Frozen Void Manual

Page 1

4 To anyone who reads this: If you find this, and the town above is still under military lockdown, do yourself a favour and get off this planet, right away. The whole place has been taken over by Warlord Shorn, a cowardly, sadistic tyrant that gets his kicks from making everyone’s life as miserable as possible. As I write this, I can actually feel my wings burning away as shredded embers of what they used to be, because of him shooting me in the back for no reason other than seeing me squirm. I know I can get them partially repaired, But I’m not letting him get away with that. Like I said, get off this planet immediately. This is my fight. Let me end it. Paku

Getting Started To start off, insert the Frozen Void disk into the Disc Slot. The Wii Console will then switch on automatically. Plug your Classic Controller into the Wiimote, making sure not to move either Control Stick while you do so. The Health and safety screen will be displayed. After reading the details, press the A button on the Wii Remote. Point at the Disc Channel from the Wii Menu Screen and press the A Button. Remember to point the Wii Remote directly at the screen when using it. The Channel Preview screen will be displayed. Point at Start and press the A Button. Your game will then load to the Main Menu, unless it is your first time playing, in which case you will be given a prompt to create a save file. You need 110 save blocks on your Wii’s Memory to save this game. Your game will also check to see if any System Updates are available to either the game or the console itself. If there is, you will need to download and install them to play. This will not take any longer than 10 minutes.



Control Pad/ Left Stick


X Button Switch Character

Movement Choose Option

- Button

Y Button Attack

Activate Sight Power

L Button

Back-Dash Previous Character (Equipment / Status)

+ Button Enter/Exit Menu Screen

Right Stick Scroll through Dialog/ Documents

B Button Jump

A Button Grab

R Button Use certain abilities Next Character (Equipment / Status

Wiimote Pointer After pressing -, point the Wiimote at the screen to utilise a Sight Ability.

Main Menu

Press A at the title screen to access the Main Menu. After this, select which file you want to play. Once you select a file, you will be given the following options. Start Game If the file is empty, this is the only option available. Select this to either start a new game if it’s an empty file, or continue an existing game. The first time you open a file, you will be prompted to enter a name. Once you do this and confirm it, the game will begin. Change Name If, later on, you want to change the name of your save file, you can change it here. Copy Data Duplicate existing save data to an empty slot. Delete Data Erase your save to make room for a new one. WARNING: Save data can never be recovered once erased! Think about it carefully before you erase any data!



Game Screen 1

2 3

This is the Game Screen, where the action unfolds and the game is played. As you can see, the game screen has various useful features –

1 - Status Bar – Your current amounts of health and other statistics are displayed here. Every character’s bar is different – see the next few pages for help.

2 - Your Character – this is the character you’re playing as. 3 - Minimap – This is a small section of the map around your character. A more detailed one can be seen through the menu screen.

Status Bar Health This is a measure of your character’s physical health. All enemy attacks, and certain environmental hazards and Status Effects reduce this, which can be seen both as a number and a bar. It can be restored by doing the following things: Using a Healing Item Eating certain enemies (Paku and Erin only) Using certain Special Abilities and Overdrives Resting at home or an inn. Using A Save Point (NOTE: You can let it restore your health but not save your game if you need to.)

Game Over Under normal circumstances, when your HP runs out, the game will end and you will be offered the following choices Continue from Save Point: restart from your last save point. You will lose all experience, items and progress that you made since your last save. Exit to Title: Exit to the title screen. When you start again, you will start again from your last Save Point. Divine Intervention: This option will not be available at the start of the game. However, once Erin joins your team, from that point on you will have the Divine Intervention option. At a cost of 50% of your current gold (up to a maximum of 10,000), you will be spirited away to a safe place rather than dying. However, there are a few places this will not be allowed: •In locations that have a Teleport Block. •Boss Rooms.



Weight (This Bar only applies for Paku, Vexun and Erin) Food eaten (be it items, or, in Paku and Erin’s cases, enemies) will increase this bar. Weight gain is unnoticeable until it hits one of the small bars in the meter, at which point it will start to have an affect on the character’s appearance and abilities. Overweight characters will move slightly slower, have their jumping distance and height impaired, and take a negative % change in their Heat Resistance. They also have a chance of tiring out after prolonged movement, causing a few seconds of immobility while they get their breath back. The more overweight a character is, the more severe these effects become, the more likely he/she is to tire out, and the recovery period of this. However, there are some benefits of it – HP and Defence will be boosted somewhat, as will Cold Resistance. It will also cause some physical attacks to be more damaging, and certain floors will break beneath their tread. Weight decreases over time as you move around, but can also be reduced by the use of certain items. However, these tend to inflict Stunted Healing on your character, so think about whether or not you want to suffer those consequences. It can also be slept off at an inn or at your house, and certain barriers and doors remove weight in it’s entirety. Don’t ever assume that keeping your weight down is important to your success – Experiment with different degrees of weight, measure the up and downsides, and see what works well for you!


