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Grades 3 & 4
Grades 3 & 4 Darlene Hoffa Pamela J. Kuhn
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An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Carson, CA
To Jack, my husband and fellow celebrator of life, of whom I say, “With Jesus in my heart, and Jack by my side, every day is Christmas to me.” ~ D.H.
To Shawn, my wonderful son-in-law, the man for whom I prayed for many years – not even knowing for whom I was praying. I eagerly await walking into the room one day, only to be greeted by your gentle voice telling my grandchildren stories of Jesus. ~ your mother-in-law (P.K.)
Bible Stories About Jesus: Grades 3&4 ©2013 by Darlene Hoffa, Pamela J. Kuhn, twentieth printing ISBN 10: 0-937282-07-3 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-07-6 RoseKidz reorder# R36114 RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Children
RoseKidz® An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 17909 Adria Maru Lane Carson, CA 90746 Cover Illustrator: Terry Julien Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is taken from the King James version of the Bible. Scripture marked NIV is from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rose Publishing. Printed in the United States of America
Jesus’ Birth & Childhood
The Savior Is Promised.... (Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2) Prophecy and Its Fulfillment Match........10 Name Scramble...........................................11 The Good News..(Luke 1:26-47; Matt. 1:18-25) Good News Crossword..............................12 What Did the Angel Say?...........................13 Jesus Arrives.................... (Luke 2:1-7) Stained Glass Window...............................14 Who, What and Where?..............................15 Shepherds Look for Jesus.. (Luke 2:8-20) Hidden Shepherd Story..............................16 Angel and Shepherd Banner.....................17 Visit of the Wise Men.. (Matthew 2:1-12) Coded Message...........................................18 Wise Men’s Trail Mix Gift..........................19 He’s Our Redeemer...... (Luke 2:22-38) A Silly Story.................................................20 Sharing Jesus Letter...................................21 Jesus as a Boy............... (Luke 2:41-52) Temple Story Completion.........................22 Growing Up Four Ways.............................23 Teaching Tips......................................24
Jesus’ Life & Ministry
Jesus Says No........... (Matthew 4:1-11) What Did Satan Do?...................................26 Marking Our Swords..................................27 Baptized by Cousin John.. (Matt. 3:1-17) Whoooo? Whoooo?....................................28 A Baptism Puzzle........................................29 Wow! Look at the Fish.... (Luke 5:1-11) A Fishy Tale.................................................30 Mended Net Game......................................31 Called to Be Disciples.. (Matt. 4:18-22; Luke 6:12-17) Jesus’ Followers Scramble........................32 Puffy Puff Paint Fish..................................33 A Happy Attitude...... (Matthew 5:3-12) The Right Smile...........................................34 What’s Your Attitude?................................35
Salt of the World........ (Luke 14:34-35) A Salty Snack..............................................36 Go Salt the World Motto............................37 The Light of the World..(Matt. 5:14-16) Pick a Picture Story...................................38 String Art.....................................................39 A Miracle from the Roof.. (Mark 2:1-12) The Good Friend Game.............................40 Secret Code of Praise.................................41 Why Worry?............. (Matthew 6:25-33) Daisy Chain Necklace................................42 Origami Flying Bird....................................43 The Wise Builder.... (Matthew 7:24-27) Choose a Word Quiz...................................44 King of the Castle.......................................45 Jesus Gives Living Water.. (John 4:1-42) The Hidden Message..................................46 A Well Pencil Holder..................................47 The Story of the Sower...(Mark 4:2-20; Psalm 119) God’s Word Match......................................48 Make a Bible Bookmark............................49 Give with Joy...(Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35) Giving Reminder.........................................50 Boomerang..................................................51 Jesus Calms the Sea..... (Luke 8:22-25) Drama at Sea...............................................52 Test Your Memory......................................53 The Bridegroom Is Coming..(Matt. 25:1-13) True or False Statements..........................54 Do It Your Own Way..................................55 Talking to God.............. (Luke 11:1-10) Ask, Seek, Knock Door..............................56 Prayer Quiz..................................................57 Lost Sheep, Coin and Son..(Luke 15:3-32) Three Lost Items.........................................58 Lost or Found?............................................59 Jesus Heals a Blind Man...(Luke 18:35-43) Finish the Story...........................................60 Meeting Jesus..............................................61
