Vista Apartments
Apartment Complex in Barcelona, Spring 2023
Group Design Studio Project with Professor Carles Marcos
This project asked groups of three to create an apartment complex that accomodates housing for family-residential, work-living and seniors. With my partner, we decided to create three separate buildings for each housing typology, allowing for the full conceptual development of two out of three buildings. Despite having individual buildings, each building follows the same spatial organization with the vertical circulation located facing towards the center of the site, as well as an inset on the ground level. By collaborating on the master plan, Hannah and I determined a strategy which ultimately celebrates and embraces the surrounding neighborhood by subtly incorporating the context into its design.
ARCH 474B Partner: Hannah FitchSite Plan
Unit Plan
Unit Section
Deciding to take on the senior living portion of this complex, my design focuses on the providing a simple yet effective space for residents to spend their time. Each floor has the same layout with four 1-bedroom apartments in addition to a small studio space that can be rented by residents when they have guests staying the night. By having the same apartment layout, it highlights the strengths and simplicity of CLT construction.
South Elevation
5 Layer CLT Floor Slab 17.5 cm
Corrugated Steel Decking 8 cm
Gypsum Board 2 cm
5 Layer CLT Wall Panel 17.5 cm
Rigid Insulation 10 cm
Wooden Stud
Wood Shading Louvers
Fiberglass Concrete Finishing
1.8 cm
Metal Fasteners
Metal Bolts
Weather Resistive Barrier
Thermal Air Gap 5 cm
Gypsum Board 2 cm
Oak Hardwood Finishing
2 cm
Sound Insulation
5 cm
Apartment Complex in Champaign-Urbana, Spring 2022
Design Studio Project with Professor Tait Johnson
Interlocked focuses on the connection between humans by physically integrating the private residences on both ends together with the use of a large community space in the middle. The large atrium serves as not only a gathering space for humans but as a way to interact with nature, as its glazed exterior provides adequate sunlight and views of Boneyard Creek towards the south. By utilising mainly a brick and concrete exterior facade, the complex adapts well into the site of downtown Champaign. In addition, the perforated brick walls along the facade acts as a shading device from the harsh southern rays as well as a form of ventilation.
This project utitlizes an exterior perforated brick screen which serves as the building’s primary shading and ventilation device. By threading steel rods through pre-drilled bricks onto steel L profiles, they can be easily attached on the building using bolts.
Perforated Brick Screen
Steel L Profile #10 Rebar 57mm 203mm 92mmFirst Level Plan
Second Level Plan
Third Level Plan
Gypsum Board 1 cm
Concrete Masonry Unit 20 cm
Thermal Air Gap 2.5 cm
Thin Brick Veneer 8 cm
Oak Hardwood Finishing 2 cm
Rigid Insulation 10 cm
Concrete 12 cm
Corrugated Steel Deck 8 cm
Gypsum Board 1 cm
South Elevation
Tetris Theater
Community Theater in Barcelona, Fall 2022
Partner Design Studio Project with Professor Alejandro Lapunzina
ARCH 473B; Partner Sahaj Patel Earl Prize Honorable Mention Fall 2022
Serving as a public community center and community theater, Tetris Theater provides a space for people to gather and socialise. As the driving force in our concept, my partner and I decided to liberate as much of the ground floor as possible by taking up only a portion of the given site. By doing so, this created an open ground floor which serves as an extension of the park east of our site. Not only that, our building allocates rooms and spaces for private or public gatherings in it’s upper levels. Despite it’s large size and stature within the neighborhood, Tetris Theater gives back to it’s surroundings rather than take.
East Elevation
Project Albany
Cultural Film Center in Albany Park, Fall 2021
Design Studio Project with Professor Joseph Altshuler
Located at the end of the Kimball train station and in the heart of Albany Park, Project Albany serves as a community cultural hub for the neighborhood. APFC or Albany Park Film Center emphasizes on the projection of cultural media such as films and the complex offers a multitude of opportunities to not only educate but to encourage cultural learning. The building itself is derived from the unique circulation patterns within the site, allowing for a unique view through the center at the trainlines from Kimball station. Project Albany aims to create and harbour a safe community in which cultural education can be fun and interactive.