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Report On Identifying Significant Factors Influencing Customers & .Employees In General Banking: A Study on Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd Theoretical Aspects of Islamic Banking According to Islamic Banking Act of Malaysia, an Islamic Bank is “company, which carries on Islamic Banking business. Islamic Banking business means banking business whose aims and operations do not involve any element which is not approved by the religion Islam.” Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed says, “Islamic banking is essentially a normative concept and could be defined as conduct of banking in consonance with the ethos of the value system of Islam.” Corporate Culture This bank is one of the most disciplined Banks with a distinctive corporate culture. Here we believe in shared meaning, shared understanding and shared sense making. Our people can see and understand events, activities, objects and situation in a distinctive way. They mould their manners and etiquette, character individually to suit the purpose of the Bank and the needs of the customers who are of paramount importance to us. The people in the Bank see themselves as a tight knit team/family that believes in working together for growth. The corporate culture we belong has not been imposed; it has rather been achieved through our corporate conduct. Islamic banking: An Islamic bank is based on the Islamic faith and must stay within the limits of Islamic Law or the sharia in all of its actions and deeds. The original meaning of the Arabic word sharia was 'the way to the source of life' and it is now used to refer to legal system in keeping with the code of behaviour called for by the Holly Qur'an (Koran). Four rules govern investment behaviour: a. the absence of interest-based (riba) transactions; b. the avoidance of economic activities involving speculation (ghirar); c. the introduction of an Islamic tax, zakat; d. the discouragement of the production of goods and services which contradict the value pattern of Islamic (haram) In the following part I explain these four elements give Islamic banking its distinctive religious identity. Riba Perhaps the most far reaching of these is the prohibition of interest (riba). The payment of riba and the taking as occurs in a conventional banking system is explicitly prohibited by the Holy Qur'an, and thus investors must be compensated by other means. Technically, riba refers to the addition in the amount of the principal of a loan according to the time for which it is loaned and the amount of the loan. While earlier there was a debate as to whether riba relates to interest or usury, there now appears to be consensus of opinion among Islamic scholars that the term extends to all forms of interest.
In banning riba, Islamic seeks to establish a society based upon fairness and justice (Qur'an 2.239). A loan provides the lender with a fixed return irrespective of the outcome of the borrower's venture. It is much fairer to have a sharing of the profits and losses. Fairness in this context has two dimensions: the supplier of capital possesses a right to reward, but this reward should be commensurate with the risk and effort involved and thus be governed by the return on the individual project for which funds are supplied. Hence, what is forbidden in Islamic is a predetermined return. The sharing of profit is legitimate and that practice has provided the foundation for Islamic banking. Ghirar Another feature condemned by Islamic is economic transactions involving elements of speculation, ghirar. Buying goods or shares at low and selling them for higher price in the future is considered to be illicit. Similarly an immediate sale in order to a void a loss in the future is condemned. The reason is that speculators generate their private gains at the expense of society at large. Zakat A mechanism for the redistribution of income and wealth is inherent is Islam, so that every Muslim is guaranteed a fair standard of living, nisab. An Islamic tax, Zakat (a term derived from the Arabic zaka, meaning "pure") is the most important instrument for the redistribution of wealth. This tax is a compulsory levy, one of the five basic tenets of Islam and the generally accepted amount of the zakat is one fortieth (2.5 per cent) of Muslim's annual income in cash or kind from all forms of assessed wealth exceeding nisab. Every Islamic bank has to establish a zakat fund for collecting the tax and distributing it exclusively to the poor directly or through other religious institutions. This tax is imposed on the initial capital of the bank, on the reserves, and on the profits as described in the Handbook of Islamic Banking. Haram A strict code of 'ethical investment' operates. Hence it is forbidden for Islamic banks to finance activities or items forbidden in Islam, haram, such as trade of alcoholic beverage and pork meat. Furthermore, as the fulfilment or materials needs assures a religious freedom for Muslims, Islamic banks are required to give priority to the production of essential goods which satisfy the needs of the majority of the Muslim community, while the production and marketing of luxury activities, israf wa traf is considered as unacceptable from a religious viewpoint. In order to ensure that the practices and activities of Islamic banks do not contradict the Islamic ethical standards, Islamic banks are expected to establish a Sharia Supervisory Board, consisting of Muslim jurisprudence, who acts as advisers to the banks. 2.1 Profit-sharing agreements Although the restriction against the use of interest might seem to be a binding constraint upon expansion, Islamic banks and financial institutions have in fact grown rapidly. If the paying and receiving of interest is prohibited, how do Islamic banks operates? It is necessary to distinguish between the expressions 'rate of interest' and 'rate of return'. Whereas Islam clearly forbids the former, it not only permits, but rather encourages, trade. In the interest-free system sought by adherents to Muslim principles, people are able to earn a return on their money only by subjecting themselves to the risk involved in profit sharing. As the
