Opportunities for You
A guide to employment, learning, training and personal development opportunities for 16-19 year olds in Brighton & Hove Are you 16-19, not in education, employment or training and Living in Brighton & Hove? The Youth Employability Service is here to help! YES Advisers provide free careers information, advice, guidance and support with finding the right apprenticeship, college course, training opportunity or job.
New in this issue! Pre-apprenticeships with City College Brighton & Hove Traineeships with Smart Training ‘No Boundaries’ Employability Course ’Keep Calm & Carry On’ Workshop Volunteering opportunities Summer Youth Arts programme
To register with us and receive regular one to one support from one of IN THE NEXT EDITION: College open days our YES Employability Advisers, come along to a drop-in listed below or give us a call on the number below. You can also contact us through Facebook.
Come along to a Youth Employability Service drop-in: TUESDAY and THURSDAY 1pm - 3pm OVEST HOUSE
2nd Floor, Ovest House, 58 West Street Brighton BN1 2RA
179a Whitehawk Road, Brighton BN2 5GD
call us 01273 294247 email us youthemployabilityservice@brighton-hove.gov.uk
facebook us www.facebook.com/yesbrightonhove tweet us @yesbrightonhove You Tube Channel: ‘YESTVBrighton’
Opportunities for You! - Issue 48 - August 2015 - Page 1
CONTENTS In this issue……… Page 3:
News from the Youth Employability Service Our new venue at the Village Centre, Portslade Volunteers needed to join our Youth Employability Panel
Page 4:
Apprenticeships www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk www.apprenticeships.gov.uk www.apprenticeships-in-sussex.com Childcare Job Vacancy List Brighton & Hove City Council
Pages 5-6:
Traineeships Pre-apprenticeship, voluntary work experience placements to help progression onto an Apprenticeship or paid work: DV8: Re:Generate City College: Pre-Apprenticeship training programme NEW!! YMCA Training: Childcare and Health & Social Care Smart Training: Retail, Admin and Warehousing NEW!!
Page 7:
Study Programmes Flexible programmes at Entry and Level 1 to help develop skills, confidence and preparation for work, an apprenticeship or further education: Access to Music: Level 1 Digital Music City College Brighton & Hove: New Pathways programmes DV8: Live Events / Art & Design / Creative upload/ Music and Media production
Page 8/9/10/11: Personal Development Courses Albion in the Community: Opt-In course Barista training - OneChurchBrighton Princes Trust Team Programme Working It Out (WIO) ‘No Boundaries’ Employability Course - Sussex Cricket in the Community NEW!! Right Here: Keep Calm & Carry On NEW!! Page 12/13:
Volunteering opportunities Do-it.org.uk NEW!! Brighton and Hove Volunteer Centre NEW!! Youth Action Sussex NEW!! Make a difference reading challenge
Page 14:
Summer Actvities Summer Arts workshops with Brighton Museum project NEW!!
Page 15:
Help for those aged over 19 or living outside of Brighton and Hove
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NEWS from the Youth Employability Service…..
We have moved…… The Youth Employability Service have moved from the old Youth Advice Centre (YAC) at 65 Blatchington Road, Hove. If you live in Hove or Portslade, you can now book an appointment to see your YES Adviser in Central Brighton or at our new venue - The Village Centre in Portslade
Address: Village Centre 43 Windlesham Close Portslade BN41 2LL Directions to the Village Centre:
Hop on the bus or Then get off at the St Nicholas Church stop and walk across the green on your left
You will then see the YES sign on the Village Centre building. Call us if you have any problems 01273 294247.
Come and be part of our Youth Employability Panel (aged 16-19). We meet once a month, and you’ll get free travel, food and a £10 voucher for coming! You’ll take away lots of useful skills and qualifications that will help boost your CV and help towards your dream job. We have fun too and your opinions can really make a difference.
Here’s what YOU too can achieve by becoming part of the Youth Employability Panel:
Written and produced a magazine for young people across the city Achieved an accredited Stewarding qualification used to find jobs Helped to plan and design our fabulous YES iPhone App Gained a Youth Award So, if you are interested please give us a call:
Nicky: 07833 401 627 or Elle: 07799 662 910 Opportunities for You! - Issue 48 - August 2015 - Page 3
Here are some frequently asked questions about Apprenticeships: What is an Apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are a brilliant way of gaining qualifications and work-place experience. As an employee you can earn as you learn and gain practical skills from the work place that will really help you in your future career. What are the entry requirements for an Apprenticeship? Apprenticeships have different entry requirements, however the most important requirements are: - You must be living in England. - You must not be in full time education. - You must be aged 16+. - If you don’t have good grades in GCSE English and maths you will need to take a literacy and numeracy Test. Do I get paid during an Apprenticeship? Yes, you do. The National Minimum Wage for apprentices is now £2.73 per hour (this will rise to £3.30 from October 2015). As skills develop, many employers tend to increase wages; research has shown that apprentices earn an average of £170 net pay per week. If you would like more information about the range of jobs available through apprenticeships, look at the websites below or contact the Youth Employability Service.
