Hytera Introduction

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Hytera DMR product in the 34th America’s Cup

Corporate Introduction

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About us Leading designer and manufacturer of professional mobile radio communications equipments. Dedicated D di d to bringing b i i most valuable l bl and d customized i d solutions l i to clients li across the h world. ld



Headquarters :

Shenzhen, China

Stock code:




Customers in 80+ countries and regions

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Customers Public utility

Government & public security Armed forces, Police, Homeland defense, Law-enforcement, Law enforcement, Firefighting 公安 武警 司法 消防 边防 军队

Railway, Urban transit, Port & airport, Oil & gas, Forestry

Enterprise & business Hospitality, Construction, Security guard, Taxi, Logistics Supermarket, Logistics, Supermarket Exhibition, Exhibition Events

Government & public security

Focus on:

Focus on:

Focus on:

Effective dispatching & deployment

Hi h operational High ti l efficiency ffi i

Prompt response

Daily operation & critical mission

Streamlined management

Excellent services

Emergency response

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Reduced costs

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Global Presence A global sales network with: 5 subsidiaries (Harbin, Hong Kong, USA, UK and Germany) 20+ offices 95 after-sale service stations 600+ partners

London, UK

Miami, USA

Shenzhen, China

Hanover, Germany

Harbin, China

Russia UK

Germany Harbin Turkeyy


Dubai India Mexico


Shenzhen Hong Kong





Sales representative offices Offices to be established

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S h Africa South Af i

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Market Status Hytera 12.6%

Motorola 51.6%

Kenwood 8.4% Icom 6.8%


Others 4.5%

Harris 1.8%

Vertex Sepura 2.5% 2.5%

Segmentation facts z

2nd in Analog g Terminal category g y with a market share of 16.3%.


7th in Digital Terminal category with a market share of 1.3%.


2nd in LMR (Land Mobile Radio) TRX (Transceiver) category with a market share of 11%.

Kirisun 5.7% EADS 3.6%

Market share in Licensed terminal category of Professional Wireless Communications industry, industry 2010

Source: IMS Research


Motorola M t l 33.3%

Hytera 10.8% Cassidian 8.3%

China Others 33.2%

Kenwood K d 7.3% Neolink 2.7% Icom Krisun 2.3% 2 1% 2.1%

Facts in vertical markets z

Commercial market: No. 1 market share for over a decade.


Railway: market share 20%+, serving 15 provincial railway bureaus.


Police analog trunking: market share 35%+ in infrastructure and 30%+ in terminals.


Metro: serving 12 metro lines in 7 cities

Market share in Professional Wireless Communications industry, 2009 |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

Source: H&Q Consulting

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Hytera in Overseas Markets Serves customers in over 80 countries and regions. Ranks 2nd in Licensed Terminal category globally, 12.6% market share.




Alexandria County Police/Fire, USA Macy’s Department Store, USA M di Madison Square S Garden, G d USA Bank Atlantic Center, USA University of Illinois, USA Argentine Presidential Guard Argentine Federal Prison Police Forces of Buenos Aires, Argentina Emergency of Mendoza, Mendoza Argentina Control, Command, Communication & Computer Center of Mexican Police Special Police Operations Battalion (BOPE) of Rio, Brazil State Court of Brasilia Department of Correction of Sao Paulo, Brazil Guatemala trunking operator project(PDT) Costanera Center, Chile

University of Leeds, UK River Island supermarket, UK T Tour Montparnasse M AUCHAN, France Palais des congrès Customs Police of Frankfurt Airport World Cup Germany Municipality of Eleftheriou-Kordeliou, Greek ILPAP Electronic Bus Bus, Greek Anterwep Diamond Museum, Belgium E.ON Energy, Czech Czech Railways Romanian Railway Company Romanian Gendarmerie PRONTO TAXI ROME, Italy

Russian Ministry of Internal Affair Russian Police Forces Kazakhstan Armed Forces Kazakhstan Ministry of Railways ASIA GAS Pipeline (AGP) Kazakh Winter Olympic Games Kazakhstan Emergency Ministry

Middle East Egyptian Police, Egypt Ministry of Health, Bahrain Public Electricity Corporation, Yemen Dubai Festival City Bahrain City Center The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) Turkey National Police Arabian Construction Co. |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

Africa InterContinental Hotels Johannesburg, South Africa Police Forces of Cape Town, South Africa O.R. Tambo Airport, South Africa Zimbabwean Central Intelligence Agency

South Asia Indian Railways Indian National Police a g ades Police o ce Bangladesh Bangladesh Rapid Action Battalion Sri Lanka Special Task Force Sri Lanka Police Sri Lanka Port Authority Pakistan International Airlines Pakistan Police Forces ( of Sindh, Punjab, Islamabad, etc.) National Highways & Motorway Police Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd (SNGPL)

Pacific America's Cup MSS Security, Australia LG South Korea Electric Power

ASEAN Myanmar Police Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security Parliament of the Philippines Tan Son Nhat a Arport of Vietnam

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Corporate Performance

12.43 9 94 9.94 7.18 5.1


3.14 Sales revenue increased by31.58% (CAGR) over the last three years.




In 2011: 45.5% of global revenue came from overseas sales increased by 10% over 2010. 31.5% of revenue came from digital product sales.

