Student January 21, 2010
KDUP General Manager Stipend: $4000/year • Is responsible for all on-air material and discussion • Must uphold all rules and regulations of the FCC and of the University of Portland as they relate to station operation, and assist the KDUP Adviser in implementing policies and directives • Represents the station as a non-voting member to the Student Media Committee. At each meeting of the SMC, the General Manager will present a one-page summary of accomplishments, challenges and feedback related to the station’s standing to date • Exercises overall responsibility for supervising station staff. Exercise leadership in establishing and maintaining a professional managerial relationship with all members of the staff • Holds one regular air shift each semester: two hours, one day a week • Maintains an effective working relationship with the KDUP Adviser in his/her role as a resource person and as a representative to the University. To accomplish this, the General Manager will initiate weekly conferences with the KDUP Adviser
Program Director Stipend: $2300/year • Assists in the overall management of the staff and helps the General Manager ensure smooth operation and programming policy at KDUP • Assists in selecting and implementing the station’s music format • Auditions, selects and evaluates all deejays • Creates a written schedule of deejay shows and recruits new deejays to fill open slots • Coordinates and tracks the deejay volunteering program • Publishes the KDUP play list weekly; maintains regular contact with music company representatives • Establishes cooperative working relationships with KDUP staff members and strives for coordinated efforts
“in the field” to be played on KDUP • Oversees, records, produces and coordinates the scheduling of public service announcements to be played at regular intervals in KDUP’s schedule • Introduces himself/herself to all campus departments in August and distributes written contact information and procedures on recording a public service announcement • Produces at least one hour-long news program each week • Is responsible for coordinating two campuswide panel discussions each semester related to pertinent current issues/ issues of interest to the campus community, ideally making use of University experts, such as faculty and staff • Recruits deejays to produce news-talk shows, debate shows and interview programs
Promotions Director Stipend: $1,800/year • Publicizes the availability of onair deejay positions at KDUP in conjunction with the Program Director • Promotes the station on campus, coordinating all advertising and promotional activities such as Pump Up KDUP Day, sponsors, acquiring concert tickets from promoters and deejay promotions at on-campus events such as dances • Coordinates the publication and distribution of all printed and other promotional materials including flyers and online announcements, newspaper ads, the station guide, t-shirts, Frisbees, etc. • Works cooperatively with representatives of The Beacon and other stu-
The Beacon —
Deadlines Feb. 4 - Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon and The Log; KDUP General Manager Feb. 11 – All other student media positions Applications available NOW in the Office of Student Activities in St. Mary’s. All salaries/stipends listed are approximate and may be subject to minor changes. All applicants must have a 2.5 or better GPA. Return applications to St. Mary’s before or by the due date. dent media to promote the station
News Reporter Stipend: $1,200/year • Assists the News Director with duties, recording events on campus • Produces approximately one news or feature segment per week using high journalistic standards of accuracy, balance and fairness. News or feature stories can originate from on- or off-campus events or issues. Segments will be produced electronically and played in the rotation on-air throughout the academic year, and may be replayed at any time • Works with the News Director to conduct two campus-wide panel discussions each semester
Web Technician Stipend: $1,200/year • Ensures high-quality web operations; maintains and troubleshoots the computer systems running KDUP’s web-
streaming music • Updates KDUP’s website regularly • Regularly monitors the station’s AM signal strength and quality • Notifies GM and KDUP Advisor of any problems • Along with the GM, works directly with contracted professional radio engineer to perform routine maintenance and address any problems as they arise • Serves as a primary liaison between KDUP and University Information Services
Assistant Music Director Stipend: $1200/year • Assists the music director in choosing, screening and cataloging music • Maintains contact with record label representatives • Keeps the music library organized and up to date • Responds to deejay and listener requests for specific musicContacts record labels for new music
Music Director Stipend: $2,300/year • Assists the program director in choosing and screening music • Assists in selecting and implementing the station’s music format • Maintains contact with record label representatives • Responds to all deejay and listener requests for specific music • With the Program Director, helps publish the KDUP play list weekly
News and Public Service Director Stipend: $2215/year • Directs and coordinates all newsgathering activities, such as the recording of student government election debates or lectures on campus • Conducts recorded interviews
Erica Ellingsen | THE BEACON
Junior Julia Fielder-Ross hosts her final KDUP show of fall semester. “Light’s Out” featuring Fielder-Ross and her friend and classmate, junior Amy Ansin, end the semester with a laugh-filled show full of their favorite tunes.
