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Crades 3
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Crades 3 &" Carolvn Passig Jensen &
Pamela J. Kuhn
These pages may be copied. Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials in this book for use with pupils in Sunday school or Bible teaching classes.
To Emily, Nothing makes my mother's heart happier than watching you read your Bible and hearing you quote the long sections of Scripture you've committed to memory. P.K.
©20l3 by Rainbow Publishers, twentieth printing ISBN 10: 0-937282-41-3 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-41-0 Rainbow reorder# RB36244 RELIGION / Christian Ministry/ Children
Rainbow Publishers P.G. Box 261129 San Diego, CA 92196 Interior Illustrator: Chuck Galey Cover Illustrator: Todd F. Marsh
SUSTAINABLE Certified Chain of Custody At Least20%Certified Forest Content FORESTRY INITIATIVE SFI-00484
Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are from the King James version of the Bible. Scriptures marked NIV are from the Holy Bible: New International Version (North American Edition), ©1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Permission is granted to the buyer of this book to photocopy student materials for use with Sunday school or Bible teaching classes. All rights reserved. Except as noted above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of Rainbow Publishers. Printed in the United States ofAmerica
Table of Contents
Introduction ................... . ...... . . 7
OLD T£STAM£NT ACTIVITI£S Creation (Genesis 1) Coded Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Find the Hidden Creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The First People (Genesis 1:26-2:25) Crossword Puzzle ...... . ....... ......... 12 Animals God Made ................. .. ... 13 Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16) Find the Missing Letter ... . . . .. . ........ .. 14 Offering of Obedience .............. ...... 15 Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6:5-9:17) Story in Code . .. . .. ................. .... 16 Make an Ark ... . ...... .... .... . . . . . .. . . 17 A Wife for Isaac (Genesis 24) Camel Puzzle ...... . ......... .. . ........ 18 Stand-up Camel ...... . . ..... ... ..... . ... 19 Freedom from Slavery (Exodus 7:14-12:30) Plaques Riddle ........... ....... .. ...... 20 Jesus, Our Protection ................... .. 21 God Protects His People (Exodus 14-15; 17) The Way It Happened .. .. .. . ............. 22 True and False Flags ................ . .... 23 The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20; 32:1-16) What Do the Ten Commandments Mean? .... 24 Moses, What Happened on the Mountain? ... 25 God's Servant, Moses (Exodus 2-Deuteronomy 33) Remember Moses ................... . .. . 26 Moses Math ............... . ............ 27 The Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21:1-9) Modern-day Serpents ........... . . . ... .. . . 28 Look and Live! ............. ......... . . . 29 Rahab and the Red Rope (Joshua 2:1-24; 6) Rahab Word Search ........ .. ............ 30 Hanging Pictures . ..... . . .. ... ........... 31 Deborah, a Brave Leader (Judges 4:1-24) Weapons of War ..................... . . . 32 Team Effort Picture ... . . . . . .. . ........... 33 Ruth (Ruth 1-4) Find the Hidden Grain ................... 34 Family Tree ... . ...................... .. 35
Samson (Judges 13-16) Samson's Secret Message ............... ... 36 Traveling with Samson .... ... . ...... . . ... 37 Defiant Absalom (2 Samuel 17-18) Parent Plaque ... .... . ...... . .... ........ 38 Team Snack ...................... . ..... 39 Naaman's Healing (2 Kings 5:1-15) Muddy Water .......................... 40 Seven Ducks ........................... 41 Joash Listens to Godly Teaching (2 Kings 11:1-12:2) My Teaching Board ............ . ......... 42 Who's the Man? . . . ..................... 43 Rehoboam's Unwise Decision (2 Chronicles 10:1-19) Stop, Look and Listen .. . . . ... ... ......... 44 Story in the Crown .... . . ....... ........ . 45 Nehemiah's Determination (Nehemiah 1:4-4:23) Rainbow Building Blocks ................. 46 Who's Determined? ............... . ...... 47 Job Trusts God (Job 19) Comfort Cube ...................... . ... 48 What's in Suffering? ....... . ......... .. .. 49 Isaiah Is Called by God (Isaiah 6:1-9) A Praise Fest ...... . ................. . .. 50 The Angel's Song ........................ 51 Ezekiel and the Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14) A Moving Skeleton ................. . .... 52 Hidden Explanation ..... . ... ............ 53 Nebuchadnezzar's Pride (Daniel 4-5:3) Story Review ..... .......... ............ 54 True or False Teams .. .. ................. 55 Daniel in the Lions' Den (Daniel 6:4-22) God's Promise Puzzle Pictures .... . ........ 56 Stand-up Lion .......................... 57
