R36112 Bible Stories About Jesus Ages 4 & 5

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Ages 4 & 5

Ages 4 & 5 Darlene Hoffa Pamela J. Kuhn

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An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Carson, CA www.Rose-Publishing.com

To my five-year-old grandson, Christopher, my chief consultant and collaborator on this book. Before your birth, I asked God to give you a funny bone. He did. I asked God to help us be buddies. We are. I pray you will always sense God’s presence in your life. I’m sure you will. ~ D.H.

To Katie and Kayla. What joy and blessing you girls have brought to my daughter Emily! Your sweet spirits are truly beautiful reflections of the love and kindness of Jesus, our very best friend. ~ P.K.

Bible Stories About Jesus: Ages 4&5 ©2013 by Darlene Hoffa, Pamela J. Kuhn ISBN 0-937282-05-7 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-05-2 RoseKidz® reorder# R36112 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children RoseKidz® An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 17909 Adria Maru Lane Carson, CA 90746 www.Rose-Publishing.com Cover Illustrator: Terry Julien Illustrator: Chuck Galey Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is taken from the King James version of the Bible. Scripture marked NIV is from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rose Publishing. Printed in South Korea

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Jesus’ Birth & Childhood


Look for Jesus.. (Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2) Darkness to Light.......................................10 Find the Bibles............................................11 The Angel’s Good News......................... (Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25) Folding Angel Picture................................12 Golden Angel Ornaments..........................13 A Special Baby Arrives.... (Luke 2:1-7) Make a Manger............................................14 Welcome Jesus Wreath..............................15 The Shepherds’ Surprise..(Luke 2:8-20) Shepherds Find Jesus Game.....................16 Jingling Good News Bells..........................17 Wise Men Look for Jesus. (Matt. 2:1-12) Follow the Star’s Path................................18 Potpourri Gift..............................................19 A Man & Woman See Jesus..(Luke 2:22-38) A Special Pair of Glasses...........................20 A Bubbling Heart........................................21 Jesus Grows Up............ (Luke 2:41-52) Jesus and Me Picture.................................22 Stained Glass Window...............................23 Teaching Tips......................................24

Jesus’ Life & Ministry

No, Satan!.................. (Matthew 4:1-11) Walk-away Puppets....................................26 Pencil Twirlers............................................27 Jesus Is Baptized...... (Matthew 3:1-17) Four-square Puzzle.....................................28 Baptism Windsock......................................29 A Net of Fish................... (Luke 5:1-11) A Full Net.....................................................30 A Fish Reminder.........................................31 Follow Me................ (Matthew 4:18-22) Following Footprints.................................32 Make a Fish.................................................33 A Happy Christian.... (Matthew 5:3-12) A Happy Sermon.........................................34 Let’s Smile Game........................................35 Salt of the World........ (Luke 14:34-35)

A Bowl of Salty Corn.................................36 God’s Salt Worksheet.................................37 The Lighted Candle... (Matthew 5:14-16) Light the Candle..........................................38 The Lights Puzzle........................................39 Jesus’ Treasure Hunt....(Matthew 6:19-24) My Best Treasure Hanging........................40 My Treasure Box........................................41 God’s Loving Care.. (Matthew 6:25-33) Make a Bird Mask.......................................42 God’s Care Reminder.................................43 The House on a Rock..(Matthew 7:24-27) Build a House Picture................................44 What’s Wrong Here?...................................45 Helpful Friends............... (Mark 2:1-12) Make a Pallet...............................................46 Make a Stethoscope...................................47 Jesus at the Well.............(John 4:1-42) Yes or No.....................................................48 A Story to Tell.............................................49 The Good Farmer............. (Mark 4:3-8) Poppy Picture..............................................50 What Does a Farmer Grow?......................51 Jesus Blesses Children. (Mark 10:13-16) Meeting Jesus Picture................................52 Jesus Loves Me Hat....................................53 The Best Rule..(Mark 12:28-31; Prov. 3:1-13) Love God Bookmark..................................54 Loving Heart Bracelet................................55 Jesus Calms the Sea..... (Luke 8:22-25) Sunny Weather Sewing Card.....................56 Memory Game.............................................57 Light Your Lamps... (Matthew 25:1-13) A Heart Lamp for Me.................................58 A Lamp for the Wise...................................59 We Can Talk to God..... (Luke 11:1-10) I Can Talk to God Book.............................60 Praying Hands Table Prayer.....................61 The Lost Coin............... (Luke 15:8-10) Make a Wallet..............................................62 The Lost Items Picture...............................63

