Iceland geothermal conference

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Iceland Geothermal Conference ReykjavĂ­k Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

From Around the GlobE Leading geothermal energy experts focus on the advantages of utilizing geothermal energy to create both social and economic benefits. Keynote Speaker Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter, currently ranked top of the 50 most influential business thinkers in the world.

L e c t u r e s & M o r e : Va r iou s f i e l d t r i p s i n a n d a r ou n d R e y k jav Ă­ k t o s e e a n d e x p e r i e nc e how Ic e l a n d u t i l i s e s g e o t h e r m a l r e s ou r c e s .

Iceland Geo­­­thermal Conference


Hellisheiði Geothermal Plant Located in the Hengill area in Southwest Iceland. The area is connected with three volcanic systems.

Geothermal power:

A Hidden Resource In Iceland, geothermal power has historically been used directly for heating, and today it is still primarily utilized by district heating utilities that literally pipe the energy of the earth’s mantle into people’s homes.


ildigunnur Thorsteinsson, a key moderator at the Iceland Geo­­­ thermal Conference and Man­­ aging Director of Research and Development at Reykjavík Energy, told Iceland Magazine that what makes the conference unique is the focus on the practical side of things. “Many international conferences on the geothermal industry focus on basic science and technology, but the IGC focuses more on the actual operational level and practical challenges facing those operating in the field. We want to focus on the business perspective at the conference.”

Iceland is eager to share its experience She hopes the conference will help spread im­­ portant lessons learned in the industry. The Icelandic geothermal industry will have an opportunity to share its experience as well as



H ildigunnur Thorsteinsson, a key moderator at the Iceland Geo­­­thermal Conference and Man­­aging Director of Research and Development at Reykjavík Energy.

learn from others: “One of the things that has always characterized the Icelandic geothermal industry is its openness. Since the industry was developed within the public sector we have always felt we operate in the interest of the public—not only by providing the public with af­­fordable and green energy, but by sharing our research and the lessons we have learned. In fact, we have not only been willing, but eager to share the lessons learned in Iceland. We look forward to doing just that at IGC.”

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

Making green energy even greener One of the most exciting, cutting-edge tech­­no­­ logies that ON Power, a subsidiary of Reykjavík Energy, has been working on in recent years, she tells us, is the reinjection of hydrogen sulphide and other gases produced by geothermal power plants. “Although geothermal power is green, it does produce a small amount of gas emissions. The steam contains various gases, including hydrogen sulphide and CO2. These gases are obviously only a fraction of what is produced by power plants burning fossil fuels, but we are eager to reduce the negative environmental impact of geothermal even more by pumping these gasses back down into the geothermal system. Our experience here in Iceland has actually exceeded our wildest dreams.” The composition of the gas emissions of geothermal fields is very different, depending on

Iceland Geo­­­thermal Conference the nature of the field in question. But the pre­­ sence of hydrogen sulphide in the exhaust of geothermal power plants is a problem in many places, including Hawaii, where geothermal power is used for power generation, Hildigunnur tells us. “We have achieved great success pump­­ ing hydrogen sulphide and CO2 back down into the system, where the basalt in the rock reacts to the gases, mineralizing them, and thus neutralizing them permanently. We have one

lecture specifically dedicated to these experi­­ ments, which are completely unique internationally.” Direct use Another defining characteristic of the Icelandic geothermal industry is its emphasis on the direct use of geothermal power. In Iceland, geothermal power has historically been used directly for heating, and today it is still primarily utilized by

“Although geothermal power is green, it does produce a small amount of gas emissions. The steam contains various gases, including hydrogen sulphide and CO2.

Third Iceland Geothermal Conference

district heating utilities that literally pipe the energy of the earth’s mantle into people’s homes. In the rest of the world, geothermal energy is mainly used to generate electricity. “There are many places around the globe—Eastern Europe, for example—where low-heat geothermal systems can be used to power district heating utilities. However, geothermal power is a ‘hidden’ resource: it’s frequently not visible from the surface, and people might be completely unaware of its existence. We believe there are great opportunities to expand the use of geothermal resources, which are more plentiful than many people realize, and we hope this conference can help do that.”


