Year 7 Introductory Evening

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Year 7 Introductory Evening September 2024

Mr Jeremy Quartermain


Fiona Quartermain Head of Year 7

Our Role

● Daily check in ● Academic monitoring and support

● Pastoral support

○ PSHE delivery

○ Form Tutor, Head of Year & Health and Wellbeing centre ● Coordinate intervention ● Promote culture of respect


The role of the student

● Set ambitious goals - no excuses!

● Make every moment count

○ Work hard

○ Be on time

○ Be “present”

● Be kind

○ Think about the impact of your words and actions

○ Casual and unthinking behaviour can hurt

○ Challenge unkindness

○ Be a good friend

● Take PRIDE in everything that they do

● Have confidence to ask for help

● Be proactive

● Pupil Handbook

The role of the parent

● Communication-Contact school whenever concerned

● Have high aspirations and expectations

● Be proactive and engaged in the journey

● Encourage them to try new clubs and grasp each opportunity that Rossall has to offer

● Encourage independent learninghomework support

● Give them your time

● Monitor their use of social media

● Help them be prepared and organised

The role of the tutor

● School family

● First point of call between school and home

● Regular opportunity to check in with the students

● Preparation for the school day

● Track progress

● Pastoral support

The Lower School Structure

Mrs Fiona Quartermain Head of Year 7

Miss Hall
Mrs Stansfield 7A
Mrs Cox 7B

What happens during Form Time?

Day WeekA Week B

Monday Assembly (am) Whole School Assembly (am) Whole School

Tuesday Peer Mentoring/tutor time House time

Wednesday Academic Lecture Rossall INSPIRE

Thursday Tutor Tutor

Friday Morning - news roundup Chapel Morning - news roundup Congers

Year 7 Residential Trip to Borwick Hall

● 14th September (8.30 am) - 15th September (3 pm)

● Drop off and collection is at the sports center

● Medical information and permission slips signed

Dates for your diary

● Saturday 14th September Year 7


● Tuesday 17th September - Parent Lunch @12:30

● Saturday 28th September- Rossall

Rose Autumn Bash

● Tuesday 08th October - Tutor Evening 1730-1900

● w/b Monday 28th October- in class assessment fortnight

● Monday 11th November Classics trip to Deva Chester

● Tuesday 14th January Academic Consultation Meeting (not approved)

● Monday 3rd February -in class assessment fortnight



Destinations 2024:

● 82% Russell Group/Top 20

● Cambridge; Imperial; KCL; Durham; Manchester; Bath etc.

● Medicine

● Degree Apprenticeships

● Professional Contracts around the world

● Sports Scholarships to America

● 14 countries outside of UK AND

● Confident, humble, well-rounded, global citizens

The Rossall ‘Core’

Student expectations

The Wellbeing Team

Mrs Jen Moore - Director of Wellbeing

Mrs Turner - Head of Health

Mrs Jenny Richardson - School Nurse

Ms Cat Waktare - Mental Health Nurse

Social Media

Very much a part of young people’s social worlds now, we also know that social media can lead to a plethora of issues.

A key focus this year will be on digital wellbeing, as well as raising awareness for pupils of their long-lasting digital footprint. We will link this to a drop down day focusing on the impact of AI and digital wellbeing later this term. This is further supported by our rules on mobile phones here in school.

Helping young people

By supporting their wellbeing, and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn.

Personal: is to do with ourselves

Social: the study of our interactions and relationships with others

Health: the study of looking after our bodies mentally and physically

Economic: which is all about managing our money

The importance

● Prepares pupils for life

● It seeks to develop a skill set of resilience, mental agility and wellbeing.

● All these mixed feelings that young people might be experiencing are absolutely normal.

● Protect themselves and others both online and offline.

● We recognise that the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 will create levels of concern for some. Every child acts differently.

● The whole purpose of PSHE, as a program of study, is to share strategies to support wellbeing

The structure

● Adopt a whole school approach, to allow for this support to be consistent

● Timetabled lessons, Tutor time and assemblies, guest speakers and drop down days

● Learning opportunities based on three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, living in the wider world and relationships. Each core theme will also link to fundamental British values.