Jesus’ Death & Resurrection A Blind Man Sees....... (Luke 18:35-43) Paper Cup People.......................................64 Before and After.........................................65 Zacchaeus Meets Jesus...(Luke 19:1-10) Climb a Tree Picture..................................66 A Visit with Jesus Picture..........................67 A Fish with Money.. (Matthew 17:24-27) A Fishy Treasure.........................................68 A Picture Thank-you..................................69 A Simple Prayer............ (Luke 18:9-14) Prayer Sandwich.........................................70 Praying Hands Shaker................................71 Jesus Helps at a Wedding.. (John 2:1-11) Wedding Story Puppets.............................72 Jesus Helps Me Button..............................73 Jesus Feeds a Crowd.......(John 6:5-14) The Biggest Little Lunch............................74 Sharing Lunch Sack....................................75 The Good Shepherd.....(John 10:11-16) Good Shepherd Puzzle...............................76 Fluffy Lamb Stencil Picture......................77 A Family Jesus Loved.. (John 11:1-45, 12:1-3) A Special Visitor Picture............................78 Mary’s Gift for Jesus..................................79 Teaching Tips......................................80

The People Praise Jesus..... (Matt. 21:1-16) Here Comes Jesus Maze............................82 Praise Maracas............................................83 Jesus and His Helpers... (Luke 22:8-20; John 15:14) Make a Placemat.........................................84 Friends of Jesus Mural...............................85 Jesus’ Garden Prayer..(Matthew 26:30-58) A Garden of Prayer.....................................86 A Flower of Cheer......................................87 A Sad Day.............................. (Mark 15) An Easter Bulletin Board...........................88 A Tomb of Kindness...................................89 Easter’s Glad Story..... (Luke 23:33-46; Mark 16:1-7) Wordless Easter Story...............................90 Moving Stone Picture.................................91 Jesus’ Special Promise.. (Matthew 28:16-20) Go and Tell Pasta Mosaic..........................92 Time Spirals.................................................93 Jesus Will Come Again.....(Mark 13:26; John 14:3; Acts 1:11) Ascension on the Mount............................94 He’ll Come Again........................................95 Teaching Tips......................................96

Bible Stories About Jesus

includes a variety of activities suited for many teaching situations. These creative, Bible-learning projects are based on many favorite Bible stories from Jesus’ life. All are created for the abilities of 4’s and 5’s — coloring, making finger and stick puzzles, painting, making crafts, playing active games and learning how to pray. Full-size patterns and figures are included to ensure successful projects every time. Most activities require only ordinary school supplies or household items. The name of each lesson’s Bible story and its Scripture reference are located at the top of every page for easy reference. Each story is reinforced with two different Bible-learning activities on facing pages. Either or both activities may be used to teach that story about Jesus. The pencil icon (at left) indicates a special “For the Teacher” section, located at the bottom of each activity page. This section contains additional instructions for the teacher, valuable teaching tips and other ideas for using the activity. The light bulb icon (at right) means you will find even more creative ideas for that lesson at the end of the chapter. The activities in this book have been designed to be simple and easy to complete. The pages are perforated for easy removal. Materials should be used under the direction of an adult, and close supervision is recommended at all times. Take care to protect the children from injury. Always keep potentially harmful items out of the hands of young children. Kids will look forward to and will eagerly take part in these creative activities. The wide variety of learning projects — over 80 in all — will help 4’s and 5’s learn and remember the stories of Jesus as they

experience His love firsthand.


Jesus’ Birth & Childhood

Look for Jesus

Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2

G Darkness to Light G

long time before Jesus was born, prophets told that He was coming. The world A was evil and God promised to send someone to save people from their sins. One of those prophets was Isaiah. He announced a baby would be born. The prophets knew Jesus would bring light to the dark, evil world. Color the pictures below. Your teacher will show you how to glue your pictures to the dark world.

Isaiah 7:14

Micah 5:2

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. Pre-cut 5” circles out of black construction paper. You will need two for each child. Show the children how to glue the prophet on one black “world” (circle) and Jesus on the other. Assist in taping the two worlds together (prophet on top). Together, have the prophet say, “Jesus is coming,” then flip to the bottom world to see how Jesus brought light to the dark world.


Look for Jesus

G Find the Bibles G

Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2 nother prophet, Micah, announced that Jesus would be born in the town of A Bethlehem. People thought that was odd because Bethlehem was such a small town.

But Micah knew he was only announcing what God told him to say. God’s Word is always true. In Old Testament times God spoke to people through the prophets. Today, God speaks to us through the Bible. Color the picture of Bethlehem and see if you can find the five hidden Bibles.

God spoke to the prophets, their beards long and gray. He told them just what He wanted them to say. Today we have the Bible, God’s holy Word. By reading it each day, God’s voice is heard.

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. Assist the children in finding the five hidden Bibles. After they color the picture, say the poem to the children. Have the children stroke their imaginary beards for the first two lines and hold their Bibles for the last two.


