Kempston Calling October 2022

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Some new additions to the Board of Trustees have been made to support the dedicated team who kept the hall going during lockdowns

Fund raising events are being staged to help meet the cost of replacing the time served heating system with a more efficient model, which will cost in the region of £15,000

There is an 80s Disco on Friday, November 25, when people will be able to meet up with old friends again, followed the next night, November 26, by a Line Dancing evening

A fund raising barn dance on October 7, is nearly sold out and there is an afternoon tea

dance on Saturday, October 29, 2pm 5pm for which tickets are £4

Unlike many other venues the Addison, has its own large, dedicated car park right next door, easy access for disabled, a sprung floor for dancing, a stage with dressing room facilities and can be hired during the day or evening

Long standing Chair of the Trustees Pat Buttrum said: “We are very aware that some people might have forgotten about us during the lockdowns and that many who have moved into new houses along Cemetery Road and elsewhere might not even know we exist But we’re here and looking forward to welcoming people back for f a m i l y p a r t i e s , w e d d i n g s , dancing, shows and more

“ S u p p o r t e r s o f t h e Addison Centre during the darkest days were The Grace Church and Ceroc dancing who returned as soon as the rules allowed That income, t o g e t h e r w i t h G o v e r n m e n t grants, helped to keep the hall g o i n g a n d w e a r e g r a t e f u l for that ”

The building and site is run and maintained by a very small team and the Trustees are hoping that some local b u s i n e s s e s m i g h t c o n s i d e r offering to support them To this end a business ‘welcome’ event will be staged at which the Trustees hope to meet and greet interested companies

S ign u p on FaceBook @Addisoncentrekempston or telephone (01234) 340997 to make bookings or online www addison-centre org

K E M P S T O N C A L L I N G K EMPSTON OCTOBER 2022 2021 ESTATE AGENT N BEDFORD We won! Talk to us... Ca l l ing design & print 01234 907907 quotes@ delityprint co uk TELFORD WAY, BEDFORD MK42 0PQ Pe rsonalised CHRISTMAS CARDS & CALENDARS www.  Christmas cards  Photo baubles  Invitations  Calendars  Enlargements  Canvas prints  Photo gifts  Photo books  Fine art prints I S S N 2 7 5 3 - 5 6 0 6 ADDISON CENTRE GETTING FIRED UP THINGS are hotting up at the Addison Centre in Kempston, the community owned hall which is looking forward to welcoming guests back this season. R.I.P. Q ueen Eliza beth II 1926- 2022 by Jane Bird Community Reporter New blood putting life back into venue


The Parish Council is responsible for a number of local services, including: roadside seats, Bus shelters, Litter bins, Dog waste bins, Wood End Play Space, the closed church yard at Church End.

In addition, the Parish Council liaises with the Borough Council on matters that are their responsibility such roads and footways It also considers and responds to local planning proposals and other matters that might affect the lives and well being of residents

The Parish Council meets on the third Thursday of the month (except August and December), at 7.30pm in All Saints Church Hall. There is always 15 minutes set aside for public questions

CONTACT DETAILS: The Parish Clerk, Mrs Sue Bottoms

17 Willow Springs, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0DS 01234 751300

New Museum Director at Panacea Museum

THE Panacea Charitable Trust has appointed a new Museum Director, Zara Matthews, to head up its Museum team in Bedford Zara most recently worked for Arts Council England in the Cultural Property team, and prior to that as Market Town Museums Manager for Leicestershire County Council working with Harborough, Melton and Charnwood Museums Executive Officer of The Panacea Charitable Trust, David McLynn, said “We welcome Zara to the charity to head up our Museum and its staff Zara joins us with a breadth of knowledge and experience that will help the charity to lead the museum through its next phase of develop ment ”


Zara said “This is a great opportunity and I’m very happy to be here The Panacea Museum tells an extraordinary story and I am looking forward to working with everyone here to share this more widely ”

The Panacea Museum tells the story of the Bedford based Panacea Society a religious society founded by a group of women in 1919, who followed the teachings of Joanna Southcott

Southcott died in 1814 leaving a sealed box of prophecies and several published works Led by Mabel Barltrop (renamed Octavia), the group believed the original Garden of Eden was in Bedford and established a community of about 70 members living close to each other as they prepared for the Millennium and the return of Jesus

Jobs at business park?

A NEW business park providing over 2,300 new jobs could be built in Wyboston if plans get the go ahead

An outline planning application for the development of a 23,400m2 business park at Wyboston Lakes Complex has been submitted to Bedford Borough Council

The applicants are looking to build the business park on land south of the A428 with the floor space being shared by 2, 2 5 and 3 storey buildings They also want to construct new access junction onto the A428

The planning application said the proposed site has an “exten sive” history of planning applica tions, including permission for an

innovation and technology centre development (May 2012)

The applicant said this proposal will support and enhance the Wyboston Lakes Complex as a regional centre for leisure, training and conferencing

The applicant said using the employment density information available on the government’s web site indicate that business park developments for the proposed uses can be expected to provide one full time employee per 10 m2 of floor area

On this basis, they said, the proposed development could potentially provide around 2,340 new jobs


September was an eventful month for everyone as the nation mourned the sad death of Queen Elizabeth ll, followed by the proclamation of King Charles lll

The Kempston Town Council meeting that was due to take place during that period was cancelled and the business carried forward to the next meeting on October 11th

Unfortunately the Kempston Mayor’s reception was also postponed until a later date for the same reasons

Several Kempston Councillors attended local (Kempston/Bedford) civic services connected with the recent events


Although many people’s minds have been pre occupied with national thoughts it still remains that local day to day issues are a source of nuisance

Of course local Councillors are available to help, if they can

Problems can also be reported to the Town

Council office However, did you know that you can report issues directly to the Borough Council yourself If you have access to a computer, why not try it

Type in Bedford Borough Council ‘report it’ and you should see a vast list of issues covered from ‘abandoned cars’ to ‘weeds’

If you ‘click’ on the issue that you wish to report, a form should appear that is self explanatory

There is also an opportunity to upload any photographs that you may think are necessary

You can request to be kept informed and will be given a reference number have several rounds available NOW Go to: http://www bedsbulletin com/ door door deliveries.php

2 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com K E M P S T O N C A L L I N G
out problems
Council meetings in Centenery Hall: October 11 Planning Committee, 6.30pm Council Meeting, 7.30pm KNOW YOUR TOWN COUNCILLOR Kempston North Sam Blacklaws c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG 07513 705791 Sue Oliver 4 Loveridge Avenue, Kempston MK42 8SD sue oliver@bedford gov uk 303029 Kempston South Shaun Bowman 5 Harrier Way, Kempston MK42 7TY shaun bowman@virginmedia com 07905 780603 Carl Meader 39 Highfield Road, Kempston MK42 7JH carl meader@bedford gov uk 857621 or 07557 800156 Kempston West Steve Conway c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG steve@steveconway net 07592 483336 Terri Conway c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG terri@steveconway net 07592 483336 Kempston Central and East Ali Akbor c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG aakbor@hotmail com Kay Burley 7 Westdale Walk, Kempston MK42 8NX gordoncolling@btinternet com 843805 Fiorentino Manocchio 32 Hartwell Drive, Kempston MK42 8UY fiore manocchio@gmail com 07818 426266 Mohammed Masud 46 Henderson Way, Kempston MK42 8NP cllrmasud@bedford gov uk 07974 276944 Mohammed Nawaz c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG mn4bedford@gmail com 07786 160607 Ross Purves c/o 104 Bedford Road, Kempston MK42 8BG rmpkempston@gmail com 07732 969871 MAYOR AND DEPUTY: Cllrs Sam Blacklaws & Terri Conwy 104 Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8BG Tel: 01234 851005 Email: Office hours: 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday Mourning the loss of our Queen DELIVERY AGENTS REQUIRED We are looking for reliable people to deliver KEMPSTON CALLING We

