“...the emptiness that takes over me whenever I have completed a long stint of work.” ‘Rings of Saturn’ WG Sebald
Š Rosanne Lancaster 2014 All rights reserved.
1_Animation Course, NFS, Iadt, Poster Brochure
2_Apple A Day: Healthy Eating Application
3_John Hinde Studios Website
4_Sitting In A Tin Can Film Titles & Promotion
5_ISQua Logo Redesign
6_Hope Cancer Support Website Redesign
7_Serifa Poster
8_Milestone Application
9_Milestone Identity Campaign
“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.” ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ Willy Wonka.
Animation Poster & Brochure
1_Animation, Iadt Poster Brochure
Animation Course, NFS, Iadt promotional poster displayed.
This project brief involved designing a foldable brochure and poster for the Iadt Film School Animation Course, as part of the Film Art Creative Technology (FACT). The identity created through the poster and brochure could then also be applied through other design media. I wanted to communicate the fun and engaging aspect to animation, the ability to create a world from your own imagination. Therefore, the central visual language of the poster and brochure design consists of a paper crafted and constructed three dimensional space made up of various objects. The central character is a brain, a visual metaphor suggesting a brain exploding with creativity. White space is important, making the brightly coloured objects stand out.
Animation Poster & Brochure
Animation Course, NFS, Iadt folded brochure page 01.
The poster formed the back of the folded brochure. The paper sculpture elements of the poster are carried into the folded brochure design. Here is the front page of the brochure. It folds out to the right in an accordion fold.
Animation Poster & Brochure
Brochure spread page 01 & 02.
Animation Poster & Brochure
Brochure spread page 03 & 04.
Brochure spread page 01 to 04.
Animation Poster & Brochure
“Commercial art makes you BUY things, graphic design GIVES you ideas.” Stefan Sagmeister
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
2_Apple A Day Healthy Eating Application
Apple A Day Logotype
The aim of this ISTD brief was to explore food as a concept while expressing a particular viewpoint, focusing in particular on typographic content, skills and hierarchy. I chose to explore food in terms of healthy eating and nutrition. I decided to use the platform of mobile media to promote the concept of healthy eating. Therefore this project focuses on user experience and interface design, typography for screen and typography based inforgraphics. Apple A Day is an iphone application designed to combat obesity. It has three central sections. The ‘Everybody’ section provides information and statistics about the average male and female. The ‘General Nutrition’ section gives the user an overview of the key nutrients of a balanced diet. The central part of the application is the ‘Timeline’ section. In the timeline interface the user chooses their gender and age-group. The application then provides information specific to this age group and gender on essential nutrients, healthy eating and food in relation to health and disease. The aim of this application is to inform people on general healthy eating and lifestyle and to provide information on nutrients that can be beneficial for preventing or helping fight diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, fundamentally increasing life expenctancy. The app has been designed for all ages, 0–90, to plan and track their diet in relation to their own personal settings.
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
Apple A Day application packaging for smartphones and tablets.
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
Apple A Day Icon Set
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
Opening screen Homepage featuring three main sections
General Nutrition Healthy Fats Types of Fat
Nutrition Selection Antioxidants Everybody Section
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
Body Elements Bodily Fluids Timeline Section
Timeline Section 20-30 years Male Timeline Section
20-30 years Female Timeline Section Pregnancy & Nutrition
Apple A Day Healthy Eating
“I had this sort of vision... of fantastic colour photographs that I had never seen and that nobody else had ever seen and my whole aim was all the time how to get there, how to achieve it. You ever visualize Heaven?� John Hinde 18
John Hinde Studios Website
3_John Hinde Studios Website Design
The aim of this brief was to design a website where John Hinde Studios could sell and promote their product range and promote their identity. The website has a simple and minilamistic design, easy to navigate making it easy to access the image galleries and John Hinde Studios product range. The visual language draws on postcard motifs, such as the tear–away dividers and sidelinks in the form of an address box. The use of colours reflects 1960s and 70s interior design, referencing the period the John hinde postcards were produced. The website displays the postcard images in a gallery format, divided between Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. Customers can create an account on the website to create wishlists and a product history. They will also receive notifications of new products. John Hinde Studios Designed by Rosanne Lancaster Developed by Tauqeer Ahmed Chaudhry December 2013
John Hinde Studios Website
John Hinde Studios Website
Promotional image for John Hinde Studios crafted products.
Promotional image for John Hinde Studios wall art reproductions.
John Hinde Studios Website
Website Homepage
John Hinde Studios Website
Vintage Posters Page
John Hinde Studios Website
Vintage Posters Selection
Promotional Image for Vintage Posters
John Hinde Studios Website
Wall Art Reproductions Page
John Hinde Studios Website
Buy Page wall art reproductions
Promoting John Hinde Studios Delivery Service
John Hinde Studios Website
John Hinde’s Irish Postcards Gallery Page
John Hinde Studios Website
Delivery Options Page
John Hinde Studios Website
Promotional imagery for wall art reproductions
John Hinde Studios Website
John Hinde Studios Website
“Work? Its just serious play.” Saul Bass
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
4_Film Titles & Promotion Sitting In A Tin Can
Sitting In A Tin Can promotional poster
The aim of this project was to create opening film titles, a promotional poster and DVD packaging for the 2011–2012 graduate film ‘Sitting In A Tin Can.’ The film is a sci–fi centred around Philip Harrington, a scientist living alone in a space station as part of an orbital habituation experiment. He is under the care of a computer system called ‘Mother.’ When he loses communication with the outside world he begins to lose his sanity. The self–authored imagery of the film titles references Harrington’s environment with dehydrated food, plant life and scientific equipment. Visually, the title sequence reflects the characters decline in mental stability as the imagery changes from sterile to contaminated. The typography of the titles is based on organic chemistry formulas. With the poster, this theme of division between sterility and contamination is continued. The DVD packaging is based on sci-fi elements, transparent materials and modernist tools.