January 21, 2010
Living Section Editor
Stipend: $4500/year
Stipend: $2750
• Is responsible for the production of a weekly newspaper, The Beacon, during • Is responsible for all features content of the newspaper and the assigning of the school year, with a minimum of 12 issues each semester. reporters to cover those stories. These include profiles, features series, arts and • Is responsible for all material appearing in The Beacon, except for adverentertainment events, and arts, restaurant and film reviews. tising content. While advertisers are re• Is available to reporters for direcsponsible for the accuracy of their ads, tion. May refer reporters to adviser for the editor should monitor submitted adtraining. vertising to ensure it is in keeping and • Contributes articles as needed. consistent with university values. • Edits and designs the Living Sec• Is responsible for editorial content tion and the Faith and Fellowship page. of The Beacon’s website, directing and • Serves on the Editorial Board and supervising the online editor’s postings. attends all Tuesday editorial meet• Exercises sound judgment groundings, Ed Board meetings, and Thursday ed in fairness and accuracy and the cancritique meetings. Absences must be ons of responsible journalism. cleared in advance through the Editor • Consults with the editorial board and Media Adviser. to determine general editorial policy (as distinct from opinion articles that repreSports Editor sent the points of view of specific writStipend: $2750 ers). The approval of a simple majority of the editorial board is required before • Is responsible for all sports content the publication of specific editorials. Enof the newspaper and the assigning of sure at all times that editorial direction reporters to cover those stories. These shall be guided by the Code of Ethics. include sports profiles, sports series, • Maintains an open mind and is acsports news and sports columns. cessible to all elements of the University • Edits and designs the Sports section community, while realizing that the stuof The Beacon. dents constitute its largest element. • Is available to reporters for direc• Appoints section editors as listed tion on sports stories. May refer them to in consultation with, and subject to the adviser for training. prior approval of, the student media adReilly Hourigan | THE BEACON • Contributes articles/columns as viser. Ad/Business staff positions will Senior Emily Sitton does a fi nal read through of the news section before putting it to bed. needed. be appointed by the editor in consultaAs news editor, Sitton double checks that all of her final edits have been made. • Serves on the Editorial Board and tion with the adviser. attends all Tuesday editorial meetings, • Actively recruits, trains and superEd Board meetings and Thursday crivises staff with the help of the adviser. tique meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Me• Contributes articles as needed. dia Adviser.
Application Deadline for Editor-in-Chief: Feb. 4 News Editor Stipend: $2900
• Is responsible for all news content of the newspaper and the assigning of reporters to cover those stories. These include in-depth reporting, series, news events and news features. • Is available to reporters to give direction. May refer reporters to adviser for training. • Edits and designs the News section of The Beacon. • Monitors campus events and edits a weekly “on campus” calendar. • Contributes articles as needed. • Serves on the Editorial Board and attends all Ed Board meetings. • Attends all Tuesday editorial meetings, Ed Board meetings and Thursday critique meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Media Adviser.
Opinion Section Editor Stipend: $2200
• Edits and designs the Opinion section of The Beacon. • Is responsible for “Faces on the Bluff,” with the assistance of photographers. • Conducts systematic outreach for thoughtful, informed submissions on timely, relevant topics to the opinion pages of The Beacon. • Works with contributors to ensure their submissions adhere to AP and Beacon style and provide Beacon readers with meaningful content. • Serves on the Editorial Board and attends all Ed Board meetings. • Writes most of the editorials. • Contributes articles as needed. • Consults with Editor in Chief to determine topics for weekly polls for the Beacon online. • Attends all Tuesday editorial meetings, Ed Board meetings, and Thursday critique meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Media Adviser.