The third edition of the Iceland Geothermal Conference (IGC 2016), will be held at the Harpa Conference Centre in Reykjavík, from April 26 to 29, 2016.


eading geothermal energy ex­­­perts from around the globe are heading to Reykjavík in April (26-29) to discuss issues facing the industry and the economic, social, and en­­­­viron­­­­mental advantages of utilizing geo­­­therm­al energy. The conference is expected to draw 600 to 800 delegates from around the globe. The conference will have three topics with 16 presentations each.




Operability: Challenges involved in operating geothermal plants. Feasibility: Why some projects are more successful than others. Practicality: Responses to an ever-increasing demand for greater utilization of the resource. In addition to presentations and lectures, the conference will include field trips and net­­­




Complete Geothermal Energy Consulting

working sessions. The keynote speaker at the conference is Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter, one of the most influential business thinkers of today.





Iceland Magazine / issue #04 2015








Exploration / EIA / Drilling / Reservoir Engineering / Power Plant Design / EPCM E


Mannvit has a half century of experience and has contributed to over 2,000 MW in geothermal energy projects. Today Mannvit is active in Europe, East Africa, Asia, North and South America.








Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016





One of the things that defines Iceland is the country’s high level of geological activity. At least 30 different volcanoes have erupted in the thousand-odd years since Iceland was settled, and there are more than 200 volcanoes within the active volcanic zone that stretches across the island from the South­­­west to the Northeast. In addition, over 600 hot springs, defined as water springs with temperatures in excess of 20°C (68°F), have been identified. By Magnús Sveinn Helgason


celand’s location at the top of the North Atlantic ridge, where hot magma boils from the mantle of the earth to the surface, is proba­ bly its greatest and most valuable natural asset. Not only does the volcanic and geothermal activity create the dramatic and magnificent landscapes and natural formations that are the basis of Ice­­ land’s tourism industry, it provides Iceland with abundant cheap and renewable energy. Icelanders have utilized this resource ever since the country was first settled in the 9th century. The most obvious use for Iceland’s geothermal water, and probably the first as well, is bathing. In fact, one of the oldest man-made structures in Iceland is a small pool in Reykholt, the great seat of power and learning in Saga Age Iceland. The current pool is believed to have been con­­­ structed in the 13th century, at the same location where the poet and scholar Snorri Sturluson built a pool after he moved to Reykholt in 1206. Snorri was one of the most powerful chieftains during the tumultuous Sturlungaöld (the Sturlung era, essentially a civil war that raged from 1220 to 1262). He is also the author of the Prose Edda, a work of literature that preserves much of the Old Norse religion and mythology. He is believed to have constructed one of the first geothermal pools



in Iceland—according to some sources, Snorri’s pool could accommodate 50 people! However, in the last 100 years, Icelanders have increasingly harnessed the renewable energy of its geothermal resources to power a modern industri­ al society. The most spectacular example of this work is found in Reykjavík. High-temperature areas Reykjavík sits at the edge of the volcanic zone that stretches across Iceland. Along this zone, we find at least 20 high-temperature geothermal areas, defined as areas where the water reaches 250°C at a depth of 1,000 meters. All of these high-temperature areas are linked to the active volcanic systems. Reykjavík draws much of its hot water, and electricity, from some of the most active high-temperature areas, located around the volcano Hengill, to the East of the city. In addition to the high-temperature areas, there are about 250 low-temperature areas around Ice­­ land, where water temperatures do not exceed 150°C in the Earth’s upper 1,000 meter-deep crust. Several of these areas are actually located within the city limits.

WARM INSIDE Thanks to abundant geothermal energy most Icelanders are not burdened by high heating bills.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

Iceland Geothermal Conference / ReykjavĂ­k / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



submarine warfare, causing shortages and rising prices.

Hot Spot German submarine warfare in WWI as a catalyst Early in the city’s history, Reykjavík, like other Euro­ pean cities, was powered with coal and other fossil fuels. But during the First World War, oil and coal imports were disrupted, due to German submarine warfare, causing shortages and rising prices. That situation forced many Icelanders to take a second look at how to utilize domestic energy sources. The first boreholes in geothermal areas in Ice­­land had been sunk in 1755, but the goal then was not to drill for hot water but to mine for sulphur, which was an extremely valuable com­­modity. Similarly, the wells that were sunk in Laugar­­­dalurinn valley in 1928–1930 were not primarily intended for hot water, but for the generation of electricity. How­­ever, the steam and water pro­­duced by the bore­­holes was not hot enough to produce elect­­ricity. Instead, a 3 km (1.8 mile) long pipeline was built to connect the boreholes to the city.

fascinating facts Reykjavík derives its name from the geothermal activity on the peninsula


A literal translation of Reykjavík is “smoky bay” or “steamy bay.” Reykur, in Old Norse, could mean either smoke or steam, and there are numerous place names around Iceland containing different forms of the word reykur, virtually all of them a reflection of nearby geothermal activity. The smoke or steam in Reykjavík would have come from the geothermal area in Laugardalur valley, east of downtown.

