R36197 Favorite Bible Heroes Ages 4 & 5

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AGES 4 & 5

An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. Carson, CA www.Rose-Publishing.com

AGES 4 & 5 nancy Sanders and Pamela J. Kuhn

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Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use in Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.

This book is dedicated to Virginia and Larry Sanders. Through their acceptance and love, my life has been made complete. I love each of them for who they are and am grateful that God has allowed me to be a part of their lives. – N.S.

Favorite Bible Heroes: Ages 4&5

©2012 by nancy Sanders and Pamela J. Kuhn, fourth printing ISBN 10: 0-937282-23-5 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-23-6 RoseKidz® reorder# R36197 RELIGION/Christian Ministry/Children

RoseKidz® An imprint of Rose Publishing, Inc. 17909 Adria Maru Lane Carson, CA 90746 www.Rose-Publishing.com Cover Illustrator: Todd F. Marsh Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from the King James version of the Bible. Scripture marked niv is from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Rose Publishing. Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents Memory Verse Index ......................................................................................................................................6 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................7 Old Testament Noah Walking with God...............................................10 Instructed by God ...............................................11 Obedient to God ..................................................12 A Promise from God ..........................................13 Abraham Traveling Far from Home ................................14 Promised Many Descendants ..........................15 Father of Many Nations ....................................16⸠ A True Test of Love...........................................17⸠ Joseph Doing His Best All the Time............................18 An Amazing Life Story.......................................19⸠ Part of God’s Special Plan..................................21⸠ Moses Hidden in the Reeds............................................22⸠ Heading Toward the Promised Land.............23⸠ Following God’s Plan.........................................25⸠ Joshua Spies Go into the Promised Land....................26⸠ Following God’s Directions..............................27 The Fall of Jericho...............................................29⸠ Ruth Helping Her Mother-in-law..............................30⸠ Being Kind to Naomi and Boaz........................31⸠ God Took Care of Her........................................32⸠ Setting a Good Example....................................33⸠ Samuel Heard of God.........................................................34⸠ Working for God.................................................35 Hearing God’s Voice...........................................37 David God Is My Strength...........................................38 A Good Friend.....................................................40 Elijah A Prophet of God.................................................41⸠ Talking to God.....................................................43⸠ An Important Message from God...................44⸠ Esther A Beautiful Heart.................................................45⸠ Praying for Strength...........................................47 A Brave Queen......................................................48 Jeremiah Chosen to Speak for God....................................49

Sharing God’s Word...........................................50 Persevering for God............................................51 Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego Eating Good Food...............................................53⸠ Three Men Worship God..................................54⸠ Jonah Praying for God’s Forgiveness........................57⸠ Obeying God’s Words........................................58⸠ The Road to Nineveh..........................................59⸠ Preaching God’s Message..................................60⸠ New Testament Joseph Visited by an Angel..............................................62 A Good Husband..................................................63 A Careful Father..................................................64⸠ Zacchaeus Saved by Jesus.......................................................65 Zacchaeus Says, “I’m Sorry”..............................66 Mary of Bethany Listening to Jesus................................................68 I Believe..................................................................69 An Offering of Praise...........................................70 Jesus God Takes Care of Us.........................................71⸠ Willing to Die for Us..........................................72⸠ Peter A Fisher of Men....................................................75⸠ The Miracle of the Fish......................................76⸠ Feed My Sheep.....................................................77⸠ Jesus Makes a Difference...................................78⸠ Philip Sharing the Good News.....................................79⸠ Jesus Feeds 5,000 People...................................81⸠ Praying in the Upper Room..............................82 Barnabas Overcome Fears....................................................83⸠ A Good Man, Full of Faith................................84⸠ Telling People About Jesus...............................85⸠ Teaching the Christians.....................................86⸠ Paul Going Blind and Meeting Jesus.......................87⸠ Spreading God’s Word.......................................91⸠ Traveling for God................................................92⸠ Puzzle Answers .............................................95