use of interest rates in financial transactions is prevented, Islamic banks are expected to undertake operations only on the basis of Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) arrangements or other acceptable modes of financing. Mudaraba and musharaka are the two profit-sharing arrangements preferred under Islamic law. Mudaraba A mudaraba can be defined as contract between at least two parties whereby one party, the financier (sahib al-mal), entrusts funds to another party, the entrepreneur (mudarib), to undertake an activity or venture. This type of contract is in contrast with musharaka. In arrangements based on musharaks there is also profit-sharing, but all parties have the right to participate in managerial decisions. In mudaraba, the financier is not allowed a role in management of the enterprise. Consequently, mudaraba represents a PLS contract where the return to lenders is a specified share in the profit/loss outcome of the project in which they have a stake, but no voice. In interest lending, the loan is not contingent on the profit or loss outcome, and is usually secured, so that the debtor has to repay the borrowed capital plus the fixed interest amount regardless of the resulting yield of the capital. Under mudaraba, the yield is not guaranteed in profit-sharing and financial losses are borne completely by the lender. The entrepreneur as such losses only the time and effort invested in the enterprise. This distribution effectively treats human capital with equally financial capital. Musharaka Under musharaka, the entrepreneur adds some of his own to that supplied by the investors, so exposing him to the risk of capital loss. Profits and losses are shared according to pre-fixed proportions, but these proportions need not coincide with the ratio of financing input. The bank sometimes participates in the execution of the projects in which it has subscribed, perhaps by providing managerial expertise. Figure 3 illustrates the elements. Mudaraba and musharaka constitute, at least in principle if not always in practice, the twin pillars of Islamic banking. The two methods conform fully to Islamic principles, in that under both arrangements lenders share in the profits and losses of the enterprises for which funds are provided and shirkah (partnership) is involved. The musharaka principle in invoked in the equity structure of Islamic banks and is similar to the modern concepts of partnership and joint stock ownership. Two-tiered mudabara For banking operations, the mudaraba concept has been extended to include three parties: the depositors as financiers, the bank as an intermediary, and the entrepreneur who requires funds. The bank acts as an entrepreneur when it receives funds from depositors and as financier when it provides the funds to entrepreneurs. In other words, the bank operates a two-tier mudaraba system in which it acts both as the mudarib on the saving side of the equation and as the rubbul-mal (owner of capital) on the investment portfolio side. Insofar as the depositors are concerned, an Islamic bank acts as a mudarib which manages the funds of the depositors to generate profits subject to the rules of mudaraba. The bank may in turn use the depositors' funds on a mudaraba basis in addition to other lawful (but less preferable) modes of financing, including mark up or deferred sales, lease purchase and beneficence loans. The funding and investment avenues are now listed.
2.2 Sources of funds: Besides their own capital and equity, Islamic banks rely on two main sources of funds, a) transaction deposits, which are risk free but yield no return and, b) investment deposits, which carry the risks of capital loss for the promise of variable. In all, there are four main types of accounts: Current accounts: Current accounts are based on the principle of al-wadiah, whereby the depositors are guaranteed repayment of their funds. At the same time, the depositor does not receive remuneration for depositing funds in a current account, because the guaranteed funds will not be used for PLS ventures. Rather, the funds accumulating in these accounts can only be used to balance the liquidity needs of the bank and for short-term transactions on the bank's responsibility. Savings accounts: Savings accounts also operate under the al-wadiah principle. Savings accounts differ from current deposits in that they earn the depositors income: depending upon financial results, the Islamic bank may decide to pay a premium, hiba, at its discretion, to the holders of savings accounts. Investment accounts: An investment account operates under the mudaraba al-mutlaqa principle, in which the mudarib (active partner) must have absolute freedom in the management of the investment of the subscribed capital. The conditions of this account differ from those of the savings accounts by virtue of: a) a higher fixed minimum amount, b) a longer duration of deposits, and c) most importantly, the depositor may lose some of or all his funds in the event of the bank making losses. Special investment accounts: Special investment accounts also operate under the mudaraba principle, and usually are directed towards larger investors and institutions. project, and the investor has the choice to invest directly in a preferred project carried out by the bank. 2.3 Uses of funds: The mudaraba and musharaka modes, referred to earlier, are supposedly the main conduits for the outflow of funds from banks. In practice, however, other important methods applied by Islamic banks include: Murabaha (mark up)- The most commonly used mode of financing seems to be the 'markup' device. In murabaha transactions, the bank finances the purchase of a good or assets by buying it on behalf of its client and adding a mark-up before reselling it to the client on a 'cost-plus' basis profit contract. Figure 4 illustrates the sequence. Bai' muajjal (deferred payment) - Islamic banks have also been resorting to purchase and resale of properties on a deferred payment basis. It is considered lawful in fiqh (jurisprudence) to charge a higher price for a good if payments are to be made at a later date. According to fiqh this does not amount to charging interest, since it is not a lending transaction but a trading one. Bai'salam (prepaid purchase) - This method is really the opposite of the murabaha. There the bank gives the commodity first, and receives the money later. Here the bank pays the
money first and receives the commodity later, and is normally used to finance agricultural products. Istissanaa (manufacturing) - This is a contract to acquire goods on behalf of a third party where the price is paid to the manufacturer in advance and the goods produced and delivered at a later date. Ijara and ijara wa iqtina (leasing) - Under this mode, the banks buy the equipment or machinery and lease it out to their clients who may opt to buy the items eventually, in which case the monthly payments will consist of two components, i.e. rental for the use of the equipment and instalment towards the purchases price. Qard hasan (beneficence loans) - This is the zero return type of loan that the Holly Qura'n urges Muslims to make available to those who need them. The borrower is obliged to repay only the principal amount of the loan, but is permitted to add a margin at his own discretion. Islamic securities- Islamic financial institutions often maintain an international Islamic equity portfolio where the underlying assets comprise ordinary shares in well run businesses, the productive activities of which exclude those on the prohibited list (alcohol, pork, armaments) and financial service based on interest income. 