11% of all hot water consumed in Reykja­vík comes from boreholes within the city proper


The geothermal areas within the city itself are still an important source of power for the inhabitants of the city. In 1930, the first houses were connected to the boreholes in Laugardalur valley. Despite the dramatic growth of the city and its need for hot water, 10 wells in this geothermal area still supply the capi­tal and the surrounding suburbs with 8% of its needs. A second geothermal area within the city proper, in the valley of Elliðaár, supplies a further 3%.

Tapping in Hellisheiði Geothermal Plant is a 20 minutes drive from the capital.

A cleaner, more liveable city, thanks to geothermal power The first houses to be connected to the new Reykja­­vík District heating utility were on the eastern slopes of Skólavörðuholt hill, which at that time marked the east­ ern edge of the city. A total of 70 private homes and several public build­­­ings, including the first indoor swim­­ ming pool in Reykjavík, Sundhöllin, were con­­nected in this first round. Over the next two decades, the utility was expanded dramatically, so that by the 1950s, half of all Reykjavík residents had access. The district heating utility contributed to the appeal of Reykja­­vík. Not only did it lower the heating bills of residents, allowing even poor people to heat their homes properly, thus signi­fic­ antly improving public health ac­cording to many ob­­ servers, it also eli­­minated the cloud of dark coal smoke which had fre­­quently covered Reykjavík during the early decades of the century. Reykjavík became a clean­ er and more liveable city!



You can thank geo­­ thermal power for Ice­­landic tomatoes and cucumbers!


One of the most important ways in which Icelanders use geothermal power is to heat greenhouses. Greenhouses allow Icelandic farmers to meet much of the domestic demand for vegetables and cut flowers. Greenhouse-grown cucumbers and tomatoes go a long way to meet the total demand for this produce in Iceland. More than 90% of all cucumbers, 70% of toma­­toes, and 15% of bell peppers con­­­sumed in Iceland are produced domestically.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

The water smells of sulphur, because much of it is actually un­­­­­­filt­er­­ed geo­­thermal water


One of the first things foreign visitors notice in Iceland is that the hot water smells like rotten eggs. The reason is very simple: water from the low-temper­­ature fields is pumped directly into the system, which means more than half of the hot water com­­­ing from the tap is actu­­ally pure, un­­­­­­filtered geo­­thermal water, which is high in sulfur! Most geothermal heat­­ing services around Iceland similarly pump water directly from the ground to consumers.

If you know what to look for you can also spot the boreholes


Despite it having been one of the largest public works in Iceland, the Reykjavík centr­al heating utility is not particularly visi­­ble. With the exception of the pipelines carrying water from Reykir or Nesjavellir, the distri­­bution system is, of course, under­­ground. This leaves the storage tanks as the most visible part of the utility. But if you know what you are looking for, you can also spot several boreholes. The easiest place to spot boreholes is around the intersection where Laugavegur changes names to Suður­­ landsbraut, near Hotel Nordica and Grand Hotel (see photo above). A total of ten boreholes are scattered around this area, each one locat­­ed under strange-looking stainless steel structures, some of which have steam rising from exhaust vents.


Powering data centres

Most industrial applications of geo­­­thermal power are, of course, in the form of elect­ricity produced with geothermal power. Harnessing geothermal power has also allowed Iceland to attract environ­ mentally conscious energy-in­tensive industries. Verne Global, which operates a 44-acre data centre campus in Reykja­­­nes­­ bær town, touts the fact that their centre is powered with 100% renewable energy.