Design Editor Stipend: $2400
• Must have experience with InDesign software and Photoshop. • With the help of the editor, is responsible for designing all templates for the newspaper, including the masthead and managing the overall “look” of the paper throughout the school year. This should be done in consultation with all Editorial Board members (editors). • Initiates discussions with section editors and reporters each week about graphics and other visuals. Assist the section editors with special design. • Coordinates the work of The Beacon’s artist and photographers with the needs of reporters and editors. • Is responsible for the design and layout of all special sections of the newspaper, including the Halloween issue, April Fool’s issue, the Student Voice and other special sections (about five per school year). Supervises reporters’ articles for special sections. • Offers assistance to editors on design and technical matters and performs at least one edit of each page on production night. • Contributes articles as needed. • Manages electronic photo files and all other image-related tasks. • Designs graphics (i.e. tables, charts, timelines and art elements) for Section Editors as assigned. Also suggests the use of graphic elements, when appropriate, during editorial meetings. • Attends all Tuesday editorial meetings, Ed Board meetings and Thursday critique meetings.
News Reporter
• Reports/writes one (occasionally two) story of less than 800 words a week, as assigned by the News Editor or Living Editor. • Makes edits and corrections as assigned after editors return the first drafts on Monday, turning in a final draft by 4 p.m. Tuesday. • Is required to contribute at least two story ideas at the weekly planning meeting on Tuesday afternoons, and also required to attend Thursday afternoon critique meetings. • Must regularly contact sources for stories, conduct interviews and produce content that is fair and accurate.
Sports Reporter
Living Section Editor Elliot Boswell, senior, reminds a wary source of the people’s right to know.
• Must have experience with InDesign and Photoshop • Must meet with Business/Advertising Manager once a week to discuss design needs. • On direction from the Business/Ad Manager, design Advertisements at client’s request, meeting all deadlines and ad specifications. • Assists Business/Advertising Manager with Ad Design and layout. May also assist editors with design and layout of the newspaper, as needed.
Business and Advertising Manager
Stipend:$1000. Several positions available.
• Writes one (occasionally two) story per week (of generally 700 words), as assigned. • Required to offer a minimum of two story ideas at the weekly planning meeting. • Makes edits and corrections to his/her stories each week after the copy is reviewed and/or edited by section editors. When required, the reporter must complete rewrites per direction of section editor. • Is willing to cover games as he or she is available—including weekends. • Meets deadlines. Stories are due by 1 p.m. Monday of the week they are scheduled for publication. Corrected copy is due at 4 p.m. Tuesday. • Attends and actively participates in all planning meetings and critique meetings on Tuesday and Thursdays.
• Must be familiar with Microsoft Access and Excel. • Must be highly organized and professional. • Is responsible for selling and managing all advertising in The Beacon, including correspondence (phone and e-mail), billing, receipts and record-keeping on Microsoft Access. • Every month, sends invoices and copies of newspaper and “tearsheets” of ads to advertisers, issuing a receipt upon payment • Promptly deposits payments in the UP cashiers office • At the start of each semester, makes inperson visits to ALL campus departments and distributes an ad-rate sheet and deadline information to each department. Checks in at least once each semester with each client department, as well as off-campus advertisers. • In mid-summer, sends a letter and ad rate Stipend:$1500. Several positions availbrochure and publication schedule to both able former Beacon advertisers and potential new advertisers inviting them to advertise in the • Is responsible for taking high-quality coming school year. digital photos as assigned by Beacon editors • Creates and employs a plan to solicit new and/or the design editor. and continuing advertising from local busiReilly Hourigan | THE BEACON • Supplies accurate identification and in- Junior Samantha Heathcote digitally enhances a drawing with sophomore nesses and from national advertisers. formation for each photograph submitted to Design Editor Rosemary Peters. As The Beacon’s on-call artist, Heathcote • Regularly checks e-mail and phone messection editors. Information shall include produces several works of art for all of the sections. sages and responds to clients promptly. proper identification (full names, correctly • Oversees Director of Circulation, assignspelled; and class level) of all persons in the ing tasks as needed. photo, a description of the activity and/or the event, including the proper name of • Provides Student Media Adviser and Controller’s office with monthly statethe event, the location and date it occurred. ments on circulation and ad revenue. • Maintains effective communication with section editors and design editor • Works with design assistant to design and lay out ads each week. and organize digital photos on deadline and in accordance with editors’ needs • Attends and actively participates in all news budget planning meetings and critique meetings, which typically are weekly commitments
Application Deadline for all positions but Editor-in-Chief: Feb. 11
Stipend:$730 • Produces illustrations/cartoons to accompany news, feature, sports and opinion articles after consulting with editors. • Helps Design Editor plan visual elements for special sections. • Must be able to work on tight deadlines. • Attends Tuesday planning meetings and Thursday critique meetings. • Must be available Wednesday nights.