The Angel’s Good News G Folding Angel Picture G Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25

od sent an angel to Mary and Joseph with some happy news. First, the angel G visited Mary and told her that she was going to have a baby boy. Mary was to name Him “Jesus.” Then the angel told Joseph to take care of Mary and the baby. Mary and Joseph both listened to the angel’s good news. They were happy to obey God. We can listen to and obey God, too. Color the pictures. Your teacher will show you how to cut the pictures to let the angel visit Mary and then Joseph.

(Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25)

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. After the children color, help them cut their pictures on the solid lines and fold the angel back on the broken lines. Show how to make their pictures tell the angel’s story. Have the angel first visit Mary, then Joseph. Next, the children can open their pictures to show Mary and Joseph both saying they will obey God. Then they can fold the angel picture back to show the angel returning to heaven.


G Golden Angel G


The Angel’s Good News Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25

he Bible tells many stories about angels. Angels brought news from God. Angels T kept people safe. The happiest angel stories are those about Jesus’ birth.

You can make a golden angel ornament to decorate your home and help you celebrate Christmas, the birthday of God’s Son. Your ornament will remind you of the angel who visited Mary and Joseph and who also came the night Jesus was born. Your teacher will show you how to make your angel so it can hang on your Christmas tree.

finished craft

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page, then trace and cut out an angel and a circle from metallic gold gift wrap or foil for each child. Help each child bend the angel body into a cone, shiny side out, and glue the straight sides together to form the angel’s body. Help each child fold a circle in half, shiny side out, and glue it to the back of the angel to make wings. Tape a loop of narrow ribbon behind the angel’s head for a hanger. The children may add ribbon or yarn for hair and paper for eyes.


A Special Baby Arrives Luke 2:1-7

G Make a Manger G

esus was God’s Son. Was He born in a palace or a large home? No! God provided J a warm, quiet stable, a place where cows and sheep ate and slept. Mary wrapped baby Jesus in cuddly cloth and laid Him gently in soft hay in the manger. You can make a manger bed for Baby Jesus. Color the pictures and cut them out. Glue pretzel sticks to look like wood on the manger. Add the hay for a soft bed. Gently lay baby Jesus in the manger for a nap.

finished craft

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. Provide a piece of blue construction paper, short thin strips of yellow paper and several pretzel sticks for each child (bring extra pretzels for snacking). After the children color, help them cut out the manger scene and baby Jesus. Show how to use a glue stick to glue the manger scene on the blue paper and attach pretzel sticks, straw and baby Jesus. Talk about the simple room God prepared for His Son.


G Welcome Jesus Wreath G

A Special Baby Arrives Luke 2:1-7

t Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’ birth in many ways. We sing Christmas songs, A we bake Christmas cookies and we decorate our homes with beautiful things. We

show our happiness that Jesus was born. You can make a wreath to decorate your room or home for Jesus’ birthday. A wreath is one way to say “welcome” to Jesus and your friends. A wreath also says “Please celebrate Christmas with me.

finished craft

For the Teacher:

Trace and cut the large circle from green paper for each child. Cut enough Z\x-inch squares of green tissue paper to cover the wreaths. Give each child a copy of the inner circle. Let the children color the “Welcome Jesus” circle and glue it on the green circle wreath. Punch holes at the top where shown and thread with ribbon. Help the children place the eraser end of a pencil in the middle of each square and crinkle the paper up around the pencil. Let them glue the squares onto the wreath. Add red candies for berries. Write the Scripture on the back of each wreath.


The Shepherds’ Surprise Luke 2:8-20

G Shepherds Find G

Jesus Game

he angel visited some shepherds who were taking care of their sheep. The angel T told the shepherds how to find God’s Son. The angel told them to look for a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. That little baby was God’s own Son. Look at the pictures below. Think about the angel’s words. Would God’s Son be a man or a baby? Would He be wearing fancy clothes or strips of cloth, called swaddling clothes? Color the things the shepherds found at the manger.

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. Review the Bible story so the children will have the answers fresh in their minds. Help them color the baby, the strips of cloth and the manger. Then, if desired, provide a few simple costumes such as scarves, short walking sticks, a box for a manger, a baby doll, a toy lamb and strips of cloth for swaddling clothes. Let the children dress up and act out the story. Explain that swaddling clothes helped babies feel safe.