Let’s prepare for a sustainable future Arion Bank is a proud sponsor of the third Iceland Geothermal Conference. We are committed to the continued development of sustainable natural resources. We are well aware of Iceland’s pioneering role in this field and we are proud to be able to offer our wide experience and expertise in providing universal financial services to corporate, institutional and individual investors. We wish you all a productive and stimulating time at the Harpa Conference Centre.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



Hot Spot More than half of the hot water consumed in the capital region is pro­­duced in Reykja­­ vík and its suburbs

geothermal power in Iceland.

One of the first attempts to use geothermal hot water to heat residential houses in Iceland occurred in the suburban muni­­cipality Mosfellssveit, to the North­­east of Reykjavík. In 1908, a local farmer diverted water from a nearby spring to heat his farm, Suður Reykir. In 1933, drilling began in the Reykir geothermal area, and in 1939, work began on a pipeline connecting these wells to Reykjavík. In 1943, water from these wells was added to the Reykjavík system, greatly in­­­­creas­­ing its capacity. Since then, the farm Suður Reykir has been engulfed in the rapidly growing city, fed by the energy of geo­­­­­­thermal power. Today, these wells, and a second geo­­thermal area in Mosfellssveit, Reykjahlíð, supply the capital region with 44% of its hot water.

4% of the getherm­­al energy is used to heat swimming pools



Those huge tanks on top of Öskju­ hlíð hill? They store hot water


Sitting on top of Öskjuhlið hill, south of downtown Reykjavík, is an odd­-looking building: a giant glass dome sitting atop 6 large cylinders. This structure is actually 6 storage tanks, built to store hot water to meet periodic changes in demand. The tanks were originally built in 1940, at the end of the pipeline delivering geothermal water from the Reykir geothermal area. In 1991, the original tanks were updated and the glass-­ domed observation deck, restaurant, and shops were built atop the tanks.


Orkuveita Reykja­­ vík, Reykja­­vík’s hot water utility, is the larg­­est geothermal heat­­ing utility in the world


The capacity of the low-temperature geothermal fields within the city and its suburbs, in Laugarnes, the valley of Elliðaár, Reykir, and Reykjahlíð, had been reached by the 1980s. To meet the growing demands, boreholes were sunk in the Nesjavellir geo­­­thermal area in the foothills of the mountain Hengill, south of Þing­­ vallavatn lake. Hengill is an active volcano, and the geothermal areas in its foothills are among the most powerful high-temperature fields in Iceland. With the addition of Nesja­­­vellir, the Reykjavík Power Utility now supplies more than 70 gigalitres of hot water, with an installed capacity of 750 MWt, making it by far the larg­est municipal geothermal heating service, supplying 56% of the population of Iceland with hot water.



Drying seaweed

Geothermal power is also used directly in many industrial applications. The largest single industrial user is the Thorverk Seaweed Processing in West Iceland. The plant uses 112°C (234°F) hot water from three nearby boreholes to heat air, which is used to dry seaweed from Breiðafjörður bay. The dried seaweed is used to make organic seaweed meal for fertilizer or animal feed.

Geothermal power is also used to generate electricity


The Nesjavellir geothermal power station, the second largest geo­­ thermal power station in Iceland, not only produces hot water for space heating, it also produces electricity. Nesjavellir has a capacity of 120 MW of electrical power and about 1100 liters of hot water per second. The Hellisheiði power station on the west slopes of the volcano Hengill (southeast of Reykjavik) is the third largest in the world, and has a capacity of 303 MW of electricity and 400 MW of hot water. Foreign visitors are probably more familiar with the Svartsengi power plant, which produces 75 MW. The construction of Svartsengi began in 1977, and shortly thereafter, the mineral-rich surplus water from the power plant began to be used for one of Iceland’s most popular tourist destinations: the Blue Lagoon. All in all, about 20% of all harnessed geothermal energy in Iceland is used to generate electricity, and roughly a fourth of all electricity consumed in Iceland is produced by geothermal power plants.

There are nearly 140 geothermally heated recreational swimming pools in Iceland, not counting various natural pools and hot springs, or nature baths like the Blue Lagoon. An additional 30 or so pools are heated with electricity, most of which are rather small. Measured by surface area, more than 90% of the pools in Iceland are heated by geothermal power. With an annual water consumption of 6.9 million m3, swimm­ing pools consume nearly 4% of the total harnessed geothermal energy of Iceland.