Jesus’ Death & Resurrection An Unexpected Offering...(Matt. 17:24-27) A Fishy Surprise.........................................62 A Bank for God...........................................63 Jesus Helps at a Wedding.. (John 2:1-11) Secret Symbol Message.............................64 What’s Wrong Here?...................................65 Jesus Feeds 5,000 People.. (John 6:5-14) Number Mix-up...........................................66 Find the Loaves and Fish..........................67 The Good Shepherd.....(John 10:11-16) Sheep and Shepherd Quiz.........................68 Mystery Code Bible Verse.........................69 A Family Jesus Loved...(John 11:1-45) Which Words Don’t Fit?.............................70 Jesus’ Secret Message................................71 Jesus’ Feet Washed.. (Matthew 26:6-13) A Puzzling Picture......................................72 A Story to Re-tell........................................73 Jesus’ Commandment.......(John 15:12) Love One Another Quiz.............................74 Heart Weaving.............................................75 Places in Jesus’ Life.... (Acts 10:36-43) Map Quiz......................................................76 Scripture Search.........................................77 Teaching Tips......................................78
Jesus Enters Jerusalem.. (Matthew 21:1-16) Musical Praise Code...................................80 Praise Jesus Headband..............................81 The Last Supper.. (Luke 22:8-20; John 15:14) Friendship Puzzle.......................................82 Make a Snack Party....................................83 Praying with Jesus.....(Matt. 26:30-58) Finish the Picture.......................................84 Find the Praying Child...............................85 A Sad Friday......................... (Mark 15) He Died for All............................................86 Stone and Cross Paperweight...................87 The Easter Story.............. (Luke 23:33; Mark 16:1-7) Batik Picture...............................................88 Crepe Paper Butterflies.............................89 Jesus Returns to Heaven....................... (Matthew 28:16-20) Mirror Messages.........................................90 Action Book.................................................91 Jesus Promises to Return...................... (Mark 13:26; John 14:3; Acts 1:11) A Special Promise Pennant.......................92 Making Disciples Place Mat......................93 Teaching Tips......................................94 Puzzle Answers...................................95
Bible Stories About Jesus
includes a variety of activities suited for many teaching situations. These creative, Bible-learning projects are based on many favorite Bible stories from Jesus’ life. All are created for the abilities of third and fourth graders — coloring, completing puzzles, deciphering coded messages, making art projects, playing active games and role-playing. Full-size patterns and figures are included to ensure successful projects every time. Most activities require only ordinary school supplies or household items. The name of each lesson’s Bible story and its Scripture reference are located at the top of every page for easy reference. Each story is reinforced with two different Bible-learning activities on facing pages. Either or both activities may be used to teach that story about Jesus. The pencil icon (at left) indicates a special “For the Teacher” section, located at the bottom of each activity page. This section contains additional instructions for the teacher, valuable teaching tips and other ideas for using the activity. The light bulb icon (at right) means you will find even more creative ideas for that lesson at the end of the chapter. The activities in this book were designed to be fun for kids, yet easy for teachers to use. The pages are perforated for easy removal. Materials should be used under the direction of an adult, and close supervision is recommended at all times. Take care to protect the children from injury. Kids will look forward to and will eagerly take part in these creative activities. The wide variety of learning projects — over 80 in all — will help third- and fourth-graders learn and remember the stories of Jesus as they
experience His love firsthand.
Jesus’ Birth & Childhood
The Savior Is Promised Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2
G Prophecy and Its G
Fulfillment Match
ld Testament prophets told about the birth of a Messiah years before it happened. O Some of the prophets from the Old Testament were Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Micah. Isaiah prophesied that a child would be born to a virgin. Micah prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Every prophecy that was told by the prophets came true. Read the statements and Scriptures on the right and draw a line to the prophecy that was fulfilled.
1. The Messiah would be born to a virgin.
A. Luke 2:4
(Isaiah 7:14)
2. The Messiah would be born in
B. Luke 22:47-48
Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2)
3. The Messiah would suffer rejection by
C. John 1:11
His own people. (Psalm 69:8)
4. The Messiah would perform many
D. Mark 15:27
miracles. (Isaiah 35:5, 6)
5. The Messiah would be betrayed by a
E. Matthew 28:6
friend. (Psalm 41:9)
6. The Messiah would be crucified between
F. Luke 1:27
two thieves. (Isaiah 53:12)
7. The Messiah would be raised from the
G. Matthew 11:5
dead. (Psalm 16:10)
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. The answers are on page 95. This activity can be used as a Bible drill. As each Scripture is read aloud, discuss which prophecy was fulfilled by that verse. Instruct all the children to find John 14:3 in their Bibles. Read the verse together and explain that this is one prophecy that has not yet come true.
