Rosenberg 2011 Report

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The Rosenberg Foundation believes that in order for democ­ racy to thrive in our state and nation, every person in California must have fair and equitable opportunities to participate fully in the state’s economic, social, and political life.

For 75 years, the Rosenberg Foundation has had the privilege of championing the groundbreaking work of social and economic justice leaders making an impact across California. As the first staffed foundation west of the Missis­ sippi, the Foundation’s early leaders established the institution as a risktaker, supporting promising and trailblaz­ing work. Having been passed the responsibility and honor of continuing that pioneering tradition, the Foundation under its current leadership strives to stay close to burgeoning movements and issues. We work diligently to identify the organizations and leaders engaged in innova­ tive, grassroots civil rights advocacy, supporting them in a robust and persistent manner. The Foundation is more than just a funding source—we aim to be true partners with our grantees in the work to change the odds for all Californians. Whether organizing convenings, facilitating collaboration among groups or helping our partners leverage ad­ditional resources, we are strong advocates for our grantees and the individuals, families, and communities they serve. The wide range of work the Foundation has supported over the past five years is a reflection of our continued commitment to helping build a strong, diverse, and dynamic progressive movement. We expanded support for vital efforts in im­ migrant rights, justice for farm workers, and accountable community development. We also embarked upon a new priority area, taking on the urgent need to reform California’s approach to criminal justice and public safety. We also have made a special investment in supporting the new, fresh voices heading social justice groups in California today. Despite the challenging economic climate, the Foundation has chosen to support the work of our grant partners at a level that exceeds the required five percent minimum. We also are very proud to report that every grant awarded over the past five years has funded advocacy and organizing—efforts designed to address the root cause of some of the most challenging problems we face as a society. Seventy-five years after Max Rosenberg’s bequest and the creation of the Founda­ tion, we continue to support those at the forefront of the work to achieve policy reform that improves opportunities for all Califor­nians. We look forward to continuing the legacy set forth by our past president Ruth Chance many years ago—to advocate for the disenfranchised by providing strategic leadership to those on the front lines of the social justice movement. Sincerely,

Timothy P. Silard PRESIDENT

Hugo Morales BOARD CHAIR

Benjamin Todd Jealous PAST PRESIDENT (2005–2008)




An ALLIANCE in Defense of Civil Rights





Catalyzing Solutions in CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM WINNING JUSTICE for California Farm Workers


Advocating for Immigrant RIGHTS + INTEGRATION

Supporting NEXT GENERATION Social Justice Leaders



Rosenberg Foundation BOARD + STAFF




An ALLIANCE in Defense of Civil Rights The California Civil Rights Coalition ( was created based on the understanding that defending civil and human rights takes more than just hard work and commitment to principle – it takes an army.

For more than two decades, CCRC has worked to increase the effectiveness of California’s civil rights community by creating a durable, statewide progressive alliance of activists dedicated to preserv­ ing and expanding equal opportunity in the state.

Historically, the work of CCRC relied heavily on technical support and staff assistance from member organizations, but CCRC leaders and the Rosenberg Foundation saw the potential for CCRC to become a fully independent orga­ nization. The Rosenberg Foundation and the Ford Founda­ tion partnered with CCRC and Equal Justice Society, providing capacity-building support to assist CCRC’s efforts to grow into a robust initiative capable of proac­ tively moving vital progressive policies in California.


Under the leadership of CCRC’s co-chairs, its membership has grown to include more than 50 active organizations throughout California. These leaders work in partnership to leverage their diverse strengths across policy advocacy, com­ munications, education, organizing, and litigation to defend minority and civil rights on a range of issues, from equal access to higher education to tax policy reform to ensuring safe neighborhoods. Recent efforts include an education campaign emphasizing the importance of health care for immigrant communities, and fighting college admissions policies at University of California and California State University campuses that negatively impact students of color.