Sidewalks and parking lots are kept free of snow and ice, thanks to geothermal power


The 85°C (185°F) geothermal Iceland Magazine / issue #04 2015 water entering home-heating systems loses much of its heat and energy as it warms up Icelandic homes. But not all, since the returning water is roughly 35°C (95°F) hot. Some of this water is recycled, by being ret­urned to pumping stations where it is mixed with 100°–120°C (212°–248°F) hot water to bring its temp­er­­ature down to a safe 85°C. But in the past three decades, the return water is also increasingly used for snow melting and de-icing systems. Today, most new car parking areas in Iceland are installed with snow melting systems. Public sidewalks as well as private paths and residential driveways are also increasingly outfitted with snow melting systems.

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… and cod-heads

Geothermal power is also used to dry cod heads. The head of the cod was frequently thrown out as waste, with a small number of the heads being dried outdoors. In recent years, geothermal power has been applied to industrialize the cod-head drying, producing a valuable export commodity. In 2011, 5% of the total value of cod exports were dried cod heads. Almost all are sold to Africa.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

Geothermal power stations are also popular tourist destinations!


So, when you visit the Blue Lagoon, you are visiting one of Iceland’s largest geothermal power stations. You can visit other geothermal power stations as well. The Hellisheiði pow­er plant has a popular visitor centre where visitors can learn about the geology of Iceland and explore the history, current utilization, and future potential of



And soccer fields!

Geothermal heat has also been used to heat up football/soccer fields, allowing Icelandic footballers to practice outdoors year round. The first soccer field in Reykjavík to be heated with geothermal power was opened up in the Laugardalur recreational area in 2000, and since then, all new football fields have been outfitted with a heating system. Perhaps it’s this access to heated football fields that explains Iceland’s recent success in football, becoming the smallest nation ever to secure a spot in the European Championship!

Iceland Magazin

Your financial partner in Iceland Landsbankinn is Iceland’s largest financial institution and a leader when it comes to financing new projects. We offer a wide range of services for individuals, companies and investors, with a clear focus on customers and effective business relationships.


410 4000 Iceland Geothermal Conference / ReykjavĂ­k / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



Welcome to the land of renewable energy

Krafla (1977) Geothermal Power



Iceland Geothermal Conference / ReykjavĂ­k / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland, is the country’s largest electricity generator. By utilising 100% renewable energy sources, hydropower, geothermal energy and wind power, we generate three quarters of all electricity used in Iceland. Founded in 1965, the company now operates 14 hydropower stations, two wind turbines for research

been exploring the possibilities of a more diverse utilisation in geothermal areas. Landsvirkjun is

We support and encourage increased expertise, innovation and technologial development to

purposes and two geothermal power stations, Bjarnarflag and Krafla, with the third one at Þeistareykir currently in construction. Geothermal energy accounts for a small part of the

one of the founders of the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project which has marked a milestone in geothermal energy research. Tests carried out measured steam temperature up to

promote the sustainable use of renewable energy resources. The company holds a wealth of specialized knowledge on the development and research of renew­

electricity produced by Landsvirkjun, but in recent years the company has

450°C, making it by far the hottest geothermal well in the world.

able energy, for it to be utilised in an efficient and responsible manner.

Come see us at the Icelandic Geothermal Conference.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



Verkís Consulting Engineers


Some of the women in the Verkís energy team.

Geothermal Avant – Garde Verkís has been a forerunner in the field of geothermal consultation ever since the onset of modern day geothermal utilisation in Iceland. Previous projects include i.a. district heating systems, geothermal power plants and various utilisation schemes.


he Verkís geothermal power port­­­ folio encompasses projects from high temperature fields with direct steam plants (dry steam and flash), to low temperature fields utilising binary cycles or Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC), together with combined heat and power projects. Our strength lies in thorough and allencompassing understanding of the science and technology involved in geothermal projects, having for decades provided consulting services to geothermal investors and developers, opera­tors and financial organizations, within Iceland and abroad.

