school +
01 master’s final project
ACOTAR consisting in developing a four-phased method that narrows down the huge area of Gran ViaBellvitge and ends up generating a new metro politan hub for the 2030’s Barcelona.
2018 Team: Marta Alarcón + Roser Estefanell Professors: Jaime Coll + Daniel García-Escudero Jury: Mercè Berengué, Roger Sauquet, Jordi Pagès, Jaime Coll
city territory
02 urban landscape study
MONTBAU LANDSCAPE STUDY consisting in a multidisciplinary analysis of Montbau neighbourhood and the definition of the essential guidelines for a future transforma tion
2019-2020 for Barcelona City Council with B2B Jordi Bellmunt Agata Buscemi Arquitectes
03 competition
URBAN LANDSCAPE STUDIES consisting in the definition of the main analy sis tools required to develop the future urban landscape study, including a specific visual lan guage able to assemble the many variables that the neighbourhood may hide.
2020-2021 for Barcelona City Council with B2B Jordi Bellmunt Agata Buscemi Arquitectes
04 competition
THE FUTURE OF INFRASTRUCTURES ideas competition about the future role of me tropolitan road infrastructures in both a urban and a territorial scale.
2020-2021 for AMB Area Metropolitana Barcelona with B2B Jordi Bellmunt Agata Buscemi Arquitectes
05 competition
BAGNOLI ideas competition for the environmental rehabi litation and urban regeneration of the old indus try Bagnoli area in the western border of Naples.
2019 for Invitalia with B2B Jordi Bellmunt Agata Buscemi Arquitectes
garden in madrid 1970’s seafront apartment re furbishment old house renovation in barcelona apartment renovation in barcelona old stone cabin renovation in formentera
school master’s final project: Gran Via 2030
Located in between the Llobregat River Agri cultural Park and the western limit of Barce lona, the project orbits around a not-so-far upcoming scenario: the coverage of Gran Via Highway in L’Hospitalet in 2030.
As a result of one of many housing state ope rations that took place during the 1950’s, the area is structured around a car-centric men tality and fragmented into big patches: a hos pital campus, a sports campus, a university campus, the Bellvitge housing state, an indus trial area and big residual lots all around.
In order to strengthen and bond together both the metropolitan and the urban realities, the proposal sets a four-phased intervention me thodology that allows an organic urban con solidation of the area through the years. At the same time, a new metropolitan mobility node is proposed right in the middle of Gran Via Highway, supported by an extensive path network that helps restoring the inflow from the nearest city centre and across the discon nected patches.
Once the residual lots have been evaluated and have started to evolve from a settled trian gular grid, its final consolidation takes place through the definition of permeable ground floor and high density buildings, allowing to merge both metropolitan and domestic needs.
Team Marta Alarcón + Roser Estefanell Professors Jaime Coll + Daniel García-Escudero Jury Mercè Berengué, Roger Sauquet, Jordi Pagès, Jaime Coll
city urban landscape study of Montbau neighbourhood
The resulting document of study aims to explore the different constraints that have shaped the evolution of Montbau neighbourhood and aspi res to set some guidelines and specific transfor mation actions for the Barcelona City Council’s future interventions.
With its unique environmental, landscape and urban conditions, the neighbourhood is read as a hybrid area between the city of Barcelona and the Serra de Collserola Natural Park, which oc cupies 60% of its area in the north-west.
The area is currently organised as a set of inde pendent islands: the Vall d’Hebron hospital, the Mundet University Campus and the residential area, a 1960’s housing state located in the flat ter southern area. All of them proof the transfor mations of the original landscape which is, still today, strongly defined by the streams from the Serra de Collserola Natural Park.
Conformed by considerably high housing bloc ks, the residential area is basically structured around the transversal urban axes due to to pographic conditions and it contains the only pedestrian routes and public spaces available. Although the different big municipal facilities fill the neighbourhood with significant daily flows of people during the day, its original car-centric structure strengthens the isolation of spaces and generates a big amount of residual areas without a clear function.
The multidisciplinary analysis through the histo rical, eco-environmental and social constraints brings to light the emerging existence of three main axes to be strengthened and results into a list of specific actions around the improvement of the water-cycle management and the ecolo gical and urban landscape functionality.
Team B2B Arquitectes + IRBIS + Pla Estel Client Barcelona City Council![](
The Barcelona City Council launched a com petition for the drafting of three Urban Lands cape Studies, asking for the definition of the global approach, the role and management of the citizen perception, the adequacy to the es tablished methodology and the intentionality and clarity of the graphical information.
