The Sales Time

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A look into Japan Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it borders China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Taiwan, the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the East China Sea. The government system is a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy. Japan has a market economy in which the prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system. Japan is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

How is Japan doing economically? The rule of law is firmly respected and supported by an effective judicial framework and a relatively low level of perceived corruption. The need for economic reforms is apparent following decades of stagnation and despite relatively high levels of income. A monetary policy aimed at preserving low interest rates has reduced any acute concern over Japan’s large debt burden, but it has also limited the political motivation to implement urgently needed fiscal reform. Privatization of Japan Post, the country’s largest financial institution by assets, has moved forward with an initial public offering made in 2015. The government screens investments in several sectors of the economy, including agriculture and telecommunications. The banking sector is competitive, but lacks dynamic growth.

How is their culture is related to their sales?

Japanese culture is the result of a historical process that begins with the native immigration waves of the continent of Asia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean, followed by a strong cultural influence from China and then a long period of isolation with the rest of the world called Sakoku Cultural differences cause four kinds of problems in international trade negotiations,levels: 1. Language 2. Nonverbal behaviors 3. Values 4. The thinking and decision-making

Personal interrelations are very influenced by the ideas of “honor”, “obligation” and “duty” and that represents a different individualistic and liberal culture of Western countries custom. The concepts of “morality” and “desirable behaviors” are less practiced in family, school and friendship situations, however a more formal practice is observed against superiors or unknown people. As nonverbal expressions also are more important than verbal for them. On the other hand, the Japanese have a sense of intricate and complicated humor, which closely reflected in the language, culture, religion and ethics, which sometimes is considered very difficult to interpret by other cultures.


This case study deals with the opportunities and challenges of Louis Vuitton, the leading European luxury sector multinational firm, in Japan, taking into account the unique features of brand management, and integrating culture and consumer behavior in Japan. In the last decade, Japan has been Louis Vuitton’s most profitable market, but it seems that the global economic crisis has resulted in a decline in sales. Facing a weak economy and a shift in consumer preferences, Louis Vuitton has been adapting its unique strategy in the Japanese market. The days of relying on a logo and charging a high price seem to be gone as there is more interest in craftsmanship and value for money. The brand has also opened stores in smaller cities, where the lure of the logo still works. Over the years, Japanese consumers have demonstrated fascination with and passion for the iconic brand. What have been the keys to Louis Vuitton’s successful business model in the Japanese market? The Japanese market is a very specific and selective market. According to luxury analysts, Japan is indeed the world’s largest market for luxury brands

Louis Vuitton Japan has led an aggressive marketing strategy, targeting the high- and middle- income groups. The firm has focused on product development and brand management, while trying to understand and adapt to the Japanese market. To do so the firm has strongly invested in creativity and innovation, quality control and distribution control. Thanks to this, it has introduced newer product categories in the Japanese market, such as jewelry, watches and eyewear. To promote sales, the company has had to launch less expensive collections made with cheaper materials. The Louis Vuitton has redesigned bags exclusively for the Japanese market with a local flavor. The care given to establish the stores at the best possible locations in cities is another factor that has attracted high-income customers Louis Vuitton products.

Recently, in order to conquer Japanese market, Louis Vuitton launched its new campaign for Spring/Summer 2016. Starting with a teaser image online, and it has drawn heavy interest in the unexpected nature of the project. This trend has more to do with the future of fashion and how it will be affected by technological advances. International selling with technological changes made, no matter branch of industry, to be adaptable to those changes.

Louis Vuitton chooses a female anime girl character from one of the games of Final Fantasy Series: Lightning, to prepare this unusual cam-

The worlds of high fashion and video gaming couldn’t be further apart, but this move does lend a certain irreverence and edge to the storied luxury bag maker. It is tough to stand out in today’s




usiness forecasting allows to know when to take more risks, and when it’s time to tighten a company’s belt. When done right, business forecasting can make your business e profitable. Forecasting itself is a method that you can use as a business owner to predict future business activities based on data. People can use it to determine future trends in sales performance, finances and customer behavior

Planning process: Its design and follow up

Planning leads to forecast-

ing, which plays an essential role in the operations of modern management. It is an important and necessary aid to planning and planning, which is the backbone of effective operations. Many organizations have failed because of lack of forecasting or faulty forecasting on which the planning was based. Forecasting may be a form of intentional and considered judgement based on feelings, opinions and experiences, and these judgements at best will be educated guesses. It could also be based upon a rational study and analysis of pertinent data and this process is known as “scientific forecasting”. It would depend upon an analysis of past events and current conditions with a view to drawing inferences and conclusions about future events. Forecasting as a strategy is widely used today, and some of these forecasts, specially the short-term ones are fairly reliable. forecasts, using scientific methods or instrumentations can be fairly accurately made.