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
Film Titles Storyboard
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
Sitting In A Tin Can Motion Stills
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
DVD packaging: cover design
DVD packaging: blurb
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
DVD packaging: dvd design, booklet case and interior case
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
DVD Booklet
Combination of text printed on tracing paper and imagery from the film titles.
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
It provides the audience with a brief run down of the film.
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” Paul Rand
ISQua Logo Redesign
5_ISQua Logo Redesign
Sitting In A Tin Can Titles
This project was a competition Brief to Re窶電esign the logo for the International Society for Quality in Healthcare. Firstly, I examined the definable characteristics of the organisation such as its situation in a global market. Deconstructing the original logo, I began experimenting with longitude and lattitude markings. I wanted the proposed logo to identify ISQua in a global market while standing for a medical symbol of quality. The proposed logo was not chosen by ISQua, however, it the project presented a really good opportunity to improve typography and composition skills in logo design.
ISQua Logo Redesign
ISQua Logotype
Stationary Suite
ISQua Logo Redesign
Letterhead & Compliment Slip
ISQua Logo Redesign
Business Cards
ISQua Logo Redesign
Compliment Slip
ISQua Logo Redesign
Business Cards
ISQua Logo Redesign
“If you can design one thing, you can design everything.� Massimo Vignelli
Hope Cancer Support Website
6_Hope Cancer Support Website Redesign
The aim of this project was to improve technical skills in design for screen by appropriately redesigning a website for a charity organisation. This process involved deconstructing the exisiting website in relation to its content, compositional format, its existing design problems and its potential solutions. Hope Cancer Support Centre are a Wexford based non–profit organisation that offer support, services and therapies to people with a cancer diagnosis, and their families. With the redesign of their website Hope wanted to communicate both a professional, welcoming and encouraging tone. For the identity of the website I focused on pastel colours, simple typographic compositions and careful considerations in the copyrighting and content generation. I introduced photography to give a sense of the centre itself and what they do. Hope were very impressed with the design concept and went on to use the design in May/June 2012.
Hope Cancer Support Website
Hope Cancer Support Website
Hope Homepage
Hope Cancer Support Website
Homepage Main Image
Support Page
Hope Cancer Support Website
The Hope Centre Page
Hope Cancer Support Website
The Library Centre Gallery
The Sunroom Centre Gallery
Hope Cancer Support Website
Therapies & Services at Hope Page
The Artroom
Hope Cancer Support Website
Getting Involved Page & Image Gallery
Hope Cancer Support Website
Images of the Centre
Hope Cancer Support Website
Hope Cancer Support Website
“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.� Stephen King
Serifa Poster
7_Serifa Typographic Poster
Serifa Poster
This project consisted of creating a purely typographic poster to promote a specific typeface. The typeface is Serifa designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1968. The poster design was accompanied by a small magazine advert which demonstrates an inverted composition of the poster design.
Serifa Poster
Serifa Poster
Serifa Advert in a double page spread
Serifa Poster
“I don’t believe in this ‘gifted few’ concept, just in people doing things they are really interested in doing. They have a way of getting good at whatever it is.” Charles Eames
Milestone Application
8_Milestone Walk and Discover Your World
Milestone Logotype
Milestone is an iphone application designed to enhance the experience of hiking, orienteering and rambling. My aim with Milestone was to provide the user with up–to–date information while en–route using GPS mapping and pre–downloaded content specific to that location. Milestone provides safe accessible walking routes suitable for the users walking ability, which can be specified in the settings. Milestone also provides a level of variety in its different locations: urban, coastal, rural, hill walking, riverlands and forestry. The interface icon set is based on orienteering and map symbols. The application contains a section that provides location specific information to allow the user to identify local flora and fauna. There is also a section that allows the user to take and share pictures and videos of their walking experience.
Milestone Application
Milestone Application
Interface Icons
Milestone Application
Map Icons
Milestone Application
Homepage Interface & Preference Settings
Location Search: Courtown Walks
Milestone Application
Location & Landmark Information
Map Interface & Naviagtional Tools: Durations and Legend
Milestone Application
Map Compass User Interface Selection
Fauna Section: Mallard Duck
Milestone Application
Flora Section Gorse Bushes
Capture Section Pictures & Video
Milestone Application
“Find out what the next thing is that you can push, that you can invent, that you can be ignorant about, that you can be arrogant about, that you can fail with, and that you can be a fool with. Because in the end, that’s how you grow.” Paula Scher 80
Milestone Identity Campaign
9_Milestone Identity Design & Promotion
This part of the project centres around the application branding and identity campaign, including the project exhibition and product design. The Milestone logo is based on navigational tools such as the compass and also references the orienteering symbol for a physical Milestone. This application is aimed at hikers, orienteerers and casual walkers, both local and tourist. To promote the Milestone brand I used rural and wildlife footage as the central visual language of the identity campaign alongside the appliction icon set, a series of icons based on orienteering and map symbols. These icons, which are a central part of the application’s map interface are introduced to the audience through a sequence of promotional idents. The identity campaign includes a poster and postcard series. The application identity was also promoted through a number of products associated with hiking such as waterbottles, hoodies, tshirts and backpacks. This project concept was promoted at the Iadt Graduate Exhibition, 2013, ‘Cheers For That. ’
Milestone Identity Campaign
Poster Series
Milestone Identity Campaign
Milestone Application
Milestone Application
Milestone Application
Milestone Application
Milestone Application
Promotional Products
Postcard Series
Milestone Identity Campaign
Milestone Identity Campaign
Milestone Promotional Postcard Series
Milestone Identity Campaign