Overall sales revenue Overseas sales revenue Unit: 100 million(RMB)

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Research & Development Heavily investment in technology and products innovation. Active member of ETSI, DMR Association and TETRA MoU. Core initiator of the Police Digital Trunking (PDT) Standard of China.





10%+ of annually revenue for R&D


Technology leader

Secretary general

R&D engineers Membership


Patents filed

119 Patents of invention

120 R&D centers in Shenzhen, Harbin and Hanover |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only



Patents of core technologies related to IP57, IP67, IIC ATEX, digital communications, etc. www.hytera.com www.hytera.com

Product Portfolio Full range



Product Portfolio

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Highlights in TETRA System supplier for Terrestrial Trunked

Radio R di (TETRA) more than h 15 years. Deeply D l research on trunk more than 30 years. Advanced technology, whole range/all

series i off TETRA products, d end-to-end d d solution provider with tailor-made capability. Comprehensive reference worldwide, more

th 100+ than 100 projects/1300+ j t /1300 base b stations. t ti

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Highlights in DMR The world’s first supplier to have DMR Tier2

& Tier3 Ti 3 equipments i simultaneously, i l l ensure the system interoperability with products of different vendors. First Fi to launch l h the h DMR Tier Ti 3 trunking ki

system in the industry. All series of products including portable

radio/ di / convertt radio/ di / repeater/ t / portable t bl repeater/ mobile radio/ base station.

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Innovative Products TC-890GM


World’s first dual mode portable radio

Award-winning, world’s thinnest and lightest fullpower DMR radio

TS-6800 Integrated design, tailored for emergency g y communication system

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PD79X Ex Digital radio subject to world’s strictest safety standard (IIC ATEX)

RD96X World’s first portable repeater, suitable for various scenarios.

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Manufacturing A new manufacturing center has been established in Shenzhen to satisfy fast growing demand. z 33,574 square meters floor space


12 assembly lines



5 packaging lines

64 lines, 11 SMT

SMT lines

New manufacturing center in Longgang, Shenzhen, China

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Assembly lines

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Quality Control Improved Quality Assurance, penetrates all the processes of R&D and manufacturing. 6 6-Sigma Sigma, QCC and various quality improvement tools, tools ensure the highest product quality. quality Strictly subject to national/ industry/American Military standards. Compliant to ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001, and EN13980(ATEX/FM/CQST/CSST).

Frozen-proof test

Dust-proof test

International Certification

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Vibration-proof test

Water-proof test Scenes of product tests

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After-sale Service 100+ certified service stations across the world to offer prompt and professional service.

• 28 overseas service stations and 100+ distributors are certified for after-sale service.

• Maintenance engineers in 25

Fi l d Finland

provinces, 70+ service stations in China, covering the whole nation.

Russia UK US UAE Mexico

Pakistan Indian Sri Lanka

H Hong Kong K


Taiwan Vietnam Malaysia


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• 656 certified maintenance engineers (207 in China, 449 overseas); 1000+ engineers of dealers trained by Hytera.

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Corporate Management A comprehensive Performance Excellence Management System* implemented. Integrate key factors of corporate management, such as leadership, strategic planning, customer

orientation, HR management, process management, performance and knowledge management.

Environment, Relationship, Challenge






Result Customer




Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge Management Hytera Performance Excellence Management System

Shenzhen Mayor Quality Award 2010

* Benchmarking Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the USA |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

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Operational systems Strategic Planning


R Research h

Pl Plan

E Execute t

I t Integrate t

Order Deliveryy

R i Review

Customer Satisfaction

2 Research & Development Concept






Life cycle

Demand management NPI

客 Customer 户

Sales & Marketing

CRM Customer data Contact points C t Customer care

Marketing Branding Product planning Demands analysis


Sales Sales management Business Distribution management management 机会点管理 Project management Contract Marketing signment


Supply Chain

Customer Support

Pl Planning i Procurement Manufacture



Customer Technology


Spare parts Training

Partner and Provider Management HR, Finance, IT, QA, Technology, Standard, Patent End-to-end performance measurement and management |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用

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Awards & Recognitions Key National Provider of Software (out of 240 enterprises in China) Famous Brand of China


Top 100 Innovative Enterprises of Guangdong Province


Hi-tech Enterprise of China

Shenzhen Mayor Quality Award (14 awardees to date)

Innovative Enterprises of Guangdong Province Pilot Research Center of Guangdong Province Premier Wen Jiabao visited Hytera in July 2008

Technology Lab of Shenzhen Leading Enterprise of Intellectual Property of Shenzhen

Hytera’s IPO in May 2011 at Shenzhen Stock Exchange Awards |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

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End-to-End Solutions 7 end-to-end solutions , meet different customer requirements.

