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Giving Thanks
Every year as we prepare the pages for this Honor Roll of Donors, I am continually awed by the sheer volume of names listed. Each name represents one of our impressive alumni, a devoted parent, a dedicated faculty or staff member, or a proud supporter of Rose-Hulman’s mission. To say we are thankful for that support would be a tremendous understatement.
The generosity of our donors fuels the fire I see in our students every day. Whether they are collaborating on their latest project in the New Academic Building, working with donated tools in the Kremer Innovation Center, or doing summer research with their favorite professor, our students experience the best in STEM education because of your philanthropic gifts.
At Rose-Hulman, we believe that we are educating world-changers. You only need to look at the successful careers of our alumni to know that is true. From working on life-saving medical devices to strengthening cybersecurity to building rockets and spaceships, our graduates are leaving their mark. Not only do they succeed, but they also give back to their alma mater in significant ways. These pages are filled with stories of heartfelt gratitude turning into transformational gifts. I hope they inspire you as much as they do me.
Working in Institutional Advancement is truly a privilege for me. I offer my sincere thanks for each gift we received last year. Regardless of gift size, every dollar is meaningful to our students, faculty and staff.
In a world where the need seems to be ever growing, we greatly appreciate you honoring the value of higher education and the impact it can have. Your investment in our students will pay dividends for years to come.
With much gratitude,

Steven P. Brady
Vice President for Institutional Advancement Brady1@rose-hulman.edu
The following pages recognize gifts from donors of $250 or more received from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. The Rose-Hulman website rose-hulman.edu/honorrollofdonors provides a complete listing of all donors contributing during the 2021-22 fundraising year. Please direct questions or comments to the Office of Institutional Advancement at 812-877-8453 or DevelopmentOffice@rose-hulman.edu. Chauncey Rose Millennium Society
The following lifetime gift recognition circles are determined by the total of all gifts received, including corporate matching gifts and matching gift expectancies. Platinum Torchbearer: $10,000,000 Diamond Torchbearer: $5,000,000 Torchbearer: $1,000,000 Chauncey Rose Society
Recognizing cumulative gifts made from the donor’s first gift to Rose-Hulman through June 30, 2022, including corporate matching gifts and matching gift expectancies. Chieftain: $500,000 Fellow: $250,000 Member: $50,000 1874 Heritage Society
Recognizing alumni, parents and friends who have made a deferred and/or estate gift commitment to Rose-Hulman. Deferred and estate gifts may be made in the form of bequests, testamentary trusts, annuities, charitable trusts, gifts of real estate with life-retained interest, and other life-income agreements.
President’s G.O.L.D. Circle
Recognizing cumulative young alumni giving for the first 10 years following graduation, including corporate matching gifts and matching gift expectancies. Gold: $5,000 Silver: $2,500 Bronze: $1,000 Annual Giving Circles
Recognizing annual gifts from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, including corporate matching gifts and matching gift expectancies. Herman Moench Circle: $25,000 Hulman Circle: $10,000 Founders Circle: $5,000 Trustees Circle: $2,500 Provosts Circle: $1,000 Deans Circle: $500 Rose and White Circle: $250 Century Circle: $100 Varsity R
This society recognizes annual gifts to the athletic department or recreational programs from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. 1888 Circle
Hall of Fame: $5,000 and above
All-American: $2,500 to $4,999
All-Conference: $1,000 to $2,499 Rosie’s Circle
Gold: $500 to $999
Silver: $250 to $499
Bronze: $100 to $249