FIND AN APPRENTICESHIP! There’s a new website which has replaced the previous National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) address. You can register, search & apply for apprenticeships through the website:
www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk www.apprenticeships.gov.uk The previous website has changed and you will need to create a new log-in and application form to start applying for apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies. You won’t be able to sign in using your account details from the original service, and if you go to the old website, it will redirect you automatically to the new one above. If you need further help with this, you can contact your Employability Adviser or contact the Apprenticeship Helpdesk on 0800 0150400.
www.apprenticeships-in-sussex.com The Apprenticeships in Sussex website helps you to search for apprenticeship training and providers in the Brighton, Hove and Sussex area. Search results will give you full contact details and information for local training providers and colleges offering the apprenticeships you are interested in.
Childcare Job Vacancy List Brighton & Hove City Council This weekly publication lists childcare jobs in Brighton & Hove and has a section showing Childcare Apprenticeship vacancies
View this weekly job vacancy list at: www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/childcarejobs Sign up to receive the vacancy list automatically by email: to do this complete the online form at www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/childcarejobs Follow on Facebook: publicises local training, new jobs, local events and more www.facebook.com/Earlyyearsandchildcare
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Traineeships are pre-apprenticeship programmes aimed to be a stepping stone to an apprenticeship or job. They provide work preparation, work experience as well as maths and English qualifications. The work placements are unpaid but expenses may be available. Contact the training provider to apply. Traineeship vacancies are also advertised on the Apprenticeship website here: www.apprenticeships.gov.uk
WANT TO GET INTO A CAREER IN CREATIVITY? WANT THAT FIRST STEP & REAL EXPERIENCE WITHOUT JUST MAKING THE TEA IN A BIG OFFICE? Join Re:Generate - starting September!! Over 17 weeks you will work with a team of young people to be part of a real enterprise to either create & sell fashion items with Ruby Moon or develop and deliver marketing campaigns for real brands with Long Run Works. This is the chance to gain all of the experiences needed to get you ahead of the queue and with a CV full of the relevant experience that employers are looking for.
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Pre-Apprenticeships: Are you between 16-18years? Would you like to complete an apprenticeship in Childcare or Health and Social Care? Would you like help with finding a placement? Would you like to feel more confident about interviews? If you answered yes to the above, YMCA training can offer you: Help with CV writing and interview techniques Work experience placements Cover the cost of getting a DBS completed To find out more or to apply speak to your Employability Adviser or contact YMCA Training directly on Tel: (01273) 411845
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STUDY Programmes Study Programmes in Brighton and Hove offers flexible study programmes at Entry and Level 1, for 16-18 year olds, to help develop skills, confidence and independence in preparation for work, an apprenticeship or further education. The programme includes functional skills in English, Maths and ICT.
Access to Music Level 1 Digital Music
Enterprise Point, Melbourne Street (off Lewes Road) Brighton
An introductory course for anyone who wants to start writing, playing and recording music while gaining essential life & employability skills. Areas covered include: Using Logic to create tracks, studio recording, lyric writing, event promotion and business. All learners will also take English and Maths functional skills. Duration: 10 weeks, Mon & Fri (2 days per week) 11am-5.30pm Next start date: Ask a YES adviser
OPEN EVENING - Weds 5th August 2-4pm For more info on the open day: http://www.accesstomusic.co.uk/open-days
Pathways Programme Pathways programmes are ideal for people who want to return to learning. A package of programmes to develop essential skills in the following subjects: Motor vehicle Sport and Public Services Health, Social and Customer Services Hair and Beauty Construction Develop confidence, employability skills to move into further learning. Total support is given to each learner. Learners are given a personalised package of Maths, English and ICT.
Level 1 courses available at DV8 Sussex: Art and Design Creative Upload Skills for Work Live Events
12 Queens Square Brighton
Media Production Music Production
Gain employability skills in the creative industries, market a product through social media and create a digital CV and portfolio. All learners can take English and Maths functional skills. A bursary for help with travel and food is available if eligible. Course runs 2½ days per week. Level 2 also available. Next Start Date: September 2015
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Next Start Date: Frequent start dates Lunch provided. Help with travel provided if eligible. There is also an opportunity to progress onto other courses
Receive mentorship.
Become a qualified Barista and get paid to learn! This FREE Barista training programme offers the chance to gain a Barista Skills Foundation Certificate to add to your CV! The highest certified standards in Europe - Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) recognised qualification. You can do this by taking a 3-4 session course at One Church Brighton. The course also covers:
• Full training in the use of specialist Barista equipment and machinery
How to make all types of coffee/hot drinks drinks e.g. cappuccino
• Learn to grind coffee beans, froth milk • Learn to create latte art • Gain customer service experience and business skills Interested? Email BrightonBarista@gmail.com
or speak to your Employability Adviser who can arrange for you to visit and sign up.