Verkís is ideally situated in Iceland, a leading country in the field of geothermal utilisation with many past and present ground breaking projects. But Iceland is not only known for being a pioneer in this field, it has been named the country with the narrowest gender gap many years in a row by the World Economic Forum. Icelandic geothermal energy players benefit from the for­­ ward thinking present in our society that makes it fertile grounds for those involved in consulting engineering like Verkís. Through the decades that have passed since Verkís undertook its first geothermal project, Verkís has kept abreast of the various tech­­­no­­­­­logi­­­cal advances that have gone

Reykjavik district heating



Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

hand in hand with increased harn­­ess­ing of the resource locally and globally. But the changes we have witness­ed are not solely those related to the processes and controls involved. A significant differ­­ence has also taken place re­­gard­ing the in­­ volvement of women in the field of engineer­­­ing, includ­­­ing those involving consulta­­tion in the field of geothermal utilisation. At present many of the Verkís main experts are women, something that would have been un­ heard of in the 1960s when the firm designed the first stages of the Reykjavik district heating system. It is a development Verkís is very proud of, having long since taken steps to ensure the

Verkís Consulting Engineers firm would not overlook women when hiring or providing staff opportunities for continuing pro­­­ fessional growth following their formal edu­­­cation. Further to this, in addition to operating ac­­ cording to accredited ISO 9001 quality, ISO 14001 environmental management, and OHSAS 18001 health and safety management systems, Verkís also operates in accordance to an equality policy which emphasises equal oppor­­tunity irrespective of gender, both when it comes to our employees’ salaries and providing the individual employee the opportunity to rise to their potential in accordance to their edu­­cation, aptitude and aspirations. This not only benefits the workplace but also our clients that are in each instance provided services conduct­ed by engineers and experts that are kept abreast of the latest developments in their respective field. Due to the complexity involved, geothermal development projects encompass various com­­­ petence fields, including the geosciences and electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, to­­ gether with project management, to name only the most general fields. Women are among the Verkís specialists employed within all com­­­ petences and their participation increases hand in hand with the rising number of female gradu­­ates with the required technical back­­­­ground. But it is not only our commitment to getting the best out of every employee, irrespective of gender, that

has made Verkís a choice place of employment for Icelandic engineers. For this we must also thank our clients that continue to provide us with challenging and unique projects which keep us at the vanguard of geothermal consultation. Examples of such challenging projects that were successfully finalised with our clients are the geothermal power plant Reykja­­nes owned by HS

Orka, Hellisheiði owned by Reykjavík Energy and the Theistareykir plant owned by Landsvirkjun, currently under construction. We at Verkís welcome the opportunity to discuss your geothermal planning or design needs.

Svartsengi Geothermal Power Plant.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



Reykjanes Geopark


Volcanic and geothermal landscapes Mount Keilir (center), a 379 m (1243 ft) high volcano, is the best known landmark on Reykjanes peninsula. Easy to climb, the view from the top is magnificent. Sogin (front), is one of the many colourful geothermal areas on Reykjanes peninsula.

A Volcanic Wonderland Less than an hour’s drive from Reykjavík, the Reykjanes Geopark offers everything that makes Iceland amazing: Desolate volcanic landscapes, colorful geothermal formations, majestic mountains and steep ocean cliffs.


ne of two UNESCO-recognized areas of international geological significance in Iceland, the Reykjanes Geopark is a unique area. Sitting on the doorstep of Reykjavík, the area is full of natural and geo­­­ logical wonders, rugged lava fields, geo­­­thermal areas, and active volcanoes. Still, even though virtually all visitors to Iceland drive through the



park on their way from the airport to the Capital region, it is frequently overlooked by visitors. A barren desolate landscape On Reykjanes peninsula, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises above sea level. The ridge, which stretches beneath the Atlantic Ocean from the Arctic to the Antarctic, is formed because the tectonic plates on either side are drifting 2

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016

centi­­metres (0.8 inches) annually in opposite directions. Along the ridge, magma wells up, creating the longest mountain range on earth. The Reykjanes peninsula is in fact the only place on Earth where you can actually walk along the ridge, seeing up close how the forces of nature constantly create new land. The 20 meter (66 feet) long footbridge, spann­­ ing one of the many fissures created by the

