delivery of education through gaming scenarios is highly effective. Military training for example makes extensive use of gaming, whether field exercises, simulator machines, tabletop strategy sessions, or simply repetitive drills. The ability to rerun a simulation, with only a few changes, allows for variety, ensuring that learners do not get bored repeating it over and over. Adding the basic game principle of PBL – points, badges, leaderboard – generates in-game motivation that drives the learners to completion.

For critics who will level accusations of frivolity towards game-based learning, the designers can apply social constructivism - making use of social elements to add relevance, as well as help reinforce and localize the learning. If the desired learning competencies are properly structured, the gaming simulations can become powerful mastery-based learning tools, since advancing to the final level of the game is in itself a demonstration of mastery. After all, the K-12 curriculum calls for mastery of competencies as the end goal for all subject areas. If the desired learning competencies are properly structured, the gaming simulations can become powerful mastery-based learning tools, since advancing to the final level of the game is in itself a demonstration of mastery.


Related to but distinct from gaming is the case study approach where the learner is presented with a specific situation and asked to work his/ her way through to a solution or recommendation. Unlike a gaming simulation, where the desired learning outcomes are pre-programmed as choices the learner may make, a case study allows more freedom to come up with solutions outside the box.

Consider a mathematics example. In a game-type teaching module, a learner may be faced with a choice between two pizzas of different size and price. Computing for the area of a circle then dividing that answer by the price tells you which pizza delivers more square centimeters per peso – the better bargain. Now, in a case study, the student may instead be given the scenario that he/she is opening a pizza parlor, and is faced with the dilemma of how big should the pizzas be, given that the cost of dough is X pesos per kilo. Should the student make thin crusts (more area per kilo of dough) or deep dish pizzas and charge a premium?


Microlearning is a straightforward approach to deliver small chunks of learning in a short amount of time. While may not be the best way to deliver a comprehensive curriculum, it serves as an adjunct to learner-centered teaching and learning. Microlearning videos can be as short as 15 to 60 seconds, in what is now known as EduTok, or the usual explainer videos that last from the optimal time frame of three minutes to six minutes. It can also be as simple as infographics or even the traditional flashcards. While critics of the method might say that it will just add distraction, it may be interpreted as resistance to the unfamiliar. In fact, the success of the classic children’s show Sesame Street revolves around the idea of delivering learning in micro doses.


Internet connection and education technology may not be a government priority in this pandemic. But even if lessons are stripped bare, without the latest technology, applying a combination of practices that we know will result in well-written, well-designed, engaging, and relevant learning sessions, connecting to the hearts and minds of our Filipino students.


Gamification and Game-based Learning

Complex problems in teaching Physics and Case based Teaching in STEM

What is Microlearning: The Education Tactic

Stopping Student Burnout Syndrome

Hover & Click.

Read & Watch.

“A teacher affects eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops.” – Henry Adams


by Jim Marco M. Pabellon

A brief creative video describing the articles of the 1st volume of the e-Aral Natin Journal. This a poetry piece narrated together with symbolic representations of online teaching and learning through a pandemic: a glimpse at the Philippine setting. Can you relate to the video? What can you say about the message of the video?

DepEd Commons Online Reviewer in Creative Writing


Subtraction with Regrouping

Meet Lyqa Maravilla

Filipina EduCreator

Scenario Based Learning You don’t necessarily need digital tools

Designing an Online Course: Design Practice Steps and Guide

Interactive PowerPoint Free Templates

How to do it by Lisa Evans


How to select

quality learning videos


in the Classroom


Kahoot! Quizlet Drawasaurus


ONLINE CLASS by Jim Marco M. Pabellon

This is a scenario for an online class. Sir is their teacher with his three active students: Josh, Anjhon, and Von. The task is to suggest solutions for their problems. Feel free to create assumptions.



by: Abigail Montemayor

Would anyone be surprised at the statement that online education is more popular than ever before? Of course not. If for no other reason than online education allows students to learn in safety from their homes and teachers to earn a living while safe in their homes, its popularity has exploded in the past year. And for teachers, teaching English online is the perfect way to continue working without the risks of going out, and without the frustration of not being given the resources to teach properly online.

1Get Certified

Certification is that all important first step that will indicate to all that you are a serious teacher. Fortunately, you do not even have to leave the Philippines because you can complete the certification online. You even have your choices of certification, be it TESOL, CELTA, or TEFL – the three most popular certifications globally.