2.4 Objectives of Islamic Banking An Islamic Bank is a financial institution that operates with the objective to implement and materialize the economic and financial principles of Islam in the banking area. The main objectives of Islamic Banking are: • To conduct interest – free banking. • To establish participatory banking instead of banking on debtor – creditor – creditor relationship. • To invest through different modes permitted under Islamic Shariah. • To accept deposits on profit – loss sharing basis. • To establish welfare oriented banking system. • To extend co-operation to the poor, the helpless and the low – income group for their economic enlistment. • To play a vital role in human development and employment generation. • To contribute towards balanced growth and development of the country through investment operations particularly in the less developed areas. 2.5 Islamic Banking Movement Throughout the world The expansion and unfolding of Islamic banking along with traditional interest based banking is a recent phenomenon. Islamic banking is an inseparable part of Islamic economy. During fifties it was only a subject matter of research and was limited to the writings of scholars and philosophers. During the sixties actual experiments were made and in the seventies Islamic banking institutions started gaining strength. The eighties and nineties are and the period of consolidation and now Islamic banking is coming up as the only welfare banking system of the modern world. Consequently, Islamic banking movement achieved steady progress and assumed significant dimension and role with the establishment of the Nasser Social Bank (1972) Faysal Islamic Bank in Egypt and Sudan (1977), Jordan Islamic Bank for Finance and Investment was established in Jordan in (1978), Turkey in (1983). Pakistan declared all banks as Islamic in
1978 and Iran declared in 1984. Emergency of development Bank as an International Financial Institution with a view to institutions was considered as a milestone in the history of Islamic banking. As on today, more than 300 Islamic financial institutions in about 50 countries operation throughout the world covering both Muslim and non-Muslim countries of various socioeconomic environment. 2.6 Islamic Banking Movement in Bangladesh In August 1974, Bangladesh signed the charter of Islamic Development Bank and committed itself to recognize its economic and financial system as per Islamic Shariah. Bangladesh government subscribed recommendation of Islamic Foreign Minister’s conference held in Senegal in 1978 regarding systemic efforts to establish Islamic banks in the member countries gradually. In January 1981, the then president of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh while addressing the 3rd Islamic Summit Conference held at Makkah and Taif suggested, “The Islamic countries should develop a separate banking system of their own in order to facilitate their trade and commerce.” Earlier in November 1980, Bangladesh Bank, the country’s Central Bank, sent a representative to study the working of several Islamic banks of different countries. In November 1982, a delegation of IDB visited Bangladesh and showed interest to participate in establishing a join venture Islamic Bank in the private sector. They found a lot of work had already been done and Islamic banking was in a ready form immediate introduction. Two professional bodies Islamic Economies Research Bureau (IERB) established in 1976 and Bangladesh Islami Bankers Association (BIBA) established in 1980 made significant contributions towards introduction of Islamic banking in the country. They came forward to provide training on Islamic banking to top bankers and economists to fill-up the vacuum of leadership for the future Islamic in Bangladesh.They also held seminars, symposia and on Islamic economics and banking throughout the country to mobilize public opinion in favor of Islamic banking. At last, the long drawn struggle to establish an Islamic bank in Bangladesh became a reality and Islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited was founded o 30th March, 1983 in which 19 Bangladeshi national, 4 Bangladeshi institutions and 11 banks, financial institutions and government bodies of the Middle East and Europe including IDB and two eminent personalities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia joined hands to make the dream a reality. • • • • •
Al Baraka Bank Ltd. (now recognized as the Oriental Bank) was established in 1987. A Arafah Islami Bank and Social Investment Bank Ltd. were established in 1995. Shamil Bank of Bahrain (Islamic Bankers) has started its operation in 1997. Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. was established in 2001. Exim Bank Ltd. Converted its entire banking operation into Islamic Banking from July 2004.
Nine conventional banks namely Prime Bank Ltd. Dhaka Bank Ltd. South East Bank Ltd. Premier Bank Ltd. The City Bank Ltd. Jamuna Bank Ltd. Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd. Standard Chartered Bank and the HSBC have so far established Islamic Banking branches in some major cities. More connectional Bank such as Bank Asia Ltd. and Brac Bank Ltd. are contemplating to establish Islamic banking branches in the near future. The first Security Bank Ltd. is going to switch over their entire banking to Islamic Banking.
Shahjalal Islami bank Ltd. & Its Profile 3.1 Historical Background of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited is based on Islamic Shariah. SJIBL is named after the name of a saint Hajrat Shahjalal (R) who dedicated his life for the cause of peace in this world and hereafter and served the humanity. It was incorporated as a Public limited company on 1 st April, 2001 under companies Act 1994. It started its Banking operation on May 10, 2005 with the 1st branch (main branch) opened at 58, dilkusha C/A, Dhaka obtaining the license of Bangladesh Bank, for upliftment of economic condition of its customers as well as to contribute sustainable economic growth and development in trade and industry of the country. Its corporate head quarter is situated at 10 Dilkusha C/A, Jiban Bima Bhaban, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Now it has 13 branches, 9 branches are in Dhaka and rest 4 branches are in Chittagong, Sylhet and Gazipur. The sponsors of SJIBL are leading business personalities and renowned industrialist of the country. Now this bank has paid up capital – 46.83 million and No. of Directors – 13 (source Internet). 3.2 Objectives of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited The prime objective of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited is to promote, foster and develop the application of Islamic principles, law and tradition to the transaction of financial, banking and related business affairs. It has also been looking forward to promote Investments Companies, Enterprise and other related concerns engaged in such business that is acceptable and consistent with Islamic principles, law and tradition. The objective of Shahjalal Islamic Bank Limited in the context of its role in the economy may be enumerated as follows: • To offer contemporary financial services in conformity with Islamic Shariah. • To contribute towards economic development and prosperity within the principles of Islamic Justice. • To facilitate efficient allocation of resources. • To help achieving stability in the economy. 3.3 Vision & Mission Vision: • To provide quality services to customers.
