This is a Preview of My Mini Dream Room (60 Pages) Get the full version at www.rosekidz.com
Karen H. Whiting
Dedlcatloll This book is dedicated to the girls who helped by making crafts and reading parts of the book. Thanks for sharing your creativity and insights!
"* Ellie mJ1.cfle "* NIcole TeJ1.hageJ1. "* SuzaJ1.J1.a Talada "* Sarah Lapp "* KelaJ1.1 HerJ1.aJ1.cleZ "* Katle Guerrero "* Rebecca Dlaz "* ChaJ1.cfler Bddwell "* Chelsea Bddwell My Mini Dream Room ©2012 by Legacy Press, First Printing ISBN 10: 1-58411-132-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-58411-132-0 Legacy reorder#: LP48601 JUVENILE NONFICTION / RELIGIOUS / CHRISTIAN / GENERAL
Legacy Press PO. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 www.LegacyPressKids.com Interior Illustrator: Dave Carles on Cover Photo by: Atkinson Studios Scriptures are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Legacy Press. Printed in South Korea
Table of Contents -. t ( \ J I ./ OOMy Ml1l1 Dream::- oom-=: CfP / 11(\J\l J
A Little Comfort .................................... 6 Doll Chairs .................................................. 8 Decorative Rug .......................................... 10 Exploding Memory Boxes ....................... 12 Tiny Curtains ........................................... 14 A Little Faith ....................................... 16 Hanging Flowerpot .................................. 18 Dressing Table ........................................... 20 Mini Hairbrush ......................................... 22 Little Lamps .............................................. 24 On the Record ....................................... 26 Mini Books ................................................ 28 Mini Bookcase .......................................... 30 Silver Bookends ........................................ 32 Mini Skateboard ....................................... 34 Stained Glass Window ............................ 36 A Little Sharing .................................. 38 Queen -Size Bed ....................................... .40 Cozy Comforter ........................................ 42 Mini Pillows ............................................. .44 B.F.F. Teddy Bear ..................................... .46 A Little Trust ...................................... .48 Wardrobe Closet ....................................... 50 Mini Bedroom Scene ............................... 52 Patterns ... ............................................... 54 3
Hey Girlfriend! Have you ever thought, "I'm so ÂŽ 0what can I do that will matter to God?" This book will help you discover that the littlest action does matter to God!
He counts every grain of sand on the beach. He cares about every little sparrow. God's the one who counts every tiny hair on your head!
God is the God of all things, big and small! Good things come in little packages:
Every tIllY
baby has big potential.
Little acts of kindness can make a BIG difference to people.
God began with being creatIve. Now YOU can be creative too!
let's get started!
A Few Little Tips:
*' adult supervision. *' safely *' organized. *' Cover the surface
Craft knives are very sharp. Only use craft knives
Hot glue guns get very hot, so be sure to have an use one. adult teach you how to Use containers to sort things and keep
you're working on with plastic to keep glue or other messy stuff from damaging tabletops. Only start working when you know there's time to a project and clean up. o 0 Have Fun making your own :Pl11l1-creations!
Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. John 12:2
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A Dinner for Jesus
Martha gave a dinner for Jesus. Can you imagine sharing a meal with Jesus? Anytime you invite Jesus to be with you, you can talk to Him. Jesus always listens. You can also share what you know about Jesus when you invite your friends over. It's fun to invite someone to dinner or even to sit and share a little snack. With your mom or dad's permission, invite a friend to your home. Plan a snack or meal and time to sit and chat. Prayer: Lord, thanks for listening to me when I sit and pray. Help me share my faith when I sit with a friend. Amen.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for always listening. Help me be a good listener. AneIl. 6
• • • •• • • • • • • • • ••
•• • •• ••• •• •• • ••• •• • •• •• •• •• ••• • •• •• •• •:• When I sit to talk to Jesus I like to chat about _ _ __ _
• • • •• •
• • •
• • • • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- •• • • •
· ·•••
Someone I'd like to invite to my home is
• • • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- •• • I hope we will talk about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ •• • • • • . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • • •• • ---------------------------------------------------------------------- • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : When I invite a friend I will plan for us to eat
... ....