Qualitative Qualitative forecasting techniques are generally more subjective than their quantitative counterparts. Qualitative techniques are more useful in earlier stages of the product life cycle, when less past data exists for use in quantitative methods. Qualitative methods include the Delphi technique, sales force opinions, executive opinions, and arket research.

Quantitative Quantitative forecasting techniques are generally more objective than their qualitative counterparts; it can be time-series forecasts or forecasts based on associative models. Some of these behaviors may be patterns or simply random variations may be the cycles or trends as well as random variations by analyzing data at different levels.

BLACKBERRY’S FAILURE keep up with Apple and Google: consequences and errors in its strategy and vision.


irst, after growing to dominate the corporate market, BlackBerry failed to anticipate that consumers — not business customers — would drive the smartphone revolution. Second, BlackBerry was blindsided by the emergence of the “app economy,” which drove massive adoption of iPhone and Android-based devices. Third, BlackBerry failed to realize that smartphones would evolve beyond mere communication devices to become full-fledged mobile entertainment hubs.

The problem became bigger, when BlackBerry insisted on producing phones with full keyboards, even after it was completely clear that many users preferred touchscreens, which allowed for better video viewing and touchscreen navigation and little mistake from the company.

Later on, BlackBerry finally did launch a touchscreen device, it was seen as a poor imitation of the iPhone. BlackBerry saw its devices as fancy, e-mail-enabled mobile phones while Apple and Google envisioned powerful mobile computers and worked to make sending e-mail and browsing the Web as consumer-friendly as possible.



BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY It was the first pioneered into the “push e-mail”, which means that many users simple received messages when they were sent instead of having o constantly check if there was any e-mail.


As the BlackBerry exploded in popularity, especially among business customers, the company became Canada’s most valuable firm, leading some to dub Waterloo Canada’s Silicon Valley. But while BlackBerry was resting on its laurels atop the corporate mobile market, Apple and Google were laser-focused on the consumer market, which they correctly predicted would drive smartphone adoption.


BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY BLACKBERRY The changes that the company was projecting were turned aside by an bad focus in their marketing research as well as its whole planning process in general, putting in advance what the company wanted to sell in rather that satisfying the consumer.


BUDGET ALLOCATION Accurate sales forecasting enables a company to make informed business decisions. Sales forecasting is easier for established companies that have been operating for a few“This is due years than for newer companies.

The sales budget may be said to be the total revenue expected from all products that are sold, and as such this affects all other aspects of the business.

to the reaSales budget is the first and bason that the total sales sic component of master budget figure provided by and it shows the expected numEstablished companies havesales budget is used as ber of sales units of a period and years of sales records and cana base figure in other the expected price per unit. It also base their forecasts on that shows total sales which are simcomponent budgets.” past sales data. It’s important ply the product of expected sales to mention that the sales budget comes directly after the sales forecast.

units and expected price per unit.

It influences many of the other components of master budget either directly or indirectly.

Wade Miquelon, the drugstore chain’s ex-CFO of Walgreens, blame for a $1.1 billion forecasting flub. The reason for Wade Miquelon’s recent, sudden departure from Walgreen, where he was CFO, was a drastically wrong financial forecast, the Wall Street Journal reported.


iquelon had forecast in April that the drugstore chain’s pharmacy division would show $8.5 billion in sales for fiscal-year 2016. Three months later, he reduced the forecast by somewhat more than a rounding error: $1.1 billion. The Journal cited unnamed sources as saying that Miquelon was pressured to leave the company.