N£W T£STAM£NT ACTIVITI£S Jesus' Special Birth (Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-20) Christmas Mobile ....................... 60 Fill in the Christmas Tree ................. 61 People Celebrate Jesus' Birth (Luke 1-2) Who Had a Part? ....................... 62 Anna and Simeon Worship Jesus ........... 63 Peter Goes Fishing (Luke 5:1-11) Fishing for Answers ............... . . . . . .. 64 Colorful Catch ... . ...................... 65 continued on next page
Table or Contents Continued Nrw T[STAM[NT ACTIVITI[S continued
Peter Walks on the Water (Matthew 14:22-33) Make a Puzzle ... ..... ... ... ... ... . . ... . 66 Sailboat Sun Catcher ............ . ........ 67 The Son Who Left Home (Luke 15:11-32) Moving Picture .. . . ... .... ... .... .. ..... 68 Word Match ....... .. . . . .... ..... . ..... 69 Jesus Makes People Well (Mark 1-2, 7; John 4-5) Where Did Jesus Heal? ................... 70 Secret Message Picture Story . ... .. ...... .. . 71 Jesus Teaches Humility (John 13:1-17) Humility Calendar ... . ...... ..... ........ 72 The Story Square ... . ....... . ..... ... .... 73 Jesus Teaches About Heaven (John 14:1-6; 2 Timothy 4:8) Find the Right Words .... . ... .. . . ... .. ... 74 String Design . .... . ..... . ..... . .... . .... 75 Jesus Dies for Our Sins (Matthew 27) Easter Cross .. .. . . ... . . . . .. ... . . . .... . .. 76 Secret Easter Message . . . . . .. ... . . . .... . . . 77 Jesus Comes Alive Again (Matthew 28) A Resurrection Message ... ... ... .... . .. .. 78 Easter Lily to Make . ... ... ... ... ... .... . . 79 Paul Tells About Jesus (Acts 13-28) Travel with Paul. . . .. .. . . . .... ... ... .. . . . 80 Paul's Travels Stick Puppets . . ............. 81 The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) Which Fruit Is It? . . .. . .... . .. . ....... . . . 82 A Colorful Basket ............ .... . . ..... 83
MOR[ BIBL[ T[ACHINC ACTMTI[S The Bible (Psalm 119:16; John 5:39) Learning About the Bible .. ... . ... .. . . ... . 86 What Is the Bible? . ...... . .. . ..... . . . .... 87 Prayer (Psalm 55:17) A Special Message ... .......... . ... . . .... 88 An Experiment . .. . . . .. . . . ...... . . .. .... 89 Obeying God by What We Say (psalm 141:3) Codes and Dots . ... .. . ... .... ... .. .. . . . . 90 On Guard! .. . . . . . ........ . ......... . . . . 91 Things to Think About (Philippians 4:8-9) Rebus Puzzle .......... . . .. .... .... .... . 92 God's Recipe for Happiness .. . ... . ..... . .. 93 Answers . .. . . .... .. .. ... . ..... . . . ... . . . 94
Introduction One of the best ways to teach children biblical truths and Christian attitudes is through
Bible stories. In fact, there are hundreds of interesthlg and erdting stories that fill the Bible! These stories make spiritual truths come alive. When you teach Bible stories to children, they learn how to live the Christian life through the examples of real people with victories and struggles. This book provides 80 Bible-learning activities designed to teach Favorite 6jbfe Storjes and biblical principles from both the Old and New Testaments. As your third- and fourth-graders do these activities, they will begin to learn not only the Bible stories themselves, but also how much their God loves and cares for them. There are two Bible-learning activities (on facing pages) for each Bible story. You may choose to use either or both of the activities in teaching the Bible story. And because this book is reproducible, you may make as many copies of each activity sheet as you have students. You'll find a great variety of activities, suitable for a variety of teaching situations, that are designed for the abilities of third- and fourth-graders - coloring, cutting, pasting and folding, puppets, mazes, codes, map exercises, hidden pictures and other erdting actiVities just right for this age. Most activities require only ordinary school supplies or household items. Each activity sheet features a short introductory paragraph that refers to the Bible story and gives instructions for the activity. These paragraphs are designed to be read aloud to the children. The top of each page also lists the Bible story and Scripture reference. A special II For the feacher II section at the bottom of each page gives valuable teaching tips, hints for using an activity, or further instructions just for you. (Cover this section prior to making copies so the teaching ideas do not appear on the children's papers.) Children will look forward to your class with the opportunity to work on these fun activities. And the wide variety of different learning projects will help your children learn and remember Bible stories - many of which are sure to become their favorites!
