This is possibly The Best Sponsorship Opportunity I have come across - North Pole Solo

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A WORLD CLASS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY In February 2013 Rosie Stancer Will Attempt One Of The Last Great Challenges On Earth...

The First Solo Woman To The North Pole Under the kind patronage of HRH The Prince of Wales




This is a world breaking quest that presents a rare opportunity to associate your enterprise with one of the last remaining feats of human endeavour on the planet.

In 20 years time, some scientists believe the North Pole ice cap, one of the earths defining features from outer space will disappear during the summer months.




Do you want to see your brand on top of the world?

Join a Race against time to realise a world last

Deteriorating ice conditions on the Arctic Ocean mean the opportunities to achieve the record to become the first

and probably the last woman to reach the North Pole Solo are becoming more remote as each year passes




All in a Good Cause Supporting North Pole Solo 2013 will benefit Rosie’s charity, Special Olympics GB. THE CHARITY

The Special Olympics charity was established to support those with learning disabilities to achieve high levels of sporting excellence, despite the odds that life has dealt them. Their accomplishments lend them, their families and their carers, integrity and pride. Rosie has worked with the charity ‘Special Olympics GB’ since 2001, and is currently an Ambassador on their behalf, working to draw attention to their cause. The special relationship she enjoys with the charity is born of their shared values of courage in the face of odds and seeking integrity through pursuit of excellence in physical challenges. On the expedition, these SOGB’s athletes with their determination and courage, will spur her on and serve as a daily reminder for Rosie to challenge herself to the limit. Having taken the Special Olympians flag with her across the Antarctic Ice cap on her triumphant solo expedition to the South Pole in 2003, and again over the frozen arctic ice in 2007, she will now take it with her across the Arctic Ocean and plant it, or float it if necessary, at 90 degrees north, the North Pole. “When embarking on such an expedition, one always trumpets about the charity that the expedition is supporting but not long into the journey there is a switch in roles. When the going gets tough, when despair, fear and pain kick in, it is these Special Olympians with their own particular brand of courage and perseverance that I find myself looking to for inspiration to keep me going. They become my support, rather than I theirs . By taking their flag with me on this epic journey, I hope to lend a louder voice to their cause in an area otherwise dominated by other sporting charities. I will shout their name from the top of the world”.

“ Let me win but if I cannot, let me be brave in the attempt” SOGB”.


The expedition will also be active in raising awareness of the needs of the Inuit community in Resolute Bay where Rosie has been involved in the creation of a new recreation centre for its residents. THE COMMUNITY

16 years ago, whilst acclimatizing in the remote Inuit settlement of Resolute in Canada, before her first Arctic expedition, Rosie was struck by the lack of recreational facilities for the 250 strong population, especially the children. Deprived of any mental or physical stimulation, the inhabitants are driven into a mire of drink, drugs and inevitable domestic violence. Having learnt from her involvement with Special Olympics how sport can lend integrity to disadvantaged individuals, Rosie joined the drive for a recreational centre where shared sports and activities could lend focus and enjoyment for the local community. The Centre has finally been constructed. Now more sporting equipment is needed. Product sponsorship of this or sports clothing is an important part of the sponsorship dimension.


Physiological research will be undertaken before, during and immediately after the expedition. Tests will be carried out by sports physiology and psychology experts in the London Olympic laboratories during the preceding year, then by Rosie herself during the expedition and final tests back in the laboratories immediately upon return. The expedition is recognised as a unique opportunity to gather valuable data, recording and analysing the effects of a lone female in a highly perilous environment, in extreme isolation, for a prolonged period of time. Rosie has carried out similar research on each of her previous expeditions and is as passionate as she is dedicated to its execution. The value of this research is reflected in the publication of Rosie’s earlier solo expedition on Antarctica ‘Mood and Human Performance’, edited by Andrew Lane, published by Nova Publishers.


Rosie sees herself neither as a scientist nor a politician but rather as a ‘polar pedestrian’ who is fortunate enough to be in a position to gather unique data on a regular basis as she crosses the ice. This is essentially the basic readings and reports on the ice conditions, the drift, and the meteorological recordings which will be used as comparative material to that gathered not just by herself on previous expedition but those of a more stationary scientific nature. She sees the most important legacy of this research as being able to relay back to live audiences her first-hand observations on the changing conditions of the Arctic in straightforward language during presentations, debates and interviews.