• •
To set high standards of integrity. To extends customers innovation services acquiring state-of-the-art technology blended with Islamic Principles, and being total satisfaction to our clients and employees.
Mission: • To expand Islamic banking throughout welfare oriented banking system. • Ensure equity and justice in economic activities. • Extend financial assistance to poorer section of the people. • Achieve balance growth and equitable development. 3.4 Organizational Structure There are five different wings to consists the organizational structure of SJIBL. They are • Board of Directors • Board Committees • Executive Committee • Policy Committee • Management Team Board of Directors The Board of Directors of 13 members. The Board of Directors is the apex body of the bank. Chairmen Vice Chairmen Directors Managing Directors Secretary Board of Committees The Board of Directors also decided the composition of each committee and determines the responsibilities of each committee. Executive Committee All routine matters beyond delegated powers of management are decide upon by or routed through Executive Committee, subject to ratification by the Board of Directors. Chairmen Deputy Chairmen Directors Managing Directors
Secretary Legal Adviser Auditors
Policy Committee All matters relating to the principles, rules and regulations, ethics etc. operation and management of the Bank are recommended by the Committee of the Board of Directors. Management Team Managing Directors Executive Vice President
Vice President Sr. Asst. Vice President Assistant Vice President
IT Position of SJIBL • Gulshan Branch, Dhaka. • Foreign Exchange Branch, Dhaka. • Kawran Bazar Branch, Dhaka. • Joydevpur Chowrasta Branch, Gazipur. • Agrabad Branch, Chittagong. • Khatunganj Branch, Chittagong. • Sylhet Branch, Sylhet. • Beanu Bazar Branch, Beanibazar, Sylhet. • Dargah Gate Branch, Sylhet. • Uttara Branch, Uttara, Dhaka. • Dhanmondi Branch, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. • Shatmoshjid Branch, Shatmoshjid Road, Dhaka.
They are passing hard time in globalization of financial markets and banking. To compete with the local and foreign banks they should consider the on-line banking facilities as an addon service to the clients. Now a day’s technological service is the key factor for the service providers in the financial institutions. 3.5 Functions Of SJIBL: Shahjalal Islami bank limited is a commercial bank and its play a very important role in our economy; in fact it is difficult imaging how our economic system would function efficiently without the help of commercial bank. They are heart of our financial structure since they have the ability, co-operation with the Bangladesh Bank to add to the money supply of the nation and thus create additional purchasing power. These characteristics set commercial banks apart from other financial institution. In addition to issuing deposits payable on demand they accept time deposit. By lending and investing these resources and by transferring funds throughout the nation and even between countries, they make possible a more complete utilization of resources of the nation. Although banks create no new wealth, their lending. Investing and related activities facilitate the economic process of production, distribution and consumption. There are mainly three sections in SJIBL via General Banking Division, Investment Division and Foreign Exchange Division. These Divisions have small departments or units under them. General Banking Divisions: There are four sections working together to fulfill the target of the organization. • Account opening Department • Remittance Department • Cash Department • Accounts Department Deposit Mobilization of SJIBL: Bank account is a contractual relationship between a bank and the customers. It is the best way for a customer to build relationship with the bank. Like interest-based conventional banks, the main function of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) is to mobilize saving and provide financial support to the entrepreneurs. Depositors receive interest in a predetermined rate for their deposits make with an interest based banks, where SJIBL neither pay not receive interest and mobilizes saving of the common people in line with Islamic Shariah. Deposit account can take in a various forms such as: • • •
Al – Wadiah Current Deposit (AC) Mudarabah Savings Deposit (MSD) Short – Notice Deposit (SND)
Al – Wadiah Current Deposit (ACD) Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited receive deposits in its Al – Wadia Current Account. It has some similarity with the current account of conventional bank. The term Al – Wadiah
Current Deposit means deposit of money allowing somebody to sue it. Banks being trustee preserves and keeps or in safe custody of what is deposited. Depositors feel safe in keeping their money with the bank and take transaction facilities. Bank provides assurance of returning money to the depositors on demand. In the process of opening Al-Wadiah Deposit, the bank gets approval of the depositors regarding the use of the deposited money and earns profit out of their development. a) For an Individual Customer: • Copy the passport, if available or Employer’s Certificate or Commissioner’s Certificate or Letter of Introduction by a person accepted to the Bank. • TIN Certificate, if applicable. • Two recent passport size photographs duly attested by the Introducer. b) For Sole Proprietorship: • Copy of Trade License. • Two recent passport size photographs of the proprietor/Signatory duly attested by the Introducer. • Copy of the passport the proprietor/Signatory, if available • Commissioner’s/Chairman’s Certificate or Letter of Introduction by a person accepted to the Bank. • TIN certificate. c) For Partnership: • Copy of Partnership Deed of the Firm. • List of Partners with their address and phone number. • Copy of Trade License. • Extract of Resolution of the Partners of the Firm for opening the account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the managing Partner of the Firm. • For Registered Partnership, Certificate of Registration of the Firm along with duly certified copy of the Partnership Deed. • Two recent passport size photographs of each Partner/Signatory duly attested by the Introducer. • Copy of Passport of each Partner/Signatory, if available or • Commissioner’s/Chairman’s Certificate or Letter of Introduction by a person acceptable to the Bank. • TIN Certificate. d) Private & Public Limited Company: • • • • • •
Certified true copy of the Memorandum and Article Association of the Company. Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Company. Certificate true copy of Certificate of Commencement of Business of the Company in case of Public Limited Company. Latest list of Directors with address and phone number along with Form XII. Extracts of duly adopted Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company for opening the Account and authorization for its operation duly certified by the Chairman/Managing Director of the Company. Copy of Trade License.