old Testament
Coded Message Where did our world come from? Genesis 1 tells us God created our world as a special and wonderful place to live. We know about God's power and wisdom, and we know He loves us, by looking at what He made. To find the coded message, fill in as many definitions as you can. Then transfer each letter to the lettered and numbered square that corresponds to it in the anagram. Black squares mean the end of a word. Do you know where the coded message is in the Bible?
CelJesis \ Definitions: A. First woman (Genesis 3:20) 20
B. First murderer (Genesis 4:8) 18
G. A helpful tip
C. Man who built the ark (Genesis 6: 12-22) 16
- - --
-- --
F. Food from a hen 5
I. Suspend from a rope
-- - -
E. Groom's wives
H. Number after the ninth 3
D. A woody plant
J. End of life 37
- 17
K. The finish 41
B 14
B 2
E 7
I 16
J 26
C 36
J 43
For the Teacher: Discuss how God's creation shows His power, wisdom and love. Ask the children how we should respond to God's creation. (Praise Him and thank Him for His wonderful gifts to us.) The answer to the puzzle is on page 94. 10
Creation CelJesis \
rmd the Hidden Creatures The animals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians God made show us how very wise He is. God designed each different creature for the place where it lives. For example, birds' bones are hollow so they weigh less, making it easier for them to fly. See how many of the creatures that God made you can find hiding in this picture. There are 10. Did you find them all?
For the Teacher: Ask the children to think of other examples of how God designed creatures perfectly suited to the specific places where they live. 11
Crossword Puzzle
The First People
Across 3. After Adam and Eve ate the fruit , they knew they had done wrong and tried to themselves from God. (Genesis 3:8) 5. The first man was named _ __ (Genesis 2:19)
After God created the world, He created people. People are different from any of God's other creatures, because people were made in God's image. People are able to make choices between what is right and what is wrong to do. Adam and Eve were the first man and woman. God told Adam not to eat the fruit of one tree in the Garden of Eden, but Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit. That was the first sin. Because Adam and Eve sinned, now all people sin and often choose to do wrong. Read Genesis 2 and 3 and fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Then write the words in the puzzle about Adam and Eve.
6. The one who made Adam and Eve and who loved them even after they sinned is . (Genesis 3:21) 7. To eat the fruit God had said not to eat was to (do wrong) . 8. Adam's wife's name was _ _ _ (Genesis 3:20) 11. In the middle of the garden was a with beautiful fruit. 12. Just like Adam and Eve, we can get caught in Satan's _ _ _ __ (Hint: Devices to catch mice.)
