Rosedale Newsletter
珀 麗 通 訊 二零一五年一月份 第十九期 January 2015 Issue 19
Message From Management 管理層的話
Culinary Snippets 飲食文化略說
2015 has arrived! We all look forward to a new year and a fresh beginning as last year’s chaos is finally behind us. Situated in Causeway Bay, Rosedale on the Park has begun renovated works, which is expected to be completed in the second quarter of the year. The lobby, restaurant, guest rooms, as well as public area will be serving everyone with a fresh look. The big transformation will carry Rosedale Kowloon’s simple and modern style. With newly upgraded in-room facilities, Rosedale on the Park will surely provide a comfortable, convenient, and home away from home to all guests staying. As the work is nearly halfcompleted, here is a little sneak peak:
Double Bed Room 雙人床客房
The Taste of North East 東北的年味兒
In the dynamic and competitive hotel industry, the standards and demands of hotel guests have gradually increased over the years. At Rosedale Hotels, we continue to advance by seeking for new ways to providing quality service to travelers, as gaining your recognition and support is our biggest achievement and honor. 2015 年已經蒞臨了!去年的紛紛攘攘終於離大家而去,我們都熱切期望今年會有全新的景象。 座落銅鑼灣的香港珀麗酒店已經開展了全面的裝修工程,預計第二季度完工。由大堂、餐廳、 到所有客房及公共區域都會以全新面貌跟各位見面。 是次裝修秉承九龍珀麗酒店的簡約時尚風格,將房間設備全面提升,務求令所有入住的旅客都 有回家的舒適和方便的感覺。客房的裝修工程已經完成近半,現在就讓大家先睹為快。
Twin Bed Room 雙床客房
面對瞬息萬變和競爭激烈的酒店業市 場,客人的水準和要求都逐漸提高, 我們的步伐從未停止,不斷探索求新, 盡力提供最優質的服務予廣大旅客。 獲得你們的認同和支持,是我們最大 的收穫和榮耀。
Suite Living Room 套房客廳
Hallway 走廊
Group News 集團資訊
limited winter offer super save for rosedale "fans"
珀麗冬日限定 粉絲住房更享優惠 From now until 28th February 2015, receive multiple complimentary privileges when you stay in any of the 5 Rosedale Hotels across Hong Kong and China for two consecutive nights or more! Privileges include free room upgrade, breakfast, in-room internet access, and hotel souvenirs. Like us on Facebook or become our fans on Weibo and WeChat to enjoy an extra 5% off when you book through Rosedale’s official website. For more details, please refer to or contact any Rosedale Hotels.
這個冬季,珀麗酒店誠意推出冬日住宿優惠, 由即日起至 2015 年 2 月 28 日,於集團旗下 5 間位於香港及中國內地城市的珀麗酒店, 連續入住兩晚或以上,即可享多項免費禮遇, 包括客房升級、早餐、客房上網及酒店紀念 禮品等。立即成為各珀麗酒店臉書、微博及 微信等粉絲,並於官網預訂房間,即享額外 9.5 折優惠。更多優惠詳情,登入 http://www. TC/TC.html 或與各酒店查詢。
City Focus 城市聚焦
Hong Kong Marathon 2015 2015 年香港馬拉松
Hong Kon
The 2015 Standard Chartered Marathon taken place on 25th January is a great opportunity for athletes from around the world to show their abilities. Whether running for charity or running for a healthier body, runners all give their best while speeding towards the crossing line and enjoy the interest of the competition. The crossing line this year will be at Victoria Park, which Rosedale on the Park is located beside, allowing all Hotel guests to witness the important moment as they step out of the building!
2015 年度渣打馬拉松於 1 月 25 號舉行,選手們又可以一展身手。每年馬拉松都會吸引諸多世界各
地的選手參賽,不論是為了慈善公益,或是健康運動,選手們都會勇往直前努力衝向終點線,並全程享受箇中樂趣。今年終點設於維多 利亞公園,而香港珀麗酒店就位於公園旁邊,住客們只要一出酒店就可以見證賽事最重要一刻!