• • • • •
Two recent size photographs of each signatory duly attested by the introducer. Copy of the passport of each signatory, if available or Commissioner’s/Chairman’s Certificate or Letter of Introduction by a person acceptable to the Bank. TIN Certificate.
Opening a Mudaraba saving Deposit (MSD): Mudaraba Saving Deposit (MSD) is open by the lower and middle people who wish to save a part of their incomes to meet their future need intend to earn an income from their savings. It aims at encouraging savings of non-trading persons(s), institution(s), society, etc. by depositing small amount of money in the bank. Restriction on withdrawals and deposit: • The number of withdrawals over a period of time is limited. Two withdrawals per week are permitted. But more than that no interest will be paid on rest amount for that month. • The total amount of one or more withdrawal on any date should not exceed 25% of the in the accounts unless 7 (seven) days advance notice is given. Payment of Profit: Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited is proving 6% profit on Mudaraba Saving Deposit. Opening a saving account: For Operating a Mudaraba Saving Deposit following documentation are required • Two copies of passport size photographs. • Introductory reference. • Commissioner’s/Chairman Certificate. General Precautions of opening an MSD Account: After opening an account and before issuing a Chequebook the authorized officer should check the account operating form for the complete information, which is given by the customers. • Name of the account holder. • Photos of the account holder. • Date of opening • Types of account. • Present and permanent address • Name of the nominee and their address. • Initial deposit • Specimen signature in the form in the “Specimen signature card”. • Name, address and the account number of the introducer. Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit (MSND): ShahjalalIslami Bank Limited also receives term deposit from the clients. The SND account is different from the interest-based banks. It is also a Time Deposit account. The formalities for opening of this account are similar to those required for Al-Wadiah Current Account. The only difference is that seven (7) days notice is required for withdrawal of any sum and profit is paid. The rate of profit for this account is 5%. If the withdrawal on demand is desired, it may be paid subject to the for-feature for the period of notice or the expired of notice. 3.6 Different Types of Scheme:
The Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) is containing some Deposit Scheme, which are the really profitable for bank and customer. The Bank maintains Shariah –based transaction with their customer by different Scheme those are: 1. Monthly Deposit Scheme (MDS) 2. Mudarah Term Deposit Receipt (MTDR) 3. Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) 4. Double Profit Mudaraba Saving Scheme (DPMSS) 5. Millinaire Scheme. 6. Hajj Palon Scheme. Monthly Deposit Scheme (MDS) This account open very easy and there are no fixed day to open. Account holders do not need any savings account if he/she directly pays their monthly installment. Account holders carefully complete the MDS form and attests two copies passport size photograph one nominee and other own with form. Account holders can pay advance to continue their installment or can give permanent instruction from his/her savings account. In this term, the account holders are bound to pay Tk.50 for transferred and Tk.5/- for service charge. If the account is close before the maturity then profit will be calculate according to saving rates. If a depositor fails to pay calculate as Savings rate. But for the first six-month no profit will be calculate. Nominee will enjoy the profit will in absence of the accountholder. Depositor will get the profit after the matured according to following table: Install. period
Tk. 100
Tk. 250
Tk. 500
Tk. 1,000
Tk. 2,000
Tk. 5,000
Tk. 10,000
Tk. 25,000
Tk. 50,00 0 40125 00
5 years
8 years
77500 00
10 years
11100 00
Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt (MTDR): It is like a fixed deposit in the conventional banking system but it does not receive or accept interest father, this account give profit and collect deposits. In this mode less than that Tk.1 corer or Tk.1 corer and above can be deposited against client will get non-transferable instrument of equal amount. If a customer withdraw his/her money before one month than he/she will not get any kind of profit. On the other hand, after the matured if client don’t withdraw his/her money than it will be auto renewed with imposed profit for the next days. If a depositor would like to withdraw his profit after six months he/she will get the profit accordance with previous years profit rate. absence of account holder the selected nominee will get the money. Account holder bound to bear any kind of tax or excise duty according to government circular.