Stagecoach take an axe to services

THE revised bus timetables just released by Stagecoach has caused a great deal of anger amongst a large number of people

The bus company has rescheduled and suspended services, two of which are routes 70 and 73 These two serviced the north east Bedfordshire towns of Biggles wade, Potton and Sandy and the villages on the way to Bedford

Huge numbers of people will be affected by these changes, typically those students attending Stratton Upper School and Bedford College

Also many people will struggle to get to outpatient appointments at Bedford Hospital

In and around Bedford a number of services have also had their timings altered to a lesser or greater extent which will impact on the villages of Willington and Moggerhanger

A spokesperson for Central Beds Council said: “The 72 and 73 bus routes are currently run on a com mercial basis by Stagecoach and so do not receive any support from the council

“Stagecoach recently advised us that these services have been running at a very significant loss and as such are no longer viable We have been in negotiation with them since they notified us of their intention to withdraw to try and avoid this situation and discuss with them pos sible options to keep the services operating, but we have been unable to reach agreement on this ”

Cllr, Ben Foley, who represents some of the most deprived communities in the Midland Road area of Bedford, said: “People will notice the loss of routes like the ones to and from Willington, Sandy and Biggleswade, meaning people in rural areas may lose out on work or education opportunities

“Also, the X5 is being cut to hourly off peak ”

100s mor e r ental homes pr oposed

HUNDREDS of new rental homes could be coming to Bedford’s town centre, if a proposed scheme goes ahead

Castlecap and its partners gave a presentation on its Build to Rent (BTR) scheme for the corner of Greyfriars and Midland Road to Bedford Borough Council’s Housing Committee on Wednesday, September 7

The committee members were told the scheme would create “high quality and much needed” res idential homes in Bedford, and remove “function ally obsolescent” buildings in the town centre

Piers Rooke, Castlecap’s ceo, said: “We feel that there’s a really unique and exciting opportuni ty, particularly given what’s happened post covid, to regenerate that area, to produce buildings and an offering that meets modern criteria ”

The plan is to deliver a mix of studio apartments and, one, two and three bedroom homes. The scheme would come with onsite facilities, which could include a gym, a cinema room and public spaces, all of which would be included within the rental fees

Councillor Stephen Moon (Conservative, Great Barford) asked how many units would be required to make the scheme viable

David Hughes, from Alchemy and is the devel opment manager for the scheme, said the larger institutional investors for this type of quality scheme look for a minimum of 250 to 300 units

Councillor Fouzia Zamir Atiq (Labour, Cauldwell) said: “I think the Midland Road area and Greyfriars area is a quite deprived area.

“How did you arrive at £800 rent for a one bed room flat in a deprived area,” she asked

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS: advertising@bedsbulletin com OCTOBER 2022 3 K E M P S T O N C A L L I N G NEW BOMBAY BEDFORD’S MOST ESTABLISHED INDIAN RESTAURANT Tel: 01234 218218 53B Harpur Street, Bedford
4 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N Telephone: 01234 273 172 7 Brunel Road (off Barkers Lane) Bedford MK41 9TG Open: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm ————————————————WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU SOON ————————————————— Visit our showroom or if you are housebound we can offer a home visit to discuss your needs. GREAT RANGE OF SCOOTERS ON DISPLAY GREAT RANGE OF FIRESIDE CHAIRS FROM ONLY £299 20 RISER RECLINER CHAIRS ON SHOW THREE AND FOUR WHEELED WALKERS FROM ONLY £59 H MADE USTABLE BEDS FROM ONLY £699 WHEEL CHAIRS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY KINGSLEY COMPACT RISE/RECLINER CHAIR, DUAL MOTOR £899 Available for next day delivery in a range of fabrics Good clean used scooters bought for cash Bedford’s leading mobility specialist LSTAIR FIFTS REE SHOME URVEY Walk in showers and baths supplied and fitted S A L E S • H I R E • S E R V I C I N G • R E P A I R • S P A R E S

New Top Team for the Bedfor d College Gr oup

THE Bedford College Group has announced a series of management changes to prepare the way for the proposed merger in February 2023 with Central Bedfordshire College

The changes will also support the key requirements of teaching areas across all campuses

Ian Pryce CBE relinquishes the role of Principal but remains as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Bedford College Group He is looking forward to celebrating 25 years in that role in December 2023 He has appointed two Deputy CEOs: Em Lowe, who will deputise on educational matters and Pat Jones who will deputise on financial matters

The post of Principal is now separated between Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire

Karen Campbell (pictured right) is now Principal of Bedford College, including overseeing Shuttleworth College

Robin Webber Jones has been appointed Principal of Tresham College in readiness for the new academic year across the three Northants campuses of Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough and The National College for Motorsport at Silverstone

When the merger takes place, Central Bedfordshire College will maintain what will be a third Principal within the Group “In February we will become one of the largest college groups in the UK Central Bedfordshire College needs to improve on its latest Ofsted result These manage ments changes will enable us to prepare to meet all those chal lenges and best serve our communities,” said Ian Pryce

Supporting the new Principals

will be a raft of Vice Principals to ensure individual campuses meet the local needs of the community and employers, whilst ensuring best practice is shared across the


Vice Principals

Bedford College: Gail Cocozza and Dave Wilkins and Alex Mortby

Shuttleworth College: Dr Catherine Lloyd

Tresham College: Dr Jo Baxter, Nick Haywood and Dr Mohammad Milani

Vice Principal for Group wide maths, English and Progression Pathways will be Nina Sharp

The Bedford Sixth Form and up coming The Corby Sixth Form will come under Helen Smith as Group Head of Sixth Forms New to the Executive Group of Directors of Debbie Houghton who will be responsible for apprentice ships and business development She joins: Sheraz Amin, Sarah Baxter and Caroline Biddle, on this key strategic panel

Dead birds give rise to fears of Avian Flu on Bedford’s river

FOLLOWING reports that there have been three dead swans, one goose and several pigeons recov ered from the Ouse in Bedford, Joanne Gullon from St Bede’s Ford Swanery has urged the public not to feed the birds whilst they are on land, as this poses an increased risk of infection

Until the situation is clarified a Bedford Borough Council spokesperson said: “There have been reports of deceased birds on the River Great Ouse, which we are investigating alongside Defra