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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT courses Run by City College in Brighton, Hove & Shoreham FREE 12 week programme for 16-25 year olds who are looking for work. The programme will help to build confidence and motivation, develop new skills and qualifications in employment, teamwork, community skills, first aid and food hygiene. It will look great on your CV and you will have the skills and confidence to apply for work, training or a full-time course at college. On this course you’ll get the opportunity to: go on an action packed residential week receive useful training that employers look for & get help with your CV complete projects in your local community make new friends and have an amazing time! complete a 2-week work placement of your own interest TRAVEL IS FREE AND THERE ARE NO COURSE COSTS Next Start Dates: September and October 2015 Locations: City College Central (Pelham Street) Whitehawk (Whitehawk Inn)
Working It Out is a voluntary programme, based in Central Brighton, for 16-24 year olds who needs some extra support with their job searching. The programme offers support to young people to get back into employment, education or training. In small groups, the young people develop their skills and knowledge through a mix of in house training, invited speakers and local employers who come in to support the young people. They also complete at least one community project and team building activities and visits. The programme runs from Monday to Friday . for 10 weeks although participants are encouraged to leave early if they secure a place in employment, education or training. Travel expenses are paid.
For more information and to apply contact your Employability Adviser or call the Working It Out Team - Zoe, Lee or Chloe on Tel: (01273) 773913
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Applicants for this 8 week course must be aged over 18 and receiving a benefit through the Jobcentre e.g. JSA/ESA. Speak to your Jobcentre Adviser or YES Adviser for help applying.
Start Dates: 3 August and 5th August Location: Sussex County Cricket Club Eaton Rd, Hove rd
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PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT course To be eligible for Right Here courses you must be between 18-25yrs old and identify with any of these: NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) * Young parents * Young carers * Those that have been bullied (or bully others) * Young people who feel isolated * Homeless/separated from families * Those who misuse substances * LGBTU (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans or Unsure) young people * Young people with physical and/or learning disabilities * Young offenders * Young people in, or leaving care * Asylum seekers and Refugees * Black and Minority Ethnic young people. **BOOKING A PLACE ON THIS RIGHT HERE COURSE IS ESSENTIAL**
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Thinking about volunteering? Volunteering is a great opportunity to make a difference; give back to your community, meet new people, get new experiences, get a sense of achievement and make a difference to other people’s lives, feel a part of something great; all while gaining valuable skills and experiences and adding something great to your CV! Anything from a few hours to several months there could be something for you!
Volunteering is easy. It’s about giving your time to do something useful, without getting paid (although expenses may be paid). In return you get the satisfaction of time and effort well spent. It should also be fun! The range of opportunities is huge. Whatever skills and experience you have there is something that you can do. Millions of people in this country already volunteer, but many more are needed. So use the DO-IT database to search for opportunities in your area- get out there and Do-it! There is also information about volunteering abroad!
Check out the range of opportunities in Brighton and Hove at: www.do-it.org.uk
VOLUNTEER CENTRE BRIGHTON AND HOVE The Volunteer Centre Brighton and Hove celebrates the amazing and inspiring contribution of volunteers and makes it easier for young people to find fun and fulfilling volunteering opportunities. They provide a range of help and information on volunteering. For more information and to contact the Brighton and Hove Volunteer Centre go to website: http://bhcommunityworks.org.uk/volunteering If you want to talk to somebody in confidence about volunteering you can call the Volunteer Centre on 01273 234826 or email volunteercentre@bhcommunityworks.org.uk. Talk or leave a message and someone will get back to you.
Are you aged 16 to 25? Not in education, training or employment or have a disability? Youth Action Sussex provides a volunteering scheme, providing a supported route into community volunteering. They are looking to recruit and provide continued support to young people wishing to volunteer in their local community. We will provide on-going support throughout your volunteering experience and recognition by providing national certificates on reaching certain milestones. You will be matched with suitable and supportive volunteer placements that reflect your interests, passions and aspirations and also allow you to develop your skills and gain new positive experiences.
For more information go to the Youth Action Sussex website: www.youthactionsussex.org.uk
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VOLUNTEERING opportunity ……..