Hytera End-to-End Solution Matrix

Demands High traffic System y integration g Complex multi-level dispatching Advanced encryption High reliability

⑦Wide-area Commanding Network

⑤Emergency Dispatching network ⑥

Basic dispatching Low traffic Basic data application Voice call

③Local-area Dispatching Network

①Local-area Communication Network

④Remote Dispatching Network

②Remote Communication Network

LinKed Disp patching Netw work

Medium traffic Multi-level dispatching Comprehensive application

Geographic g Coverage Small area, one district

Medium area, multiple districts


Multiple cities, provincial level, national level

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1. Local-area Communications Network (LCN)

Primarily for commercial users of retail, property management, hospitality, etc. Meets demands for voice call, basic data application and dispatching management, improving work efficiency.

LAN Repeater

Repeater WLAN

Flexible networking High spectrum efficiency Versatile voice calls

Dispatching center

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Affordable infrastructure costs

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Case: Local-area Communications Network(LCN) for Fairmount Peace Hotel Hotel, Shanghai Shanghai, China l

The Shanghai Th Sh h i Peace P h l is hotel i a member b off the h Fairmont, F i a renowned luxury hotel group.


Hytera set up a conventional digital 2-carrier & 4-channel DMR Network for the hotel with a SmartDispatch system and 200+ Hytera PD78X DMR portable radios.


Employees at the hotel are able to initiate versatile selective calls according g to their needs. The tailored SMS g gatewayy integrates with the email system, enabling system dispatcher to send & receive short messages to/from terminals.


Hytera system greatly improves management efficiency on room services and customer satisfaction.

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2. Remote Communications N t Network k (RCN)

Primarily for geographically scattered users with medium traffic like factories, hotels, logistics, etc . Connects geographically separated local-area networks via conventional multi-frequency networking and IP connection. connection Voice communication, basic data application and dispatching management.

All IP networking Versatile e sat e voice o ce calls ca s Automatic roaming Analog-digital interoperability

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Case: Remote Communications Network (RCN) for Leeds Metropolitan University, University UK


Hytera designed a remote communications network for Leeds Metropolitan University ‘s several separate campuses.


Serving the whole range of Leeds University premises and routes in between, including skyhigh buildings and down below underground car parks.


RD98X digital repeater, PD78X portable two-way radio, network of IP-linked.


Flexible functions like pseudo-trunking; easy IP connectivity assures customer’s convenience and future expansion possibility.

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3. Local-area Dispatching N t Network k (LDN)

Primarily for industry users of Ports & airports, Oil & gas, etc. Regional communications and dispatching with singe site trunking. Higher system capacity, multi-level dispatching and various data applications.

Base station


Comprehensive dispatching Strong scalability Dispatching

Data applications

Switch center Network management

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Case: Local-area Dispatching Network (LDN) for Telecom Operator, Operator Russia


Adopted PD78XG & DMR trunking base station. The first DMR Tier III trunking network to operate in Russia.


The single-site network designed in the first phase , used to cover the city Ruza.


Excellent performance even under extremely harsh environment, cover a communication distance of above 20 km in trunking mode, and still has the superb audio quality.


Network design is based on IP Technology, which connects the base station and MSO via IP, facilitating further expansion and upgrade. upgrade

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4. Remote 4 Dispatching Network (RDN)

Primarily for geographically scattered users with multi-level dispatching demands of Public security, Homeland defense, Oil & gas, etc. Connects geographically separated local-area networks via trunking network and IP connection for regional voice communication of high traffic and cross-area communication.

All IP networking Automatic roaming Strong scalability Comprehensive dispatching

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Case: Remote Dispatching Network (RDN) for Marcus Communication, Communication USA l

Marcus Communication, the biggest trunking network operator in Connecticut Connecticut, USA USA.


Hytera provides DMR Tier3 Trunking System for Marcus, covering Manchester, Hartford, Avon and Haddam.


3 DMR base stations double the capacity compare to original LTR network.


Power saving due to TDMA two slot switch mechanism.


Better coverage and voice quality, highly appreciated by customers--“Our employees on

his way home on a hand held 35 miles from us in his house as well. We are in a large indoor mall in West Hartford with excellent results! Can'tt wait for the unit with the phone we have Can named the Hyphone!”

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5. Emergency Dispatching Network (EDN)

Primarily for public security users and government organizations. Quick networking and on-site dispatching with mobile base stations in emergencies like terrorist attacks & natural disasters, or public events.

Compact design High mobility System redundancy High battery capacity Quick networking

EDN Mobile base station

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Case: Emergency Dispatching Network (EDN) for China-Asia China Asia Gas Pipeline, Pipeline Kazakhstan l

The longest natural gas pipeline all over the world with a total length of more than 10000 kilometers.


1C Controll Center/ C / 7 Base B Stations/ S i / 3 vehicle mini trunk system TS8600/ 40 RD98XM/ System management terminal and dispatcher.


IP over satellite, realize communication between mini trunk vehicle & fix trunk system.


Excellent site planning and product performance helps to achieve 1 time call access. Powerful real coverage (12km) each site.


Easy transfer from analogue to digital systems.

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6. LinKed Dispatching Network (LKDN)

Primarily for transportation users of express way, railway, metro, etc. Higher spectrum efficiency and multi-level dispatching with simulcast and trunking technologies.