We cannot confirm their cause of death at this stage so are encourag ing residents to exercise caution

“If you come across any other dead or visibly sick birds in the local area, please do not feed or touch them Instead, report it to Defra’s GB helpline by calling 03459 335577

“If you keep poultry or other birds, wash your hands and clean and disinfect your footwear before tending to them

More advice and guidance is available on the GOV UK website

Sting operation traps Bedford paedophile

A BEDFORD paedophile was sen tenced to 46 months in jail on Monday, September 12, 2022, after being caught in a police sting

Aaron Dawe, 36, believed he was talking to two 12 year old girls called ‘Kirsty’ and ‘C’ but they really decoy officers

Prosecutor Max Hardy told Luton Crown Court said Dawe had engaged in sexually conversations with Kirsty

He sent her explicit images of himself and asked her to perform sexual acts She had told him she was aged 12 and from Wales

He said he was a 34 year old male from London, commenting: “So you like older men ”

Mr Hardy said when Dawe was arrested in March last year his phone was seized and it was dis

covered he had been talking explicitly to the other police decoy called ‘C’

She also said she was aged 12 Dawe of Garfield Street, Bedford appeared for sentence having pleaded guilty to two charges of causing or attempting to incite the sexual exploitation of a child

Defending, Nasreen Tincey gave the judge a letter from Dawe’s wife in which she said the offences were “completely ought of charac ter ”

She said the factory worker had been separated from his wife at the time, had started a new job and was isolated

Judge Steven Evans told him: “Your ultimate purpose was to gain some sort of sexual satisfied from contact with 12 year old girls ”

Former police inspector jailed for sex offences

A FORMER police officer who was jailed for child sex offences would have been dismissed had he not already resigned, a panel has ruled

John Nichols, 51, from Bedford, was sentenced to a total of 30 months in prison after admit ting attempting to arrange or facil itate the commission of a child sex offence and making an indecent photograph of a child He was caught following an undercover online investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service

A fast track misconduct hear ing was held at Bedfordshire Police HQ in front of Chief Constable Garry Forsyth yesterday (20 September), who found Nichols had breached the Standards of Professional Behaviour for integri ty and discreditable conduct Nichols had made admissions to

the hearing which amounted to gross misconduct

Mr Forsyth said: “Offences such as these involve such a funda mental breach of the public’s trust in police officers that inevitably brings the profession into disre pute

“The public would be both shocked and horrified by the con duct of former Insp Nichols and his conduct will undoubtedly dam age the standing and reputation of policing

“There is no place in our force for anyone who behaves in such a way, and we will continue to work with colleagues both in policing and externally to proactively root out anyone who falls short of the standards the public expect ” Nichols will also be placed onto the barred list

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Bedford man to run his first ever marathon for Sue R yder hospice

FORTY one year old Michael Fry says the care his grandad, John Cullinane, and the wider family received from Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice twenty years ago, is the key inspiration for his fundraising feat this October He hopes that taking part in the London Marathon will also bring some positivity to his family following the difficult time they experienced through the Covid pandemic

Michael said: “I approached Sue Ryder for a running place at the London Marathon because my grandad was so well cared for at the local hospice I was in my early twenties at the time he died and it’s not something you are necessarily used to dealing with at that age

“Twenty years on though and I still have memories of how well looked after he was there and equally of the support they offered, not only to my grandad, but to my nan, and my family The staff were fantastic and we could not thank them enough ”

This is the first time that Michael will have run a marathon for charity but he has always been keen to give it a go

“I’ve been to London to see the marathon in action a couple of

times as my cousin, my aunty and best mate have all run it My brother in law is running this year too, to raise money for Bedford Hospital, and my wife, four year old daughter and family will be there so we are going to make a day of it,” he added

Michael who has been fitting in his training around being a husband, dad and running a busi ness, said: “I’ve got a goal, I know it’s leading up to something big and I am doing it for a cause close to my heart ”

Michael hopes to raise £3,000 for Sue Ryder and to help boost his fundraising total he held a charity quiz in June “My sister in law owns Bridges Espresso Bar at Riverside Square in Bedford so we are lucky to be able to use that as a venue for our fundraisers

6 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N Tel: 01234 823033 Radwell Road (just off the A6) Milton Ernest MK44 1SH M I LT T O N E R N E S T G A R D E N C E N T R E COFFEE SHOP SPECIAL FREE TOASTED TEA CAKE with any cup of TEAor COFFEE MONDAY –FRIDAY from 2pm With this voucher –offer ends 31.10.22 While stocks last with this voucher✁ A D V E R T I S E R ’ S A N N O U N C E M E N T BEDFORD’S PREMIER BUSINESS HUB 44 Harpur Street, Bedford, MK40 2QT Rent a desk only £75pm all inclusive

A short church service followed in the Bunyan Church

Police say Redwood Grove f lat explosion was a deliberate act of arson

DETECTIVES investigating the fatal explosion at the Redwood Grove flats in Bedford now believe the person who died in the blaze deliberately started the fire

Reena James, 42, died in the incident on the morning of July 4, 2022, which resulted in a number of residents having to be evacuated after their flats were badly dam aged

Over the past two months a team of detectives has been carry ing out detailed examination of the scene, alongside Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service investigators and several leading experts from around the country

Residents who remain dis placed from their homes were updated on the latest developments at a special community meeting held on Thursday, September 1, 2022


Chief Superintendent John Murphy from Bedfordshire Police said: “We have been determined to find the cause of the explosion Whilst there remains some labora tory testing to be completed, the very clear indication from every thing we have discovered is that it was a deliberate criminal act of arson, targeted at a specific flat

“Our investigation has found that entry was likely to have been forced into that flat, after which several areas were doused in a flammable liquid

“The vapour from this acceler ant became so great that, when it was ignited, it caused an explosion followed by the fire which took hold of the building

“Forensic evidence, coupled with other enquiries, leads us to believe that Reena James, who was a resident elsewhere in the block, was solely responsible

“We therefore looking

for anyone else in connection with this crime We remain incredibly grateful for the support and patience of residents whilst the investigation has been carried out We do not underestimate the impact it has had on them, and we are providing them all with support as victims of crime We are also continuing to support to the family of Ms James ”

Once the investigation has been completed, a file will be passed to the coroner for a full inquest to be held to establish how Reena James died

Blue Plaque ceremony TEL: 07894 935952 ADS: advertising@bedsbulletin com OCTOBER 2022 7 B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N Tel: 01234 823033 Radwell Road (just off the A6) Milton Ernest MK44 1SH M I L LT T O N E R N E S T G A R D E N C E N T R E Jewel box colours for autumn tubs PRIMROSES 2 PACKS OF 6 FOR £10 While stocks last with this voucher ✁ YO U R LO C A L C O SY F E E T STO C K I ST I S STYLES FOR MEN & WOMEN for extra wide or swollen feet ODELL’S SHOES 8 St Cuthberts St, Bedford MK40 3JB 01234 358979 SALES & TRADITIONAL REPAIR SERVICEOn Saturday, September 3, 2022, dignitaries gathered in Castle Lane, Bedford, to unveil a Blue Plaque to acknowledge Bedford’s contribution to the war effort in WWII From 1941 to 1945 musical concerts were performed in various venues around Bedford and broadcast nationwide from ‘Somewhere in southern England’ which was the Bunyan Meeting Rooms, in Mill Street In attendance for the unveiling of the plaque were: The Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, Mrs Helen Nellis; The High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, Lady Jane Clifford; The Mayor of Bedford, Mr Dave Hodgson; Mohammad Yasin, MP of Bedford and Kempston; representatives of the Bunyan Meeting Room, Bedford Historical Society and members of the Royal British Legion.