Web Technician Stipend: $2000
• Posts The Beacon online every Thursday morning or late Wednesday night, including slideshows, photos, polls and other visual and interactive elements. • Under direction of editor, promptly posts breaking news, photos, scores or other updates. • Monitors readers’ online comments and discussions. • Manages Beacon Facebook page, working with the Editor in Chief to increase interactivity between The Beacon and its readers, as well as increase traffic to the Beacon’s website. • Attends Tuesday planning meetings and Thursday critique meetings, providing ideas for improving the Beacon’s website. • Meets with Editor in chief as needed. • Should have web skills sufficient to navigate College Publisher, The Beacon’s content management system. • Ideally is proficient with HTML, Java, Flash and other web technology.
Reilly Hourigan | THE BEACON
Design/Layout Assistant
Stipend: $1000. Several positions available.
Copy Editor
• Is responsible for copy-editing all content of the newspaper, including first drafts on Monday afternoon/evening as well as proof layout pages late Wednesday evening. • Should be proficient in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. • Must become proficient in AP (Associated Press) style by September 2010. • Serves on the Editorial Board and attends all Tuesday editorial meetings, Ed Board meetings and Thursday critique meetings. • Contributes articles as needed.
The Beacon —
Assistant Business Manager Stipend:$1200
• Must be familiar with Excel and willing to learn Microsoft Access • Isesponsible for processing all subscription orders, providing updated circulation lists to UP print shop regularly and working with mailroom to ensure delivery. • Is in charge of table to solicit parent subscribers during freshman orientation. • Handles all correspondence with subscribers, troubleshooting any problems with UP print shop and/or mail room. • May be assigned advertising-related tasks by Business and Advertising Manager • Delivers stacks of Beacons to distribution racks every Thursday.
Reilly Hourigan | THE BEACON
Reilly Hourigan | THE BEACON
Senior Andy Matarrese, editor-in-chief of The Beacon, helps junior Aaron O’Connell, sports editor, create journalistic fusion.
Sophomore Katie Schleiss edits a newspaper article on her computer on a Monday night. While normally the copy editor edits a hard copy, Schleiss makes an exception to make sure the content of the paper is stellar.