The global approach of the study orbits around the recognition and empowerment of a com plex reality, aiming to set a specific strategy based on multidisciplinary synergies.
The citizen perception’s management propo sed aims to reflect the reality of the actual users of the area, to ensure the representa tiveness of participatory actions, to make a more flexible meeting infrastructure and to guarantee the transparency of the process.
Regarding the adequacy to the established methodology, the proposal is structured in three phases distributed in 32 weeks. Firstly, the identification of the different variables -including biodiversity, climate change, mo bility, heritage and historical evolution among others. Then, a social portrayal of the area defined around the citizen’s perception and lastly, the final strategies and conclusions, where the potentialities, flaws and goals will be defined.
city competition for the drafting of three urban landscape studies
Team B2B Arquitectes + IRBIS + Pla Estel Client Barcelona City Council
international call for ideas: The future of infrastructures territory
Marked by the presence and interaction of mo vement infrastructures, the territory concerned represents the materialization of an important moment in contemporary urban planning.
In order to control and limit the infinite presen ce of the private car, the N-150 -currently a dual carriageway, is transformed into a mixed urban street, with the conversion of its east side into a traffic-calmed thoroughfare similar to New York’s High Line.
A detailed study of the traffic, reformed for grea ter simplicity, frees up much of the space to re green and transform it into a central park for the surrounding municipalities, accessible through a new stop that is intelligently located in the te rritory.
Finally, the reuse and compaction of the exis ting shopping centre by building high-rise car parks reduces the occupation of the territory. In this way, the active disappearance of the huge car-parking surface allows us to imagine a great natural space that opens up right across the whole place and, by crossing the Ripoll river, joins Ripollet’s Parc del Pinatells and continues this territorial gap outwards.
international call for ideas for the design of the renewed Bagnoli area
The Bagnoli park represents a unique opportu nity for urban regeneration for the city of Naples. Complexity and contradictions over time have strongly marked and compromised a place that from a natural, geographical and landscape point of view has a unique location and charac terization.
The park finds its genesis in the restoration, care and development of Bagnoli’s nature. It acquires structure and shape thanks to the new topo graphy (hills and clearings), generated by the up cycling interventions connected to the reuse of the materials resulting from the demolition of the fill, and to the pools of water that interacting with each other allow nature the reconstruction of a system of landscapes, biotopes and entities integrated in a coherent way in the territory.
Its margin north meets the historical Bagnoli building area: the new buildings take¬¬ up its original measures, ensuring that nature acqui res a more domestic character and connects the park to the urban context of greater density. To the east, the new buildings appear as a series of objects in nature, leaving apparently wild gar dens to weld the park to this urban edge. To the south, the park joins the Posillipo hill and stren gthens the ecological connectivity along this en tire slope. Towards the west, the park rejoins the coast, making via Coroglio assume a connective role between the park and the sea.
From these conditions, a very rich sensory expe rience is obtained that envelops the visitor, lea ding him more and more into nature and inviting him to cross and enjoy the different areas of the Park and the various activities.
Team Alberto Izzo & Partners + David Chipperfield Architects![](
apartment renovation in barcelona old stone cabin renovation in formentera apartment renovation in barcelona
other works
other works
info formation skills
Roser Estefanell Genover
Born in Barcelona in 1993
Master in Architecture MArqEtsab
ETSAB, UPC - Barcelona, Spain | 2017-2018
Architecture Degree
ETSAB, UPC - Barcelona, Spain | 2011-2017
International exchange year
ENSAPMalaquais - Paris, France | 2015-2016
B2B Jordi Bellmunt Agata Buscemi Architect | 2021-2019
MIRAG arquitectura i gestió Internship 2017 GM Arquitectes Internship 2014 languages spanish - native english - advanced catalan - native french - advanced software
autocad sketchup + vray photoshop indesign illustrator office pack qgis basic
further formation
2019 - QGIS Basics
2015 - ETSAB-TU Workshop Istambul 2014 - ELISAVA Retail design course
MNAC - CIUTAT-ESCOLA Exhibition collaboration with EtsabCultura (2018)
LLUMBCN Festival
Ephemeral installation (2017)
Piso Piloto exhibition (2015)
FAD Awards
Habitàcola FadFest - 3d prize (2014)