Thanksgiving service for Lord Lieutenant

OVER 400 people from across Bedfordshire came together at St Paul’s Church, Bedford on Sunday 4 September 2022 to give thanks to HM Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis CVO CStJ and to welcome Lord Lieutenant (designate) Susan Lousada DL to the role

Helen Nellis was officially appointed as HM The Queen’s representative in Bedfordshire in November 2011 and took up office in February 2012 Throughout this time, Helen has worked extremely hard to tell the positive story of Bedfordshire by seeking out those who work in so many ways to build communities where all can feel valued, thrive and have a sense of belonging Helen’s husband, Professor Joe Nellis, has been by her side during her time as Lord Lieutenant and has supported her every step of the way

Vice Lord Lieutenant, Chris Sharwood Smith MBE, Bishop of Bedford The Rt Rev Richard Atkinson OBE and St Paul’s Church The Rev Canon Kevin Goss welcomed guests from across the county and beyond to the service, including High Sheriff of Bedfordshire Lady Jane Clifford and Sir Timothy Clifford, MPs from across Bedfordshire, Chief Fire Officer Andrew Hopkinson, Chief Constable Garry Forsyth, Chief Executive of Central Bedfordshire Council Marcel Coiffait, Mayor of Bedford, Mayor of Luton, Vice Chair of Central Bedfordshire Council, Town Mayors and representatives of countywide organisations and armed forces personnel

At the service, Mrs Susan Lousada was welcomed as the new Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Susan swore to honour her allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and serve her as Lord Lieutenant diligently and faithfully She made a solemn promise to serve the people of Bedfordshire and strive to build a loving and inclusive community

Susan Lousada officially became HM Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire on Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Speaking after the service the Lord Lieutenant, Helen Nellis said “During these past wonderful

years as HM Lord Lieutenant, I have been blessed to have met so many exceptional people in our county who have lit a fire in me and in others to work towards building stronger and kinder communities where everyone can feel valued and have a sense of belonging Thank you all for your warmth and compassion and for

believing that each one of us can act to make a difference My heart will be with you and with Sue Lousada always as she leads us in this joint endeavour”

Susan Lousada said: “I am deeply honoured to have been appointed by Her Majesty The Queen to become the next Lord Lieutenant of

Bedfordshire and I look forward to representing Her Majesty across the county It is important to me to support those who work to make this county prosper, ensuring opportunities are open to all Bedfordshire is a truly beautiful and great place to live, and I look forward to serving the people who live and make their lives within it ”

10 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com
To advertise your service or products print has lot going for it, after all you are reading this! Call me on 07894 935952 for a chat.

DURING the Second World War, the Inter Service Special Intelli gence School was initially based in Ardor House on Bedford’s Broadway

The leading tutor was retired Captain Oswald Tuck, a man who had learnt Japanese during the early years of the 20th century when he was based in the Far East and when the two countries were allies He was a natural teacher, able to instil his own enthusiasm for the Japanese language to his students

The first course started on February 2, 1942 Normally it would take an absolute minimum of two years to learn basic Japanese but Bletchley Park’s senior crypt analysts (codebreakers) wanted adequate linguists in six months

20 or so students, aged 18 or 19 years old, were on each course, many of them from university (par ticularly Oxbridge) Classics cours es, but also others who showed an expertise in crosswords, chess or music and were felt to be best suit ed to problem solving

The teaching and learning was intense but despite this Tuck fos tered an informal atmosphere while at the same time pushing them hard The course was narrowly

focussed on material drawn from Japanese military communiques before moving on to code breaking exercises After just five months, Bedford students were able to translate a captured Japanese air force code

Tuck was later assisted by other tutors and the school moved for the second course to 7 St Andrews Road, then 52 De Parys Avenue and 1 Albany Road, where the bulk of courses were held

Eventually some 225 students

passed through the eleven courses at Bedford, with a failure rate of only 4% About half of the school’s graduates were sent to Bletchley Park (where the Japanese section took over ‘F’ block); the rest were deployed to a variety of locations including the Admiralty’s Naval Intelligence Department and to the Far East

Their codebreaking work was vital to the successful conduct of the war which led to victory in 1945

The Mayfair House 11 Lurke Street, Bedford MK40 3HZ Tel: 01234 964911

The Will Writing Company is celebrating its 25th Year in business and is offering a free Will & Testament (joint or single) to all readers. If you have been meaning to make a Will, now is your chance to take advantage of this exclusive offer and give you and your loved ones peace of mind. By making a Will, you decide who takes care of your children and who inherits your estate. Storage facility optional.

To take advantage of book an appointment or for further information please call our offices on the above number between the hours of 9:00am-5:30pm Monday to Friday.

TEL: 07894 935952 ADS: advertising@bedsbulletin com OCTOBER 2022 11
Will Writing Company
this offer and
OFFER ENDS 31st OCTOBER 2022 Terms and Conditions. Office appointments only. This voucher can not be exchanged for cash. The voucher must be produced at your appointment. FREE WILL VOUCHER This voucher entitles you to a FREE Mirror Will (normal cost £125) or a FREE Single Will (normal cost £85) Valid until 31st October 2022 The Will Writing Company Mayfair House, 11 Lurke Street, Bedford, Beds, MK40 3HZ Tel 01234 964911 Email ✁ Free Will & Testament Bedfor d’s war-time secr et language school r ecognised Ardor House 2 The Broadway, Bedford

In our nation we are going through a great transition As we continue to remember our late Queen, her remarkable life of service and duty, and her deeply moving funeral, we move to the era of our new King

The need to change the monogram on everything from post boxes to military uniforms just a small outward sign of a deeper inward transition

Like all good transition there was much planning and preparation

There has been ritual and ceremony to assist There has been sensitivity and aware ness on the part of King Charles As always there is adventure and much uncertainty as the new phase emerges We pray for our King and for all that lies ahead

Transitions are a feature of the lives of us all Those milestones such as starting and leaving school, commencing employment,

reaching retirement and that ultimate transi tion that is death Also, those occasions when either we hand on to another or someone else hands on to us

The transitions at work where we pass on our responsibilities to another; or in the community when someone else takes forward what we have done for many years Those family moments when one generation hands onto another

Not every transition goes well All too often there is a reluctance to go.

The preparation can be inadequate Crucial information is not passed on

As a vicar taking on a new parish, I didn’t always receive from my predecessor the details of congregation and parish that I needed All too often there is a failure of the next generation to adapt as circumstances change Political transitions as we know can

be particularly tricky

Above all else there is a need to empower the person who comes next Too many busi nesses falter when no one has been prepared to take things forward, especially when the founder steps down.