The Foundation exceeded a total payout of


during the five-year period

BUILDING Sustainable Local Economies

Among a dynamic group of accountable community development advocates supported by the Rosenberg Foundation is the Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy ( CAUSE is grounded in the belief that building the infrastructure within — and the cooperation between — social justice groups leads to stronger, healthier, and more sustainable communities. To that end, CAUSE works with labor, faith, community, and environmental leaders across 260 organizations to achieve social, economic, and environmental justice in California’s Central Coast region. CAUSE conducts policy research, leadership CRIMINAL JUSTICE development, and community 20% REFORM organizing designed to build the grassroots power of its partners ACCOUNTABLE DEVELOPMENT 15% ADVOCACY in the region. The Rosenberg Fo u nd at io n r e s p o nde d t o CIVIL RIGHTS, CIVIC PARTICIPATION + 26% SPECIAL PROJECTS CAUSE’s groundbreaking potential early on, providing a EFFECTIVE PHILANTHROPY + 3% NON-PROFIT ADVOCACY seed grant of $25,000 in 2000. Since then, the Foundation has IMMIGRANT RIGHTS + 36% provided $440,000 to help INTEGRATION CAUSE expand its scale and impact across the state. Today, this regional organization is attracting national attention and funding. CAUSE has proven to be extremely effective; OUR IMPACT BY its policy campaigns have led to THE NUMBERS the adoption of five municipal living wage ordinances in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, the first-ever health benefits for in-home support workers, and two successful health-care initiatives targeting uninsured children and farm workers. In total, the organization’s efforts have brought about improved wages and health benefits for more than 6,000 working families across the Central Coast.



Funding IMPACT LITIGATION The Rosenberg Foundation believes that impact litigation remains an essential advocacy tool and is proud to support cutting-edge litigation efforts.

These efforts are undertaken on behalf of a range of communities by a number of groups, including the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center (, Equal Rights Advocates (, Asian Pacific American Legal Center ( and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educa­ tion Fund (


Over the past five years, Rosenberg renewed its ongoing support (since 1979) for litigation efforts led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area ( In 2007, working with the ACLU of Northern California and others, the Lawyers’ Committee intervened on behalf of parents of students enrolled in Berkeley Unified School District against a lawsuit that sought to hamper the district’s efforts to ensure diversity within its schools and classrooms. The Alameda County Superior Court found that the district does not violate state law when it considers race as one of many factors in assigning students to schools, and the state Court of Appeals upheld the ruling in 2009. In 2008, the Lawyers’ Committee won a $2.25 million settlement, including permanent injunctive relief and damages for injured class members against the City of Fresno on behalf of homeless individuals whose personal pos­ sessions were being confiscated and destroyed. In 2010, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling allowing Latino residents to sue Stanislaus County for discrimination under the Federal Housing Act for failing to provide adequate municipal services to predominantly Latino neighborhoods. In 2001, the Rosenberg Founda­ tion made its first grant in support of the largest civil rights class OUR IMPACT BY action lawsuit in U.S. history. Led by THE NUMBERS Equal Rights Advocates and the Impact Fund (, Dukes v. Wal-Mart seeks to redress and combat sex-based employment discrimination by one of the nation’s largest employers. The plaintiffs The Foundation awarded more than in the case allege a long pattern of sex discrimination in pay and promotions, and retaliation against those women who complained. To date, the action has pro­ gressed successfully through the federal district and appellate courts and is now headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2009 and 2010, the Rosenberg Foundation piloted the use of Program Related Investments to support major litigation by approving PRIs to Equal Rights Advocates and the Impact Fund.





Catalyzing Solutions in CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM The Rosenberg Foundation is committed to ensuring that every person in California has fair and equitable opportunities to participate fully in the state’s economic, social, and civic life. Nowhere are the barriers to equal opportunity more visible than in California’s fractured criminal justice system, which creates and perpetuates an ongoing cycle of crime and discrimination that undermines entire communities, especially in the most impoverished neighborhoods and regions of the state. Criminal justice reform has become one of the most urgent civil rights issues of our day. The Rosenberg Foundation is resourcing new solutions to strengthening human rights in California with a special focus on issues related to criminal justice and prison reform. To further this goal, the Rosenberg Foundation uses a mix of grantmaking, communications, and direct activities aimed at creating alternatives to incarceration, reducing recidivism, improving public safety, and providing employment opportunities and support to the formerly incarcerated. Over the past five years, the Foundation has awarded more than $2.1 million in grants to a diverse group of organizations working on criminal justice reform, including the Family Violence Prevention Fund (, Women’s Founda­ tion of California (, Urban Strategies Council (urbanstrategies. org), NAACP (, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children/All of Us or None (, National Employment Law Project ( and the East Bay Community Law Center ( This support has funded a broad range of programs such as initiatives aimed at increasing employ­ ment opportunities and combating discrimination against the formerly incarcerated, preventing childhood exposure to violence, addressing racial disparities within the criminal justice system, and reducing the number of women prisoners in California. grants True to its underlying principle of augmenting financial support approved with network building and technical assistance, the Foundation for has helped to organize a series of convenings that bring together criminal justice funders with U.S. Department of Justice officials, probation officers, judges, local law enforcement officers, and top national experts on public safety and criminal justice reform. organizations Notably, the Rosenberg Foundation hosted the first meeting of the Council of State Governments Justice Center ( with the chiefs of police from four California jurisdictions to develop a data-driven reentry and justice reinvestment project. The Foundation also helped organize a convening among more than 80 criminal justice funders nationwide and the U.S. Department of Justice to identify top priorities for public/private partnerships.