G Name Scramble G
The Savior Is Promised
Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2 any people today try to predict the future. The reason the predictions fail to M come true is because those who make the predictions don’t have the same source
the Old Testament prophets had. God spoke directly through the prophets to announce the coming of the Messiah. The name “Messiah” means “anointed one” or “someone set apart for a particular service.” Can you unscramble the letters below to find out some of the other names the Messiah was called? The Scripture references are included in case you need a hint.
1. SEUJS (Matthew 1:25) _________________________ 2. RBDAE FO FEIL (John 6:35) ________________________ 3. HET OGDO PSEHDHER (John 10:11) ____________________ 4. RODO (John 10:9) _________________________ 5. WDOR (John 1:1) _________________________ 6. HET IGLTH FO HET DLWRO (John 8:12) ______________________ 7. VRSUAIO (John 4:42) _____________________ 8. HET RUET NEVI (John 15:1) ____________________
For the Teacher:
Help the children look up the Scriptures, as needed. The answers are on page 95. Discuss why each name describes the Messiah. Ask the children if they can think of other names used for Jesus.
The Good News
G Good News Crossword G
Lk. 1:26-47; Matt. 1:18-25
od sent a special angel to earth to tell Mary and Joseph some important news. G The Gospels of Matthew and Luke share exciting stories of how the message arrived. These Gospels also reveal how Mary and Joseph responded to the angel’s Good News. God still speaks to us today, asking us to hear and obey Him. He asks us to tell others the Good News, too. Read the verses in parentheses and add the missing words to the crossword puzzle.
Across 1. God sent an angel to the city of ____________ (Luke 1:26). 2. The angel’s name was ____________ (Luke 1:26). 3. The angel said that Mary would have a ____________ (Luke 1:31). 4. Mary’s child would rule over the throne of ____________ (Luke 1:32). 5. The angel said, “with God ____________ shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). 6. The angel also went to visit ____________ (Matthew 1:24).
Down 2. Nazareth was located in ____________ (Luke 1:26). 7. The angel told Mary that she had found ____________ with God. (Luke 1:30). 8. Mary’s baby would be the Son of ____________ (Luke 1:35). 9. The angel told Joseph that Jesus “shall ____________ His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). 10. The prophets had received this message from the ____________ (Matthew 1:22). 11. Mary and Joseph both “____________ in God” (Luke 1:47).
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Help the children find the correct answers for the crossword puzzle. The answers are on page 95. Discuss other ways God might have chosen to send the message that Jesus was coming. Ask the children how they might have felt if they had been Mary or Joseph. Let them know God wants us to obey Him, but He gives us a choice. He wants us to serve Him because we love Him.
The Good News
G What Did the G
Angel Say?
Lk. 1:26-47; Matt. 1:18-25
he angel brought earth-shattering news to Mary and Joseph. News like this T today would come on TV as “breaking news” and appear in newspapers with huge
headlines! What really happened? Read the following sentences. If the statement is true, write “T” for “true” in the angel. If the statement is false, write “F” for “false” in the angel. Then write your own headline at the bottom. You can fold back the left side of the page and try this quiz on your friends and family.
1. God sent an angel named Michael to visit Mary. 2. The angel told Mary that God had chosen her to sew a flag for the town of Nazareth. 3. Mary was afraid when she first heard the angel’s news. 4. The angel told Mary her son would be called the Son of God. 5. God can do some amazing things, but other things are impossible for God to do. 6. Mary asked for some time to decide if she would obey God. 7. The angel appeared to Joseph in his carpenter shop. 8. The angel told Joseph to let the priests choose a name for Mary’s baby. 9. Joseph saw the angel in a cloud. 10. God told the prophets long ago about this special child’s birth. 11. The special child would save God’s people from a big landslide. 12. The child’s name would mean “God with us.” My headline:________________________________________________________________
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Review the Bible story, then let the children take the quiz. They may work in pairs or alone. Then have them write a headline describing this event. When they are finished, go through the statements together and have volunteers share their headlines. The answers are on page 95. Talk about the answers and correct any that are wrong. Ask the children which parts of the story they will tell someone else this week.
Jesus Arrives
G Stained Glass Window G
Luke 2:1-7
od’s Son might have been born in a palace to royal parents. Instead, Jesus arrived G in a place where animals slept and ate. He slept in a manger, where cows kept their
Luke 2:1-7
food. He was raised by Mary and Joseph, who were ordinary people. God planned Jesus’ humble birth. God wanted everyone, rich or poor, to feel invited and welcome to become part of His Family. Color the stained glass window using bright colors. When you finish coloring, outline the figures with a black marker or glue a piece of black yarn around them.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Provide black markers or yarn, glue on black construction paper. The children may also glue tissue paper pieces on the windows after coloring. After the children decorate the pictures, show how to fold the construction paper in half and cut half of a large window in the center. Then have them unfold the paper and glue it over their pictures. They can add a yarn hanger on the back and hang it in a window.