In contrast, it was noticeable over the last few years how our Queen enabled Charles to step up

Jesus’s ascension to heaven, after his resurrection, is a moment of divine transition As Jesus returns to heaven he hands on his mission to his disciples He commissions them and he empowers them The gift of the Holy Spirit is part of ensuring they are equipped for the task

Transitions are not easy, even for monarchs They are times for prayer Who do we need to empower so that when the time comes, they are ready?

The last few weeks has seen the nation come together to mark the life and service of Her Majesty the Queen.

Her Majesty’s passing, without doubt, marks the end of a very long chapter in the history of our country that has seen so much change and for most people, her presence was one of the few constants throughout their lives

Throughout her life, Her Majesty served the country with absolute dedication, honour and dignity

From serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War Two until her very last public duty meeting the new

Prime Minister, she never once shied away from public duty

Her life will forever be interlinked with that of a period of great change within the UK and although many today would struggle to recognise the world she was born into, she always seemed to belong very much in the present

The Queen will be deeply missed within the UK, the Commonwealth and further afield May she rest in peace I would like to thank everyone who signed the Book of Condolence or laid a floral tribute in memory of Her Majesty St Paul’s Church held a special

Thanksgiving Service, as did a number of other churches, and The Corn Exchange showed Her Majesty s funeral to ensure no one had to watch the funeral alone I would also like to thank all those who attended the County and Local Proclamations of Accession for King Charles III

Finally, I would like to thank all of Bedford Borough Council’s staff who worked hard to ensure we were able to mark the passing of Her Majesty the Queen and the Accession of King Charles III in a dignified and safe way

Mohammad Yasin – MP Kempston and Bedford Schools shouldn’t have to beg for basic facilities

It was a joy to attend the opening of the £2 million teaching block at Grange Academy school in Kempston on Friday 16 September What a remarkable transition from the decrepit buildings I’d visited in 2019 to see the brand new double storey building with 10 great teaching rooms

It was almost 3 years ago to the day since I first received a letter from the head teacher, Catherine Assink, of the wonderful school which provides specialist education for pupils, aged 5 16, with a diverse range of special educational needs

It was a heartfelt plea from a dedicated teacher who was distraught that her pupils, some of the most vulnerable in society, were being taught in dilapidated class rooms.

I went to see the school for myself and was surprised at the state of disrepair

Despite the obvious need for investment, the school had just lost their first bid for capital funding

When schools become Academies, to receive funding for repairs, they must put together bids to beg from central Government

In January 2020 I raised the issue of the school’s failed funding bid at Prime Minister’s Questions with Boris Johnson and asked his government to urgently review the funding formula for capital and revenue, so that schools for children with special educational needs and disability are not disadvantaged simply because they have fewer pupils

In a response letter, I learned that Grange Academy had failed in their initial funding application because they didn’t score enough points “Schools and colleges

can increase their marks” I was told “if they are able to make a significant contribution towards the proposed project ”

How was a school, already underfunded by the Government with no reserves being expected to take out a loan to even qualify for funding to fix dilapidated classrooms?

I hope my follow up letter highlighted the school’s plight and made the Government rethink the rejected first bid I was delighted when the next bid for fund ing was a success

I’m pleased this is a story with a happy ending, but schools should not have to jump through these complex hoops and feel so humbly grateful to receive the funding to cover the basic costs of running a school in a safe and suitable environment. Surely this is what we pay our taxes for, yet how many other schools are still fighting?

Dave Hodgson Mayor of Bedford Her Majesty’s death marks the end of a long chapter
B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N 12 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com
Rt Revd Richard Atkinson Bishop of Bedford Transitions ROOFING • Tiles • Slates • Guttering • Facias (uPVC) • Lead work J Swaine ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS Of f ice (9-5): 07508 639951 Evenings: 07963 556946 221794 Odell & Son PLUMBING & HEATING Local Run Family Business WE’RE THE ONLY CALL YOU’LL NEED TO MAKE Tel: 01234 855007 Mob: 07795 821595 S a m e D a y S e r v i c e & F R E E E s t i m a t e s F I X E D P R I C E B O I L E R S E R V I C E F O R £ 6 0 • Combi Specialists • Boiler Breakdown Services • Landlord Gas Safety Checks • Bathroom Refurbishments • Basic small leaks to Complete System Power flushes T H E L I C E N S I N G A C T 2 0 0 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCE TAKE NOTE that an application for the grant of a Premises Licence has been made to Bedford Borough Council by Swan Knight Distillery Ltd in respect of premises known as: 6 Nevern Gardens, Biddenham, Bedford MK40 4RW The proposed licensable activities are as follows: The supply of alcohol (for consumption off the premises) from Monday to Friday: 07:00 19:00 Saturday and Sunday: 08:00 18:00 Representations: ANY PERSON wishing to make any representation to the application should write to the Chief Officer Legal & Democratic Services, Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP specifying the grounds for making representations Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations, these should be sent to the Chief Officer Legal & Democratic Services by 20th October, 2022 Applications can be viewed during office hours at the Council or via the council’s website on https://www bedford gov uk/licencing/ It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application, the maximum fine for this is unlimited Dated: 22nd September, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE Using Technology that YOU can depend on! • Batteries • Brakes • Clutches • Cooling Systems • Diagnostics Tuning • Exhausts • Oil Change • Rotating Electrics • Steering & Suspension 01234 216662 56 College Street Kempston MK42 8LU MON FRI 8am 5 30pm SAT 8am 1pm Bedford Vehicle Servicing & Tyres

When the daylight hours have really shortened and there is thzat special light we are in Autumn The leaves are starting to change to more muted tones before they fall and there is a sense that everything in the garden is winding down for a good sleep For gardeners it’s a special time as we prepare for another year of plant delights

Planting in autumn allows more time for new roots to grow in warm soil so plants are less vulnerable to dry periods the following summer The colder soil during the winter encourages flowering as soon as the weather warms up Evergreens become particularly well established in autumn without the difficult fluc tuations of spring weather and need less water to establish

Autumn is also the time to plant all spring flowering bulbs like daffodils crocus and tulips and change the summer flowering bedding plants in our patio tubs to primroses winter pansies and violas

Towards the end of October is the best time to plant hedges and soft fruit which are usually available as bareroot plants, an economic way to buy them, when you are planting

larger quantities

It is a good time to take stock of what is actually providing that last burst of colour and interest to our gardens before winter sets in Here are some additions you might like to include to increase the spectacle

Two new varieties of the Smoke Bush Cotinus are a must The pale orange new leaves of Cotinus Golden Lady in spring turn a gorgeous pure yellow in summer and then brilliant orange in autumn before leaf fall It is a large shrub for the back of a border which is easy to grow bushy and drought tolerant It is a good foil for Cotinus Lilla which is a compact form growing to 1m with rich purple leaves from spring to autumn when the foliage turns pink orange scarlet and red