Simulcast link center

Higher spectrum efficiency Disturbance–free coverage

Simulcast base station

Strong scalability Rich dispatching functionalities

Simulcast base station 2 |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only | 海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 9

Simulcast base station

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Case: LinKed Dispatching Network ( (LKDN) ) for f Hong Kong Metro, China hi l

Mass Transit Railway (MTR) operates Hong Kong Metro one of the busiest metros in the world with 2 Metro, 2.45 45 million daily passengers.


168.1km, 9 lines and 80 stations. Hytera built a TETRA p g network that covers all the metro wireless dispatching lines in Hong Kong.


2 switch & control centers/ 60 TETRA base stations / 250+ carriers.


5 parts: Central Switch System, Network Management System, Dispatching System, Network Recording System and Networking Monitoring System.


Full system redundancy protection, ensuring that the system can recover to work in a very short time even if the control center is destroyed.

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7. Wide-area Commanding Network (WCN)

Primarily for public security, homeland defense users. Multi-site networking infrastructure, wide area coverage of municipal, provincial and national levels. High traffic voice communication, advanced encryption, y multi-level dispatching, cross-area coordination and automatic roaming within the whole network.

IP private network PSTN

Shaped network

Comprehensive dispatching & network management Multi-structure network connection All IP infrastructure

Trunking base station Switch center

Switch center


High communications security Automatic roaming Rich data applications

Network management

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Case: Wide-area Commanding Network (WDN) for Malaysia Project l

Multi-Agency TETRA network for Malaysian Public Safety / Homeland S Security, i used d by b Police, P li Rescue, R Customs C etc, providing idi voice i and dd data communications for more than 70,000 users.


The system consists of 500+ TETRA base stations, 10,000 carriers, 50 switching units at 12 locations, locations 100 dispatcher consoles consoles, 6 decentralized management centers and 1 centralized management center.

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Vision: To be the most valuable provider of professional communications equipment and services worldwide

Mission: Bringing our customers unlimited experience of communication

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Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Hytera in China Widely applied in in government & public security, public utilities and enterprises & businesses in China. Ranks 2nd with a market share of 10.8%, holding a leading position among Chinese manufacturers for over a decade.

Public Security Ministry of Public Security P bli SSecurity Public i B Bureau off Xi Xinjiang ji U Uygur A Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Heilongjiang Province P bli SSecurity Public i B Bureau off Sh Shandong d P Province i Public Security Bureau of Gansu Province Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province Public Security Bureau of Jilin Province Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province Traffic Administration of Public Security Bureau of Hebei Province T ffi Ad Traffic Administration i i t ti off P Public bli SSecurity it B Bureau off Hunan Province Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province Armed Forces of Guangdong Province Traffic Administration of Shenzhen, Guangdong P i Province Prison Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Prison Administration of Fujian Province Prison Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Work Safety Supervision Bureau of Yunnan Province Fire Department of Dunhuang, D nh ang Gans Gansu Province Pro ince Fire Department of Hunan Province Fire Department of Shanxi Province ……

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Enterprises & Businesses Sun Hung Kai Properties Vanke China overseas Property China Merchants Property Sunning Chain Store Gome Chain Store Jinjiang Inn Carrefour Metro Chain Store Hone Inns 7 Days Inn Fairmount Peace Hotel Kempinski p Hotel Chongqing gq g Qingdao Wanda Plaza

Transport Tianjin Airport Dalian Airport Huai’an Airport Zhuhai Customs Exit & Entry Administration of Shenzhen Dalian Port Shekou Port Taipei Port Shenzhen Railway North Station


Petroleum & Petrochemical Yanchang Petrolum PetroChina Inner Mongolia Company Zhanjiang Dongxing Refinery Design Institute of Luoyang Petrochemical Complex Jinan Changcheng Refinery of Bluestar Petrochemical Tahe Petrochemical Jingxi Petrochemical PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company PetroChina Headquarters Changling Refinery Qingyang Refinery



Forestry Forestry Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Forestry Administration of Sichuan Province Forestry Administration of Hebei Province Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province Forestry Administration of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

S t EEvents Sports t Beijing Olympic Games Guangzhou Asian Games China Open Shenzhen Universiade Mission Hills Golf Resort 21st Deaflympic Taipei ……

Public Utilities Urban Administration Bureau of Hefei Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Yanzhou Coal Mining Shenzhen Nanshan Power China Southern Power Grid China Mobil Emergency Command and Control Northwestern Polytechnical University ……

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Hytera in Public Security Market of China Chi Obtain a leading position in Chinese public security market . Serve the public security networks of 20+ provinces in China, including Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia Guangxi Mongolia, Guangxi, Yunnan Yunnan, Hunan, Hunan Gansu, Gansu etc., etc accounting for 35%+ market share Play a key role in major national events such as the Olympic Games, the Asian Games, the Universiade, etc.

