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5. Resident Anecdotes

The impact of the telehealth program on peoples’ lives can clearly be seen when looking at resident case studies and anecdotes. A selection of resident stories is set out below.

Ms. W (60s, female, African American)

• Ms. W shared with the RSC that she learned from the nurse that dehydration can impact blood pressure, and when her BP is high, the nurse has suggested she drinks more water.

• Ms. W “loves” the nurse and closely follows her advice.

• She also spoke about how the program can create a sense of community because it sparks conversation about health amongst friends that they might not otherwise be having.

• She mentioned the friendly competition she and her friends in the program engage in, which encourages them all to have better habits and talk about their health.

• Ms. W reports continued weight loss toward a healthier weight with improvements in her diet and movement.

Ms. H (60s, female, African American)

• Ms. H. spoke about how the TIPs program can help you age in place, as it can be an early warning sign for health issues that, if left unchecked, could potentially lead to the need for a higher level of care.

• The program is a great reminder to take medication - the nurse’s advice is helpful in controlling high blood pressure.

• She also discussed how the program can help you “take control of your health” which can lead you to taking control of other areas of your life and forming better habits.

• Ms. H spoke about how it can make you want to “stay home where you have control” and about the importance of being independent as you age.

• Ms. H participated in the COVID-19 vaccinated clinic that was held at Grace West and is fully vaccinated.

5. Resident Anecdotes


Mr. A (Early 60s, male, Hispanic)

• “Helps me to do something about my weight”.

• He has been exercising more regularly (utilizing the Grace West gym) thanks to TIPs.

• Mr. A has lost 7 lbs. since beginning the TIPs program.

• He also shared that he always takes his TIPs sheet with his vital readings on it to his doctor’s appointments so that he and his PCP can have a fuller discussion about his health.

• Mr. A participated in the COVID-19 vaccinated clinic that was held at Grace West and is fully vaccinated.

Ms. R (60s, female, African American)

• “Telehealth has made me mindful of watching my weight and I have been eating more fruits and veggies and healthier foods.”

• “The nurse will follow up with me to address any concerns, and then I can bring it up with my personal doctors. It’s like having a second eye on my health.”

• She has lost weight and been exercising more thanks to the program.

• Ms. R participated in the COVID-19 vaccinated clinic that was held at Grace West and is fully vaccinated.

Ms. M (70s, female, African American)

• Says TIPs has helped foster a sense of community in that people get to know one another and can look out for each other more.

• As an example, she shared that when they were all down in the Community room as a group, they noticed that one of the residents did not look well. He ended up needing an ambulance called, which people might not have realized.

• Also says that seniors don’t always go to the doctor as much as they should and having a regular screening right in the building is convenient and helps people.

• Ms. M participated in the COVID-19 vaccinated clinic that was held at Grace West and is fully vaccinated.


Ms. B (70s, female, African American)

• Nurse checkups help her improve her habits to monitor and treat her high blood pressure.

• Ms. B participated in the COVID-19 vaccination clinic that was held at Grace West and is fully vaccinated.

• Currently, she is a consistent participant in the TIPs at Home program. She received her own equipment and checks in weekly with the TTA over the phone and follows the nurse’s advice on any alerts.

Community Opportunity Fund

TIPs Research Report 2021

Mr. G (67, male, African American, male)

• Manages diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.

• Original member of TIPs Classic and one of the 60 residents with in-home monitoring devices through

TIPs at Home.

• He checks his BP and Pulse Ox every day. He wasn’t feeling well on a weekend and decided to check his BP and Ox levels. Ox level was low. He called an ambulance and was taken to ER. The Dr. told him that having the pulse ox reader at home saved his life. The resident came and personally thanked the

TIPs staff.

• He participated in the COVID vaccine clinic and had vision screenings as part of the original wraparound services.

Ms. M (66, female, African American)

• Manages COPD, Coronary Artery Disease, and has suffered a stroke.

• Original member of TIPs Classic and one of the 60 residents with in-home monitoring devices through

TIPs at Home

• Received a Fitbit through the TIPs program and has walked over 1 million steps.

• She completed nutrition classes and Chronic Disease Self-Management classes through the TIPs wraparound programs.

• She joined the Zumba classes, that were also part of the wrap-around programming.

• Since enrolling in TIPs, the resident reports that she is more mindful of her health, has started to walk more and now always takes part in educational and health-related programs offered at Grace West.

Ms. S (50’s, female, African American)

• Ms. S in an active participant in telehealth.

• During the first few sessions she participated in, her high blood pressure was generating alerts through the telehealth program. Recently, it has been more under control which she attributes to these regular readings.

• Although she works, she always tries to come to the in-person sessions.

• She has a Fitbit which she shares is very helpful in increasing her physical activity. She has been working to increase her daily step count.

• She was vaccinated on-site in January.

5. Resident Anecdotes



Community Opportunity Fund

TIPs Research Report 2021

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