Another new variety is Weigela florida Sunn Fantasy It has a very long flowering period from May to October with interesting colourful leaves variegated green cream and red that show good autumn colour before leaf fall It is very easy to grow, compact and performs well in patio tubs if garden space is limited It is drought resistant like many weigelas and loves sunny places

Physocarpus All Black is another dramatic deciduous shrub with very dark purple black foliage and stems in summer The leaves in autumn

turn red orange and yellow giving an entirely different contrast to any surrounding plants in the border It has pink flowers in May and June and will thrive in sun or part shade

New introductions for Buddleias are the Humdinger series They are compact semi evergreen shrubs more suitable for smaller gardens and patio tubs The flowers appear in early summer as 20 to 30 cm long panicles and last well into autumn All vari eties are very easy to grow in a sunny place and are loved by Butterflies Moths and Bees Buddleia Little Angel has long white flowers and silvery foliage while B Candy Little Lila has beautiful pale lilac flowers

Another exciting semi evergreen shrub with especial autumn interest is Abelia Kaleidoscope In spring the leaves are yellow and green intensi fying in colour throughout summer and turning bright orange red and purple in autumn The flowers are pale pink and appear in summer last ing well into autumn It grows to about 1m and likes a sheltered sunny place and compost rich soil

All borders in the garden benefit from some evergreens which keep the colour going when other plants have lost their leaves Choisya Sundance is an absolute favourite with bright golden waxy leaves that when crushed have a herby scent It also has white flowers during summer which smell of orange blos som Another variety Choisya Goldfinger has the same golden foliage which is finely cut with white flowers in late spring a beautiful contrast when planted near Berberis Darts Red Lady

Two Pittosporums are worth a mention for prolonging the evergreen theme Pittosporum Tom Thumb has purple leaves which darken as the weather gets colder In spring the new leaf growth is bright apple green with small dark honey scented flow ers It is small compact easy to grow and very drought tolerant a good contrast to Lavender and other silver foliage evergreens Pittosporum Silver Queen is a larger variety with silver variegated decorative foliage

much sort by flower arrangers Browse the plant collections at the Garden Centre there are so many other possibilities TEL: 07894 935952 ADS: advertising@bedsbulletin com OCTOBER 2022 13 B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N gardening with Milton Ernest Garden Centre The one stop shop for your next garden room GARDEN BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED • Sheds • Greenhouses • Summerhouses • Home offices • Workshops • Installation • Base laying ser vice • Building disposal • Free site visits Milton Ernest Garden Centre Radwell Road, Milton Ernest MK44 1SH 01234 851081 info@gardenbuildingservices co uk Autumn a special time for gardeners
W Tel: 01234 823033 Radwell Road (just off the A6) Milton Ernest MK44 1SH M I L LT T O N E R N E S T G A R D E N C E N T R E Plant bulbs now for Spring colour Save £3 with this voucher when you spend £15 on spring flowering bulbs ✁ While stocks last –offer ends 31.10.22 GBS Tel: 01234 857800 2a Howard Street, Kempston MK42 8EA Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Saturday 8am-1pm Call or visit for all your electrical supplies Trade & Public Welcome Visit our website or find us on Facebook Your local LED lighting specialist Your LED

Bedford Sinfonia: Saturday 22

October 7 30pm St Andrew’s Church, Kimbolton Road, Bedford MK40 2PF

Conductor: Michael Rose

Piano Soloist: Paul Searle Barnes

Mozart: Symphony No 35 in D Major, K 385 (Haffner)

Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No 2 in F Major, Op 102 Haydn: Symphony No 99 in E flat Major


Art Society: 7:15 for 7:30 start

Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford MK41 8EB

Anne Marie Abbate Talk/demonstration of Collage Anne Marie s practise focuses on a multidisciplinary approach through, sculpture, print, textiles, painting and collage Free for members £5 for visitors

Contact: Jean Paterson on 01234 307210 or www bedsartsociety co uk

Biddenham Gardeners

Association: Meets Biddenham

Village Hall

Tuesday 18th October at 7.30 365

Days of Colour” By Nick Bailey

Tuesday 22nd November at 7 30 The Autumn Flowers of the Peloponnese” By Joe Sharman

Tuesday 20th December at 7 30 “Christmas Party/Quiz”

Visitors very welcome

Admission £5 per meeting for non members includes Raffle & Refreshments

Contact: www biddenhamgardenersas sociation org uk

Car Boot Sale: Milton Ernest Garden Centre, Radwell Road, Milton Ernest MK44 1SH, Cars £5 vans £10 Sellers setup 9am

Buyers 10am 2pm October 2 Contact: (01234) 823033 or enquiries@miltonernestgarden centre co uk

Shanbrook Men’s Group:

Unemployed, working from home, retired, widowed or just need to talk to someone

The Man Cave in Sharnbrook Scout Hut could be for you We have men from all over north Bedfordshire who come along and have coffee and toast from 10am 1 30pm every Friday Contact: Bernard Brown on 07711 664451 or Steve Marvell on 07904 176698

Kempston & District Model Railway Society:

Meets every Wednesday evening, from 7 30pm to 10 00pm in Kempston East Methodist Church entrance from the Car Park Our members have a wide range of experiences backgrounds and ages Anyone interested is welcome to drop in one Wednesday evening and get to know more over tea and biscuitsContact: 000

Oakley Rural Day Centre for the elderly: The Old School Lovell Road Oakley Beds MK43 7RX We provide a fun filled day of activities, games and good old conversation The day includes refreshments and a two course lunch Contact: Lynne, Tuesday to Thursday on 01234 824935 or Mobile: 07733 227374. www.oakleyruraldaycen tre weebly com Email: oakleyruralday centre@yahoo com

Cotton End Village Hall: MK45 3AU 60/70s Night, October 8 £12 00 (includes refreshments) 7 30 start Jumble/Table Top sale October 15 11am Contact: Angela 01234 743858

Man Cave: If you are looking for some male company then look no further that the Man Cave in Sharnbrook Scout Hut Coffee and toast from 10am 1 30pm every Friday Contact: Bernard Brown on 07711 664451 or Steve Marvell on 07904 176698

Bedford Folk Dance Club:

Friendly Country and Folk Dance Club Thursdays 8:15pm to 10:15pm St Mary’s Church Hall Church Lane Goldington Bedford MK41 0HL No partner required Good fun for only £3 Contact: Ron Law 01234 825574

Bedford Music Club: Contact: www bedfordmusicclub co uk

Tudor Reeds Folk Dance Barn dance group meets every other Wednesday 8 10pm St Mark s Church Hall, Brickhill £2 inc refresh ments Contact: Jenny 01234 217621t

Sandy Women’s Institute:

Meets on the third Tuesday of every month (except August) at Sandy Conservative Club Bedford Road Sandy New members are always very welcome Visitors are charged a small fee of £4 For further information contact: Ann Patterson 01767 680644

Kempston Senior Citizens Club: DANCING, WHIST, BINGO

Meets Wednesday 10am 12noon Friday 10am 4 00pm, Centenary Hall, behind Kempston Town Hall contact: Sheila Cobban, on 01234 347306