Market Share > 90% > 50% >20%

Ministry of Public Security Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Bureau of Heilongjiang Province P bli SSecurity Public i B Bureau off Shandong Sh d Province P i Public Security Bureau of Gansu Province Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province Public Security Bureau of Jilin Province Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province Traffic Administration of Public Securityy Bureau of Hebei Province Traffic Administration of Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province Armed Forces of Guangdong Province Traffic Administration of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Prison Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Prison Administration of Fujian Province Prison Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Work Safety Supervision Bureau of Yunnan Province Fire Department of Dunhuang, Gansu Province Fire Department of Hunan Province Fire Department of Shanxi Province

< 20% |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

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Hytera in Public Security Market of China Cases


Shenzhen Public Security y Bureau

Fire Department p of Hunan Province

Public Security Department of Heilongjiang Province

The Olympic Torch Relay in Hunan Province

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Hytera in Public Security Market of China Cases

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Fujian Province

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Shenzhen Exit & Entry Administration

National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities Guiyang, Guiyang Guizhou Province

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Hytera in Metro Market of China Widely adopted in China’s metro systems, covering 7 cities, 12 lines and 238 stations with a total length of over 550km. Account for nearlyy 1/3 of the national market.

• ShenzhenMetroLines1,2,3,4,5

• Guangzhou Metro Lines 2,8

• Hong Kong Metro

• Wuhan Metro Line 1

• Shenyang Metro

• Ningbo Metro Line 1

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Hytera in Overseas Markets Serves customers in over 80 countries and regions. Ranks 2nd in Licensed Terminal category globally, 12.6% market share.




Alexandria County Police/Fire, USA Macy’s Department Store, USA M di Madison Square S Garden, G d USA Bank Atlantic Center, USA University of Illinois, USA Argentine Presidential Guard Argentine Federal Prison Police Forces of Buenos Aires, Argentina Emergency of Mendoza, Mendoza Argentina Control, Command, Communication & Computer Center of Mexican Police Special Police Operations Battalion (BOPE) of Rio, Brazil State Court of Brasilia Department of Correction of Sao Paulo, Brazil Guatemala trunking operator project(PDT) Costanera Center, Chile

University of Leeds, UK River Island supermarket, UK T Tour Montparnasse M AUCHAN, France Palais des congrès Customs Police of Frankfurt Airport World Cup Germany Municipality of Eleftheriou-Kordeliou, Greek ILPAP Electronic Bus Bus, Greek Anterwep Diamond Museum, Belgium E.ON Energy, Czech Czech Railways Romanian Railway Company Romanian Gendarmerie PRONTO TAXI ROME, Italy

Russian Ministry of Internal Affair Russian Police Forces Kazakhstan Armed Forces Kazakhstan Ministry of Railways ASIA GAS Pipeline (AGP) Kazakh Winter Olympic Games Kazakhstan Emergency Ministry

Middle East Egyptian Police, Egypt Ministry of Health, Bahrain Public Electricity Corporation, Yemen Dubai Festival City Bahrain City Center The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) Turkey National Police Arabian Construction Co. |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

Africa InterContinental Hotels Johannesburg, South Africa Police Forces of Cape Town, South Africa O.R. Tambo Airport, South Africa Zimbabwean Central Intelligence Agency

South Asia Indian Railways Indian National Police a g ades Police o ce Bangladesh Bangladesh Rapid Action Battalion Sri Lanka Special Task Force Sri Lanka Police Sri Lanka Port Authority Pakistan International Airlines Pakistan Police Forces ( of Sindh, Punjab, Islamabad, etc.) National Highways & Motorway Police Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd (SNGPL)

Pacific America's Cup MSS Security, Australia LG South Korea Electric Power

ASEAN Myanmar Police Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security Parliament of the Philippines Tan Son Nhat a Arport of Vietnam

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Hytera in TETRA Market Gl b l Cases Global C O Overview i Latvia Norway Sweden Poland Germany


Panama Columbia French Guiana Brazil Argentina

Ireland Belgium Switzerland France Portugal Spain Italy Morocco Algeria Libya Kuwait Sudan

100+ projects worldwide 1300+ base stations 3000+ TETRA carrier 200+ switching units

Russia Belarus

Czech Republic Ukraine Austria

Kazakhstan China Korea


Taiwan Thailand The Philippines Indonesia India Malaysia Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia South Africa

* As per 2010 |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

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Hytera in TETRA Market Industry Cases Public Safety Area of Business

No. of Projects

No. of Base Stations

No. of SCN

Public Safety




Industry andPAMR




Public Transport




Public Transport Metro Bangkok THAILAND

Petroleum & Natural Gas








Ai Airport








Governmental Integrated Radio Network (GIRN) Nationwide Multi Agency network Multi-Agency MALAYSIA

* As per 2010 |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

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Hytera in the Global TETRA System Market Industry Cases Area of Business

Petroleum & Natural Gas

No. of Projects

No. of Base Stations

No. of SCN

Public Safety y




Industry & PAMR




Public Transport




Petroleum & Natural Gas
















South African S h i Oil Ltd. Synthetic Ld (REP. OF SOUTH AFRICA)

Utilities Electricity Supply Madeira PORTUGAL

Airports International Airport Hanover GERMANY

* As per 2010 |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

www.hytera.com www.hytera.com

Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Case: America’s Cup, New Zealand l

Most famous and prestigious event in sailing races, one of the world’s prominent sports events (the Olympic Games, World Cup and Formula1).


Hytera DMR digital system ensures smooth operation of the 34th America‘s Cup of Sailing Race.