The profit rate of this account are: Time of Deposit
Up to Tk. 1(one) crore
1 Month 2 Months 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
8.00% 8.50% 11.00% 11.50% 12.00%
Monthly Income Scheme (MIS): This scheme is very popular in our country, job retreat people opens this scheme. And which people are not able to do business than they are wanting to safe from risk and they open it. It is the scheme for profit earning. In this account depositor can deposit minimum of Tk. 50,000/- and above. Depositor will get Tk450/ against Tk. 50,000/-. And it is the fixed deposit for 5 (five) years. If the accountholder to want to close his/her account before maturity date than he/she will get profit accordance with savings rate. In the absence of accountholder, the specified nominee will get the whole benefit. The profit rates of this account are: Period of Scheme
Taka Per month
Provisional Rate
5 Years
Tk.900/- for one lac
Remarks Credit Account Number is required
Double Profit Mudaraba Savings Scheme (DPMSS): The Shahjalal Islami Bank gives the facility to the client by the Islamic Shariah Mudaraba rules and regulations. In this scheme depositors can deposit more than Tk.10,000 for 6.5 years and after the maturity date accountholder will receive double than his/her deposited amount . Depositor will get 80% investment facility by deposit the deposit receipt. Bank can invest this amount any sector by the Islamic Shariah rules and regulations. Accountholder are bound to pay any government tax. For opening this account applicant need recent one copy photograph and one copy photograph of nominee. The profit rates of this account are: Period of Scheme 6 Years
Provisional Rate 10.75
Millionaire Scheme: It maturity is long than other scheme. Generally this account is designed for children. Here, applicants are the selected people for operating the account on behalf of the accountholder. The depositor should to deposit the account within first 15 days of the month; neither will he/she be designated as debtor to the bank. If 15 th date is the off day then the next working day will be schedule date. Accountholder can open one more account this Branch. Depositor
will get 80% loan facility against the deposit money. No cheque book will be issued for this account, but the bank will provide deposit book. The profit rate based on different amount and time are given below: Time 12 years 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years
Amount Per month Tk. 3280/= Tk. 2120/= Tk. 1080/= Tk. 575/=
Total Amount Tk.10 Lac Tk.10 Lac Tk.10 Lac Tk.10 Lac
Cheque Book Issue Cheque Book is a material to withdraw money from the bank. It is a very convenient way to transact money from one place to another without any accident. If any one opens an account then she/he will apply for a Cheque book on requisition slip. After verifying the signature of the account holder by the officer issues Cheque. Then we will assign numbers to the leaves of the Chequebook and account number in the register book. The account number and branch seal will also be written on every leaf of the Cheque book. Two officers initialize the account number and leaf numbers the issuing officer will also check the register book and initializes it also. Then the Cheque book is delivered to the party after taking the signature on the register book from the party. Duplicate Cheque Book issue: When a party looses his/her Cheque book, then he/she applies for duplicate Cheque book. Bank stop payment order for that lost Cheque book series in the respective ledger. Then client needs guarantor’s certificate and guarantor must be an account holder of that branch with sufficient balance. In this case, the party will apply to the branch manager for duplicate Cheque book. Return of the Cheque: A Cheque may be returned by the following reason: • Account Closed. • Insufficient funds. • Payment stopped. • Refer to drawer. • Drawn against uncollected funds. • Amount in words and figure differ. • Drawer’s signature differs. • Alternation requires draw’s full signature. • Cheque postdated. • Date incomplete/missing. • Clearing house stamp missing. Examined of the Cheque:
The Passing official must examine the followings: • Whether the instrument presented is related to the branch. • The instrument is not undated/anti-dated/post-dated. • The instrument is not crossed since crossed instruments are not payable over the counter. • The amounts is words and figures are written and do not differ. • There is no alternation anywhere on the instrument. • Incase of order Cheque the proper identification of the payee ensure to the satisfaction of the Bank. • The instrument bears the signature of the drawer. • The number of the instrument along with preceding series, if any, conform to the number/series issued and recorded in the relative account particulars. Local Remittance Local Remittance means sending money from one place to another for the customers and it is very important service system in our country. For this service, our country business sectors are get facility by transfer funds from one place to another. Some of the instrument that Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, Foreign Exchange Branch provides are immense beneficial to the clients. These are: 1. Demand Draft (DD) 2. Pay Order (PO) 3. Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Demand Draft (DD): Demand Draft is an order of issuing bank in another branch of the same bank to pay specified sum of money to the payee on demand. It is generally issued when customer wants to remit money in any place which is out of the clearinghouse area of issuing branch payee can be purchaser himself or another. Bearing money may be risky. It is a negotiable instrument and it can be crossed or not. For payment of DD, paying branch first has to be confirmed that the DD is not forged one. First bank Cheques the “Test Code” mentioned on the draft. If “Taste Code” agrees then believe that DD is not forged and makes payments. For further confirmation, the issuing bank sends an advice about the DD to the paying branch. For DD, Commission is taken in the following way: Particulars Issuance Telex Charge Issuance of Duplicate
Changes @ 0.15% Minimum Tk. 25.00 At actual/Minimum Tk. 50.00 Tk. 150.00
Pay Order (PO): This is very important instrument of the Bank. Pay Order gives the payee the right to claim payment from the issuing bank. It can be en-cashed from issuing bank only. Unlike Cheque, there is no possibility of dishonoring pay order because before issuing pay order banks takes out the money of the pay order in advance. Pay order cannot be endorsed or crossed and so it is not negotiable instrument. Pay order commission is like this:
Pay Order Amount (Taka) Up to 1.00 Lac Up to 5.00 Lac Above 5.00 Lac
Commission (Taka) 50 100 150
Telegraphic Transfer (TT): Telegraphic Transfer is the quick service system than others. By this method money is transfer to another place by telegraphic message. Generally for such kind of transaction payees should have account with the paying bank. Otherwise it is very difficult fot the paying bank to recognize the exact payee. Test code is also furnished on the TT message for the protection of it. When sending money is urgent then the bank use telephone for remittance. This service is only provided for valued customers. Who is very reliable and have longstanding relationship with bank, TT commissions are: Particulars Issuance Cancellation
Charges @ 0.15% or minimum Tk. 25.00 Tk. 100.00