G Jingling Good G

The Shepherds’ Surprise

News Bells

Luke 2:8-20

hen the shepherds first saw the bright light around the angel, they felt afraid. W The angel said, “Do not be afraid. Jesus’ birth is good news of great joy for

everyone.” The shepherds listened and obeyed. They were no longer afraid. They hurried to find Jesus. At Christmas, bells ring out the Good News. Your teacher will help you make bells to jingle on your way home from church. You can tell the story of the shepherd’s surprise as you ring the pretty bells. This is a happy time. Jesus’ birth is Good News!

glue cardboard strip behind bow

For the Teacher:

Pre-cut a 6Z\x” x 1Z\x” strip of cardboard for each child. Help each child color and cut out a bow. Punch two holes near the center of each bow. Give each child two small paper cups. Help them wrap the cups with foil. Punch a hole in the bottom of each cup. String a 10-inch piece of red yarn through the bow, thread a cup on each end of the yarn, then thread a jingle bell. Tie a knot in each end of yarn. Glue the cardboard behind the bow for stability.


Wise Men Look for Jesus G Follow the Star’s PathG Matthew 2:1-12

he wise men left home to find Jesus.(1) T They traveled to Jerusalem and asked how to find the king of the Jews.(2) King Herod, a bad king, heard about the wise men and called in his helpers to find Jesus.(3) When the wise men came to the palace, bad King Herod pretended he was happy about Jesus’ birth, but he wanted to hurt the baby. (4) The wise men found Jesus with Mary and Joseph. They gave Him beautiful gifts. (5) God told the wise men not to return to the bad king, so they went home another way. (6)



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For the Teacher:

After the children color, use the pictures to review the story (the numbers correlate to the pictures). You may give the children cereal circles to mark the path as you talk. The next time you tell the story, they can eat the circles as they follow the path. Repeat the story several times. Stress that God helped the wise men find Jesus. He also took care of Jesus, and He will take care of us.


G Potpourri Gift G

Wise Men Look for Jesus

Matthew 2:1-12

he wise men gave gifts to Jesus. We can give gifts to people we love, too. We can T make gifts that are easy and fun. Sometimes gifts we make instead of buy are the

best of all. We give our time and show our love as we make gifts to give others. Your teacher will help you make sweet-smelling potpourri gifts to take home. You can make a card to go with your gift. As you work, remember the time the wise men gave to Jesus. Remember the love they showed for Jesus.

For the Teacher:

Duplicate and cut out one set of card patterns per child. Punch a hole in the top corner of each card. Give each child a 9� x 9� square of netting and a 16-inch length of ribbon. Let each child color two cards, sign their name and string the cards onto the ribbon. Help each child put a heaping tablespoon of potpourri into the center of the netting, bring the netting sides up and tie the ribbon around the netting to secure the potpourri inside.


A Man & Woman See Jesus Luke 2:22-38

G A Special Pair G

of Glasses

man named Simeon had heard the promise of Jesus’ birth. He was old, but God A promised him that he wouldn’t die until he saw Jesus. When Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus to the temple for His dedication, Simeon held Him in his arms. “I have seen the promised Messiah,” he said. “Now I can die in peace.” God always keeps His promises. Color the pictures of Simeon and baby Jesus. Your teacher will give you an eyeglasses frame in which to glue the pictures.




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For the Teacher:

2 2:2

Duplicate the eyeglasses on heavy colored paper and cut out one for each child. (You may also wish to pre-cut the pictures of Simeon and baby Jesus.) Assist the children in gluing the pictures to the frames. Show how to attach a magnet to the back of the frame. Say, Hang this on your refrigerator at home to remind you that God always keeps His promises.


G A Bubbling Heart G

A Man & Woman See Jesus


Luke 2:22-38

nna was in the temple the day Jesus came to be dedicated. She had been looking for the Messiah, too. She was so happy to see Him, she shouted for joy! Then Anna went to tell all her friends that she had seen the promised Messiah. Color and cut out the three heart pieces. Your teacher will help you put your heart puzzle together. Pull the two heart halves apart to see why Anna’s heart was bubbling with happiness.

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child and cut out the three heart pieces. Assist the children in matching the hearts at the X, with the large heart at the bottom and the two heart pieces overlapping at the X. Poke a paper fastener through the Xs and attach the two heart pieces to the single heart.


Jesus Grows Up

G Jesus and Me Picture G

Luke 2:41-52


esus was once a child like you. He ran in the fresh air. Jesus loved the blue sea. He played with friends. Jesus learned to take turns and share. Jesus did many of the same things you do. His mother watched Jesus grow and learn about His world. Color the picture of Jesus playing with friends. You can glue your picture on a colorful frame to hang in your room. Your picture will remind you that Jesus was once a child, just like you.

For the Teacher:

Duplicate the page for each child. After coloring, let each child glue the picture on a bright sheet of construction paper. Provide cloth scraps for them to glue onto the children’s clothes. Give each child a 6-inch piece of yarn and help them tape a hanger on the back of the picture. Discuss ways in which children today and children of Jesus’ time are alike: they can obey parents, grow taller and stronger, learn to take turns and share with others, go to church, sing, etc.


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