Rosanne schrijver
Rosa n n e S ch r i j ve r
L a nds ca p e A rc h ite ct , M S c.
Nove m b er, 2 0 1 6 t h e Net h er l a n d s mail@rosanneschrijver.nl +31 6 42961250
J u n ior La n d s ca p e a rch itect Smed svig La n d s ka ps a r k itekter AS, B ergen Noor way
s ept - . . .
about me
Masters Landscape Architecture
at the Wageningen UR 2 016
feb. - j ul y
Inter n s h ip la n d s ca p e a rch itect Smedsvig Landskapsarkitekter AS, Bergen No o r way
s ept ‘ 1 5 - j a n .’ 1 6
Pa r ttime job a s ju n ior la n d s ca p e a rch itect at LINKit con s u lt, th e Neth er la n d s Pu b lication b u n d le ‘ Du tch La n d s ca p e Arch itectu re: w h at to s ee? ’ Ed itor at TOPOS on lin e, a web log for la n d s ca p e a rch itectu re
m ay
2 015
a pri l ‘ 1 4 - j ul y ’ 1 5 o c t.
3rd Pr ice comp etition Mu s eu m Pa s s a ge Ap eld oor n orga n ized by AC EC
feb.- j u ne
Stu d ent a s s is stent Atelier 2015 1st Pr ice B ra k is B eter ! comp etition by Delta Ta lent C h ief ed itor b ook ‘G reen B lu e inf ra str u ctu re for U trecht ’ C omp etition Ozon e Ma r ket New Yor k
j une feb.- j u l y feb.
2 014
‘ L e a r n i n g o f w h a t yo u s e e ’ i s o n e o f t h e m o st va l u a b l e t h i n g s a s b e i n g a b e g i n n i n g l a n d s c a p e a rc h i te c t . T h a t i s t h e re a s o n I s p e n d m o st o f my f re e d ay s t o ta ke a l o o k i n t h e p u b l i c o u td o o r s p a c e a n d v i s i t p ro j e c t s .
o c t- dec .
Ma stercla s s Ad r ia a n G eu ze: G reb b elin e Ed e-Wa gen in gen
a pri l ‘ 1 3 - m ay ‘ 1 4
C ommis s ion DePres s cie, ed itor of stu d y ma ga zin e ‘ Th e Hu chtger u cht ’
T h e t i m el i n e s h ows t h e steps I to o k to d evel o p mys e l f a s a p ro fe s s i o n a l l a n d s ca p e a rc h i te c t .
Looking to the world through the eyes of a landscape architect, means seeing the
Bachelor Garden- and landscape specialisation gardening design
at Van Hall Larenstein, Velp 2 013
beauty of the seasons in the changing appearance of plants and trees, spotting
s ept.-feb.
challenges in the outdoor space, and analyzing every path in the landscape you take either by foot, bike or car. Growing up at a dairy farm, I developed a passion for the greenery around us. Studying at Van Hall Larenstein made me a gardening designer working on a local scale level, having knowledge about trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as
Landskapsarkitekter AS in Norway helped me to acquire knowledge about the Scandinavian way of designing, detailing and approaching spatial projects.
at the Birmingham City University (UK)
2 012
feb.- j u ne
2 011
feb.- j u ne
2 010
a pri l - a ug . 2 0 1 3
2 009
master programme Landscape Architecture. A job as landscape architect at Buro Lubbers first in the Netherlands, followed by an international adventure at Smedsvig
Minor Landscape Architecture
j ul y- a u g .
materialisation, soil and water. The next step I took was developing my academic reasoning and designing on a regional scale at the Wageningen UR by following the
2n d Pr ice OOR ‘Des ig n Pu b lic Sp a ce’ Zu id b roek Ap eld oor n
m ay
J u n ior la n d s ca p e a rch itect at B u ro Lu b b ers , th e Neth er la n d s Inter n B u ro Lu b b ers for la n d s ca p e a rch itectu re a n d u r b a n d evelop ment Flor ia d e 2012 d es ig n a n d rea lis ation of ga rd en ‘ Th rou g h An ima l Eyes ’ G a rd en d es ig n er Hoven iers b ed r ijf d e Wou d h of, Kla ren b eek
Cum Laude propaedeutics Garden- and landscape design
at Van Hall Larenstein, Velp 2 010 1 990
Atheneum, profile Economics + drawing + art history
at Koninklijke Scholengemeenschap Apeldoorn b o r n o n D e c e m b e r 1 3 th, 1 9 9 0
in this portfolio.
project 1.
project 2.
project 3.