Overdrive To activate your Overdrive, press the up and x buttons. Overdrives are immensely powerful abilities, which can be changed on the equipment screen. These abilities require this bar to be full before used. These can range from damaging everything on the screen, doing an incredible amount of damage to a single target, or bestowing unsurpassed positive status effects on your character. Increasing your overdrive bar is done in several different ways, which can be set on the Equipment screen. You can choose to have it go up slowly over time, increase when you do damage, or when you take damage, as well as a few other methods. Again, experimentation with this is the key to success! Most of these can be used by all characters, but there are a few that are exclusive to single characters. Below are a few Examples of the Overdrives you can attain: Hyperheal: Completely heal yourself and all of your Special Energy. Frostspike Barrage (Paku Only): Deals colossal Frost and Physical damage to all enemies it hits. Sanity’s Requiem (Vexun Only): Severely damages all enemies in room, and paralyses any who survive. Time Crash (Logan Only): Slows all enemies, Speeds Logan up. Triple 7 (Erin Only: Triples Item Drop Rate.

Basic Actions Ground Movement Use either the D-pad or Analog Stick to move your character, or the cursor in menus and dialog options. He or she will continue to move until you release the button or analog stick.

Pressing down causes your character to crouch, making them a smaller target, and allows them to attack from a lower area.

Pressing to the left or right while crouched causes your character to crawl, allowing them to either stay behind cover or navigate narrow areas.



Aerial Movement Pressing B while on the ground causes your character to jump. This allows characters to execute air attacks, negotiate obstacles, or avoid enemies.

Pressing Down and B will cause your character to drop through a thin floor. Typically, if a platform or floor looks half the width of a normal platform, it can be jumped through.

Later on in the game, your characters gain the ability to do a superpowered jump, both on the ground or in the air. Press Up and L to do this.


Combat Press Y to execute a melee attack. The attack differs with each character, and can be augmented or changed with certain pieces of equipment. (See page 34)

Press A to attempt to grab an opponent or item. The way the character grabs, and the actions possible after doing so, are different for each one, so check their character page to see what options are open to you.

Hold Up and press Y to use an Ability. This is a special attack that can be changed on the equipment screen, and all of them are unique and have different power and applications.


Other Controls Press X to switch characters. You can do this at any time, unless the team has split up for any reason in a level, or if you are afflicted with Character Lock (See page 31)

Press Up and X to unleash an Overdrive Ability. These are incredibly powerful abilities, but can only be used in certain conditions.

Pressing – puts the character into Look mode. Once this is done, point your Wiimote at the screen, point at an object or enemy and press A to activate a Sight Power. Typically, this refers to examining or scanning an object or enemy – see the Characters pages for further information on this.

Characters Paku

Paku is an average Icebiter Lizard, he starts his quest with a major chip on his shoulder for his home town getting locked down by aliens and getting blindsighted by a laser blast to the back, rendering him flightless due to parts of his wings being vaporised. He’s incredibly determined to get revenge on them and to make sure this never happens to anyone else.



Paku’s Status Bar

Paku’s Special Energy is Power. Every Special Ability he uses will reduce this a certain amount, and the lower it is, the less damage he causes. However, it regenerates rather quickly, so refrain from Special Abilities to recharge it.

Paku’s Passive Abilities •Paku is completely immune to cold environments (equating to a +300% cold resistance), but he takes rapid damage from hot environments. This can be reduced by increasing his heat resistance. •Paku has a higher metabolism than others, and can lose weight easily. •Paku can inherently slowfall even with his injured wings by holding R midflight, and could probably fly if his wings ever got better…


Paku’s Abilities •Paku’s Sight Power is Examine.

Pointing at anything on the screen and pressing A will give you information on it, including combat tactics of enemies, possible removal suggestions for objects, and other helpful hints. •Paku can eat any enemy that is around

3/4s of the size he is by grabbing them and pressing down. This will immediately defeat the enemy, but you will not receive items or gold from it. Paku’s incredibly strong on the inside and will not take damage from anything he eats, so feel free to use this to deal with any robots or armored enemies without any worries. This will, however, cause his weight to escalate rather quickly if used too often. Instead of eating an enemy, you can spit them back out to deal damage to them, and anything or anyone it hits. •Paku has complete control over his

swimming. Press any direction and he’ll swim in that direction. He can also use any of his normal attacks underwater, including using his tongue to grab enemies.



Vexun is a mystical, genetically-unstable dragoness, who is more than willing to try to help stamp out the issues of the planet she’s stranded on, as well as the rest of the universe, but apparently doesn’t remember anything about who she is or where she came from. However, her frequent Freudian slips seem to strongly suggest otherwise…


Vexun’s Status Bar

Vexun’s Special Energy is Mental Focus. This regenerates a lot slower than Power, but does not give a lowered attack power. It can be restored quicker with items or sleeping.

Vexun’s Passive Abilities •Vexun takes slightly less physical damage than other characters. •Vexun automatically levitates above the surface of water. If you need to go under the surface, Press down and B like with a thin ledge. •Vexun snaps out of negative side effects faster, especially Trauma and Paralysis.