Down 1. After Adam and Eve sinned, God cursed the earth. Now there would be thistles and __ to stick people. (Genesis 3:18) 2. God had made a beautiful for Adam and Eve to live in. (Genesis 2:8) 4. God said that if Adam and Eve ate the fruit He told them not to eat, they would surely (Genesis 3:3) 7. Satan became a (another name for a snake) to talk to Eve. (Genesis 3:1) 9. _ _ _ __ died for us to take the punishment for all our sin, and to be our Savior. (John 3:16) 10. Eve the fruit she should not have eaten. (Genesis 3:6)
For the Teacher: Help the children understand the consequences of Adam and Eve's sin to us, but emphasize that Jesus came to die and take the punishment we all deserve for our sins. Present the plan of salvation and offer the opportunity for the children to accept Jesus as Savior. (Answers to the puzzle are on page 94.) 12
Animals Cod Made
The First People
God made people to "rule over" animals. This means that people are responsible for taking care of the world and all the living creatures. God gave Adam the job of naming all the animals. God made many wonderful animals. Some of these animals are mentioned in the Bible. Match the description of the animal to the animal's picture by writing the number of the description on the line beside the animal. Then follow the instructions to color each animal.
1. Job had 6,000 of them (Job 42: 12). Color this animal light brown.
Swine _ __
2. The Bible says we are like this animal (Isaiah 53:6). Color this animal white. 3. The king's sons rode them (2 Samuel13:29). Color this animal gray. 4. Jesus said this animal lives in holes (Matthew 8:20) . Color this animal orange.
Camel _ _
5. David killed these two animals (1 Samuel 17:36). Color these animals brown and yellow. 6. God did not want His people to eat this animal for food (Leviticus 11 :7). Color this animal pink.
Bear _ _ __
Sheep _ __
7. Jesus rode this animal into Jerusalem (Luke 19:35). Color this animal purple. 8. These animals licked the sores of Lazarus, a beggar (Luke 16:20-21). Color this animals blue.
Mule _ __
9. This animal brought food to Elijah. (1 Kings 17:6). Color this animal black. Fox
For the Teacher: Talk about ways people take care of God's world and His creatures. Discuss taking care of the environment, providing wildlife refuges, conserving natural resources and so on. See if the children can think of other animals in the Bible. (Answers to the puzzle are on page 94.) 13
rmd the Missing Letter
Cain and Abel
Cain and Abel were brothers. Cain was the older brother. He was a farmer. Abel, the younger brother, became a shepherd. One day, the brothers went to worship God. Abel brought the best lamb from his flock. Cain brought fruit and vegetables from his garden. The Lord was pleased with Abel's offering because God had instructed that a blood sacrifice be made. God was not pleased with Cain's sacrifice. It was not acceptable to God. Cain became jealous of his brother. If we're not careful, we can become like Cain did. What made him kill his brother? Figure out the letter missing in each word and you'll find out the answer to the question.
__ .g-:::!=--
For the Teacher: After the worksheet is completed, ask the children what each word has to do with the story. The answer to the puzzle is on page 94.
/ " -;
OFFering of Obedience
Cain and Abel
God was pleased with what Abel brought: a blood sacrifice. Cain's offering of vegetables was not pleasing to God because it disobeyed God's command. Cain grew very angry. He was jealous of his brother and that jealousy made him do a very sinful act. He killed his brother. What offering did Abel give? Connect the dots to find out.
Start at A4 and draw a line to C3. Then draw a line from each point to the next: C3 to D4
D4toK4 K4toK8 K8 to J8 J8 to J7
3 4
J7 to 17 17 to 18 18 to H8
5 6
H8 to H7 H7 to E7
E7 to E8 E8 to D8
D8 to D7 D7 to C7
C7 to C8 C8 to B8 B8 to B6 B6 to CS CS to A4
For the Teacher: Discuss what makes us jealous: social position, possessions, grades, talents, etc. 15
Noah and
storg in eode
The people on earth were very wicked. God knew He must punish them, so He decided to send a flood to destroy all living things. But God takes care of people who love and obey Him, so God had Noah build a big boat, called an ark. Noah took his family and two of every kind of animal into the ark to keep them safe. All the other living things on the earth died. Read Genesis 6: 5-9: 17 . Use the code to find the words that belong in the blanks below. Read the story. Then color the picture of the ark and the rainbow.