The idea that a billion-dollar forecasting error was solely the fault of two individuals may strain credibility. Other company executives also apparently failed to notice the change in drug pricing. Might Miquelon have been, in effect, paid to take the blame? He appeared, at least, to suggest as much himself.

For his part, Miquelon said the departure was his choice. Still, he walked away with $3.2 million in severance pay plus a $1.2 million performance bonus. Days before the finance chief ’s “resignation,” pharmacy-unit chief Kermit Crawford announced he would retire at year-end.

“All senior leaders are constantly updated on all relevant financial matters and in turn apprise all board members transparently and expeditiously,” the Journal quoted him as saying.

As reported by the Journal, “Behind the botched numbers and management shakeup are Walgreen’s efforts to capture a larger role as a middleman dispensing prescription drugs under Medicare’s Part D, which subsidizes costs for the elderly and disabled. The saga at Walgreen — which derives 25% to 30% of its prescriptions from Medicare Part D plans — shows the broader risks for those operating in the Medicare ecosystem.”

Miquelon and Crawford took the blame for the company’s failure to take into account a spike in the price of some popular generic drugs when making the original 2016 forecast, according to the Journal.

On the other hand, Walgreen directors told investors they had no idea the change in the pharmacy forecast was coming, according to the Journal. Walgreen has made news several times over the past few years, not all of it positive. Most recently it earned the Obama administration’s displeasure for considering a tax inversion in which it would relocate its headquarters to Switzerland after completing its acquisition of European pharmacy chain Alliance Boots.

Then, on the day it announced its decision not to go ahead with that move, its stock tanked by more than 14%. Miquelon was a key player in Walgreen’s highly public pricing feud with pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts in 2011 and 2012. That standoff cost the company at least $4 billion, most analysts agreed.

Sales Strategies

Planning process “This process can be likened to that of operating a domestic central heating system�

The planning process can be described through the acronym MOST which ribes the process from the general to the specific: mission, objective, strategy, tactics.






The planning process of 1. Setting Objetives: Toyota has identified specific company is to achieve simultaneously high quality, low cost, short lead times, and flexibility.

2. Determining operations to meet objectives: Then, the leaders try to motivate their employees because goals don’t encourage them to worker harder or smarter.

3. Implementing: Then, the leaders try to motivate their employees because goals don’t encourage them to worker harder or smarter.

4. Measure results: After completing second step, they use the method of tracking progress toward goal achievement to get more motivating and rewarding and then gather and provide performance feedback to make adjustment in efforts, direction and strategy that will lead to dramatic increase in performance.

5. Maintain control and flexibility: Finally, they learned from experiences and failures and improve them to satisfy their customers and get the best productions.

The marketing plan can be portrayed as a hierarchy consisting of three 1.Objectives: where do we intend to go? (goals) 2. Strategies: how do we intend to get there? (broadly descriptive) 3. Tactics: the precise route to be taken (detailed)

STAGES ➢ Business definition Definition of Toyotas company: Toyota might define the company as being in the business of the provision of fantastic and innovating cars. Mission of Toyota: to provide safe & sound journey. Toyota is developing various new technologies from the perspective of energy saving and diversifying energy sources. En ➢ Situation analysis This step will vary from company to company, but will normally consist of a marketing analysis of strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).

➢ Market analysis The internal audit includes: Current and recent size and growth of market, analysis of customer needs, attitudes and trends in purchasing behavior, current marketing mix. External audit of Toyota: The external factors identified in this PESTEL/PESTLE analysis of Toyota’s remote or macro-environment mostly create opportunities for the company. For instance, the firm can focus on product development to exploit opportunities in the market. Toyota can also improve business operations and market presence to exploit opportunities based on economic external factors. ➢ Statements of objectives determine sales and market potential and forecast - Business objective of Toyota: remain competitive, produce quality cars and enhance technologies for green-energy cars. - Marketing objective of Toyota: Maintaining a place of leadership in the market -Financial objective of Toyota: Investment in and financing of other business with objectives related to the preceding items. -Corporate objective of Toyota: The manufacture and sale of general machinery

➢ Generating and selecting strategies Once marketing objectives have been defined and market potential has been assessed, generation and selection of strategies is the next step.