● To learn the skills which will help them academically, to understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up safely and transitioning from one key stage to another.

Drop Down Days/ PSHE Speakers

● One key addition this year will be drop-down days which offer pupils the chance to look at a range of PSHE issues in more detail and also allow us to bring in more external experts to engage with pupils and parents/ carers

● Our drop down days will tackle issues including digital and overall wellbeing, financial literacy and drugs

● The year will culminate with a PSHE fair where pupils will have the chance to team teach and share their PSHE knowledge

Year 7 PSHE Programme

Healthy and happy young people

Main aims are to provide students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their lives.


Introducing Class Charts (1)

● We recognise how important it is to keep you informed and updated with regards to your child’s behaviours at school.

● Please do download the parent app and login using the personalised access code provided.

● This will enable you to see the recognition and reinforcement of positive behaviours and the log of any conduct notes.

Introducing Class Charts (2)

● Behaviour and Conduct ● Rewards and Sanctions

Merits and Conduct Notes

Co Curricular

● Each activity has a purpose

● Programme is adapted for the needs of the pupils throughout the year - i.e. adequate time allowed for revision sessions etc

● Where possible pupils are working towards a goal

● Many more committees this year for pupils to join

● Pupils should be committed to the activity for the term

Sport at Rossall School

What Sport look likes at Rossall

Athletic Development

Physical Literacy

Fundamental Movement Skills


Signature Programmes

- Football

- Golf

After SchoolActivities

House Sport


Physical Education



Focus Sports

- Football

- Hockey

- Netball

- Cricket

Active Sports

- Swimming

- Athletics - Tennis - Gymnastics / Trampolining

Competitive Fixtures



Sports Clothing

Full commitment to the sporting offering

Physically, Mentally & Socially

Train hard to develop & reach their potential


Keep standards high

PE Kit

Games Kit

Saturdays & Weekday

Expected to represent the school

Fixture Calendar & Team Sheets can we found on SOCS

Learning Development


Learning Plans & intervention

● Good knowledge of pupils before they join

● Pupil centred personalised plan

● Some pupils who need support may have a reduced timetable or adjusted programme of study.

● Where this entails the dropping of one subject, the LD department will put in place a coordinated programme of consolidation in core subjects.

● If further support from LD required, then additional teaching would need to be arranged and such lessons will be charged.

25 % Extra Time



Exam Access Arrangements

-Internal and external exams

-Takes place in school

-Must be the pupils normal way of working.

Quiet room

Smaller Venue

Coloured Paper

Rest Breaks

Speech to text


Outside of the classroom…

Performing Arts at Rossall School

PerformingArts at Rossall

- Boosts confidence.

- Increases communication skills.

- Greater sense of self.

- Promotes creativity.

- Chapel Choir.

- Chamber Choir.

- String Orchestra.

- Brass Ensemble

- Swing Band.

- Lancashire Music Society.


- Scholars Theatre Society.

- Broadway Academy.

- MusicalTheatre Club.


- Guest Lecturers and Industry Professionals.

- Jazz Dance.

- DanceTech: Loops, Kicks & Turns.

- Ballet.

- Contemporary (coming soon).



Pupils who are: friendly, warm, approachable and full of empathy.

Creative young people invested in the development of themselves and others through exploration of the Arts



Full commitment to the Performing Arts - Drama, Music and Dance offering Physically, Mentally & Socially

Train hard to develop & reach their potential

Saturday mornings & Weekdays

Expected to represent the school: Performing Arts Ambassadors

Rehearsal schedules, show dates and activity times can be found on SOCS

What’s on:

Scholar’sTheatre Society presentsAlice in Wonderland

Big School Musical - GREASE

Prep School Musical - Show to be announced soon!

Broadway - Show to be announced soon!

Senior School Concert

Please keep an eye on social media for all our production information.

Bringing together Rossallians

Past, Present & Future

Rossall Rose Society

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