WINNING JUSTICE for California Farm Workers Farm workers are the backbone of California’s agricultural economy. They also remain one of the most vulnerable and underrepresented populations in the state. Supporting the region’s farm workers has been a cornerstone of the Rosenberg Foundation’s efforts since the 1950s. Today, that legacy is continued through the work of a number of the Rosenberg Foundation’s grant partners including Farmworker Justice ( For the past 28 years, Farmworker Justice has worked to improve the wages, working conditions, and rights of migrant and seasonal workers through policy advocacy, public education, technical assis­ tance, and litigation. The organiza­ tion’s efforts have led to a higher standard of living for farm workers and immigrants across the state, and a heightened level of media attention nationwide. The Rosen­ berg Foundation has provided continued and unwavering supp o r t t o Far mwo rke r ​ J u s t ic e, awarding more than $2.6 million in funding since its inception.







Over the past five years, Farmworker Justice has GRANTS AWARDED FOR PROJECT-RELATED SUPPORT won key victories on behalf of immigrant rights, includ­ ing achieving improve­ ments in both wages and working conditions for agricultural workers, garnering employer support for key immigration legislation, and generating favorable media coverage for immigration reform efforts. Farmworker Justice is also part of a new coalition that includes Oxfam America (, the United Farm Workers (, and a number of other stake­ holders. In 2010, the Rosenberg Foundation provided the inaugural grant for this initiative, called “Fairness in the Fields.” The initiative aims to establish, enforce, publicize, and monitor a comprehensive set of labor standards for farm work in the U.S., and to enable retail consumers to choose to buy food that has been grown and produced in compliance with domestic fair labor standards. Already, this exciting early effort has attracted keen attention from advocates, organizers, and retailers.

Advocating for Immigrant RIGHTS + INTEGRATION Promoting the full economic, Immigration is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and the future of California relies in part on building strong, empowered, and fully engaged immigrant communities.

social and civic integration of immigrants has long been one of the touchstones of the Rosenberg Foundation’s commitment to human rights.

To this end, the Rosenberg Foundation con­ tinues to make a strategic and concerted commitment to bolster immigrant rights and integration. Specifically, the Foundation promotes change in public policy and private practices through a multi-pronged strategy that includes supporting grassroots advocacy, uplifting emerging leaders in underserved communities, enforcing voting and language rights, and strengthening the communications capacity of immigrant rights advocates. In the past five years, the Foundation has invested more than $2.4 million in a strategic group of organizations doing some of the most effective work in this area. For example, since 2006, the Foundation has given $360,000 to help Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice – California ( engage a broad spectrum of faith leaders statewide to support immigration reform and immigrant integration. CLUE-CA reaches hundreds of faith leaders from immigrant and mainstream congregations around the state, and builds alliances across racial and ethnic lines to advance campaigns for immigrant rights and reform. Its crucial efforts include a campaign to support and empower workers who are fighting for more humane working conditions, decent wages, and access to health care. The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles ( was founded in 1986 in response to the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which provided amnesty to 2.7 million undocumented immigrants but also imposed sanctions on employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers. Today, CHIRLA is a leader in both state and national immigrant rights advocacy efforts. CHIRLA uses coalition-building, advocacy, community education, and organizing to empower immigrants, and a wide range of multi-ethnic, multi-racial allies to build a more just society. The Rosenberg Foundation has provided nearly $600,000 in support to CHIRLA since 1994.

Day laborers are the most visible face of the undocumented in this country and therefore bear the brunt of discrimination. The National Day Laborer Organizing Network ( works to create safe and humane environments that allow day laborers to earn a living, contribute to society, and integrate into communi­ ties. NDLON was launched in 2001 as a collaborative effort of 12 organizations and worker centers dedicated to improving the lives of day laborers in the U.S. Since its initial support in 2003, the Rosenberg Foundation has awarded NDLON more than $500,000, with more than $250,000 provided since 2006.