During the Lunar New Years, having family dinner while watching comedy on television, the people of the North East create a New Year feast with simple ingredients. A popular song by XueCun has introduced many people to North East’s pork noodle stew – one of the top 10 dishes in the North East culture. Using potato starch as noodles, the sweet stew aroma travels in the air, filling the house with warmth. Chicken Mushroom Stew is another favourite dish by the North East. Using natural grain-fed chicken and mushroom from Changbai Mountain, the longer the stew is cooked, the better it tastes. How can we leave out dumplings when talking about New Year dinner? Pork with pickled veggies dumplings, onion with lamb dumplings, dumplings with leek and black fungus mixed with vermicelli, almost everything can be used as dumpling stuffing. Everyone in the house help make dumplings, chatting along the way, a truly busy and noisy scene! What is the best place to spend Lunar New Year? Home sweet home. Rosedale Hotels wish you a warm and happy new year with friends and family! 春節裡,吃著熱氣騰騰的年夜飯,聽著二人 轉,東北人過年食材頗豐,但都不離樸實。 雪村的一首紅遍大江南北的歌,讓不少人認 識了東北的「豬肉燉粉條」– 這款在東北 人的年飯中份量十足的大菜之一,採用的粉 條是用東北特產土豆澱粉軋製而成,香氣四 溢,暖意頻生。 「小雞燉蘑菇」則是東北人偏愛的主菜,選 用鄉下吃天然五穀的雞,味醇香濃;蘑菇則 是長白山上的榛蘑,越燉越香。 當然,大除夕夜,最最離不開的就是餃子! 葷的有酸菜豬肉、大蔥羊肉,素的有韭菜、 木耳、粉絲等,幾乎什麼都可以入餡。全家 老少一齊動手,邊聊邊包餃子,好不熱鬧。 到底什麼地方的年味兒最濃?每個人心中都 有一個答案,是家鄉! 珀麗祝您闔家團圓,過一個快樂吉祥年。
All content © copyright 2015 Rosedale. All rights reserved
Hotel News 酒店新資
Rosedale Guangzhou Awarded Gold Circle Award 廣州珀麗酒店榮獲 Agoda 金環獎
Room News 客房優惠
Warmhearted Winter Room Package 冬日窩心住宿體驗
Rosedale Guangzhou was awarded the Gold Circle Award 2014 by the popular reservations website Agoda. Hotel's Director of Sales Mr. Philip Leung and Assistant Reservations Manager Ms. Candice Lo received the award on behalf of Hotel from Agoda Beijing's representative, Senior Marketing Manager Mr. Wilson Song and their team. The Golden Circle Award selects the top 100 hotels across the world from 400,000 hotels based on online reviews and ratings. Rosedale Guangzhou is truly honored to be one of the eight hotels in the city of Guangzhou received this award. All staff members at Rosedale Guangzhou vows to continue the Group's motto of "Consistent, Comfort, and Care", striving to provide the best service quality for all guests. 廣州珀麗酒店榮獲 Agoda 預訂網站頒發的金環獎 2014,由雅高達旅遊諮詢(北京)有限公司高級市場經理宋 巍先生等人一行蒞臨酒店現場頒獎。廣州珀麗酒店市場銷售部總監梁偉雄先生及訂房部副經理盧文芳小姐代表酒 店領獎。 金環獎是從全球約 40 萬家酒店中以 Agoda 線上客戶的良好回饋和評價為主要因素評選出的 100 家酒店,廣州 僅 8 家酒店獲此殊榮,廣州珀麗因此深表榮幸。 廣州珀麗酒店全體員工將秉承“全心全意,無微不至”的服務理念,為客人提供更優質的服務,再創佳績。
Couples Art Exhibition at Rosedale Guangzhou 李梧祥、黎彩珠伉儷畫展在廣州珀麗酒店舉行
Would you like to spend your winter under the warm southern sun, enjoying soothing music with a cup of coffee? If so, Guangzhou is the city which allows you to relax in a bustling city! Enjoy the special room rate of ¥498* per room night when staying in Deluxe Room for 2 consecutive nights or longer. Follow Rosedale Guangzhou on WeChat for an extra 5% off! Promotional Period: from now until 28th February 2015
Exclusive Privileges: • Complimentary daily breakfast (maximum for 2) • Free Wi-Fi internet access • Free upgrade to Deluxe Suite • Extend room stay for ¥468* per room night • Complimentary hotel souvenir • Complimentary welcome drinks at Serenade Lounge and enjoy buy 1 get 1 free during "Happy Hours" • Late check-out until 3:00pm (subject to hotel availability) • Free use of Health Centre Enquiries and Reservations: (86 20) 8441 8888 ext. 4468
Art is able to heal and nurture the soul in the busy, stressful city. Mr. Li Wu Xiang and wife Ms. Li Zai Zhu held an art exhibition at Rosedale Guangzhou. Mr. Li was trained by painting masters such as Mr. Li Hong Cai since a young age, and was deeply influenced for several decades, winning multiple honors in nation-wide painting competitions. The exhibition showcased several Mr. Li's famous and popular pieces, such as "Clear Nights". The first painting exhibition at Rosedale Guangzhou was a huge success, setting a great sample for similar banquets at the Hotel while providing a meaningful cultural event to the public. 身處繁忙的城市生活裡,一點點的藝術薰陶令身心倍感舒暢。廣州珀麗酒 店深諳此道,並助李梧祥、黎彩珠伉儷畫展於宴會廳成功舉行。 李梧祥老師幼承庭訓,深受黎雄才等大師啟蒙影響,習畫數十載,在全國書畫大賽中屢獲榮譽。本次畫展展出了李 老師《晚晴》等代表作品,得到廣泛好評。 廣州珀麗酒店首次舉行畫展即獲圓滿成功,亦為日後宴會廳舉辦各類展覽作出了良好的基礎與展示,並為大眾生 活提供別具意義的文化活動。
New Year Pun Choi Feast 新春盆菜宴 Enjoy the delicious Pun Choi (Big Bowl Feast) at Rosedale Guangzhou for a A-grade hotel experience while gathering with family! A big bowl of dried oysters, shrimps, roasted pork, pork knuckles, roasted duck pieces, black moss, and Chinese mushrooms for sharing warm and love with family. Various bowl sizes available for 4 - 10 people, eat in or take away, starting at ¥488* each. Book in advance for early bird discount: 1. Order before 1st February 2015 and pay 50% in advance for 20% off. 2. Order before 16th February 2015 and pay 50% in advance for 10% off. Promotional Period: from now until 5th March 2015 Enquiries and Reservations: (86 20) 8441 8888 ext. 4567 * Subject to 15% service charge to dine-in customers.
