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Anti-Racism Committee
Inclusion and equity across socioeconomic strata have long been important pieces of Jonathan Rose Companies’ mission of providing opportunity through affordable housing. However, the stark reminders of continued racial injustice in our country – highlighted in 2020 by the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others and the ensuing civil demonstrations – inspired us to look inward and make a commitment to becoming an actively antiracist organization.
The purpose of the Anti-racism Committee is to facilitate the integration of policies and procedures throughout the company to address systemic racism. As a natural evolution of our mission-based company, the Committee works to create further intentionality and accountability to weave the anti-racism ethos throughout the culture of the organization.
The Committee has roughly 25 active members from all areas of the company including acquisitions, development, accounting, property management, asset management, environmental impact, social impact, strategic planning, talent and culture and construction management. Partners and Management Committee members are regular participants in the effort. This diverse representation from across the company, with full buy-in and participation of leadership, facilitates a consensus within the group that we will have the opportunity to implement the recommendations that come out of the Committee.
With an understanding of the national reach of the organization, our ability to leverage and direct large sums of capital, develop the industry’s next leaders, and have direct contact with diverse low-income residents in our managed communities, the Anti-racism Committee established three pillars on which to focus its efforts: internally, externally, and within our communities. The subcommittees and their initial, short-term priorities are listed below.
The Anti-racism Committee engaged Frontline Solutions, which completed surveys and interviews throughout the organization regarding issues of race and equity, facilitated working sessions with the Committee and helped outline a broader organizational strategy to help us set priorities for the work going forward. The Committee has since further defined its subcommittee priorities, with each having its own set of goals, expected impacts, success measures and list of resources necessary to implement, which will be integrated into departmental goals for 2022.
• Antiracism Professional Development Training • Equity Disparity Analysis
Three Pillars of Focus
• Procurement
• Partnerships • Advisory Board Diversity
• Community Connections • Digital Connectivity • Resident Banking
Impact Strategy

We envision a world in which every community is an ecological, social and economic landscape of opportunity, unleashing the capacity of its members to contribute to and benefit from regenerative communities.