Supporting NEXT GENERATION Social Justice Leaders


Building a strong progressive infrastructure takes more than investing in organizations; it takes an investment in leadership. The funding priorities of the Rosenberg Foundation reflect this commitment. The Foundation is proud to support a new generation of grantees whose executive directors are spearheading some of the most cutting-edge civil rights work in California and across the country. These leaders have the drive, passion, and foresight necessary to defend and advance human rights into the next decade and beyond. A few of these leaders are highlighted here.


Mina Titi Liu Mina Titi Liu has a strong reputation for advancing social justice issues both domestically and internationally. She has served as the Law and Rights Program Officer for the Ford Foundation and as a consultant to the U.S. State Department and USAID, and has published extensively in the U.S. and China on the relation­ ship between litigation and social change. As executive director of the Asian Law Caucus ( in San Francisco, Liu now leads the fight to promote, advance, and represent the legal and civil rights of Asian and Pacific Islander communities with a special focus on the needs of low-income, immigrant, and underserved people. The Rosenberg Foundation has provided the Asian Law Caucus with $860,000 in support since 1987.


Lateefah Simon Lateefah Simon has been a tireless advocate for communities of color, youth, and women since she was 15 years old, when she joined the Center for Young Women’s Development as a volunteer. Four years later, Simon was named executive director, becoming one of the youngest leaders of a social service agency in the country. Now, as executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (, Simon leads the charge to promote equal access and opportunity for at-risk communities through policy work, direct service, and impact litigation. Since joining LCCR in 2008, Simon has revitalized the organization, se­ curing new funding, significantly expanding the organization’s direct services programs, and launching new efforts to help formerly incarcer­ ated men and women permanently exit the criminal justice system. The Rosenberg Foundation began funding LCCR in 1979 and has since pro­ vided the organization with nearly $1.9 million in financial support.


Abdi Soltani


Abdi Soltani has built a diverse and dynamic career advocating for social change. He has served as executive director at Californians for Justice, the Campaign for College Opportunity, and, most recently, at PARSA, the first Persian community foundation in the U.S. and the leading Persian philan­ thropic institution practicing strategic philanthropy and promoting social entrepreneurship around the globe. As a leader in the “No on 54” campaign in 2003, Soltani helped defeat a proposi­ tion aimed at significantly weakening racial equality by barring state and local government agencies from collecting vital data on Californians’ race, ethnic­ ity, or national origin. He now brings his community building and civil rights muscle to the ACLU, where he leads a team of legal advocates working to preserve and expand basic freedoms in California and nationwide. The Rosenberg Foundation has provided the ACLU of Northern California ( with $530,000 in support since 1993.


Arcelia Hurtado As a young attorney, Arcelia Hurtado devoted her career to providing legal represen­ tation to those who otherwise would not have access to it. Her work with numerous community-based organizations including La Raza Centro Legal has helped secure individual civil and human rights in the fields of employment, housing, and immigra­ tion. As an appellate lawyer, she has represented people on death row. Now as execu­ tive director of Equal Rights Advocates (, Hurtado brings her deep knowledge of the law and her passion for civil rights to bear on advancing equal op­ portunity for women and girls through impact litigation and advocacy. Since it began funding Equal Rights Advocates in 1998, the Rosenberg Foundation has provided the organization with nearly $1 million in financial support.


Vincent Pan Vincent Pan is a leading progressive voice on issues of racial justice and social change. Prior to joining Chinese for Affirmative Action, Pan worked with the William J. Clinton Foundation in Beijing to start and expand HIV/AIDS treatment and care programs in China. Before that, Pan co-founded and served as executive director of Heads Up, a community-based organization that runs education and enrichment programs for low-income children in Washington, D.C. Pan now leads Chinese for Affirmative Action (, where he spearheads ad足 vocacy on a range of pressing social justice issues including language access, immigrant rights, affirmative action, educational equity, and marriage equality. The Rosenberg Foundation has provided Chinese for Affirmative Action with $480,000 in financial support since 2001.








OUR GRANTMAKING 2006– The Rosenberg Foundation is an independent grantmaking foundation committed to ensuring that every person in California has fair and equitable opportunities to participate fully in the state’s economic, social, and political life.


