Research details developments in the demand for MediPoint : Contrast Media Injectors Global Analysis and Market Forecasts "The Report MediPoint: Contrast Media Injectors Global Analysis and Market Forecasts provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants." Contrast media injectors are categorized into the following segments: CT contrast media injectors, MRI contrast media injectors, and Angiographic contrast media injectors.Growth in the automatic contrast media injector market will be driven by sales of diagnostic imaging systems and conditions that require contrastenhanced procedures.This technology is an important component for optimizing procedural workflow and is continuously improving in efficiency and safety.The global market for contrast media injectors is dominated by Medrad, Bracco Imaging, Guerbet, Nemoto Kyorindo and ulrich medical. View Report At : Other key players include Imaxeon and Sino MedicalDevice Technology. Highlights Key Questions Answered What is the current and future contrast media injector market outlook in the developed and emerging markets? What trends and events are affecting the global market? Which are the key, high growth markets that device manufacturers should expand into? Which markets are growing the fastest, and what are the topselling products? What are the unmet needs with the current generation of injectors? How will emerging technologies such as syringeless injectors fulfill these unmet needs? What are the challenges that hinder growth in the contrast media injector market? With developing the nextgeneration of devices, what aspects of the technology are device manufacturers focused on optimizing? How will new entrants impact the global contrast media injector market? Key Findings Growth in the contrast media injector market will continue to be driven primarily by sales of OEM devices, such as MRI and CT systems Contrast media injectors are expected to see steady growth, with especially high growth in emerging APAC markets.
Singlehead CT injectors remain the largest market segment, but doublehead CT injectors will become more prevalent as prices across all segments drop The current key players need to invest in emerging markets, and continue to emphasize technology that improves workflow and safety. Download Sample copy of this Report at : Scope Competitive assessment: Currently marketed contrast media injectors and evolving competitive landscape Indepth analysis of unmet needs and adoption trends of different contrast media injectors Insightful review of the key industry drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges. Each trend is independently researched to provide qualitative analysis of its implications Pipeline analysis: Emerging products and technologies. Annualized total contrast media injector market revenue by segment and market outlooks by country from 20122022. Other key topics covered include strategic competitive assessment, market characterization, identification of unmet needs, market dynamics, and implications of the emerging technologies on the market. Reasons to buy The report will enable you to Develop and design your inlicensing and outlicensing strategies through a review of pipeline products and technologies, and by identifying the companies with the most robust pipeline. Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the global contrast media injector market. Drive revenues by understanding the key trends, innovative products and technologies, market segments, and companies likely to impact the global contrast media injector market in the future. Formulate effective sales and marketing strategies by understanding the competitive landscape and by analyzing the performance of various competitors. Identify emerging players with potentially strong product portfolios and create effective counterstrategies to gain a competitive advantage. Track device sales in the global and countryspecific contrast media injector market from 20122022. Organize your sales and marketing efforts by identifying the market categories and segments that present maximum opportunities for consolidations, investments and strategic partnerships. Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents 5 1.1 List of Tables 8 1.2 List of Figures 12 2 Introduction 16
2.1 Overview 16 2.1.1 CT Injectors 17 2.1.2 MRI Injectors 18 2.1.3 Angiographic Injectors 18 2.1.4 Safety Concerns 18 2.2 The Global Market 20 2.3 Catalyst 21 2.4 Related Reports 21 3 Market Access 22 3.1 Reimbursement 22 3.1.1 North America and Brazil 22 3.1.2 5EU and the Russian Federation 24 3.1.3 APAC 29 3.2 Regulatory Developments 32 3.3 M&As/Key Partnerships 33 4 Procedure Trends 35 4.1 Overview 35 4.1.1 Syringeless Injectors 35 4.1.2 Multidosing 36 4.1.3 Information Technology 37 4.1.4 Medical Tourism 37 5 Unmet Needs 39 5.1 Overview 39 5.1.1 Lower Initial Costs 39 6 Competitive Assessment 40 6.1 Company Share Analysis 40 6.1.1 North America Market Share Analysis 41 6.1.2 5EU Market Share Analysis 42 6.1.3 APAC Market Share Analysis 43 6.2 Major Players 44 6.2.1 Bayer AG 44 6.2.2 Bracco Diagnostics 46 6.2.3 Guerbet SA 49 6.2.4 ulrich medical 52 6.2.5 Nemoto Kyorindo 55 6.2.6 Other Companies 57 6.3 Emerging Players 58 About us is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries. Contact Mr. Nachiket State Tower
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