Timeline 2013

Š Martin Hartley

Mid February – Depart UK for Canada Acclimatisation Period on Baffin Island and then Cornwallis Island Early March – Expedition Starts from Ward Hunt Island or Cape Discovery May – arrive at Geographic North Pole Actual Distance 417 NM from Ward Hunt Island to Geographic North Pole 1 nautical mile = 1.150779 statute mile Estimated Duration of Expedition – 65 Days Estimated Temperature – minus 60 to minus 20 degrees without windchill Conditions – open water, 50ft high pressure ridges and shifting ice due to ocean currents and high winds. Negative drift drawing ice away from the Pole Sledge weight of combined 2 sledges – 90 Kilo Calorie consumption per day – 5500

Expedition Support Team Rosie will be supported by leading polar experts, base camp manager Ian Wesley, photographer and technical adviser Martin Hartley and logistics manager Helen Turton. The endeavour will be publicised by a leading PR and publicist company and will be promoted across traditional and digital media including social networks and the expedition website.

Budget Sponsorship funding will cover: ~ 3TSXRPcTS XVWcb ^]c^ cWT 0aRcXR >RTP] bTP XRT ~ CWaTT aTbd__[XTb ~ BdaeXeP[ P]S R^\\d]XRPcX^]b T`dX_\T]c R[^cWX]V P]S U^^S ~ ?aT Tg_TSXcX^] caPX]X]V P]S T`dX_\T]c cTbcX]V X] cWT D: P]S 1a^dVWc^] Island, Nunavut ~ 4g_TSXcX^] fTQbXcT ?A _a^\^cX^] P]S \PcTaXP[b ~ B>61 2WPaXch

Now is the time for you to become part of this epic and historic journey to the North Geographic Pole.


North Pole Solo is a valuable opportunity to align your own corporate values with that of the expedition. Rosie herself is the embodiment of the idea that with self-belief, motivation and application, anyone can push themselves beyond their perceived limitations and achieve the extraordinary. Her expedition offers a glimpse into our fundamental need to challenge the edges of human endurance. Rosie’s previous expeditions have also enjoyed the patronage of HRH The Prince of Wales, with title sponsors including Mars, Snickers, McVitie’s and M&G ISA. Once sponsorship is secured, the expedition will be announced to the press at a launch event in London from Clarence House.

Rosie will be followed by major media outlets before, during and after the expedition. Rosie is a media natural, eloquent and charismatic with the press and on camera. She has appeared on BBC1, BBC Radio 4, BBC Breakfast, BBC Worldwide. GMTV, Sky, ITV, CNN and featured in The Times, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, Reuters and other leading outlets. Both a captivating and commanding public speaker, Rosie has inspired audiences from 12 to over 1,000 at events as diverse as the Royal Geographic Society with IBG, corporate motivational events in China, Hong Kong, Japan, USA and Europe e.g. Portugal, Spain, UK.



Sponsor Benefits ~ ?aTbcXVX^db QaP]S Pbb^RXPcX^] fXcW cWT T]SdaX]V eP[dTb ^U P f^a[S aTR^aS QaTPZX]V T]STPe^da ~ CWT [TPS b_^]b^a f^d[S QT T]cXc[TS c^ cWT Tg_TSXcX^] ]P\T ~ 4gcT]bXeT _dQ[XRXch Pb cWT Tg_TSXcX^] Xb U^[[^fTS X\\TSXPcT[h before, during and after by international media, global news and UTPcdaT |Tg_^bdaT} Pb fT[[ Pb VT]TaPcX]V SXVXcP[ P]S b^RXP[ followings. ~ B_^]b^ab fX[[ P[b^ QT PQ[T c^ QdX[S cWTXa QaP]S cWa^dVW X]RaTPbTS Tg_^bdaT c^ ]Tf PdSXT]RTb RaTPcT ]Tf QaP]S Tg_TaXT]RTb fXcWX] cPaVTc ST\^VaP_WXRb P]S aTX]U^aRT R^a_^aPcT eP[dTb ~ CT[TeXbX^] R^eTaPVT eXP S^Rd\T]cPah ^U cWT Tg_TSXcX^] ~ 1aP]SX]V ^__^acd]XcXTb ^] b[TSVT R[^cWTb P]S T`dX_\T]c ~