Memory Verse Index Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 6:9 10 Genesis 7:5 12 Genesis 9:13 13 Genesis 17:4 16 Genesis 24:1 14 Genesis 39:23 19 Exodus 22:1 66 Deuteronomy 27:10 58 Joshua 8:8 27 Ruth 3:10 31 1 Samuel 1:27 34 1 Samuel 2:18 35 1 Samuel 3:10 37 1 Samuel 17:37 38 2 Samuel 9:7 40 1 Kings 17:5 41 Esther 2:17 45 Esther 4:14 48 Psalm 4:3 43 Psalm 10:16 44 Psalm 24:8 29 Psalm 40:8 60 Psalm 41:2 26 Psalm 95:3 54 Proverbs 3:5 22 Proverbs 4:1 64 Proverbs 20:12 11 Isaiah 12:2 83 Isaiah 43:5 23 Isaiah 55:2 53 Jeremiah 1:7 49 Jeremiah 29:11 25 Jonah 2:1 57

Matthew 1:24 62 Mark 1:17 75 Mark 14:6 70 Luke 10:39 68 Luke 12:22 71 Luke 19:9 65 John 1:46b 79 John 6:35 81 John 11:27 69 John 21:7 76 John 21:17 77 Acts 1:14 82 Acts 3:6 78 Acts 5:29 17 Acts 9:20 87 Acts 11:24a 84 Acts 11:24b 85 Acts 11:26 86 Acts 12:24 91 Acts 20:2 92 Romans 6:23 72 Romans 8:28 21 1 Corinthians 14:15 47 1 Corinthians 15:58 52 Galatians 6:10 18 Ephesians 5:25 63 Philippians 4:19 32 2 Timothy 3:16 50 Titus 2:7 33 Hebrews 10:23 15 1 John 1:9 59 1 John 4:7 30 6

Introduction Y

oung children are eager to play and experience the world around them. The crafts, puzzles, games, and activities in Favorite Bible Heroes for Ages 4 & 5 creatively channel this energy into positive Bible learning experiences. By learning about the struggles and adventures of Old and New Testament Bible Heroes, the children will begin to apply the biblical concepts to their own lives. Each Bible activity contains the following:




LESSON TITLE highlighting a particular event or Bible story



MEMORY VERSE to reinforce the story or lesson


INTRODUCTION of the Bible hero and his or her story



SCRIPTURE REFERENCE for further reading or background information

CTIVITY TITLE & PROJECT DESCRIPTION which may be read directly A to the children. FOR THE TEACHER directions, materials needed and pre-class preparation

HINTS are interspersed throughout the book and include helpful ideas for expanding projects, making them more cost effective, or adapting them to meet the special needs of young learners and pre-readers. Discussion starters encourage the children to apply the biblical concepts to their own lives. Suggestions for directed conversation appear in bold type. Inexpensive school supplies and household materials help keep craft expenses to a minimum. Safety should be a priority. Do not let children handle staplers or sharp objects. Close supervision is recommended at all times. These crafts and activities highlight various aspects of just a few of the diverse people whose stories are portrayed in the pages of the Bible. When these heroes chose to obey God’s instructions, they were victorious. If they failed to heed His commands, the outcome was disastrous. For example, Daniel understood that God would protect him and thus was fearlessly loyal to God. Gideon lacked selfconfidence and needed a bit of reassurance to be sure he was called to lead his people to victory. The Bible honestly reflects the feelings we all face. Yet, God gently reminds us that He is in control and that we can have victory if we trust Him and do His will. By learning about the lives and adventures of Bible heroes, the children will learn what it means to love God, make responsible choices and obey those who genuinely care about them.


Old Testament



Walking With God Genesis 6:5-13

Memory Verse Noah walked with God. ~ Genesis 6:9 Introduction God was sad. The people He created were doing evil things. They didn’t love God. When God saw the sinful things people were doing, He was sorry He had created them. “I will destroy people from the earth,” God said. But there was one man, Noah, who did right even though everyone around him was doing wrong. God saw that Noah loved Him. This pleased God, so He told Noah, “I am going to destroy everyone except you and your family.”