Proverbs 15: 17 reminds us that a simple meal shared
at a peaceful, loving table is better than a huge feast eaten in conflict and anger.
Did you know that the last time all of the disciples were together with Jesus was at dinner? Read all about the Last Supper in Luke 22.
Doll Chairs What you need: Scissors I
Glue or double-sided carpet tape
Chair 1: Empty individual mini-cream containers or small plastic cups (the kind used for coffee or tea)
Chair 2: Colored mat board (you can use colored poster board, but it's not as strong)
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[Ji) .... What to do: 1. Cut off half of the side of the cream holder to form the top part of the chair. Leave the bottom of the creamer whole.
2. Place the cut cream holder on top of an upside down cream holder and glue in place.
Chair2 1. Cut a rectangle of mat board 3" xl".
2. Fold the rectangle into thirds to form the base of a chair, with two folds forming the legs. 3. Cut a piece of cardboard 2 1;2" xl". This is the chair back. Cut the top to look like a chair back (round, two side points, or with ladder cutouts, etc.)
4. Glue the back to one of the legs. Have the bottom of the back even with bottom of leg.
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gi-p.'l> Cut the mat board in a: long and wider rectangle to make a matching desk. Fold the ends to form the legs.
¢' Glue fabric on the mat board (before gluing the chair together) for an
upholstered chair.
Try cutting top creamer to make sides that look like chair arms.
Decorative Rug {i ) What you need: Scraps of colorful fabric Scissors
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1. Trace a circle onto fabric. Make sure the circle is the desired size for your rug.
2. Cut and place inside your doll house.
Irt your ..,arkefplac.e f tkey traded Witk yoo 3arttJert ts. blue : : e"Jbroielere<l work : = artel ttJolticolore<l rugs : =Witk c.ords twisfe<f artd c! : i ti3ktly krt ottec1. "'Ezekiel 27:23-25 :. J.
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What you need:
Cardstock Tiny photos of a memorable event Stickers, stamps and stamp pads to fit the theme Double-sided tape
• • • • • •
Scissors Pencil
• rl1ese bo)<es • 4on't e)<plo4e like a : bomb. top • is open • oUfwarc1like Hower : petals to reveal • pictures an4 • • drawings. Decorate : it an4 • ttJettJories an • event you want to •• rettJettJber. Place • a keepsake Insi4e • tl1e bo)<. •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
1. Copy all three box patterns shown on page 54 onto cardstock. Cut out. 2. On each square, glue a picture, write a note, or decorate with stamps, stickers, or drawings.
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3. Write a title on the edges of the lid. 4. Fold lid on dotted lines to form sides. Then fold short, diagonal lines to form corners. Glue corner triangles down against sides (on the inside) to form each corner.
S. Fold sides of box up.
6. Place smaller box inside larger one and glue (or tape) bottom of inner box to inside of larger box.
7. Place the lid on top. Put in a special place to help you remember God's blessings!
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'....... - - - - - -- - - - - ."." Make Cool furnIture, curtaIns, pIilo'Ws, and rlPI:".,.,'i1 to create a mini room fit for any princess. This book is packed with inspiration to encourage spiritual growth and spark your imagination. Plus, you'll find room to journal your tiniest thoughts to supersize your faith and your fun. Follow simple step-by-step instructions for making small treasures to fill a cozy little room. Create a tiny bed, a lamp, a bookcase and even little books. Find out how the simplest items can be used to make all the accessories. A miniature world awaits!
A Git.-ts LIte IS COl'lpUcate([! The ChristIan GIrls Guides help l'lake it sil'lpler! The ChdstIaJ!. GIt'l's GUIde to &1J!.g Yout' &st will show you how to be the best girl you can be! Learn about God's special plan for your life, and have fun with the devotionals, quizzes, and crafts along the way! The ChrlstIaJ!. GIrl's GUIde to Style will help _ . " you explore and create your one-of-a-kind style while strengthening your character on the inside. Fun fashion facts , quizzes and inspiration will help you develop your own personal style. Nobody else is like you because God made you to be youl JUVENILE NONFICTION/Religion/Chrislian/General
www.LegacyPressKids.com ISBN-lO: 1-58411 -132-1 ISBN- 13: 978-1 -58411 -132-0 LP48601
9 781584 111320