1 minute read
1 Year Required (1 CREDIT)
All courses are UC Approved unless noted otherwise
Course Length: Year
Grade Level: 9
This year long course provides students with an overview of wellness that includes mental wellness and stress management. In addition, the key components of physical fitness will be introduced both through physical activities and classroom academics. The American Red Cross Standard First Aid Certification with CPR and AED training will be included as well as substance abuse and body systems. This course is a graduation requirement.
Course Length: Semester
Grade Level: 9-12
This class involves two different types of fitness activities. The sessions will alternate between walking and interval training. STEP, will include walking for fitness usually 3 ½ to 5 miles per hour. The walking will be at a brisk pace in order to get a cardiovascular endurance benefit. HIIT stands for High IntensityInterval Training. HIIT workouts generally combine short bursts of high intensity exercise with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. The class is designed to introduce the student to activities that can help increase metabolism, improve oxygen consumption, gain strength, reduce heart rate, positively affect blood pressure, and sugar.