在南方暖暖的冬日裡,曬著太陽,聽著輕柔的音樂,歎一杯咖啡,是 否就是你所期待的小假期?廣州是個不錯的選擇,讓你在繁華熱鬧間 同時享受悠然自得。現凡連續入住 2 晚豪華客房,即可獲每房晚 ¥498*
特別房價優惠。關注廣州珀麗酒店微信粉絲更可享額外 9.5 折優惠。 推廣時間:即日起至 2015 年 2 月 28 日 尊享禮遇 : • 免費早餐 ( 最多 2 人 ) • 免費無線 Wi-Fi 上網服務 • 免費升級至豪華套房
• 免費樂韻廊歡迎飲品及“歡樂時光” 買 1 送 1 優惠 • 延遲退房至下午 3:00 ( 視酒店當日 • 以每房晚¥468* 優惠價續住 而定 ) • 免費酒店禮品 • 免費享用健康中心設備 查詢及預訂:(86 20) 8441 8888 轉 4468 * 已包含 15% 服務費。 * 優惠受有關條款約束。
City Focus 城市聚焦
Dining 餐飲優惠
*Inclusive of 15% service charge. *Subject to terms and conditions.
Spring Flower Market Tales
話說廣州迎春花市 廣州
The Guangzhou Flower Market is a carnival by the Guangzhou citizens and has been a long part of the traditional Chinese culture.
o Guangzh 廣州珀麗酒店為您呈獻新春盆菜宴,享受星級酒 店的美味,同時亦可享受家庭聚會的溫馨。蠔豉、 蝦、燒肉、豬手、燒鴨、髮菜、冬菇等,一盆的 吉祥如意幸福團圓。推廣套餐 4 人量至 10 人量 不同選擇,可堂食或外帶,每盆 ¥488* 起。提 前預訂,更享早訂優惠:
Three types of must-have flowers for New Year according to Canton traditions are kumquats,
peach blossoms, and daffodils. Having kumquats symbolizes good luck as “Quat” sounds the same as “fortune” in Cantonese. Peach blossoms (“To” in Cantonese) also shares the same sound as success and luck in love. Daffodils symbolizes wealth and fortune, thus a must-have. The Spring Flower Market usually begins on the 28th day of the last month on the lunar calendar, lasting a total of three days. The closest Spring Flower Market from Rosedale Guangzhou is the Haizhu Flower Market at Binjiang West Road, approximately 15-minute car ride away. Please ask hotel staff for more details.
1. 2015 年 2 月 1 日前預訂並交付 50% 訂金可享 8 折優惠。 2. 2015 年 2 月 16 日前預訂並交付 50% 訂金可享 9 折優惠。
推廣期:即日起至 2015 年 3 月 5 日
迎春花市通常從每年的農曆臘月二十八起,一連三天。如果您在農曆新年期前夕剛好 到廣州來,就去距離酒店最近的,位於濱江西路海珠花市走走熱鬧吧,車程只需 15 分鐘。詳情請向酒店職員查詢。
查詢及預訂:(86 20) 8441 8888 轉 4567 * 堂食須加收 15% 服務費。
廣府新年必備三種花:金桔、桃花和水仙。金桔,因為粵語中“桔”和“吉”同音, 買一盆放在家裡象徵大吉大利;桃花,象徵大展鴻圖 ( 桃 ),青年人則希望能行桃花運; 水仙象徵富貴吉祥。
All content © copyright 2015 Rosedale. All rights reserved