Zilt-zout Polderland,
Museum passage,
Apeldoorn. NL
t e d å r m o i a k g n i l k i v t U - n e d r a g y Ø t e e s u m t s yK n o j s a r t s u l l I
project 4.
project 5.
Dutch Landscape
Leeuwensteyn North,
Architecture. NL
Leidsche Rijn, NL.
Sotra. NO
project 7.
project 8.
project 9.
Stepping Stone,
De Opstap, Kanalen-
Sugar Factory,
MCB Media City
Shrewsbury. UK
eiland Utrecht. NL.
Groningen. NL
Bergen, Bergen. NO
NL. co m peti ti o n 2 0 1 5 1 st p r i c e
l and scap e pl a n + l a n d ar t + ma n a ge m ent
co m p et it io n 2 0 1 4 3 th p r ic e
g ra d u at ion p roj ec t u r b a n & t ra n sfor m at ion
ow n er f i r m , b u n d l e + we bs ite + exc u rs i o n s
g ra d u at i o n p ro j ec t in d u st r i a l h e r i ta ge
d es i g n c h a l l en ge + st rateg i c p l a n
co n c e pt , m a ster p l a n , d eta i l i n g , f u r n i t u re
d es i g n c h a l l en ge + st rateg i c p l a n
project 1.
COMPETITION ZILT ZOUT POLDERLAND Ma ster pl an fo r th e i sl a n d Schouwen-Dui ve l and, fo c u s s i n g on sa l i ne a g r i cu l tu re.
A leisure and production landscape that uses the opportunities offered by the salt water of the Oosterschelde. 1 st Price on the competition for ‘Brak is beter!’ commissioned by Delta Talent.
Visual i sati o n to hi g h l i g ht th e atte nti o n that i s gi ven to th e relati o n betwe en th e d i ke a n d th e neighbo urho o d.
C ro s s s e c t i o n s s h ow t h e d i ffe re n c e s i n d i ke s . T h ey fo r m t h e n ew ca s co fo r t h e i s l a n d . Eve r y d i ke h a s a n own i d e nt i t y.
Salinization of soil and groundwater caused by climate change is one of the biggest fears for agriculture on the island Schouwen-Duiveland in the south of the Netherlands. Fresh water will become a scarce good. Nearly 200 hectares of won eutrophic land challenge a salty future. Where previously often was talked about preventing the salinization of the landscape, there is now increasing attention for opportunities to make use of salty seepage. By focussing on saline agriculture and aqua cultivation, this valuable landscape for nature, economy and recreation can be transformed in an attractive and interesting landscape by making use of the island unique scenic qualities. This plan makes Schouwen-Duiveland ready for the salty future.
project 2.
COMPETITION museum passage Two re m a rka bl e trees w i th fa sci nati ng a utum n col ou rs beco m e the eye - catch ers of th e s q u a re.
Third prize for the competition of the Museum Passage in Apeldoorn. The city of Apeldoorn is famous for its royal relationship, therefore I choose to work with orange colours, giving extra attention in the autumn to this unique place.
By making use of the ‘surfaces and points’ method by Kevin Lynch I first analyzed the site. On a sketchy way, adding one spotcolour to get insight in the current situation.
T h re e co n c e pt s a re ex p l o re d by m a k i n g u s e o f t wo v i s u a l i s at i o n s a n d b i rd - eye v i ew m a p . Si n c e i t wa s a st u d y, t h e m a ps a n d f u t u re i m a ge s h a d to l o o k s ketc hy. H e re t wo exa m p l e s .
In June 2014 with the motto ‘Make the Museum Passage greener’, the ACEC Apeldoorn registered a design competition. Greening the Museum Passage is possible in various ways, I concluded after a sketch based inventory. Due to underground constraints, the designed is primarily focused on the perception of a green public area. The jury was headed by Michel Lafaille, director of the Design Institute. From the submissions I achieved the third place with three different concepts for the place. The hanging object between the walls of the museum and adjacent building are valued as ‘innovative’ and possible solutions to make the passage more green in a realistic way.
project 3.
dutch landscape architecture Sketchi ng by ha nd i s on e of my tradem a rks a s bei ng a l a n d sca p e archi te ct. H e re cem eter y D e Nieuwe Oo ste r i n A m sterd a m .