0 R[^bT aT[PcX^]bWX_ QTcfTT] b_^]b^a P]S cWT Tg_TSXcX^] fX[[ X]b_XaT P]S \^cXePcT cWT _T^_[T cWPc \PccTa \^bc Rdbc^\Tab bcPZTW^[STab P]S T\_[^hTTb CWXb f^d[S X]R[dST \^cXePcX^]P[ cP[Zb f^aZbW^_b P]S [XeT X]cTaeXTfb Ua^\ cWT XRT

~ B_^]b^abWX_ fX[[ ST\^]bcaPcT cWT b_^]b^ab R^a_^aPcT b^RXP[ aTb_^]bXQX[Xch Qh Xcb Pbb^RXPcX^] fXcW cWT Tg_TSXcX^]{b RWPaXcPQ[T community and academic dimensions. ~ CWT Tg_TSXcX^] fX[[ T]PQ[T P b_^]b^a c^ z^f]{ P _XTRT ^U PRR[PX\TS Tg_[^aPcX^] P]S b_^acX]V WXbc^ah Pb P _X^]TTaX]V T_XR ~ 5dacWTa Tg_^bdaT cWa^dVW P _^bc Tg_TSXcX^] _W^c^VaP_WXR TgWXQXcX^] X] RT]caP[ ;^]S^] ^U cWT =^acW ?^[T B^[^ Tg_TSXcX^] Qh A^bXT BcP]RTa P]S cWT Tg_TSXcX^]b PfPaS fX]]X]V photographer Martin Hartley. ~ <PY^a b_^]b^ab fX[[ QT X]eXcTS c^ PccT]S cWT =^acW ?^[T B^[^ _aTbb [Pd]RW _[db ST_PacdaT P]S aTcda] TeT]cb ~ 4`dX_\T]c P]S _a^SdRc b_^]b^ab fX[[ \TaXc QaP]SX]V _W^c^VaP_Wh and testimonials.





Rosie Stancers record is three times further than any other female solo explorer




Distance Travelled (nautical miles)


Rosie Stancer Solo from Ward Hunt Island, Canada (2007)


Christina Franco Solo from Cape Discovery, Canada (2010)


Ann Daniels Solo from Russia (2004)


Bettina Aller Solo and unsupported from Russia (2000)


Hannah McKeand Solo from Ward Hunt Island, Canada (2008)



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Why Rosie? Immensely experienced Rosie Stancer is a highly respected polar veteran With four major expeditions to her name, she holds the record for having travelled three times further than any other female solo explorer across the arctic ice cap.


And Why Now? Rosie is at the peak of her mental and physical condition She has the strength, experience and hunger to achieve this record. She has completed her analysis of the requirements for success, knowing that her tactics must adapt with the changing environment. Owing to deteriorating ice conditions on the Arctic Ocean, the opportunities to achieve the first and probably the last woman’s North Pole solo are becoming more remote as each year passes.

~ 2007 she reached within 89 nautical miles of the North Pole. ~ 2004 she walked solo to the South Pole in just 43 Days. ~ 2000 she was a member of the first British all women team to the South Pole. ~ 1997 she was a member of the much publicised first all women relay team to the North Pole.


“It is not the mountain you conquer, but yourself” George Mallory, pioneering Everest mountaineer




Rosie’s experience and knowledge of the Arctic Ocean sea ice, together with her

“Let me nail my colours to the mast right here, I am 100% R^]eX]RTS cWPc A^bXT RP] bdRRTTS ^] cWXb \XbbX^] _a^eXSX]V h^da bd__^ac T]PQ[Tb WTa c^ aTPRW cWT bcPac [X]T} Pen Hadow: 5Xabc b^[^ \P] d]bd__^acTS c^ cWT =^acW ?^[T Ua^\ 2P]PSP Founder and CEO - Geo Mission

physical and mental strength and her attention to the meticulous details of rigorous _[P]]X]V WPeT T]PQ[TS WTa c^ _[P] P] Tg_TSXcX^] cWPc VXeTb WTa cWT VaTPcTbc RWP]RT ^U bdRRTbb