Do you love reading and would like to inspire others to give it a go? If so, you’re just the right person we’re looking for! We’re looking to recruit 100 young people as volunteers to promote and run summer reading challenges at libraries across the city. The summer reading programme encourages children aged 4-12 to read books of their choice over the summer and gain rewards along the way. For more info ask your Employability Adviser or email sara.morden@brighton-hove.gov.uk
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Royal Pavilion & Museums are running an exciting summer youth arts programme for young people aged 13-19 (up to 24 years with additional needs). You’ll get to do something creative and fun in a supportive and inspiring environment. Sign up for 1 workshop or for all 5!!! Lunch and refreshments will be provided and it’s FREE to do. Workshop Details, all workshops will include a tour of the venue: Tue 4th Aug at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery 11am – 3.30pm • Urban Art - use graffiti pens, paints and creative materials to explore the Museum’s ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year’ exhibition. Mon 10th Aug at Hove Museum 11am – 3.30pm • Alternative Photography - Explore camera obscuras, experiment with the cyanotype process and make a beer can pinhole camera to use at home Mon 17th Aug at Royal Pavilion 11am – 3.30pm • Sculptural Collage - use the decadence of the Pavilion’s to inspire kitsch 3D collage and sculptural design using objects, flowers, plastic creatures and sparkly treasures. Mon 24th Aug at The Booth Museum 11am – 3.30pm • Creative Observations – A behind the scenes tour of the eccentric and gothic taxidermy collection will inspire ideas, discussions and some written thoughts. Tue 25th Aug at Preston Manor 11am – 3.30pm • Drama workshop – use drama games and theatre techniques to explore the Manor’s history. If you are interested, then please contact Sarah Pain to book a space: sarah.pain@brighton-hove.gov.uk / 07833 483245.
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Are you now OVER 19 or living outside of Brighton & Hove? Are you now over 19? You have reached the age when the Youth Employability Service is no longer funded to work with you. However, careers guidance and help to find work, training or college courses are available from the National Careers Service, Telephone: 0800 100 900 (Open every day from 8am to 10pm) or go to the web page: https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk If you have previously held a statement of special needs you can still use the Youth Employability Service up to age 25. If you think this applies to you, get in touch with us on Tel: 01273 294247 and we can advise on help available. The following organisations also offer guidance along with other services and courses for adults. Contact them to see if they are able to help you: The Bridge Brighton: Lucraft Road, Brighton BN2 4PN. Community learning, arts, crafts and music courses as well as access to advice on learning, job search and money management. Tel: 01273 687053 or visit www.thebridgebrighton.com City College Brighton & Hove - Opening Doors: 4 week employability programmes for unemployed people aged 19+ in receipt of JSA or ESA. Subjects include: business admin, health and social care, IT and retail. Programmes start every few months. Tel: 01273 667712 or Email: openingdoors@ccb.ac.uk Community Learning Team: For information about free courses to help get back into learning and volunteering. Tel: 01273 294 287 or Email: communitylearning@brighton-hove.gov.uk or visit www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/children-and-education/community-learning-team Family Information Service: Provides information on childcare, health and parenting etc.Tel: 01273 293545 Friends Centre Brighton: Tel: 01273 810210 or visit www.friendscentre.org.uk In2Work (One Youth Brighton): Provides support for under 26 year olds to get into work, education and training. Tel: 01273 694746 or visit: www.oneyouthbrighton.org.uk Drop-ins: Mondays at Young People’s Centre, Brighton (see below) 3-5pm. Tuesday and Wednesdays at OneChurch, Gloucester Place, Brighton 12-3pm Wednesdays at Youth Advice Centre, Brighton (see below) 3.30-5.30pm Portslade Adult Learning Centre: 55 Boundary Road, Hove BN3 4EF Tel: 01273 382739. Job Club drop-in every Wednesday 9.30am-1pm. Whitehawk Inn Brighton: Whitehawk Road, Brighton, BN2 5NS. Tel: 01273 682222 or visit www.whinn.org.uk Youth Advice Centre (YAC): Ovest House, 58 West Street Brighton BN1 2RA. Guidance and information drop in service for young people up to the age of 25. Drop-in - Monday to Friday 3-6pm. Tel: 01273 828828 Email: yacservices@ymcadlg.org or visit www.ymcadlg.org Young People’s Centre (YPC): Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AE Tel: 01273 887886 or visit www.facebook.com/YPCbrighton or http://youngpeoplescentre.co.uk/ Youth Service Brighton & Hove: for further information and updates about local services visit www.facebook.com/BrightonandHoveYouth
Do you live outside of Brighton & Hove? If you live outside of Brighton & Hove the Youth Employability Service is unable to help you, but you can get free careers information, help and guidance from the National Careers Service (see above). If you live in West Sussex you can also go to website: www.yourspacewestsussex.co.uk If you live in East Sussex you can also go to website: www.connexions360.org.uk Youth Employability Service East Sussex (Eastbourne) Tel: 01323 410803 Youth Employability Service East Sussex (Hastings) Tel: 01424 722045
If you are now settled in work, training or on a college course and no longer wish to receive this newsletter or to update your contact details, please call the Youth Employability Service on 01273 294247 Opportunities for You! - Issue 48 - August 2015 - Page 15