A shocking conclusion of mine was that knowledge about recently developed landscape architectural projects lacks under students. I took the initiative to explore the field of landscape architecture in the Netherlands and visited hundreds of projects. As a follow up I published the bundle ‘Dutch Landscape Architecture, what to see?’.
A n i mpre ssi o n o f th e i s s u ed bundl e ‘Dutch La ndsca p e A rchi te cture , what to see? ’ incl udi ng 52 pro je ct s .
Ico n i c p ro j e c t s p l a c e d o n t h e m a p o f t h e Net h er l a n d s . A l l own s ketc h wo r k .
What started as a course ‘Reflections on landscape practices’ ended in an own initiative about Dutch Landscape Architecture. A compilation followed named ‘Dutch Landscape Architecture, what to see?’. This personal project shows 52 projects on which landscape architects and planners have worked. From squares to parks, from cemetery to floodplain, and well-known designers to less familiar firms. I visited more than 200 projects spread out over the Netherlands and selected the 52 projects. Afterwards I described the projects in Dutch and English, made an iconic sketch and selected my best personal picture. All editing and graphic work is personal work. Together with the booklet the website www.dutchlandscapearchitecture.nl was published. I still regularly visit projects to keep the website up to date.
project 4.
Leeuwesteyn a connector through ages Bird eye view of the strategic master plan for the new developed VINEX area of the city of Utrecht.
The district of Leidsche Rijn is one of the largest new urban expansions, adding about a third of the size of the city of Utrecht. Though, there are still some parts which are still not developed, due to the economical crisis. What strategically located plot in the new district has to be develop first?
V i s ualisat ion of t he possible f u t ure: ‘t he St reamer ’, an i mpressive staircase along t he ca nal boulevard.
This m a p shows whi c h a rea s a re prima r y to fi ni sh i n a s h or t ti m e. By ove rl ay i ng fo ur d i fferent m a ps w ith di ve rse pe rspecti ves a s water
b u ffer a n d cyc l e rec re at i o n , t h e c i ty centre of L ei d s c h e R i j n p o ps u p a s th e a rea t h at n ee d s to b e tra n sfor m ed mo st u rge nt .
The discussion about the future of cities is livelier than ever. Governments want to expand the city, but also develop natural qualities. We want to adapt urban areas to climate change, without really knowing what is ahead of us. In the city of Utrecht, all these questions are relevant. In which ways then, will Utrecht be resilient to the uncertainties of the future? Research-through-designing helped to come up with the ultimate solution for the site, by making use of the model method. A research helped to get an answer on the following question: ‘How can a landscape architect improve the connectivity of different districts in a spatial way by an integral strategic plan based on a rich history?’ The plan shows the most interesting plot to start developing with a master plan, a strategic planning scheme, detailed parts of the plan with visuals, sections and water-, green- and lighting plan.
Ph asing is ver y important in t h is area. T his has to be done st rategically. Some st rategic p l aces can be realised on an early t i me and give a boost to t he s u rrounding areas, buildings t hen n at urally follow. T he planning p ro cess over t he years is showed.
project 5.
KYSTMUSEET SOTRA norway B ird eye vi ew i l l ustrat i on to g i ve an impressi o n o f the p os s i b i l i ti es to the owne rs o f th e m u s eu m .
Long time the inhabitants of Sotra lived as fish farmers. This ended in nineties when the oil industry increased in value. To remain the old habits, stories and objects from the rich history of the island of Sotra, the Kystmuseet keeps and shows these memories. Now they would like to expand their collection and some new boathouses are necessary. A landscape intervention on the waterfront gives an idea of the possibilities.
t e d ĂĽ r m o i a k g n i l k i v t U - n e d r a g y Ă˜ t e e s u m t s yK n o j s a r t s u l l I
The desi gn the Kystm u seet i s carried o ut qui te te ch i n i ca l . For th e new l andfi l l a wo od en d ec k n ea r t he wate r e dge i s p l a n n ed . T h i s constructi o n i s deta i l ed i n Au toCAD. The i m a ge o n the ri g ht s h ows the Auto CAD pl an fo r a p ossi b l e f ut ure si tuati o n o f th e ex ten si on for the m useum .