Preparation The key to success



|CWT _a^RTbb ^U aTPRWX]V cWT =^acW ?^[T Xb [XZT P VP\T ^U RWTbb fWT] P[[ cWT \^eTb [TPSX]V c^ P UPa ^dcR^\T WPeT QTT] cW^a^dVW[h thought out, long before the beginning of the VP\T } Robert Edwin Peary

Rosie is a polar professional of 15 years standing. FXcW # Tg_TSXcX^]b QTWX]S

WTa bWT \PX]cPX]b P WXVW STVaTT ^U aTb_TRc U^a cWT ?^[Pa ATVX^]b 1TU^aT TeTah Tg_TSXcX^] WTa _aT_PaPcX^] Xb [^]V P]S Pb PbbXSd^db Pb Xc Xb c^dVW ET]cdaX]V PRa^bb cWT T]Sb ^U cWT f^a[S STbTaeT ]^ [Tbb P]S ]TeTa \^aT so than when alone

RESEARCH Rosie dedicates ongoing attention towards keeping her Z]^f[TSVT ^U RWP]VTb fXcWX] cWT 0aRcXR >RTP] T]eXa^]\T]c d_ to-the-moment with in-depth and ongoing research.

FIREARMS TRAINING Firearms knowledge and proficiency is crucial. The conditions ST\P]S d]^acW^S^g caPX]X]V fXcW _aPRcXbT ^] ad]]X]V U^a

aTPa\b P]S bW^^cX]V P bWXUcX]V cPaVTc fWX[bc ^] cWT \^eT

LOGISTICS & TACTICS 5a^\ ^eTabTTX]V cWT STbXV] ^U WTa =^afTVXP] b[TSVTb c^ TgcaPRcX^] ^U fPcTa Ua^\ cWT QdccTa aPcX^]b c^ bPeT fTXVWc A^bXT{b caPRZ aTR^aS Xb cTbcP\T]c c^ cWT aTfPaSb ^U PbbXSd^db PccT]cX^] c^ \X]dcXPT X] cWT `dTbc U^a bdaeXeP[ P]S bdRRTbb

‘FAR FROM HELP’ MEDICAL TRAINING A^bXT Xb caPX]TS d_ TgcT]bXeT[h Qh cWT Tg_TSXcX^] S^Rc^a P]S TgcaT\T S^Rc^a b_TRXP[Xbc b^ bWT Xb fT[[ T`dX__TS c^ R^_T fXcW R^[S aT[PcTS X]YdaXTb Qda]b VT]TaP[ X]YdaXTb QPbXR bdaVXRP[ P]S operational procedures as well as basic dental repairs.

PHYSICAL TRAINING 1dX[SX]V bcaT]VcW bcP\X]P P]S T]SdaP]RT cWa^dVW P _d]XbWX]V regime of circuits including pulling, throwing, and lifting tractor tyres and railroad sleepers. Rosie works with both a personal caPX]Ta P]S P \X[XcPah R^aaTRcXeT caPX]X]V RT]caT

GENERAL PROCEDURES From basic communications to an in depth understanding of the PaRcXR _X[^c aT`dXaT\T]cb A^bXT Xb UP\X[XPa fXcW P[[ cWT SXeTabXch of communications for all circumstances.

SPECIFIC TRAINING BTP aP_XS aXeTa P]S R^[S fPcTa _^^[ caPX]X]V c^ X]RaTPbT swimming efficiency. Rosie often trains either fully clothed including boots and skis or in her immersion suit to simulate R^]SXcX^]b ^] cWT Tg_TSXcX^]

IN SITU TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT TESTING ?aTRTSX]V cWT Tg_TSXcX^] P _TaX^S fX[[ QT b_T]c cTbcX]V T`dX_\T]c P]S aTeXbX]V P]S aT ]X]V XRT bdaeXeP[ cTRW]X`dTb X] P _^[Pa T]eXa^]\T]c

Stancer on the Eve of 2007 Departure onto the ice




Contact Expedition Manager E: T: +44 (0)1621 862 599 W:

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.” T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom

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