➢ Preparing the marketing program Detailed decisions must be made with respect to product policy, pricing, promotion and distribution in other words decision in the marketing must be taken. Toyota’s Policy: Provide its customers with the best possible products and service, is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all personnel and the prevention of work related injuries and illness Toyota’s Prices: Toyota’s prices vary widely, depending on the product line and the product type or model. This element of the marketing mix identifies how the firm sets the prices of its products. ➢ Budgeting Once approved, details of the marketing plan should be communicated to everyone involved. Toyota’s budgeting system is very important to the company and is made carefully for managers also is important to know that is totally separate from its financial accounting system and is very different from most budgeting systems. Some of these differences include: ➢ Implementation This control part of the marketing plan should specify what is to be measured, how it is to be measured and what data are required for measurement.

Place of Selling:

This becomes clearer if we examine some of the stages in the planning process where the sales function can make a valuable contribution: (a) analysis of current market situation (marketing audit) It is no secret that Toyota Motors sees the next wave of growth coming from developing markets. Earlier this month, it opened its fourth auto plant in Indonesia at an investment of, the facility, which will take Toyota’s annual capacity to 180,000. With a greater focus on building cars suited to the needs of customers in developing markets, Toyota hopes to generate 50% of its total vehicle sales from developing markets by 2015, up from 45% in 2011. (c) generating and selecting strategies. The impact of the dollar, new government regulations, changing customer preferences and increased product competition have impacted significantly on Toyota and have forced us to review and transform the way we do business.

(b) determining sales potential/sales forecasting Toyota has forecast that it will sell 10 million cars and light vehicles in 2016. Most of these sales will be outside its home market of Japan, which will produce sales of 2.231 million. Toyota’s sales in European lag those of the large manufacturers based there. In China, its sales fall well behind market leaders GM and VW. Tensions with China almost certainly will erode its position. The Chinese government may even take a hand in impeding Toyota’s efforts. The central government of the People’s Republic has done worse to foreign companies that are out of its favor.

(d) budgeting, implementation and control. Toyota’s budgeting system is unique: senior management has ultimate responsibility for making a profit and for administering the budget because there are no profit centers; having no profit centers, there is no need for transfer pricing, which eliminates biased performance evaluations; the goals set for employees motivate emThe strategy of Toyota is focused on achieving profit- ployees because these are understandable, and the same able and sustainable sales operations, product and val- high standards are required of like processes, regardue chain enhancement, alternative sourcing strategies, less of what individual plant the process in performed. cementing local manufacturing profitability, and intensive supplier development programs. The transformation strategy is aimed at


References Cultura de Japón. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, fromón Electronic Commerce: Selling Internationally A Guide for Businesses. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from EBay’s History. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from history.html Louis Vouitton in Japan, Ivey Case (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate. net/publication/266385877_Louis_Vouitton_in_Japan_Ivey_Case [accessed Apr 6, 2016]. Japan. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from Protocolo de Relaciones Exteriores. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016,from Sales tools and technology. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from Selling on Multiple Devices: 7 Key Ecommerce Functions. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://www.’s Role In Supporting Key Initiatives. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from’s-role-in-supporting-key-initiatives.aspx EBay’s secret of success. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2016, from eBays-secret-of-success App, T. (2015, December 29). Louis Vuitton’s new model is a Final Fantasy character. Retrieved April 12, 2016, from R. B. (2011, April 2). Why Business Forecasting is Important. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www. S. C. (2013). The Importance of Forecasting in the Operations of Modern Management. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from S. G. (2013, September 24). The Fatal Mistake That Doomed BlackBerry | Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Final Thoughts Miriam Aguilar Garza Conclusion In our globalized world the internet is the most efficient way to communicate because it allows us not only to communicate from one point in the world to another, but also allows us to purchase online and make easier the way in which we purchase today. It is important to remember that the right sales tools improve sales productivity and success rates, and that because of this we need to take advantage as much as we can of the tools that the IT have gave us, which allow us to create new ways of doing business, like the example of eBay, which is a company that have succeeded without having any physical store. However, if we talk about the future of the companies, managers need to plan based on the information that they gather, in order to do this, they start a planning process, that involves a business forecasting, which allows to know when to take more risks, and when it’s time to reduce the risk that we might have on stake, and the budget forecasting (which is another type of forecasting), that allows the company to make informed business decisions. It is imperative for a manager to have a good forecast, because having a good forecast allows the company to plan to the future, in short of long term, and this can make the business profitable. As a good example for failure in forecasting in this magazine we mentioned Black Berry, which failed in making the forecast by thinking that they did not needed to renovate themselves, or that their main competition did not offered the same services that they did, which caused the loss of millions of dollars. Finally, in this selling course we need to talk about the selling strategies, these are involved in the planning process that we have already discussed before. The selling strategies are important to every company because they involve the company’s mission, their objectives, as well as their strategy to attain them and their tactics, which are all of them part of the marketing plan that the company needs to make before launching any product; this will allow the company to put themselves in the market and make sure the right potential customers have awareness of the existence of the product, and are willing to buy it by offering them the right product, at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price. As a conclusion, I found very interesting the assignment of making this magazine, because as international business students we need to know the new ways of doing business, and also understand the importance of a good forecast and the role that the marketing plan plays in the day to day operations of a company.