The Beacon —
January 21, 2010
The Log Editor-in-Chief Stipend $3,000 per year. One position available • Is responsible for all material appearing in the yearbook, and its appearance and form. He or she shall exercise sound judgment grounded in fairness and accuracy and the tenets of journalism to assure the yearbook truthfully and fairly reflects the entire academic year at the University in print, photos and graphics in as complete a manner as production schedules permit. In so doing, he or she will call on the Yearbook Adviser for counsel and support. • Attempts to present a balanced depiction of the University and all elements of the University community during his or her year of editorship to create a publication of accurate record, which is an acknowledged goal of the yearbook. • Strives to produce a yearbook that is a valid representation of the University community during one year in its history. The Log is not a publication for commentary nor a forum for personal opinions of any one part or portion of the community. • Maintains an open mind and an open-door policy toward all elements of the University community while recognizing that the students are The Log’s largest constituency. The editor shall personally, or through delegated staff, keep in close touch with all facets of the University and all constituencies. • Establishes goals at the beginning of his or her term in conjunction with the yearbook staff. He or she is expected to coordinate all facets of yearbook production (including senior portraits and yearbook distribution) and to meet all deadlines with the publishing company. With regard to personnel issues, the Editor-in-Chief shall: • Foster an amicable working relationship with student services staff and with the communications faculty and students. • Establish close and productive working relationships with campus services, the contract printer and other agencies providing production assistance and services. This can be done through judicious delegation of responsibilities to staff members and continuing supervision. • Represent The Log as a nonvoting member of the Student Media Committee. Meet with the SMC or its subcommittee for evaluation of the previous yearbook and consult during planning for the current year’s publication. • Maintain an effective working relationship with the Yearbook Adviser in his or her role as a resource person and as a representative of the University. The editor will initiate weekly conferences with the Yearbook Adviser. • Work productively with the incoming editor during the weeks following that person’s selection and appointment in order to fully acclimate him or her to the responsibilities of the position. • Oversees distribution of the yearbook in early September. Arranges for distribution tables and manages the staffing of such tables at campus events (movies,
Jordan Schager | THE BEACON
Senior Chris Clem and sophomore Bri Bobiak, photographers for The Log, snap actions shots at a soccer game. To keep the design fresh, Clem and Bobiak take photos from several angles so that the design editors can get creative with the layout. concerts) and in The Commons. Tracks who has/has not picked up his/her yearbook. Makes arrangements for and monitors yearbook distribution at the Info Desk in the Pilot House. • Performs an overall edit during presubmission deadline weeks (about five times per year). • Follow the “Personnel Guidelines for Student Media.”
Design Editor Stipend $1,565 per year. Two positions available. • Is responsible, along with
editor and staff, for setting goals and establishing a theme for the yearbook. • Is responsible for the design and layout of all sections of The Log yearbook. • Is responsible for designing all templates for the yearbook, such as page numbers, and managing the overall “look” of the Log throughout the production process. This should be done with the Editor • Attends yearbook design training sessions when possible. • Establishes cooperative working relationships with yearbook staff members and strives for coordinated efforts. • Checks for design consistency during
year in school of each subject and a description of the action for each photo submitted. • Reserves his/her university-owned digital camera for Log use only and keeps the camera locked in the Log office when not in use (see Camera Release agreement). • Keeps organized photo files (digital photos in computer photo files/folders). • Takes initiative to take photos for The Log that are not specifically assigned. • Digitally manages and organizes photos in computer file system. • Writes photo captions. • Places finished worked into page design via InDesign with assistance from Assistant Design Editor. • Actively solicits photo submissions by campus individuals and groups through marketing efforts in residence halls and other areas on campus. • Attends all weekly meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Yearbook Adviser.
Copy Writer Stipend $1,450 per year. Three positions available.
Reilly Hourigan | THE BEACON
Every year, the cover of The Log has a new design to capture the spirit of the year’s students.
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pre-submission deadline weeks (about five times per year). • Attends all weekly meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Yearbook Adviser.
Photographer Stipend $1,450 per year. Three positions available • Is responsible for taking high-quality photos as assigned by Log Editor and Copy Writers (digital format only) for all sections of The Log. Re-takes photos when asked by Editor to do so. • Supplies correctly-spelled names and
• Covers on-campus events for the yearbook as assigned by the Editor. Writes copy using material gathered at the event and through interviews with participants. • Communicates with photographer assigned to the same event to coordinate coverage. • Supplies correctly-spelled names and year in school for subjects covered in each story submitted. • Follows a standard style for his/her writing as determined by the Editor. • In a timely manner, makes edits or completes rewrites to his/her copy after the Editor has made editing marks and suggestions. • Places finished worked into page design via InDesign with assistance from Assistant Design Editor. • Works with the editor and staff to set goals and establish a yearbook theme. • Attends all weekly meetings. Absences must be cleared in advance through the Editor and Yearbook Adviser.