Find the Good person Can you imagine finding one good person among all the ones who didn’t love God? People may look the same on the outside, but God knows if we really love Him. Find the person in the picture below who has a heart. Color the heart red. See how a good person stands out among all the others?

For the Teacher Duplicate a picture for each child. Provide crayons for the children to use when they find the “good man.” Sing the song below to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell.” Noah pleased the Lord. Noah pleased the Lord. I want to have a heart like his, So I can please the Lord. 10


Instructed by God

Memory Verse The hearing ear…the Lord hath made. ~ Proverbs 20:12 Introduction God gave Noah instructions on how to build the ark so Noah and his family would be saved. Noah listened carefully to what God told him. God told Noah to make the ark from a certain kind of wood. God told him how to make the rooms in the ark. God also said how big to make the ark and where to put the window and door. Noah listened to everything God said.

Genesis 6:14-22

Macaroni Ears Color Noah. When you are finished coloring, your teacher will give you “ears” to glue on Noah. What does the verse say God gave to us? (ears) Say, “Thank You, God, for giving me ears. Help me to always listen to You.”

The hearing ear…the Lord hath made. Proverbs 20:12

For the Teacher Duplicate Noah to card stock for each child. Cut out the Noahs and glue a craft stick to the back of each for support. Fold on the dashed lines at each Noah’s feet so it stands. Let the children color their Noahs. Assist the children in spreading glue and adding the macaroni “ears.” Ask the children if they want to use their ears for listening to God. 11


Obedient to God

Memory Verse Noah did…all that the Lord commanded. ~ Genesis 7:5 Introduction God gave Noah a lot of instructions. He told him how to build the ark. Then God told Noah that he was to bring every animal God had created into the ark. That was a big job! But Noah obeyed and did everything God told him to do. Noah built the ark and he led all the animals on board. Then he gathered his family into the ark.

Genesis 6:14-22

Obedience Game What is missing from the face your teacher gave you? It needs a mouth. How do you think being obedient would make a mouth look? Yes, the mouth would have a big smile. Use a red crayon to make your face smile. Glue the face to the paper plate. Now stand up and listen to your teacher. When your teacher gives you instructions, hold up the paper plate face and say, “I will, I will, I will OBEY!” Then obey your teacher’s command.

For the Teacher Duplicate and cut out a face for each child. Staple a straw to the bottom of a paper plate (for a handle) for each child. Cover the staples with tape to prevent injuries. Give the commands one at a time. Allow the children to hold up their smiling faces and say “I will, I will, I will OBEY!” Then give everyone the instructions below. For fun, provide a small package of animal crackers for each child to take home. 1. Shake hands with a friend nearby. 2. Say, “I love You, God.” 3. Blow a kiss to the teacher. 4. Look up, look down, and turn around. 5. Sit in your seat. 12


A Promise from God Genesis 8-9:17

Memory Verse I do set my bow in the cloud. ~ Genesis 9:13 Introduction God destroyed the whole earth with a flood. He saved only Noah’s family. When it stopped raining, there was so much water on the earth that Noah and his family had to stay in the ark until everything was dried out. The first thing Noah did when they left the ark was build an altar and offer praise to God. God gave Noah a promise. God said, “I will never destroy everything with a flood again.” God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky so Noah would always remember God’s promise to him.

A Rainbow Hanging Your teacher will help you add ribbons to your ring. When the rainbow ribbons are completed, glue the verse circle to the back of the ring so the verse shows through the hole. Your rainbow will remind you that when God gives a promise, He never takes it back.