1. All the people on the earth were very 1
__ . (Genesis 6:5) 9
still loved God. (Genesis 6:8-9) 7
. (Genesis 6:14)
3. God told Noah to build the 11
4. After God closed the door of the ark, it began to 11
5. The floodwaters were on the earth for one __ __ 14 8
days. (Genesis 7:24)
and 16
6. The ark rested on a mountain called 11
in the sky to promise that 11 2 1 6 10 7 3 He would never again flood the whole earth. (Genesis 9:12-16)
7. God put a
For the Teacher: Talk with the children about God's promise in Genesis 8:22. Help them think about what our world would be like if we did not know the sun would come up and the seasons would change. How would our lives be different? (Answers to the puzzle are on page 94.) 16
Noah and IheArk
Make an Ark God had Noah build an ark that was big enough to hold Noah, his family and many animals. The ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. After Noah and the animals were safe inside the ark, God shut the door. Color and cut out the ark below. Your teacher will cut the door along the solid line so you can fold it down along the dashed line. Draw a picture of some animals. Make the picture about 2%,' square. Cut out your picture, leaving about 1" of paper all around it, then cut out the ark. Tape your picture to the back of the ark so the animals show through the door. On the outside of the ark, write the promise God made to Noah in Genesis 8:22.
fold down
Genesis 6:14-8:22
For the Teacher: An adult should use a craft knife to cut the door along the solid lines. Discuss how Noah cared for and fed the many different animals in the ark. 17
Camel Puzzle
AWife for Isaac
I. well
4. Isaac
2. camels 3. prayer
5. gifts 6. Rebekah
7. Nahor 8. bride 9. servant
Abraham wanted his son Isaac to have a very special wife. In Genesis 24, you can read how God answered Abraham's and his servant's prayers and sent the girl who should be Isaac's wife. God had a special plan for Isaac. God has a very special plan for your life, too. When you obey God and ask Him to help you, God will show you what His special plan is for you. From the list of words at left, choose the number of the right word and write it on the camel in the story.
. Abraham sent his
Abraham's son was
Isaac. The servant took ten
The servant traveled to the city of
to find a bride for
with him. He loaded the camels with
. He stopped by the
The servant prayed that God would send the girl who should be Isaac's bride to the well.
came to the well, the servant thanked God for answering his
. Rebekah rode on a camel. She went with the servant to meet Isaac and
become his
,. "
For the Teacher: Talk about how God solved the servant's problem and found the girl who should be Isaac's wife. Say, It is important that we tell God our problems as the servant told God his problem. God will help us. Discuss problems the children may have about which they can tell God. Allow time for silent prayer. Close by thanking God for hearing and answering our prayers. (Answers to the puzzle are on page 94.) 18
stand-Op Camel
AWife for Isaac
When Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac, the servant took 10 camels with him. When the servant stopped at the well, Rebekah watered his camels. To go to Isaac's home, Rebekah rode on a camel. You can make a stand-up camel to help you remember this story. Look up Psalm 4:3 in your Bible. Learn the last part of the verse. After you have made your stand-up camel, write this verse inside the camel to remind you that God hears your prayers as He heard the servant's prayer. Color the camel. Cut it out along the dashed lines and the fold line. Fold a sheet of construction paper in half. Glue the camel to the construction paper, putting the fold line along the fold of the construction paper. Write the memory verse inside the stand-up camel.
1________________________________ _
,. 1
For the Teacher: Talk about prayer and what your students like to talk about with God. Emphasize that we can pray to God anytime, from anywhere and about anything. Lead each child in a short prayer to God. 19
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each God's Word in fun, creative ways! With Favorite Bible stories , you can lead kids in crafts, games and other activities that are reproducible and easy to prepare, and include teaching hints and tips. As you teach these Bible truths to your kids, they will learn how God uses all situations for His glory. And they will see that He is working for good in their lives, too!
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ISBN 10: 0-937282-41-3 ISBN 13: 978-0-937282-41-0 RELIGION I Christian Ministry I Children