Grecia Daileth Garza Acosta Conclusion As we all know, the internet is one of the most important tool regarding to business; this device allows anyone with a computer to stay connected and to communicate easily with all people around the world this means higher effectiveness in the process of sel. E-commerce which is purchasing and sale products through internet is totally possible and an easy process, in the magazine we talk about this concept with an example of e-bay which is the biggest e-commerce site founded in 1995 we also explain how this concept has become really important in our lives. Sales managers are concerned about know the future in advance so they can have plans and be prepared for any problem the company could face, one of their primary responsibility is forecast in order to prepared a budget the key is anticipate situations so the company could use correct and efficiently the resources. In the magazine we can observe that we talk about Budgeting and sales forecast which it’s a judgment based on options it an important part of any organization because allows the firm when it is right to take some risk and when you have to stay in a safe line. One thing that leads forecasting it is planning so we have to be very clear about this concept. The planning process describe primary the mission, objective, strategy and tactics, contains five important steps and is essential to the company, to make easier the explanation of it we mentioned a very detail Toyota example, something related to the planning process is the marketing plan which is difficult to explained because every planning situation is unique, nevertheless we explained a Toyota marketing plan where we indicate the business definition, situation analysis, market analysis, objectives, promotion, budgeting and implementation to the company. Regarding to the place of selling we examined the four stages for the process, analysis of current market, determining forecasting, generating strategies and finally budgeting Hilary Guzman Lira Conclusion Passing time generations are changing, so is technology. We cannot say that technology is bad, because it comes to facilitate our life’s, and for enterprises is like a miracle. Firms nowadays use technology for everything, since they are going to purchase until they close a deal. For the selling process technology make it more productive and also decrease risk. In another hand this improve the ¨e-commerce¨ that its being a potential tools for firms for international selling, we include a very good example to explain it, the biggest e-commerce site, yes, Ebay. This company is in charge of sell products online to make money, and it is a really good marketplace to sell any kind of product and we talk about their secret to success.

Talking about selling an important country for this topic is Japan, this country is recognized to love shopping but they have specific behavior that negotiators need to know at the time they are going to make business with them, culture is essential for them, there is an interesting case about Japan and Louis Vuitton the important luxury firm that talks about the strategy they need to use to enter in their market place that was not like the others, it mention all the changes they did to win the Japanese’s heart because they could miss the opportunity to be in the world’s largest market for luxury brands. As Japan did, firms need to realize the opportunity they have in order to make a sale strategy, of course every company has it planning process and without it they cannot continue the sales process, that’s why we include the Toyota planning process to facilitate the understanding of this topic. But there is another important topic to be discussed like it is the marketing plan, for me the marketing department has an essential place for the organization and without them the product probable will not be sell, I believe that people need to realize how important their job is and how a marketing plan can change the profits of the firm

Jorge Ariel Ruiz Sánchez Conclusion At the end of this research, I felt very interested for all the topics that we talked about, but the one that caught more my attention was the topic called “Sales Forecasting and Budgeting”. In my opinion I think that this topic is the most important because you can see how important is to make a good forecast within a company because a single mistake could bring you many problems. Also I realized how a budget is made and which steps you have to follow in order to know that it is completely accurate. It is also important to mention that there are not only financial forecast as most of the people think, but also there are social forecasts, competition forecasts, technological forecasts and so on. All of them have a huge relevance because even thought they might be focused in different things they all have the same purpose. In this topic we also mentioned a real case in which we can see all the problems that you have to deal with if you make a bad forecast. Thisexample was very helpful because youcanrealize that you really can getin troubles if you do something wrong. In general, this research allowed me to know many different things such as sales strategies, how are they done and why they must be established as well as how important is the internet nowadays for the use of e-commerce, but as I already said the topic that caught more my attention was the one that mentioned previously.