Finished Craft

For the Teacher Duplicate and cut out a verse circle for each child. Provide a plastic ring for each child (buy inexpensive plastic bracelets at a craft or discount store). Cut yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and red ribbon into 15” lengths, one of each color for each child. Show the children how to fold each ribbon in half, put the ribbons through the ring and then thread the ends of the ribbons through the hole formed at the ribbon centers. Add a piece of ribbon for a hanger before the children glue the verse circles to the backs of their rainbow rings. Discuss some of God’s promises and assure the children that He will always keep His promises. Promises from God: I will forgive your sins. 1 John 1:9 I will always be with you. Hebrews 13:5 I will provide for your needs. Matthew 6:30 I will give you blessings. Luke 6:38 13


Traveling Far from Home

Memory Verse The Lord…blessed Abraham in all things. ~ Genesis 24:1 Introduction God told Abraham to leave his home and travel far away. God directed him where to go. Abraham obeyed God and God blessed him in many ways. At one point, God told Abraham to walk throughout the land of Canaan. God said all the land would one day belong to Abraham’s family. Abraham moved his tents and followed God’s direction. Perhaps he felt lonely at times, being away from his childhood home, but he always knew that God was with him.

Genesis 12:1-4; 13:14-18

Pillow Case Pajama Bag Make a pajama bag to carry with you when you go somewhere overnight to visit. Paint a pillowcase with fabric paint and water using a wide brush. When it dries, pack your pajamas inside. Be sure to pack your Bible along with your pajamas! Before you go to sleep, you can look at the pictures in your Bible to help you remember that even though your bedroom or family might be far away, God is always with you.

Finished Craft

For the Teacher Provide a pillowcase for each child. Prior to class, sew the middle of a Z\x” x 36” piece of ribbon to the outside of each pillowcase seam, 10 inches down from the open end. Write a child’s name with a permanent marker near each opening. Provide wide paintbrushes and fabric paint (two parts water to one part paint) for the children to paint the pillowcases. Help the children into paint smocks to protect their clothing while painting. When the bags are dry, the children can stuff their pajamas inside and tie the bags with ribbon. This is an excellent time to give each child a small Bible as a gift. Hint: When a project involves messy hands, provide ample clean-up supplies. Have a bucket of water, towels and a trash container within several steps of the work area. Cover work surfaces with disposable paper or plastic. 14


Promised Many descendants Genesis 15:2-6

Memory Verse He who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23 niv Introduction Abraham felt sad. He did not have any children. One day, God took Abraham outside his tent and told him to look up into the night sky. Abraham looked up and saw millions of twinkling stars. Then God promised that Abraham would have as many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as there were stars. Even though it seemed impossible, Abraham believed in God’s promise.

Fingerprint Stars Dip your pointer finger into yellow paint. Carefully paint yellow dots to fill up the sky with stars. When you’re finished, try to count how many stars you made. Are there too many to count? Now you know how Abraham felt when God told him how many relatives he would have.

He who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23 niv For the Teacher Duplicate a picture for each child. Help the children into paint smocks to protect their clothing. Provide yellow tempera paints in shallow dishes. Demonstrate how to dip one finger into the paint and make yellow dots in the sky. Explain that God gave Abraham a promise that seemed impossible. Nevertheless, God always keeps His promises. 15


Father of Many Nations

Memory Verse Thou shalt be a father of many nations. ~ Genesis 17:4 Introduction Abraham’s name used to be “Abram.” One day, God changed it! God told Abram that his new name would be “Abraham” because that meant “father of many nations.” This was a very special honor God gave to Abraham. The Israelite nation was formed through this one man and his family.

Genesis 17:1-10

Father Abraham Color the picture of Abraham. Your teacher will give you a staff for Abraham. You can give this picture as a present to your father or mother. Remember that God is your heavenly Father. He watches you grow, protects you and gives you the things you need.

Abraham, the father of many nations For the Teacher Duplicate a picture for each child. Cut two slits in each paper. Help the children slide large candy canes or bent chenille wires through the slits to make staffs. Tape the backs to hold the staffs in place. Discuss positive attributes of parents as the children work. 16


A True Test of Love Genesis 22:1-18

Memory Verse We ought to obey God. ~ Acts 5:29 Introduction God decided to test Abraham to see if Abraham loved his son Isaac more than God. God told Abraham to bring Isaac to a mountain and sacrifice (or kill) the boy. Abraham obeyed God by bringing Isaac to the mountain. Just when he was ready to sacrifice his son, an angel told Abraham, “Stop.” Abraham sacrificed a sheep instead. This story shows us that Abraham loved God most of all.