Technical scope: 20+ repeater 30+ base station 400+ portable

England Portugal g


New Zealand

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Case: Shenzhen Universiade, China l

The Universiade is an international sport event organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation. The 26th Universiade held in Shenzhen was a priority event for the city in 2011.


To better utilize resources and reduce costs, Hytera offered a Con entional Radio System Conventional S stem for the Universiade Uni ersiade to achieve a hie e efficient communications and dispatching among the event control center, venue directors and venue team managers.

Technical scope: 43 venues 30 training g venues 13 operational departments 40 coordinative departments

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Other Cases

Chile Costarena Center

ILPAP Electronic El t i Bus, B Greek G k

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Jinmen Tourism Tunnel Tunnel, Taiwan

MSS Security, Australia

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Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Case: Forestry Administration of Guangdong Province China Province, l

G angdong pro Guangdong province ince is one of the pro provinces inces of largest forestry area in China(11,000 million hectares).


Hytera designed a remote communications network for Guangdong Forestry Administration to connect 7 municipal bureaus with: 7 visualized SmartDisptch systems 90 1-carrier 2-channel RD98X digital repeaters 90 fixed dispatchers 150 MD78X digital mobile radios 400 PD78X digital portable radios.


Moreover, Municipal Forestry Bureaus use SmartDispatch Moreover systems to support voice communication and dispatching among counties and towns.

Shaoguan Private IP network Meizhou Heyuan Huizhou Zhaoqing Yunfu

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Case: Hefei Urban Administration Bureau China Bureau, What they needed: l l l

Rapid, efficient communications commanding system. Full coverage of the whole city. Coordinated administration and quicker emergency response in urban management. management

What we did: l l l

Separate dispatching for different teams. Unified dispatching in the municipal and district levels. Quick access to the district dispatching network automatically for on-site management, auto-roaming, remote control within the network. t k

Wireless communications system for Hefei Urban Administration Bureau

Technical scope: Cover 95%+ of the whole region TDMA digital technology to support two12.5 two12 5 kHz channels Real-time upload of the GPS data for 50+ terminals

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Case: University in Xi’An, China l

The wireless IP connection communications solution provided by Hytera allows independent communications in each campus of the university without interference to each other.


A security manager can call security managers or security staff in other campuses. In the event of big events or emergencies, security managers of different campuses can be connected in the same communications network where one can call all or a calling group to ensure smooth communications for security as well as events.

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Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Case: Changling Refinery of Sinopec, China


Changling Refinery is one of the largest refining and petrochemical plants of Sinopec in China.


Hytera built a wireless trunking communications network that co ered the whole covered hole plant plant. The network net ork incl includes des a single site of 6-channel QH-1327 trunking system and 200+ trunking terminals.


The solution satisfies the demands for real-time real time communication between the control center and the workshops.


The solution utilizes the existing g frequencyy resources and shares them to multiple departments (administration, firefighting and emergency response, etc.), greatly enhancing the frequency efficiency and dispatching capability.

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Case: Dongxing Refinery, Zhanjiang, China l

Dongxing Refinery is one of the most important petrochemical corporations in South China with an annual oil output of 5 million tons.


Hytera supplied a LDN with various calling groups and versatile voice calls, including individual call, group call and allll call. ll


The BDA (Bi-directional Amplifier) in this network provides effective signal coverage for the control center despite daunting barriers. barriers

Technical scope: 16-channel h l QH-1327 MPT trunking k system 160 IIB intrinsically-safe radios, 55 IIC ATEX radios TS-9200 Bi-Directional Amplifier

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Case: Ports (Shekou, etc.) in China Hytera Solutions, highly effective and reliable wireless dispatching communication network for ports are widely used in China.

Technical scope:

Lianyungang Port: 16 channels, 800 terminals Shekou Port: 12 channels, 500 terminals Huanghua Port: 16 channels, 400 terminals Caofeidian Port: 200 terminals

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Case: Guizhou Provincial Prison, China l

Frequency resource shortage had been a serious problem for Guizhou’s judicial system, causing wireless signal interferences in several prisons. What’s worse, many blind zones in i Guiyang’s G i ’ prisons i h d severe impact had i on the h prison i management and control.


Hytera set up a DMR single-site digital trunking system for Guiyang Prison and equipped the prison officers with DMR digital trunking, achieving wireless signal coverage in the whole prison and accomplishing a communications network that satisfies both daily communication and emergency response with unified actions.

Technical scope: 100+ digital trunking terminals Terminal battery efficiency increased by 40%

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Other Cases

Res Land Mall, China

Guangzhou Asian Games, China |海能达公司介绍|仅供内部使用 Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

Changling Refinery of Sinopec, China

Guatemala Trunking Communications Network www.hytera.com www.hytera.com

Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Case: Exit & Entry Administration of Shenzhen China Shenzhen, l

Shenzhen Exit & Entry Administration, the busiest border control checkpoint with an annual traffic of 150 million people.


Hytera set up a RDN which connects Exit & Entry Administrations in 6 districts.


6 DMR digital trunking base stations , 2 Bi-directional Amplifiers, 1 switch center, and 400+ PD78X digital portable radios.