The TEFL Org has several online classes to address particular teachers' unique needs, all of which are approved by the BAC (British Accreditation Council) and ODLQC (Open and Distance Learning Quality Council). Lessons are self-stressed, meaning you can log in and read as conveniently as possible. You'll get your mentor to mark and have suggestions on whether you can improve your work. From syntax and methodology, to student preparation and conduct management, you can delve into the key principles of using the English language in depth. You'll also have the opportunity to see actual teachers in action. There are a variety of TEFL courses that you can select from for your specific needs.

TESOL and CELTA programs also function in much the same way as those of TEFL. And while each may claim to be superior to their competitors, for all practical purposes all will provide you with the same level of knowledge about teaching English, so your decision will boil down to the preference of the teaching portal that you intend to be affiliated with.

2Writing the CV

A crucial move for any instructor of English as a foreign language, whether applying for a classroom or online position as an English teacher is your CV. Begin with the foundational stuff – your work history, your academic credentials. Although you can organize your work history thematically, most teaching portals and employers still prefer a chronological layout, from newest to oldest. Be careful! Editing mistakes will not look good coming from an English teacher! Edit, spell check, edit some more. Your CV is telling the story of why the company would want you to join them.

Put your TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other English teaching credentials at the very start of your CV. Specify the nature of the teaching knowledge you learned during your EFL training. Highlight your strengths. Put your TEFL/TESOL/ CELTA or other English teaching credentials at the very start of your CV. . . Highlight your strengths.

3Begin Receiving


If you are only starting out, your best bet is to learn the ropes by working for an existing EFL provider. By doing so, you don't have to worry about building, promoting, and operating your virtual school and looking for students to enroll with you. Your employer will provide you with course guides, syllabi, tutorials.

4But if You’re Ready

to Set Up Shop...

Starting a career as an online English teacher can be hard. But as with any other job, for as long as you have the knowledge base, the industriousness, and the ability to market yourself, you will find that the flexible job/sideline you need, or the route to a new dream career can come from English Online Teaching.


List of Online English

Teaching Companies



International Labour Organization. (2020). Sectoral impact, responses and recommendations (COVID-19 and the world of work). https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/coronavirus/sectoral/lang--en/index.htm. World Health Organization (2021). Virus origin / Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus/origins-of-the-virus.


The Filipino Times 2020, Pinoy student kills himself over difficulty of school moduleshttps://filipinotimes.net/ latest-news/2020/10/07/pinoy-student-kills-himself-over-difficulty-of-learning-modules/ Barcia R. (2020, July 12), The dream and life a boy left behind. https://r3.rappler.com/nation/266371-the-dream-and-life-a-boy-left-behind-albay Magsambol, B. ( 2020, April 29), During pandemic, student climbs a mountain to send class requirement https://www.rappler.com/nation/student-climbs-mountain-send-class-requirement-coronavirus-pandemic Lopez, E. (2021, January 7), Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-education-widerimageidUSKBN29B31C Bernama (2021, January 24), New Straight Times https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2021/01/660121/ five-siblings-share-mothers-smartphone-online-lessons Uaminal, JM. (2021, February 5) The students who are left behind: pandemic-induced gap year in the Philippines https://asaa.asn.au/the-students-who-are-left-behind-pandemic-induced-gap-year-in-the-philippines/ Magsambol B. (2020, April 27) Over 400,000 private school employees affected by lockdown – group https://www.rappler.com/nation/private-schools-affected-coronavirus-pandemic


Saint Mary’s University. (n.d.). Quick Facts and Figures. Saint Mary’s University. https://smu.edu.ph/about/quickfacts-and-figures/ Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University. (n.d.). Mid La Union Campus Profile. Don Mariano Marcos

Memorial State University. https://www.dmmmsu.edu.ph/mid-la-union-campus-profile/


DepEd TV - Official. (2020, September 23). DepEd TV [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/-yEqa7sK8sE FELIXIANS TV. (2021, February 8). GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/wNp3K809oe4 Lalu, G. P. (2021, March 02). 42% of school-age Filipinos don’t use devices for distance learning — SWS. Inquirer. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1402187/42-of-school-age-filipinos-dont-use-devices-for-distance-learning-sws


Bates, T., & Sangrà, A. (2011). Managing technology in higher education. Jossey-Bass.

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