Land extensions are often done in Norway in order to create more space to live, recreate or simply as dump for rocks. This can be done on various ways. The role of the landscape architect within such interventions can be called crucial. At the island Sotra, the Kystmuseet (coastal museum) would like to expand their museum areal in the water. Taking view lines, the depth of the underwater world and streams in mind, a design for a possible land extension is shown to the owners of the museum. The existing terrain and materialisation for the old days has been leading and combined in the new design. Unique places as the rock in the water that became smooth by the washing water plays a dominant role in the project. Also practically this project gives all opportunities to easily reach the water with boats.
project 6.
stepping stones toolbox for the RIVER severn By making use of a model, first the landscape dealing with became clear. Several layers representing different water levels in the river, show the floodplain of the river and make the plan better to understand.
The river Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom flowing through Wales and England. This river appears in different shapes and never has its own identity. I suggested a toolbox covering ecology, recreation, drainage possibilities. Resulting in a positive image for the river, one it deserves.
A sketch study to a rem a r ka b l e land a rt o bje ct by m a ki n g u s e of the trunks o f o l d trees th at h a s to torn down i n the a rea .
Model study to investigate the best composition of anti slip texture on a wooden object. V i s u a l i s at i o n o f t h e f u t u re a re a .
During my studies I took the change to study abroad for one term. From September 2012 until February 2013 I studied Landscape Architecture at the Birmingham City University, Birmingham in the United Kingdom. During a design module I had to focus on the river the Severn to develop the theme of sustainable landscape design. Focussing on the role of landscape architects and how we are well placed to add value to the many neglected broad leaved woodlands that are found in England was the topic of this course. During this module I focused on small diameter timber, lowland woodland coppice and how design innovation may extend this low value timber into a higher economic category and potentially valuable construction material.
project 7.
kanaleneiland utrecht de opstap Cross se cti o ns show th e p otenti a l pl a ce s fo r the a re a a l on g th e Amsterdam-Rhine canal in Utrecht.
A linear park was planned along the Amsterdam-Rhine canal in Utrecht. During my graduation project on Kanaleneiland located in the middle of the Netherlands in the city Utrecht, I investigated possibilities to use this linear park as catalyst for the rest of the neighbourhood.
For my design I went to a co mpany specialized in outdoor f u rnit ure. Toget her wit h t hem I d esigned an iconic furnit ure st yle fo r in t he park I designed. Fro m s ketc h to d eta i l ed re s u l t I wo r ked o u t t h e p o s s i b l e p a r k f u r n i t u re. C o m p l ete wi t h m ater i a l i s at i o n a n d te c h n i ca l d eta i l s .
A vi sual i sati o n o f th e p ossi b l e f ut ure l i ne a r park al on g th e ca n a l . Seve ra l spo rt acti vi ti es ca n ta ke plac e he re .
During my studies gardening architecture I have learned to think from conceptualisation to detailing a plan. Specifically during my studies I focussed on learning the Adobe package with Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator. I also learned how to
work with AutoCAD, SketchUp and GIS. The education was concentrated on the
plants, shrubs and trees, and application of greenery as well. Also materialisation
wide range of landscape architecture, where I was educated on the recognition of and insight in the costs of a project are aspects of the field of expertise. I have experience in the natural as well urban settings. Local but also the regional scale level are familiar to me.
project 8.
mcb MEDIA CITY BERGEN NORWAY A unique street furniture line for the Media City Bergen was designed by me in collaboration with Streetlife. Technical drawings are necessary to for the construction of the sitting elements.
A transformation of a building form the sixties in the city centre of Bergen, Norway, into the booming broadcasting heart of Hordaland, lead to the design assignment for us as landscape architects. From the beginning to the end I’ve been part of the designing team.
3 D Mo de l l i ng study for th e site spe ci fi c street fu r n i tu re to test o ut several po s s i b i l i ti es imme di atel y i n the p l a n .
Scandinavian countries are known for their dark winters, therefore the lighting solution was part of the design project.