Supports unified dispatching for these checkpoints.


Supports SMS communication between DMR terminals and the existing vehicle tracking platform of the Administration.


Solve problems of poor signal coverage, communications lapses, unclear voice and weak confidentiality in previous analog l system. t

Airport checkpoint

IP private i network k

Administration control center

Huanggang checkpoint Da Chan Bay checkpoint

Shenzhen Bay checkpoint Shekou checkpoint

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Case: Anti-Smuggling Bureau of Zhuhai City China City, l

Anti-smuggling Bureau of Zhuhai city (neighboring to Macao) is responsible for the execution of the anti-smuggling activities of the General Customs Administration of China. It has five branches in Zhongshan, Doumen, Wan Chai, Jiuzhou and Hengqin. An effective wireless commanding and dispatching network is demanded for communications support.


By building separate communications base stations at all the branches, the system supports two voice communications channels to meet the needs for internal management within each branch and joint control under emergency situations.

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Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Case: Public Security Department of Fujian Province China Province, l

In 2010, Fujian Public Security Department decided to equip all its Sub-bureaus with mobile emergency communications systems.


76 units i off TS-6800 TS 6800 emergency communications i i systems, VS-5700 visualized dispatching systems and TS-6600 comprehensive voice dispatching systems.


Utilizes the existing police wireless network, police visualized commanding system, and public networks (3G, GSM) to achieve real-time voice and video transmission.


Provides strong support to security task in major events and on-site commanding in emergency responses for Fujian police.

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www.hytera.com www.hytera.com

Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only


Case: Hunan Provincial Expressway, China l

The Voice and Video Dispatching System for Expressway (2000+ km) of Hunan, a province of 210,000+ k㎡ and a population of 7,000,000+.


Comprehensive communications system for expressway patrollers and firefighters composed of:

Base station distribution of the voice & video dispatching system for Hunan Expressway

-simulcast voice communication system -wireless video transmission system -GPS tracking system l

Greatly improving daily traffic management and emergency handling capabilities.

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Case: Wuhan Provincial Railway Bureau, China l

Located in the middle of China, Wuhan City is a key transportation hub for the nation, playing an especially important role in the railway transport. p


Hytera built a simulcast communications system in the Xiangfan section for the Wuhan Railway Bureau to meet its demands for daily communications among different departments.


Multiple simulcast base stations were constructed to resolve the weak signal coverage.


The control center can initiate all-call or selective call in the region. Conversations could be selected to replay according to caller ID and call time. The managements can surveil conversations and communicate with on-site staff remotely.

Technical scope: Simulcast communications system with 8 base stations 胡 家 营 基 站



黄 康 基 站

1根E1,各基站串 行,共占18个时隙

襄樊区间共7个同播基 站,1个中转基站 随 阳 店 基 站

1根E1,各基站串 行,共占18个时隙

1根E1各基站串 行,共占18个时隙

1根E1各基站串行, 共占6个时隙

中心链路站,共6 个链路控制器

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唐 县 镇 基 站


1根E1,各基站串 行,共占24个时隙


2个 共1 间 区 基站 州 随 中转

1根E1,各基站串 行,共占18个时隙

老 河 口 东 基 站

新 沟 基 站 舵 落 口 基 站

汉口区间共2个 中转基站

新 墩 基 站

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Case: Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Police


In China, the railway undertakes most of passenger and freight transportation tasks and plays a backbone role in transportation. Railway Police, as an important part of the railway system, is responsible for maintaining the stability and safety of the railway railway.


Utilize the existing IP network link to realize the interconnection of multiple base stations, achieving interconnection and interoperability of all sites and providing voice and data transmission channel for the network.


BDA (Bi-directional amplifier) are installed among the base stations to enhance the system coverage and eliminate technical problems caused by base station switch, helping users to realize full coverage in a more cost-effective and efficient way.

Technical scope: 1 control center, 15 base stations

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Appendix: 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions ① Cases of LCN ② Cases C off RCN ③ Cases of LDN ④ Cases of RDN ⑤ Cases of EDN ⑥ Cases of LKDN ⑦ Cases of WCN 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only


Case: Qatar Telecom l

Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) Operator: Qatar Telecom (Qtel) Users: 120 companies / private industry customer group


Nationwide TETRA system Since 2006 in operation (initially used by the hosts of the Asian Games) 60 base 60+ b stations t ti with ith 350+ 350 TETRA carriers i


Demanding requirements on capacity 26,000 paying customers from 120 companies Largest commercial ommer ial TETRA network net ork in the world orld with ith more than 250,000 250 000 calls alls per day separate dispatcher/control center and voice recording for several user groups (companies)


Demanding requirements on availability/resilience Geographically distributed (redundant) switching centers

Technical scope: Over 60 base stations and more than 350 TETRA carriers 26,000 paying customers from 120 companies The largest commercial TETRA network in the world with 250,000 daily calls

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Case: National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities of China l

The 9th National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities is one of the most important sport events in China.


To ensure its smooth progress, Hytera offered a DMR trunking solution for the event, enhancing the security communications in the stadiums and along the competition routes.