Reykjanes Geopark and is characterized by closely spaced fractures referred to as fissure swarms, which stretch in a southwest to northeast direction. Chains of craters, like the Eldvörp chain, west of the Blue Lagoon, are a perfect example of these forces. The steam rising from geothermal vents along the craters reminds us of the enormous power beneath the surface. There are four major volcanic systems on the Reykjanes peninsula, two of which are within the Reykjanes Geopark: the Reykjanes and Krýsuvík systems. Two other major systems are just west of the Geopark: the Brennisteinsfjöll system and the Hengill fissure system. In ad­di­­ tion to hundreds of open fissures, each system has a major high temperature geothermal system, characterized by intense surface activity that has created a diversity of colours con­­trast­­ ing with the black lava and the lush green moss. The two major power plants in the Hengill system (Nesjavellir and Hellisheiði) supply the Capital region with much of its energy (see “NAME OF ARTICLES”). The energy of the

boom­­ing tourism industry has grown up to exploit this resource. But a second, less visible resource is also found in abundance in the region: geothermal energy, which has in recent years been harnessed to power industry. Striking a balance between these different ways of exploiting the valuable resources of the region is an important challenge for the 22,000 people who inhabit the villages and towns of the five municipalities on the peninsula. The most popular tourist destination in the Geopark, the famous Blue Lagoon, shows that these two industries can find fascinating ways to work together. The Blue Lagoon: from a makeshift secret pool to a world-famous tourist attraction The most famous of the tourist attractions in the Reykjanes Geopark is the Blue Lagoon. A man-made lagoon, it is one of two blue water pools in Iceland (the other is Mývatn Nature Baths), and contains 9 million litres (2.4 million gallons) of 37-39°C (99-102°F) hot geothermal sea water. The mineral-rich water is actually the

Craters, steam vents and bubbling mud pools Eldvörp (left), a 10 km long chain of craters, west of the Blue Lagoon. A path, known as Brauðstígur or “Bread-trail” connects the craters to the village of Grindavík to the south: Gunnuhver (right) is one of the most active geothermal areas in Reykjanes.

Reykjanes system, which is the westernmost of the volcanic systems, powers two major geo­­­ thermal power plants, Reykjanes and Svartsengi.

drifting apart of the tectonic plates, has been built near the village of Hafnir on the west coast of Reykjanes peninsula, to symbolically bridge the continents. The rugged lava fields of Reykja­nes, covering much of the lowlands of the pen­insula, are a perfect testament to the vol­ canic power of the region. The last major period of volcanic activity on the Reykjanes peninsula began shortly before Iceland was settled, in the 8th and 9th centuries, and came to an end in the mid-13th century. In a series of 4–5 major erup­­ tions, sixteen different lava fields were creat­­ed. These young landscapes are still rela­­tively barren, since very little vegetation other than moss has managed to colonize the hostile lava fields. Black lava fields and green energy The lava fields have been created by eruptions in the volcanic systems located along the penin­­ sula. Each system has its own magma supply

Sustainable development, industry, and tourism Geoparks were first proposed as a UNESCO programme in 1999, to combine conservation, sustainable development, and community in­­ volvement to protect and promote unique geo­­ logical areas. Since its introduction, the idea has been adopted by increasing numbers of member states. There are over 120 Geoparks around the world. In September 2015, Reykjanes became the second Geopark in Iceland and the 66th member of the European Geoparks Network. The creation of the Reykjanes Geopark re­ flects a growing awareness by locals of the enor­­ mous opportunities presented by the utilization of the resources created by the unique geology of the region. The region’s most obvious re­­ source is the rugged landscape itself: the black lava fields, colourful geothermal areas, crater rows and volcanoes, and the basalt columns and cliffs along the shores. In recent years, a

discharge water of the nearby Svartsengi power plant. Fresh water and sea water, which can permeate the porous volcanic rock, is heated deep below the lava fields. At a depth of 250 meters (820 feet), the water reaches more than 200°C (390°F). The Svartsengi power plant uses this water to generate 75 MW of electricity and 150 MW in thermal energy. After the energy has been extracted from the water to power the local district heating utility and provide elect­­ ricity for industry, the mineral-rich excess water is released into the nearby lava field. When the first phase of the power plant was built in 1977-79, locals discovered that the pools of discharge water were actually great for bathing. It was only in 1987 that the first makeshift facilities were built at the site, in­­ cluding showers to wash before entering the pool, and perhaps more importantly, to wash off the silica after the relaxing bath. The popularity of the baths increased, and in 1999, the current facilities were opened. Recently the lagoon has been expanded to ensure it will be able to accommodate the 1,000,000 visitors who are ex­­pected this year.

Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



UN Geothermal Training

Exporting The Expertise The Geothermal Training Programme of the United Nations University in Iceland.


ne of the most important ways in which the lessons learned in the geo­­ thermal industry in Iceland have been shared with the wider world has been through the United Nations University Geo­­­ thermal Training Program, which is located in Reykjavík. Since its launch in 1979, the program has graduated hundreds of students from around the world, most from developing countries eager to learn how Iceland has harnessed green renewa­­ ble energy to generate higher living standards. The Geothermal Training program is part of the UN University, which was established in 1973 to search for solutions to global problems. Headquartered in Tokyo, the University is com­­ posed of different programs located around the world, in countries and places where im­­port­ant local expertise has been developed. The University was founded in the midst of the energy crisis of the 1970s, and developing new alternative energy sources was therefore one of

On location The program has graduated hundreds of students.

the first challenges taken up by the University. In 1976, Iceland offered to host a Geothermal Train­­ ing Programme for just this purpose. Motivated by the oil shock of 1973, Icelanders were making a push at that time to expand geo­­­thermal district heating utilities so that oil and fossil fuels could be completely eliminated in home heating. Today the share of oil in heating homes is less than 1%.

The school has served to introduce experts from around the world to Icelandic expertise in uti­­liz­­ ing geothermal energy, especially low-heat geo­­ thermal fields, where Icelanders have achieved enormous success. Funded almost entirely by Iceland, the school offers a six-month training program in which people from developing coun­ tri­­es with geothermal resources come to Ice­­land to work and study with local experts. Since its founding, the school has graduated 554 people from more than 50 different countries. The school has also sponsored students to attend gradu­­ate studies at the University of Iceland, and since 2005 the school has also organized shorter courses in developing countries. These courses have been attended by nearly 800 students from 30 different countries.

See more at:

Would you like to take on the great challenge of the 21st century of providing clean energy?

MASTERS IN RENEWEBLE ENERGY Birta Kristín Helgadóttir Environmental and Energy Engineer, EFLA Consulting Engineers

What is the most valuable lesson or opportunity that you got from the studies? • Good access to motivated, experienced and highly qualified teachers and instructors who inspired and encouraged the students • Diverse and fun group of students • Disciplined working methods/practices • Interesting guest lecturers • Good connections to the labour market • Student presentations which improve self-confidence and communication skills and will definitely be useful in the future

For further information visit: 16


Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016


Pre-booking is required. Book online at

Iceland Geothermal Conference / ReykjavĂ­k / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



Hveragerði Geothermal Park promotion

Smoking Hot Town Centre The Hveragerði Geothermal Park is in the center of the scenic town of Hveragerði, approximately 45 km (28 mi) east of the capital, Reykjavík.


baked in the ground using the geo­­thermal heat, which takes about 24 hours! Com­­­ plete the HotSpring bread with Icelandic

Deep heat The town is located on an active geothermal area.

butter and a boiled egg, which you can boil yourself in the hot stream! The geothermal area has been active for thousands of

ENNEMM / SÍA / NM74689

he town of Hveragerði is undoubtedly one of the few populated sites in the world located on an active geo­­ thermal area. At the Geo­­ thermal Park, visitors are invited to take a guided walk around the hot springs and learn about the geology and history of this unique area. The mud pots at the park produce material for natural mud baths. Visitors can experience the therapeutic benefits of the mud by taking a mud bath for the hands and feet, and there is also a foot bath of mineral-rich geothermal water to wash off the mud. Visitors can also enjoy a bite of de­­ licious HotSpring bread. The bread is

years and is constantly changing, es­­ pecially in earthquakes. The hot springs can change from boil­­ing springs to fumaroles (steam fissures) or mud pots if the season is dry or the water table lowers. The mud baths in Hveragerði are a well-established part of Icelandic bath­­ ing culture. The health benefits of the mud baths have been available since 1950, when a hospital started therapeutic treatments at the Geothermal Park in Hveragerði. The deep heat of the mud

during treatment helps to relax muscles and relieve pain. The mud baths are also effective for all kinds of skin disorders.

Geothermal park Hveramörk 13. 810 Hveragerði Tel:(+354)4835062 (+354) 4834601 Geothermalpark

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Hjörtur Þór Steindórsson has years of experience in the energy industry. He is the Executive Director of the Energy Team at Íslandsbanki.



Iceland Geothermal Conference / Reykjavík / Harpa 26 - 29 April 2016



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