Bedford Folk & Acoustic Club: Acoustic and folk music round the room, every Thursday evening from 8:30pm at the Bowls Pavilion of Kempston Hammers Club, MK42 7BN Musicians, singers and poets all welcome, at every level

Contact: us on facebook, or come and meet us at the Bowls Pavilion

Yoga: Priory Methodist Church, Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ 2pm Mondays Contact: June for details: juandhannigan@yahoo co uk:

Walking Football: Sessions every Tuesday at Upper Caldecote 1 30pm to 2,30pm taking place at Harvey Close Upper Caldecote SG18 9BQ Contact: Colin Harries on 01767 317099

Bedford Local Group of The Wildlife Trust: Wednesday 12th October, Meeting 7 15pm for 7 30pm Priory Methodist Church Hall, Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ

‘The Hidden World of the Cow Pat and more an illustrated talk by Nancy Reed Plenty of parking available, All welcome, no charge but voluntary contributions are appreciated Further details available under Events on www wildlifebcn org or Contact: 01234 266057

Tuesday Art Group

Kempston: We are a small self help art group that meets every Tuesday in school term time from 10 00 to 12 00 at Kempston East Methodist Church Participants are free to do their own thing in any medium of their choice and the group participants can chip in with help, encouragement and advice We are looking for new members who would like to come and join us Initially we charge £3 per session however if you would like to become permanent members this would translate into a termly fee Contact Matthew on 01234 295433

What’s On at St Peter’s:

Friday 27th October 7 30pm Dr Sean Long of Ruskin University Raj and Reality; understanding British in India Chapter House St Peter s Church De Parys Avenue, Bedford, MK40 2TX

Annual talks for Bedford branch Historical Association resume LIVE (with others on zoom) None members welcome with a donation Further details Contact: James Collett White Tel 07989 837819

What’s on at St Paul’s Church October:

TUESDAYS LUNCH TIME RECITALS, 1 00 pm FREE with retiring collection in aid of church funds Suggest min £5 00

Monthly Saturday organ recitals 12 noon also FREE with retiring collection in aid of church funds

Sat 8th 12 noon Organ, Simon Headley, (Loughborough)

Tues 4th 1 00 pm, Paul Edwards and friends, Piano & Organ

Tues 11th Osman Tack Piano Tues 18th Samuel Finch Flute Tues 25th Solstice Vocal Duo Contact: Ann Collett White Tel: +44 (0)1234 266839 Mobile: +44 (0)7989 837819

Sandy Historical Society:

The History of Nation Service by Ken Lewis 7 30 Friday 28th October

Stonecroft Hall, St Swithins Way, Sandy SG191BB

Admission £3 00 including refreshments

Members & Students free Contact: 01767 680171

Bedford RSPB Local Group:

Meet at ARA club, Manton Lane Bedford MK41 7PF 7 30pm Thursday October 20

Andy Harding Presents, “The Danube Delta Paradise for Birds”‘Suitable for Experts and Novices, RSPB membership not essential Entrance fee group members £1 Guest £2 annual group membership £5 under 18s free Contact: 07905 199769

Bedford Floral Art

Society: Tuesday, October 4th at 7.30pm at the Addison Centre, Kempston, MK42 8PN A special flower arranging demonstration by National Demonstrator, Coral Gardiner, entitled ‘Autumn Opulence’ Visitors welcome £15 at the door or online Contact: tickets@bedfordfloralartsociety co uk

Sandy Historical Research Group: Saturday 22nd October 2022

SHRG Photographic Exhibition at Sandy Town Council Chamber, 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy SG19 1JE 10am 2pm; non members £4 00, Refreshments £1 00 7 30pm Tuesday 8th November How much do you know about the town in which you live? Come along to the SHRG AGM and quiz night to find out at Beeston Methodist Church Hall, The Baulk, Beeston, Sandy SG19 1NR New members always welcome Contact: Sally Carlow07722 121691

Biggleswade & District

Choral Society: The One Day Choir, UNITED FOR UKRAINE Presents THE PEACEMAKERS By Karl Jenkins St Andrew s Church Biggleswade SG18 0JB Saturday 22nd October at 7:30pm Entry by generous donation Proceeds to Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund Musical Director : Karen Beer Accompanist: Anne Wright Contact:

14 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N
B E D F O R D S H I R E B U L L E T I N THE QUEENS HEAD M I L T O N E R N E S T Queens Head, Rushden Road, Milton Er nest MK44 1RU Tel: 01234 822412 Mon Sat Noon 11pm Sunday Noon 10.30pm NEW MENU Food served: Mon Sat 12 2, 6 9 Sunday 12 4 See our Facebook page for upcoming events HOTEL NOW OPEN out & about


Castle Comedy is launching a new club in Sandy. They are teaming with up with the iconic Roundabout Club venue, which has just undergone a big refurbishment to its upstairs function room. So, the stage is set to welcome some brilliant comedians and bring the laughter to Sandy!

Friday October 14, Castle Comedy Sandy at The Roundabout Club.

BOB MILLS is a bona fide comedy legend with over 30 years at the top of the UK circuit. You will recognise him from his cult classic 90’s TV show ‘In Bed with MeDinner’ and his presenting of ‘Win,Lose or Draw’ on ITV. He is one of the current stars of TalkRadio where he has his own show ‘Tragedy Plus Time’ where he talks comedy to the biggest stars in the country. Perhaps his biggest achievement in radio was being crowned BBC 5Live’s ‘Fighting Talk’ champion of champions in 2010.

“He’s a master of irony, and wears his world-weariness well, teasing and wrong-footing the youngsters in the front row, and passing comment on the changing face of comedy, from someone who’s seen it all!” CHORTLE

FIONA ALLEN a twice Emmy winning actor and comedian she has been a mainstay of our TV

screens over the past two decades. She has starred in various sketch shows, including Goodness Gracious Me and The All Star Comedy Show, but most famously Smack the Pony.

PRESIDENT OBONJO an upcoming and increasingly successful stand-up comedian. As the larger-than-life, uber-confident, self-appointed, side-splitting dictator of ‘Lafta Republic’, President Obonjo has quietly been leading a comedy revolution to become the first President to take over the comedy industry by storm!

“It’s a great comic construct, with lots of seized opportunities for playing with the clichés” Chortle

Doors 7.30pm, show starts 8.15pm. Tickets £12+ booking fee from

It’s Halloween ‘Reloaded’ at the Empire

The summer is drawing to a close and the nights are drawing in… which must mean that Halloween is just around the corner!

If you like a bit of Halloween fun there are a few Halloween events in Bedford this year that I'm sure will get many of you dressed up in those awesome creepy Halloween costumes to celebrate an event that sees the creeps come out to play in many towns and cities worldwide.

The first event that I want to cover is called ‘Reloaded’ to be held at the Empire Nightclub in Bedford.

Before I get into the details of this night I can guarantee that this will probably be the spookiest party in town. This notorious nightclub some 10 years ago when it was called Mission was actually built within a grave yard. I was fortunate enough to work at this stunning venue when it first opened up, I was completely blown away to see the head stones were still in place around the perimeter of the club.