The solution adopts an all-IP architecture with 5 base stations and 265 terminals located in various regions, i providing idi signal i l coverage over allll the th stadiums t di and facilitating the traffic and security control during the games.

Technical scope: scope 5 base stations, 265 terminals Provides services to 6,000+ athletes over a 10-day period

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Case: Public Security Department of Inner Mongolia, Mongolia China l

Inner Mongolia is the third largest province in China with an area of 1.180,000+ k㎡(12% of China's total land area ). Neighboring Mongolia l and d Russia in the h north, h sociall stability b l is off paramount importance to Inner Mongolia .


The Police Trunking Network of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region consists of 100+ interconnected sub-networks, sub networks covering all the cities in the province with IP soft switch technology to achieve a threelevel connections (provincial, municipal and county).


The solution resolves the communication barriers caused by the narrow terrain of Inner Mongolia, and is highly valued and awarded by the Inner Mongolia Public Security Department.

p Technical scope: Three-level provincial network 100+ trunking base stations Police trunking network for Inner Mongolia Public Security Department

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Other Cases

Public Security Department of Heilongjiang province, China

Mexican Police

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Bangladesh Rapid Reaction Forces

Turkish Police

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Appendixďźš 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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World’s First Dual-mode Radio TC-880GM World’s first dual mode portable radio, intercom and dual voice backup features, integrating analog trunking, cell phone and GPS. Smoothly switch between GSM and MPT networks. Connected seamlessly with the GIS and police databases to provide accurate location information. Meet the communications requirements of professional users in public security, government organizations and emergency management. .

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www.hytera.com www.hytera.com www.hytera.com

Digital Radio PD78X PD78X is the world’s first digital radio with color display (65,536 pixels) . Features: IP67 protection, withstanding immersion testing (1m up to 30min); 1.8" TFT LCD display, allowing good d visibility i ibili even under d strong sunshine; hi text message transmission i i up to 256 characters, h supporting i multili language input; built-in GPS port for GPS data transmission; innovative antenna design for better data transmission performance; advanced encryption for communications confidentiality; superior audio quality and rich applications.

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Digital Covert Radio X1e World’s lightest and thinnest covert radio. Secure communication ensured by AES encryption algorithm & 256 digits dynamic encryption key M d off IP67 protection. Made i All built-in Bluetooth and USB port Lightest covert radio: Links to top layer All comes with a surprisingly small size design: 18mm thin.

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Digital Intrinsically-safe Radio PD79X Ex Hytera PD79X EX is the world’s First DMR IIC Atex portable radio. Compliant with FM -2010, IEC & ATEX standards; powered by plastic-encapsulated technology, errorproof design & IP67 compliance. Provides safer and more reliable communication solution in dangerous working environments with explosive gas and combustible dusts.

Chinese CQST certificate

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Portable Repeater RD96X Slim and portable, compact and embedded with mini duplexer, equipped with wide selection of components. Fits into various application scenarios: •Desk or wall-mounted for in-building coverage •Installed in mobile suitcase or cabinet for emergency use •On the back for forest firefighting

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Emergency Communication System TS-6800 Build emergency communication platform to realize real-time dispatching and video transmission. Support full range of voice services (conventional call, call trunking call, call cell phone call, call and telephone call). call) Serve as repeater to extend the communication coverage, even in remote area. Can backup for 8 hours.

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Appendixďźš 1. Cases in China and overseas 2. More cases for 7 solutions 3. Innovative products 4 Manufacturing 4. M f t i

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Manufacturing—SMT Advanced SMT production equipments & workshop Reliable SMT capability Qualified rate for one-time mount>99.5% 1 technical patent PCB’ A board machine 3D thickness measuring instrument

BGA rework Feeder

PCB’ A board machine

Stencil Cleaning

3D microscope

X-ray examination AOI automated optical inspection AOI automated optical inspection SMT Line


Manufacturing capability





( ) DIP(RoHS6)


① PCB size: 50mm×50mm (Min.) 508mm×508mm (Max.) ② PCB height: 0.3mm-4.5mm ③ PCB weight: 3kg (Max.) ④ Component size: 0.4×0.2mm2 ( 01005) -200×125mm2 ⑤ SMT processing accuracy: ±50μm@Cpk≥1.33 (4σ)

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Manufacturing—In-house Logistics

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Manufacturing—Management Well-established infrastructure Information technology Atomization Better quality control

Automated production

Electrostatic barrier gate system

Automatic control system of inverter air conditioner

Automated office platform

Nitrogen production room

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M it system Monitor t

Air compressor

Electrical distribution room www.hytera.com

Manufacturing—Quality Control ‹All our products have gone through strict quality test before sent out, ensuring ruggedness and reliability.

S l spray test machine Salt hi

Dust test machine

Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Desktop tension testing machine

High-low temperature humidity heat chamber Plug lead bending test machine Hytera Introduction| Internal Use Only

El Electrostatic i discharge di h generator

Abrasion test machine

Key-press life testing machine www.hytera.com

Manufacturing—Working Environment

Cafeteria Basketball court Anti-fatigue mat Recreation center Free shuttle bus

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The End


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