G Who, What G
and Where?
Jesus Arrives Luke 2:1-7
hat a busy place Bethlehem was the night Jesus was born. As you complete this W quiz about people and places, you will see why the hotels were filled. Roman rulers
had issued decrees that sent people hurrying to their home towns. God knew all about this long before it happened. God had said that His Son would be born in Bethlehem. Remember, God knows everything! Read the names and places. Then read the descriptions on the other side of the page. Write the correct number that goes with each person or place inside the star.
A. Caesar Augustus
1. Governor of Syria
B. Every person
2. Animals’ eating place
C. Joseph
3. Place with no vacancy that night
D. Cyrenius
4. Belonged to the House of David
E. Bethlehem
5. City where Joseph had to register
F. Mary
6. Mary’s first-born son
G. Galilee
7. Ordered a world-wide census to be taken
H. Judea
8. The province where Bethlehem was
I. Manger
9. The area covered by Rome’s census
J. Inn
10. Went to hometown to obey census law
K. Jesus
11. Chosen by God to be Jesus’ mother
L. The inhabited earth
12. Joseph lived here
For the Teacher:
Review the Bible story before the children begin the quiz. The children may refer to their Bibles if they wish. The answers are on page 95.
Shepherds Look for Jesus G Hidden Shepherd Story G Luke 2:8-20
od sent angels to the shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth. The shepherds may G have been chosen for a special reason. Shepherds cared for the lambs used for sacrifices at religious services. Jesus came to die as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Jesus’ death ended the need for animal sacrifices. Maybe this is one reason the shepherds jumped for joy and hurried away to welcome Jesus. Draw a circle around each word from the shepherd’s story as you find it in the puzzle. The words may read up, down or at an angle.
For the Teacher: Duplicate the page for each child. Discuss the story of the shepherds as
the children look for the hidden words. Help those who have difficulty finding the hidden words. The answers are on page 95. Talk about which person from the story each child would have enjoyed being and why.
G Angel and Shepherd G
Shepherds Look for Jesus Luke 2:8-20
retend this is the first time you have heard the angel and shepherd story. How P do you think the shepherds felt when the angel appeared? Who do you think cared
for their sheep while they were gone? How do you suppose Mary felt when the shepherds rushed in to see Jesus? Trace and cut the pictures and letters from colored paper, fabric or felt. You can cut several shepherds and sheep. Then glue the shapes onto a banner. Add a dowel rod and yarn or ribbon for hanging.
finished craft
For the Teacher:
Provide the patterns; 14-inch dowel rods; felt, fabric or construction paper; scissors; yarn or ribbon; fabric paints or markers; and a 12� x 18� piece of felt, fabric or construction paper for each child. The children may cut apart and decorate the fabric figures and glue them on the large fabric or paper banner. Help them staple a dowel rod at the top of the banner and tie a long piece of yarn or ribbon at each end for a hanger.
Visit of the Wise Men
G Coded Message G
Matthew 2:1-12
he wise men played an important role in Jesus’ birth. T The wise men followed a coded message. They knew that the special star meant that
God’s Son had been born. By following the star, the wise men were able to find the exact place where God’s Son lay. Just as God guided them to baby Jesus, God will guide us to Jesus when we look for Him. Follow the key to uncover this coded message. You will discover more about these wise men who looked for God’s Son.
Code Key A Z
1. From where did the wise men travel?
G S V __ __ __
V Z H G __ __ __ __
2. Who was king at this time?
S V I L W __ __ __ __ __
3. Who had the prophets promised would come out of Bethlehem?
Z __
T L E V I M L I __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. In which land was Bethlehem located?
Q F W Z S __ __ __ __ __
5. How did the wise men find Jesus?
Z __
H G Z I __ __ __ __
6. What did the wise men do when they found Jesus?
U __ D __
V O O W __ __ __ __ L I H S R __ __ __ __ __
L __ K __
D M __ __ K V __ __
& & W __
7. What did the wise men open to give Jesus gifts?
G I V Z H F I V H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
8. How were the wise men warned about Herod’s wicked plans?
Z __
W I V Z N __ __ __ __ __
9. How did they go home without Herod catching them?
For the Teacher:
Z M L G S V I __ __ __ __ __ __ __
D Z B __ __ __
Duplicate the page for each child. Explain the code to the children, using the key as a guide. Help those who have difficulty with it. The answers are on page 95. Discuss how brave and determined the wise men must have been to look for Jesus in such a long, dangerous journey. Say a short prayer to thank God for guiding us to Jesus.