Activities of Cleaning Department On behalf of the customer bank receives their proceeds of instruments such as Drafts, Cheques, Pay Order and sends for collection through these methods: Outward Bills for Collection (OBC) and Inward Bills for (IBC) within the cleaning houses area. Clearing Clearing Department works are classified in two ways: • Outward Clearing • Inward Clearing Outward Clearing: This instruments drawn on other banks, within the clearinghouse area, are deposited through our clients are sent for collection is called outward clearing. Procedure for Outward Clearing: • • • •
Instrument received Check these items in the instrument: a) date, b) branch, c) amount in words and figure d) signature special crossing seal, clearing seal, endorsement seal as “Payees A/C credited” Entry in the Outward Clearing Register
Inward Clearing:
When we receive cheque drawn on our branches within the clearinghouse area presented by other banks is known as inward clearing: Procedure for Inward Clearing: • Instrument (DD/Cheque/PO) comes from principal office • Entry in “Inward Register” • Cheque – in computer • DD – DD payable • Pay Order respective register • Sign in the register by authorized officer • Cancellation of instrument Transfer Delivery: Transfer delivery is of two types: • Outward • Inward Outward Transfer Delivery: Instrument send for collection to other branches is outward transfer delivery. Its procedure is like this: • Receive instrument • special crossing seal, transfer delivery seal, endorsement as “payees A/C will e credit” • Entry in “Outward transfer delivery” register • Schedule enclosed • Receive IBCA and credit the party A/C Inward Transfer Delivery: When instrument come to our branch for collection then it is called inward transfer delivery. Its procedure is as follows: • Receive instruments • Verification of following items are taken. • Branch • Date • Amount in words and figure • signature • Serial number • Entry in “Inward transfer delivery” register • Voucher • IBCA issue Activities of Cash Department Cash department is the most vital department of a bank and it is call blood of a bank. It is a platform to communicate with customers. Cash department receives & pays cash directly. In the cash department there are following register:
• • • • • • • •
Vault register Cash receive register Cash payment register Cash balance register Rough cash balance book cash remittance register Key register Cash position memo
Vault Opening: The vault opened with two different keys of two respective authorized officers. The officers are: • Manager of the Branch • Cash – in – charge Officer Strong room has two keyholes opened by two officers respectively by two keys of cash. Generally sub-manager of the Branch bears authority absence of manager. Grill door one keyhole opened by – two keys of two officers and bring out following thing: Cash, Vault register, Receive register, Payment register, Balance Book, security station. Enter the amount of cash withdrawal from the vault register. Cash Receive Procedure: Cash is the life of a bank. Different types of from are use for cash deposits for different types of accounts. Cash may be received by the following ways: • Current of Savings account pay-in-slip • Credit voucher • Different types of instrument remittance (TT,DO,PO etc.) are received by respective forms. • Bills like National Life Insurance Co. Ltd. • •
share collection Different types of scheme
Cash payment: Cash is paid in payment counter against the following instrument: • Cheques • Cash debit voucher • Pay-in-slip • Pay Order, DD etc. • Bank’s expense also paid to outsider through cash debit voucher. Procedure: Receive of the cheques with a signature behind it. 1. Scrutinize it by an authorized officer. 2. Submit to computer to computer section for checking the available balance. 3. Cancelled & seal up “Pay in Cash” and cancellation through sign up.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Again submitted to computer section for debiting the party A/C and seal up “Posted”. Send to cash counter – payment officer. Cash officer checks the cancellation, seal and seal up “Cash Payment” Entry the payments register. Take another signature of payee behind the cheque and pay cash.
Cash Remittance: Requisition letter, which must be authorized by the Manger, is sent to Principal Officer for Cash Remittance. Inward Cash: • • • •
Counting the cash. Prepare simple credit voucher Prepare IBCA Entry in the cash receipt register
Outward Cash: • •
Car requisition (Call through phone) Taking counter part of forwarding (Including name & specimen) signature of authorized Officer and Guard. At the end of the transaction: • • • • • • •
sum of total received Sum up total payment Total receiving + Opening balance – Total payment = Closing balance for that day & opening balance for the next day. Check it with computer sheet. Counting cash. Entry the cash balance register. Write cash position memo with denomination.
Position of the Cash Department: The position of the cash department is very important. The cash department should be at a safe place. It should be at the middle position of the branch. The cash position of the Foreign Exchange Branch is in the front side of the branch and its safe and vault is at the behind. Counter Limit: Everything has its limitation. Cash counter of a branch also has limitation. The casher should take cash within the limit of his counter. If the cash exceeds its counter limit, the cashier should take the excess cash to safe. Counter limit of the Foreign Exchange branch is Tk. 50 (fifty) lac.
Vault limit: Vault is the very secret place to keep money in the bank. Usually vault is made of very hard material like iron or steel, generally it is fire-proof, damp-proof. The vault has a fixed limit too. The limitation depends on the regular transaction of the branch. If the amount exceeds its limit, the extra money should be sent to the Bangladesh Bank. The vault limit of the Foreign Exchange Branch is Tk.1.5 (one and half) crore. If the amount exceeds its limitation and accident occur, then the branch will be liable and the insurance company will not compensate for that. Sorting and Stitching: Sorting: At the end of the day, the amount of cash has to be sorted out in order to identify the different types of notes, say-500,100,50,20,10,5 and so on. Hundred pieces of any type note create a packet and ten packets make a bundle. In this way, the cash is actually sorted out. Stitching: After sorting out the cash, packets are stitched along with a slip bearing the name of the bank, total number of notes and the signature of the cash-in-charge. Two round seals are given at both sides of the packet. Vault Closing: Before vault closing concern officer will – • Cheque receive, Payment, Cash balance, Vault register signature. • Signature of the computer sheet. SWIFT Service: The SWIFT services helped the bank in sending and receiving the messages and instructions related to our NOSTRO account operations and L/C related matters. We have brought 6 of our Branches under SWIFT network. Other Branches will come under the network hopefully by the year 2004. Besides we have BKE arrangements with 430 Bank Branches in 100 countries. 3.7 Efficiency of Customer Services of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. The most important asset of any organization is its customers. An organization’s success depends on how many customers it has, how much they buy, and how often they buy. Customers that are satisfied will increase in number, buy more, and buy more frequently. Satisfied customers also pay their bills promptly, which greatly improves cash flow-the lifeblood of any organization. The organizational diagram in Figure-1 best exemplifies just how important the customer is to any organization.