The Foundation was established in 1935 through the bequest of Max L. Rosenberg, a California business leader. In its sole program area, Economic Inclusion and Human Rights, the Foundation invests in innovative efforts and reforms that aim to achieve significant and lasting improvements in the lives of Californians.

ACLU Foundation of Northern California


ACLU Foundation of San Diego and Imperial Counties


ACORN Institute


Alliance for Justice


The American Prospect


Applied Research Center


Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy


Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California


Asian Pacific Environmental Network Association of Black Foundation Executives California Budget Project

$75,000 $11,750 $250,000

California Reinvestment Coalition


California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation


Catholic Charities of San Diego


Center for Third World Organizing


Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy


Centro Legal de la Raza


Chinese for Affirmative Action


Chinese Progressive Association


Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice—California


Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles


Community Partners


Council of State Governments Justice Center


Council on Foundations


Drug Policy Alliance


East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy


East Bay Community Law Center Ella Baker Center for Human Rights


Equal Justice Society


Equal Rights Advocates


Family Violence Prevention Fund Farmworker Justice Fund

$65,000 $860,000

Foundation Center


Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees


Independent Sector


Insight Center for Community Economic Development


Institute for Local Government


Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California


La Raza Centro Legal


Labor Project for Working Families


Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law




Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area


Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center


Legal Services for Prisoners with Children


Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy


Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy


National Day Laborer Organizing Network


National Employment Law Project


National Farm Worker Service Center National Immigration Law Center Neighborhood Funders Group

$100,000 $300,000 $13,000

Northern California Grantmakers


Oxfam America


Partnership for Working Families


People Organized to Win Employment Rights


PowerPAC Foundation


Public Interest Projects


Rand Corporation


Sweatshop Watch


Tides Center


UC Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice


UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education


UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism


The UCLA Foundation


United Way of Tulare County


Urban Strategies Council


Ventura County Community Foundation


Women’s Foundation of California


GRANTS $10,000 AND UNDER Association of Small Foundations Bay Area Black United Fund

$1,000 $10,000

Bay Area Blacks in Philanthropy


Catholic Legal Immigration Network


Center for Law and Social Policy


Center for New Community


Center on Policy Initiatives


Common Counsel Foundation


Cypress Mandela Training Center


Equality Alliance of San Diego


Funders for LGBTQ Issues Goodwill Industries of San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin Counties

$5,000 $10,000

Grants Managers Network


Grassroots Institute for Fundraising


Hispanics in Philanthropy


Kovno Communications


Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund


National Council on Crime and Delinquency


Philanthropy New York Public Advocates

$5,000 $10,000

San Francisco Bar Association Foundation


San Francisco State University Foundation


UC Berkeley Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice


UC Berkeley


Urban Habitat Women and Philanthropy

$10,000 $3,000

BOARD Hugo Morales, Chair

Leslie Luttgens

Founder and Director, Radio Bilingue

Daniel Grossman, Vice Chair and Secretary Founder/CEO, Wild Planet Toys

Civic Leader, Former Corporate Director, Former Chairman, Council on Foundations

Shauna I. Marshall Academic Dean, University of California, Hastings College of the Law

Hon. Bill Lann Lee, Treasurer Partner, Lewis, Feinberg, Lee, Renaker & Jackson, P.C., Former U.S. Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights

Phyllis Cook Managing Director, PLC Philanthropic Services

Albert F. Moreno Retired Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Levi Strauss & Company

Judge Henry Ramsey, Jr. (Ret.) Dispute Resolution Consultant, Retired Superior Court Judge

Robert E. Friedman Chair and General Counsel, CFED

Laura Scher

Herma Hill Kay Barbara Nachtrieb Armstrong Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Boalt Hall

Co-Founder/Executive Chair, CREDO/Working Assets

Clara J. Shin Director, Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk & Rabkin

Timothy P. Silard


President, Rosenberg Foundation

STAFF Timothy P. Silard President

Linda Moll Business and Grants Manager

Tammy Tanner Executive Assistant and Office Manager

VISIT OUR WEBSITE Grant summaries Information on applying for grants IRS 990-PF documents Audited financial statements Featured grantee profiles Foundation news, updates, and more


Ryan Gates (


Farmworker Justice staff, cover The Levi Strauss Foundation, pages 8–11


Find us online as: RosenbergFound

131 Steuart Street, Suite 650 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 644-9777

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