This Halloween Special event will take place at The Empire on October 29, doors creek open at 10.30pm till 4am.

Special guest DJs on the night include Logan D, Majistrate, and Critical impact the Music Genres will be Drum’n’Bass and Jungle.

This event will bring together some of the big names in drum’n’bass to one of Bedford’s biggest nightclubs, don’t be left out side with the zombies as the event will be busy, tickets are available from

Great Barford Village Hall are proud to announce the Swingsters Halloween Party on Saturday, October 29, featuring Laura B. Laura B is the UK’s foremost authentic Rhythm & Blues vocalist and performer. Her powerhouse vocals are inspired by original legends such as Ruth Brown, Big Maybelle, Lavern Baker and Etta James. Laura B is backed by her fabulous all-star band.

This exciting seven-piece combo rocks you really need to be there to experience this amazing band, entrance is £18.

Tickets can be purchased in advance from: Swingsters spellbinding Venues/Events or via

Dress Code can be fancy dress

or formal, Vintage or Scary. Haunted House Doors Creak Open 8pm Broomsticks at 11.30pm which is when you fly home.

The venue is located A five minute drive from the Black Cat Roundabout.

Now the biggest Halloween Party on the calendar for this Halloween was to be held at

Meadows Bank, the organisers have issued a statement regarding the cancelation

It in is with huge disappointment that we regrettably inform you that Halloween Town Festival 2022 is cancelled.

We will be automatically

refunding any monies that have been paid for this event back to the

banking / credit card from which the tickets were originally purchased.

We look forward to seeing you all next year for Halloween Town Festival 2023.

More details will be coming so stay tuned to our social channels.

Best regards, The Halloween Town Festival Team.

TEL: 07894 935952ADS: OCTOBER 2022 15
laughter to the Roundabout club NEW LOOK –NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs 2pm–Midnight –Fri-Sat Noon-1am –Sunday Noon-Midnight Bedford Road, Kempston 01234 851143 “Sweet as a nut” ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FUNCTION ROOM FOR HIRE SUITABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONSNEWLYHoldsREFURBISHED up to 120FLEXIBLE SEATING ARRANGEMENTSCALL FOR MORE DETAILS ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Email: Daley’s ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SNOOKER £3 PER HOUR POOL TABLES FROM 50p A GAME ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Saturday 1st October JENNY THE ROCK CHIC Saturday 8th October RIPPLE EFFECT BAND Saturday 15th October ROXYE MUSIC BAND Saturday 22nd October GENERATION 5PAN Saturday 29th October HALLOWEEN DISCO Saturday 5th November THE 88S BAND NEW YEARS EVE IN THE FUNCTION ROOM PARMA VIOLET AND LUSHES LIPS DRAG NIGHT ADULTS ONLY ticket £12.50 incl buffet★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ THE conclub KEMPSTON 01234 851120 Saturday1st October One of the best Simply Red tributes around the amazing MICK RED don’t miss this fantastic night Saturday 8th October The beautiful KATIE WILSON Saturday15th October Are you ready for our second tribute of the month? The best international ELVIS tribute and as seen on BBC and ITV the brilliant LEIGH CASLING Saturday22nd October We welcome back NICKITA Not only has this lady had a number one hit she was also recommended that she should be up there with the likes of Mariah Carey by Feed Me music magazine, don’t miss this amazing lady Saturday 29th October OHHHHHH YESSSSSS!! it’s only the famous Conclub HALLOWEEN PARTY Get your’s and your kids fancy costumes ready and dance the night away and win prizes for best dressed
DIARY DATES Saturday 5th November we welcome back our RAG & BONE TRIBUTE and the beautiful RAINY Singing a mix of pop and rock

Upgrades to playing facilities

KEMPSTON Rovers Football Club could have a new artificial pitch if proposed plans get the go ahead

A planning application for an Artificial Turf 3G pitch with floodlighting, fencing and hard standing at the club’s ground on Hillgrounds Road has been submitted to Bedford Borough Council

The applicants said a new external 3G Artificial Turf Pitch (ATP) would provide increased perfor mance and usage in comparison to the existing area (a grassed area to the north of the site) for the benefit of Kempston Rovers, its partners and community groups during the daytime and evenings

If the plans go forward, the ATP would offer “a variety of football matches and training sessions

Hoping to build on success

KEMPSTON Rovers Ladies are looking to build on an impressive season last campaign, as they start ed their seasonlast month in the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Women’s Football League, Division 1

The squad play their matches on Sunday afternoons, with home fixtures played on the main pitch at Kempston Rovers, free entry for all games.

The Ladies have open train ing sessions on the AstroTurf pitch on Wednesday evenings from 19:00, feel free to pop along if you want to get involved and replicate the excellent achieve ment of the Lionesses in the sum mer.

The squad has a number of players who have progressed from the youth section at Kempston Rovers, providing a pathway for girls at the age of 16+ into senior football

The club continues to have teams in the youth section, with teams always on the look out for players. Girls from age 4 up to 12 are welcome to attend sessions on Saturday mornings from 9:00 on our AstroTurf pitches, with the potential of joining a team

within the same enclosed playing space to support development plans into grassroots football”

The application said the intention is to introduce pitch markings to gain the maximum football develop mental outcomes, in accordance with The FA’s technical guidance

The applicants wish to use the proposed flood lighting system on Monday Friday 1700 2200, Saturday 0900 to 1300, and Sundays between 0900 and 1300

This, they said in the application, will “maximise” football developmental outcomes both during the day, during evenings, and at weekends via pre arranged and structured community access

16 OCTOBER 2022 TEL: 07894 935952 EDITORIAL: editorial@bedsbulletin com K E M P S T O N C A L L I N GPublished by © 2022 Beds Bulletin L mited 30 Radwel Road, M lton Ernest, Bedford MK44 1SH Tel: 07894 935952 Ed tor al: ed toria @bedsbul etin com Advert s ng: advertising@bedsbul etin com Printed by: I iffe Print Cambr dge Ltd Winship Road, Mi ton, Cambr dge CB24 6PP LC Dr iveway Solutions Ltd Long Lake Meadow, High Road, Seddington, Sandy SG19 1NU PROBLEM DRIVEWAY? • Resin Bonded • Block paving • Patio slabs • Tarmacadam • Fencing • Turfing • Brickwork • Graveling • Landscaping and much more Tel: 01767 360076 or 0800 781 6343 Mob: 07428 511932 SUMMER SALE 20 % OFF Call: 01767 360076 FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE BULLETIN We’ve got it covered
Kingsley Garage A fA m i ly r u n b u s i n e s s s i n c e 1 9 7 8 267 271 Bedford Road, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8BP Tel: 01234 855757 Email: All makes of cars serviced from £90 PLEASE PHONE FOR A QUOTE ● MOTs ● Repairs ● Car Sales FREE local collection & delivery + courtesy cars by appointment MS Tree Care Martyn Smith Arboculturist with over 10 years experience ● All Tree And Hedge Work Undertaken ● 24 Hour Emergency Call Out ● Hedge Cutting ● Stump Grinding ● Fully Insured 01234 851235/07712 050068

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.