Front-line representatives Functional operational areas
Senior Managers CEO
Figure-1 Customer Satisfaction Organizational Diagram A company is a device for transforming inputs into outputs. The simplest measure of efficiency is the quantity of inputs that it takes to produce a given output; that is, Efficiency = outputs/inputs. A company can increase efficiency through the number of steps. Findings and Recommendation Findings & Recommendation 4.1 In case of Customers : 1. How do you know about this bank ? Answer : 80 % says By Media. The publicity of this bank is very good. 2. What’s you occupation? Answer : 92 % says Business. So, the target customers are the business people. 3. Do you have any introducer? Answer : 95% says No The introducer system must be rejected. 4. Which category of scheme do you want to buy? Answer : 60% says Monthly saving deposit & 55% says Fixed deposit So the first category of deposit must be focused more & second category of deposit must be developed. 5. Are you satisfied for our service charge ? Answer : 95% says No. So ,the Bank should minimize the service charge. 6. Are you satisfied with our employee’s service delivery? Answer : 95% says Yes. The employees should be motivated for their performance.
7. Have you watched our company Ad? Answer : 65 % says Yes. The Ad must be developed. 8. Have you told any body about our Bank? Answer : 70 % says Yes. The Bank has to create more publicity. 9. Do You like the decoration of the Bank ? Answer : 95% says Yes. It will create a good shine for the company ? 10. Do You like the ATM service of the Bank ? Answer : 75% says No. This problem should be handled sincerely. 4.2 In case of Employees : 11. How many schemes are purchased in a month? Answer : More than 300 Its well but selling will be more 12. What category of schemes are purchased more? Fixed deposit / Monthly deposit scheme/ Double benefit scheme/ 60% Monthly saving deposit & 55% Fixed deposit The employees should take the responsibilities to sell other schemes. 13. Do you agree the concession system for the valued clients? Answer : 95% says Yes. The Employee’s opinion must not be neglected. 14. Do you request the bank for promotional activities? Answer : 95% says No. The employees are not interested. It should carefully tackled. 15. Do you request the bank to deliver the servicing plan? Answer : 95% says No The employees are not interested. It should carefully tackled. 16. Do you request the bank to sale the schemes without introducer? Answer : 98% says Yes . The introducer system must be rejected. 17. Are you satisfied with your salary? Answer : 80% says No. So ,the salary structure must be changed. 18. Are you satisfied with the promotion system. Answer : 90% says No. So the promotion system must be changed. 19. Do you think the bank is fully shariah -based. Answer : 95% says No. The authority should take necessary actions. 20. Will you continue your career in this Bank ? Answer : 55% says Yes . So the authority will take actions to motivate the emplees. Conclusion and Referencing
5.1 Conclusion It is quite evident that to build up an effective and efficient considered as soon as possible. Besides, every bank has to survive amidst of a large number of banks including local and foreign. That’s why to keep with expected profit margin of the time being and for the future every bank should try heart and soul to please the customers in a smart and trusty way. But quit regretful to mention that most of our bank face decreasing profit trend due to switch over of their present customers to those foreign with higher customer service facilities. So, timely decision for introducing sophisticated banking instruments should be taken as early as possible. After taking effective and time defeating measures regarding efficient employees and instruments will help the local office of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited to reach the pinnacle of success with high profit and productivity. A new bank they should be stronger in financial side because there are too much competition and new banks are growing up. If Shahjalal Bank adopts professionalism within the framework of Shariah, they will be able to earn handsome “Halal” profit and pay higher return to the depositors and share holders. Ultimately, public will get more confidence on this type of banking. 5.2 Referencing 1. “Brochure”, Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited. 2. Md. Abul Bashar, “Documet” Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. 3. A.A.M. Habibur Rahman K “Islami Banking”. 4. Md. Haider Ali Miah, “Hand Book” Islami banking & Foreign Exchange Operation. 5. Website: 6. Training sheet, Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. Appendix 4.1 In case of Customers: 1. How do you know about this bank? By Media/By Other people/No Comments 2. What’s your occupation? Business/Service/others 3. Do you have any introducer? Yes/No 4. Which category of scheme do you want to buy? Fixed deposit / Monthly saving scheme / Double benefit scheme/others 5. Are you satisfied for our service charge ? Yes/No 6. Are you satisfied with our employee’s service delivery? Yes/No 7. Have you watched our company Ad?
Yes/No 8. Have you told any body about our Bank? Yes/No 9. Do You like the decoration of the Bank? Yes/No 10. Do You like the ATM service of the Bank ? Yes/No 4.2 In case of Employees : 11. How many schemes are purchased in a month? More than 300 12. What category of schemes are purchased more? Fixed deposit / Monthly deposit scheme/ Double benefit scheme/ 13. Do you agree the concession system for the valued clients? Yes/No 14. Do you request the bank for promotional activities? Yes/No 15. Do you request the bank to deliver the servicing plan? Yes/No 16.
Do you request the bank to sale the schemes without introducer? Yes/No
Are you satisfied with your salary? Yes/No
Are you satisfied with the promotion system? Yes/No 19. Do you think the bank is fully shariah –based? Yes/No 20. Will you continue your career in this Bank? Yes/No
300/Below 300/