G Wise Men’s Trail G
Mix Gift
Visit of the Wise Men Matthew 2:1-12
he wise men traveled a long way to find Jesus. With no restaurants like we have T today, they probably carried food with them that would not spoil in the hot sun.
They may have carried raisins, dates, figs and olives. Perhaps they also took nuts. You can make some Wise Men’s Trail Mix, as they perhaps carried with them on their journey. Make it as a gift to share with a friend – and tell your friend about the wise men and how they looked for Jesus and found Him.
Look for Jesus… you will find Him.
(Matthew 2:1-12)
For the Teacher:
Let the children mix two cups each of raisins, pretzel sticks, cereal circles, mini-marshmallows, peanuts and chocolate bits. Show how to fill a 9-ounce cup with trail mix, rounding the top. Cover with plastic wrap. Have the students use the pattern to cut a circle from red cloth. They should place the cloth circles over the plastic wrap, and secure it with a rubber band. Show how to pull up the edges of the cloth to make a ruffle. Have the students glue a “Look for Jesus” sign on the cup.
He’s Our Redeemer
G A Silly Story G
Luke 2:22-38
od’s law required that the firstborn son be dedicated to the Lord. On the day G Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for His dedication, an elderly man named Simeon was there. Simeon had heard the prophecies that a Messiah would be born. Simeon wanted to see Him before he died. Simeon was overjoyed to hold Jesus. He said, “Lord, I can now die contented. I have seen the promised Messiah.” Read the following story aloud. Is it silly? Can you change all the silly words and make the story true? Mark out each silly word, pick a correct word from the Word Box and write it above the incorrect word. For help, read Luke 2:22-35.
Word Box Marveled Seen Jesus Simeon
Temple Died Dedicated Arms
Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the theater so He could be eaten. While they were there they saw a resident of the temple named Craig. Simeon had been waiting to see the Messiah before he ate. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he saw Joseph. When Simeon saw Jesus, he took the baby in his car, praising God. He said, “I am content. I have lost the Messiah as you promised.” Joseph and Mary cried at the things Simeon said to them.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. For an alternative lesson, read the story to the children. Instruct the children to stand when a silly word is said. Choose a child to correct the silly word with the correct word from the Word Box. Choose a volunteer to read the story after it is corrected.
G Sharing Jesus Letter G
He’s Our Redeemer Luke 2:22-38
here was a prophetess named Anna who lived in the temple. She spent her days T and nights fasting and praying. Anna saw Jesus the same day that Simeon saw Him.
When Anna saw Jesus, she could not keep quiet. She told everyone who had been looking for the coming of the Savior that He had arrived. What about you? Have you told anyone about Jesus? In the thought balloon below, write the names of some friends you could tell about Jesus. Then write a letter to share your knowledge of Jesus. Explain that Jesus wants to be your friends’ Savior, too.
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. To help the students write their name lists, ask if their cousins, teachers, neighbors or friends are Christians. Bring stamped envelopes to class and allow the students to cut out their letters and mail them to those to whom they are writing. (The children may need to take their letters home for the correct address.)
Jesus as a Boy
G Temple Story G
Luke 2:41-52
esus went to the temple to worship God, just as we go to church. He showed us J that going to church is important. He also showed us that church is a place where we can listen to and learn about God. Some interesting events occurred when Jesus visited the temple. Read the words written on the scrolls below. Then read the story and choose the best word from the list below to complete the sentences. Write the correct word in each space to complete the story.
Jesus went to (a)_______________ with Mary and Joseph. They were going to celebrate the Feast of the (b)_______________. After the Feast, Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the (c)_______________. He was (d)_______________ to the teachers and (e)_______________ them (f)_______________. All who heard Jesus were (g)_______________ at His (h)_______________ and His (i)_______________. Jesus said that He must be about His (j)_______________ (k)_______________. 1 answers
7 understanding
2 astonished
8 Father’s
3 Jerusalem
9 questions
4 listening
10 temple
5 business
11 asking
6 Passover
For the Teacher:
Duplicate the page for each child. Review the story for the children. After they fill in the blanks, review the answers. Talk about any that seemed to be confusing. The answers are on page 95. Discuss why we go to church. Ask the children to describe similarities in Jesus’ temple and our church. What things might be different? Say a prayer of thanks to God for your church.