Find the Sheep Help Abraham find the sheep in the bushes. Glue a piece of cotton on the sheep when you find it. Then color the picture. As you color, think of ways you can show God you love Him. Say, “Thank You, God, for giving me the Bible so that I can learn how to love You more.”

For the Teacher Duplicate a picture for each child. Tell the story and help each child find the sheep (see page 95). Provide tiny bits of cotton and glue sticks. Help the children spread the glue and then add the cotton. Let them color the other hidden animals to match the bushes. Talk about the animals as the children find them. 17


Doing His Best All the Time Genesis 39:1-5, 20-23

Memory Verse Let us do good unto all. ~ Galatians 6:10 Introduction Even when Joseph was a slave and in prison, he did his very best. His warden saw that Joseph always did his best, and put him in charge of the other prisoners. Joseph was following God by doing his best. God wants us to work hard and do our best in everything we can.

A Special Treat Glue a decorated foam ball on the top of the ice cream cone. Glue a pompon on the top of the ball to look like a cherry. Color the poem. Your teacher will help you tie a ribbon around the cone to attach the poem. Take this treat home and show it to your family. When someone has a special day, you can place the cone next to his or her plate during dinner to show that you share in that person’s happiness.

Finished Craft

You did your best, That’s what we see. God knows your heart, And so do we. This is a special day for you! Thanks be to God! Let us do good unto all. Galatians 6:10

For the Teacher Duplicate a poem for each child and cut out the poems. Spray paint ice cream cones with clear acrylic paint before class, one cone per child. (Emphasize that these cones are not safe to eat!) Provide each child with one decorated 2- or 3-inch foam ball, one Z\x-inch red or green pompon and one 12-inch length of ribbon. After the craft, have an ice cream cone party. Explain the concept of the craft to the parents in person or in a short note. Hint: Keep in mind that a craft for a four- or five-year-old is an important learning experience. It is best to encourage the children to complete the project themselves. Allow for expressions of creativity and individuality as they do the activity. 18


An Amazing Life Story

Memory Verse The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success. ~ Genesis 39:23 niv Introduction Joseph had an amazing life. He was sold into slavery and wrongly thrown in jail, but he later became second in command of all of Egypt! Joseph trusted God and God blessed him. Review the major events of Joseph’s life and practice counting at the same time with this activity.

Genesis 42:1-46:3

Can You Count for Joseph? As your teacher shows you a card, pick out the matching number of lids to place in a pile in front of you. Your teacher will help you count the lids to see if you are correct. Then push the lids back into the center and wait for your teacher to show you another card.

Coat Joseph’s father gave him a colorful coat.

Prisoners In jail, Joseph was put in charge of all the other prisoners.

Stars Joseph dreamed that the stars bowed down to him.

Cows Pharaoh got Joseph out of prison to explain Pharaoh’s dream about seven cows.

Sheep Joseph’s father sent him to find his brothers, who were tending sheep.

Gifts Joseph explained the dream, so Pharaoh put him in charge of the land and gave him gifts.

Camels Joseph’s brothers sold him to slave traders who were passing by on camels.

Barns Joseph stored food in many barns so people would survive during the famine.

Coins As a slave, Joseph was put in charge of all his master’s money and property.

Brothers Ten of Joseph’s brothers came to Joseph asking for food. God brought the family back together.

For the Teacher Duplicate a set of cards from pages 19 and 20 and cut the cards apart. Glue the written cards on the backs of the appropriate picture cards. Cover the cards with clear, self-stick plastic. Provide at least 10 plastic milk, soda or juice bottle caps for each child. To play, place the bottle caps in the center of the table. Show one card and read the description on the back. After each card, choose one child to count his or her lids slowly out loud. Work slowly with the group, allowing ample time to collect the lids. 19



Part of God’s Special Plan

Memory Verse All things work together for good to them that love God. ~ Romans 8:28 Introduction When Joseph’s father gave him a beautiful coat, it made Joseph’s brothers so jealous that they sold Joseph into slavery. Later, Joseph went to prison because someone told a lie about him. When Joseph finally saw his brothers again, they did not even recognize him. Yet Joseph knew that God cared for him. Joseph believed that God was able to use the things that happened to him in His wonderful plan. Because Joseph loved God, many people were saved from starvation, including his own family.