Rosa N. Pérez González Conclusion In the beginning of the 21st century, the world suffered a constant change as a whole. Before that century the knowledge and any discovery encounter by the human being took so long to be published and more to be known by others, the way it was deliver things or the way companies elaborate its products was very slow, taking by the way too much time to get everything done. Nowadays its very different, the information technologies give the human being the opportunity to make more with less time possible. This magazine captures the essence of more than selling and administrative topics, its contains how the companies act upon different situations, topics related to selling and other subjects that constitute its business as it is. For the cases sometimes enterprises are not going to have a win-win situation, like the topic of Sales Budgeting: Budget Allocation was a very interesting topic, it is perceived how several enterprises made mistakes, its not an error from outside, Blackberry did not want to be like the competition trying to think that if the company stays the same, customers are going to buy, but it wasn’t, because the market changes constantly and wants something different and faster. Also for the Sales Strategies Toyota was fit in a perfect case by encouraging employees and giving them what they want and designing as well better ways for selling. If a company is doing good for its employees also the employees are going to do good the company but the keyin order to perform better a a company is to keep going the same or trying to improve its other aspects , the importance here is to be constant and persistent. On the other hand for other companies that keep trying to attract more customers overseas like Louis Vuitton in Japan, they face a market that its main interesting topics for them Is the anime, then LV designed an innovative way to attract Japanese customer by including one female character from the richest franchise in videogames there, Final Fantasy Series. As it is perceived over the whole magazine, the cases represent important variables of the business world and how they act or they do not act properly facing the situation. A concept that it intends to demonstrate with this magazine is the diversity in the cases as well as the “endings” of those with the main topics of it. Personally the topics were easy to understand and develop just the budget allocation was difficult to search for a true case in order to make it as real as possible and how the concepts are related. I enjoyed this experience truly while making these and hope for a better consciousness of the companies to consider these cases as an example in order to improve their development in the business world

Fabiola Ledezma Conclusion In this edition, we saw important aspects, such as: Internet and its applications in selling and sales management, International Selling, Sales Forecasting and Budgeting, and Sales Strategies. All of this articles evolve in one objective, in which will help in the sales of the companies. As for Sales Strategies, the companies need to have a plan, this we call, the planning process, in which we have only 5 important steps that the companies need to follow. We gave the overview of Toyota, one of the most important companies on the planet, who of course follows this 5 steps creating improvements, and developments to this company. Another planning that companies need to be really aware is the marketing one, in which the companies need to put attention to the objectives, strategies, and tactics. A good marketing can attract different type of targets and make them fall in love with the company, with the targeting we also connect the place of selling, in which companies need to investigate how much money they count with, and create surveys of where is likely to be a success. Sales forecasting and Budgeting was a huge deal in this edition, it´s interesting how companies when entering the market really need to know about what goals they want to achieve, for this, they need to see even the small aspects, such as designs of the products, the quality, and quantity of the products, this helps specially for having a control, and what better example than Blackberry, a company always needs to improve and follow the modern likes of the people, with time we all prefer aspects as a product thats compact, small, easy to carry with us, in this enters budget, you need to gain more than you lose with the product development, if not, it´s a sad reality that your company will go to bankrupt, using techniques it´s what companies need to always have in mind. The best example of a place is Japan, well known by how they manage business, not only they´re puntual, they are in selling aspects intelligent, my honest opinion of the Japan subjects for not repeating what the article said, it´s that they take advantage, some people say they´re loyal, other thing that they copy ideas, in my idea it´s fifty-fifty, but in general we can see that the tactics they use help them be a really advanced society.

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