A narrow square, nowadays located at the back of the building, squeezed in between the fire station and a school, has to become the entrance to the new Media City of Bergen. A lot of limitations challenge the architect for the design, for example an unused train track that has to be kept in the future situation. Large pressure of visitors, people working either in the Media City building, pupils for the school or heavy trucks towards the parking of the fire station has to fit in a site specific intervention. From the conceptual phase, until detailing, I was part of the design team visualising our ideas, design a lighting plan, and designing unique street furniture for this place in collaboration with Streetlife. The realisation of the place will be starting in November 2016 and as to be finished in June 2017.
project 9.
FUTUREOF THE PLACE PLACEOF THE FUTURE Anal ysi s m a p sh ow i n g an i nve nto r y o f suga r fa ctor i es i n the Neth er l a n d s
An eye-opening approach is needed for the neglected terrain of the former sugar factory in Groningen. I got the chance to come up with both a future oriented strategy and a design on process plan level and small scale level for this unique cultural heritage site during my graduation project for the master Landscape Architecture at the WUR.
Gebied waar suikerbieten vandaan komen
LEGEND radius where transported sugar beets come from Friesch-Groningsche Coöperatieve Beetwortelsuikerfabriek Gebied waar suikerbieten vandaan komen
Voormalige beetwortelsuikerfabrieken in Nederland
Friesch-Groningsche Coöperatieve Beetwortelsuikerfabriek
current sugar factories in the Netherlands by the Sugar Union
Gebied vandaa
Suikerfabrieken in Nederland - van Gebied waar suikerbieten de Suikerkomen Unie vandaan Voormalige beetwortelsuikerfabrieken in Nederland
Thans nog enkel suikerverwerking specialiteitenfabriek van de Suiker Unie Gebied waar suikerbieten Friesch-Groningsche vandaan komen Coöperatieve Beetwortelsuikerfabriek
Friesch-Groningsche Coopera�ve sugar factory
Friesch Beetwo
Suikerfabrieken in Nederland - van de Suiker Unie
Voormalige beetwortelsuikerfabrieken in Nederland Friesch-Groningsche Coöperatieve Beetwortelsuikerfabriek Thans nog enkel suikerverwerking specialiteitenfabriek van de Suiker Unie
former sugar beet factories in the Netherlands
Voorm in Ned
Voormalige beetwortelsuikerfabrieken in Nederland
Suikerfabrieken in Nederland - van de Suiker Unie
current specialized sugar processing plants in the Netherlands Thans nog enkel suikerverwerking specialiteitenfabriek van de Suiker Unie Suikerfabrieken in Nederland - van de Suiker Unie
Thans nog enkel suikerverwerking specialiteitenfabriek van de Suiker Unie
Suikerf de Suik
Thans special
Spatial tools by Kevin Lynch (1960) in order to facilitate the understanding of an area Adaptive design strategies Spatial elements helping to provide the historical identity Help to provide the identity of former industrial site experienced by the public
Future of the place, place of the future. The niche of the landscape architect within transformations of industrial heritage sites in times of uncertainties. In the past few years the interest for industrial heritage grew (Nijhof, 2000; Bayer, 2015; Janssen, 2012). Studies have
A process plan for t he former sugar factor y in G roningen: t he result of an in- dept h research to indust rial heritage and t he role of t he l andscape architect here by.
been done in order to get a better insight in the role of transformation, but the role of the landscape architect within transformation is lacking. Dealing with the neglected terrain of the former Friesch-Groningsche sugar factory in Groningen where landscape structures remain as characteristics of the industrial past, the main question can be asked: In what way can the design by a landscape architect challenge unforeseen developments while preserving landscape identity of industrial heritage in the case of the Friesch-Groningsche sugar factory in Groningen?
landscape structures: soil depot
landscape structures: flowing fields
I llust rat ion to show t he stages in t he process of producing sugar in a sugar factor y effect ing t he spat ial st ruct ure remaining factory (buildings)
Rosanne S chri jver
L a n d s ca p e A rc h i te c t , M S c .
Nove m b er, 2 0 1 6 t h e Net h er l a n d s m a i l @ r o s a n n e s c h r i j v er. n l +31 6 42961250
Rosanne S chri jver
L a n d s ca p e A rc h i te c t , M S c .
Nove m b er, 2 0 1 6 t h e Net h er l a n d s m a i l @ r o s a n n e s c h r i j v er. n l +31 6 42961250