Genesis 45:1-8

Guess Who? You can make a mask to play a guessing game with your friends. Keep the straight edge of the paper plate toward the bottom. Glue a craft stick down from the center to form a handle. Decorate your mask with feathers, crepe paper, yarn, sequins and other materials. Cut out the memory verse and glue it on the back. When the glue is dry, grasp the craft stick and hold the mask in front of your face.

All things work together for good to them that love God. ~ Romans 8:28

Finished Craft

All things work together for good to them that love God. ~ Romans 8:28

For the Teacher Before class, duplicate and cut out a memory verse for each child. Cut paper plates in half, one half per child. Draw eyes on the plates, using the bottoms of the plates as the fronts of the faces. Help each child add a craft stick handle. (Reinforce with clear tape if necessary.) After the children decorate their masks, play a game. Have one child stand beside you with his or her mask. Ask the remaining children, Is this Emily? Suggest the wrong name. Repeat several times. Then say the right name. Say, Thank You, God, for Jessica. Help her trust that You will work out a wonderful plan for her life. Hint: Four- and five-year-olds are learning how to take turns. When an activity involves this skill, speak patiently to the children. Reassure them by saying, Each of you will get a turn. Please wait quietly so that I may call on you. 21


Hidden in the Reeds Exodus 2:1-10

Memory Verse Trust in the Lord. ~ Proverbs 3:5 Introduction Pharaoh decided to kill all the Israelite baby boys. One mother hid her son to keep him safe. When her son grew too big to hide, she put him in a special basket and floated him on the Nile River. He was hidden in the reeds and grasses. The mother trusted that God would take care of her baby. Pharaoh’s daughter found the floating baby and adopted him as her son. She named him “Moses.”

The Floating Basket Help baby Moses float on the water. Use a paintbrush to brush starch over each piece of tissue paper and cover the sheet of construction paper with tissue to look like the river. Color the picture of Moses and glue him on the river. As you work, think of how Moses’ mother trusted God.

Trust in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5

Finished Craft

Trust in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5

For the Teacher Duplicate a Moses picture for each child and cut it out. Demonstrate how to place 1-inch pieces of blue tissue paper on construction paper and brush starch over each piece until the construction paper is covered. As it dries, let the children color their Moses pictures and glue them on top of the tissue. Say, Think about how Moses’ mother trusted God. When everything seemed hopeless, she knew that God would provide the best situation for her baby boy. Let the children talk about times they have trusted an adult. Explain that God wants our trust, also. 22


Heading Toward the Promised Land Exodus 13:17-22

Memory Verse Fear not: for I am with thee. ~ Isaiah 43:5 Introduction Through Moses, God led the Israelites away from Egypt and slavery. Pharaoh chased them, but they crossed the Red Sea and escaped. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on the top of Mount Sinai while the Israelites camped at the bottom. On the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, God led them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. God was with Moses, and God is with us, too.

A Magnetic Story Make magnets to tell the Israelites’ story. Color the pictures. Glue red yarn on the fire, blue yarn on the sea, cotton on the cloud, a button on the chariot wheel, florist moss on the mountain, fabric scraps on the people and foil on the tablets. Attach a 1"x 2-inch magnetic strip to the back of each picture.





For the Teacher Duplicate pages 23 and 24 for each child. Glue the pages to poster board. Cut apart the pieces and store each set in a plastic sandwich bag. Cut red yarn into 2-inch lengths and blue yarn into 3-inch lengths, several for each child. Cut two foil tablets for each child using the Ten Commandments outline as a guide. 23

Mount Sinai

Ten Commandments

Cloud by Day

Fire by Night


Red Sea


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