Vexun’s Abilities •Vexun’s Sight Power is Telepathy. Using this while any character is on the screen will allow you to read a character’s thoughts by pressing A on them. Minor enemies will give little useful information most of the time, but large enemies such as bosses, enemies that guard doors, or friendly npcs can hold hints that could prove to be vital to your success. •Vexun has Telekinesis that can be used by pressing the grab button. Collectable items will be immediately added to your inventory, but large items can be lifted and carried using this. Move it around you by holding the grab button and using the d-pad, and let go by tapping Grab once. Items can be thrown by double tapping a direction then grab to throw it left, right or up. NOTE: Care should be taken when moving fragile or heavy items. Fragile items could easily be broken if moved too fast into a wall or dropped from a distance, and it should be obvious that dropping a heavy item directly above you isn’t the best of ideas.

•Vexun can jump incredible heights if her jump is charged. Hold B to charge a jump, and you will begin to notice atoms circling her arms and legs. You will hear a sound when her jump has been fully charged, and can also see the atom line(s) become solid. Release B to unleash her jump. Later, you may get more Atom Springs, which increase her jump charge capabilities.



Logan is a somewhat reclusive draconic scientist, stationed in the Celestial Laboratory, an immense research station in space, working with his co-workers to try and help solve the problems of the universe. Despite this rather noble goal, he’s rather emotionally detached, and seems to only want to help out so he doesn’t get his workload pushed even higher than it already is.


Logan’s Status Bar

Logan has two unique bars (instead of Weight) - Metal and Temporal Energy. Metal is used for his Special Abilities, and can only be recovered by scavenging metal off of old machines, or using certain items. Temporal Energy allows him to speed, slow or stop time, and regenerates slowly. See Page 25 for details.

Logan’s Passive Abilities •Logan is obsessed with efficiency, so much so that he’s willing to tamper with his own biology to make sure he’s never slowed down. Due to a nanomachine-enhanced digestive system, he can never be afflicted with overweightedness, but at the cost of some of his food’s energies fuelling the nanomachines, which reduces the healing and positive effects of food to 70% of normal. •Logan is almost completely immune to electricity. He only takes 10% damage from it, and does not recoil or get paralysed from it like the other heroes can. This allows him to run through areas noone else can.


Logan’s Abilities •Logan’s Sight Power is Scan. Use it and press A on any enemy, and Logan will scan them for in-depth explanations on their HP, drops and experience given, as well as give tips as to how to defeat them. It will also detect invisible platforms, and if A is pressed on them, it will permanently make them visible to any character. •Logan has an Ion Chain that he can use with the grab button. This can be used to attack with at a distance, grab items, grab ledges if you are close enough, or to transfer energy to or from certain devices.

•Logan specialises in explosives, gadgets and machines. He can use incredibly powerful moves revolving around these, but these expend his Metal. Metal, unsuprisingly, does not regenerate over time. It has to be acquired from defeating enemies, using items, or scrounging it from broken machines. However, if Logan runs out, he can still use a few abilities that are required for progress (such as blowing doors open), but these will only function for their intended purpose – They cannot damage enemies in this state. •Logan can walljump. Certain metal surfaces allow him to temporarily magnetise himself to it, allowing him to grip to it long enough to prepare and execute another jump.


Temporal Energy

Temporal Manipulation is arguably Logan’s most powerful and useful ability. This means he can completely bend time to his will. He can speed time up to double speed, slow it down to half, or stop it entirely. Select which one you want to use by pressing the L button to cycle through them, and hold R to activate it. It will stay working the whole time you hold the button. This will, however, drain Logan’s Temporal Energy. This will regenerate over time while time powers are not in use You can also use Temporal Energy for certain Special Abilities, such as speeding Logan up, freezing time on a single enemy, or creating areas that slow anything that enter it. .



Erin is a gecko Priestess from the Temple of the Spectrum Dawn. She’s only an initiate, but can still perform actions that nonbelievers would describe as impossible, but are relatively trivial by her own admission. She is initially so shy that she never takes her all-covering robe off, but she soon feels confident enough to be seen without it, and to help stop the destructive powers of Warlord Shorn’s evil rampage.


Erin’s Status Bar

Erin’s Special Energy is Piety, shown as the stars under her bar. Some abilities need one or more of these to be used, and have to fully regenerate before they can be used for an ability again.

Erin’s Passive Abilities •Erin is constantly under the protective gaze of the gods. If she’s hit by an attack that would have usually resulted in her defeat, she is revived by a holy power, healing her and causing immense damage to the unfortunate enemy who caused her demise (Bosses are unaffected). This effect has to recharge for ten minutes before it can be used again. Her very presence in the team also unlocks Divine Intervention (see page ) •Due to a lack of exercise in her non-physical lifestyle, Erin’s metabolism is lower and henceforth puts weight on far easier (150% of normal effect), but also due to not having to adhere to the laws of physics as much, she is slowed far less by it, and cannot get tired from it. •Erin is incredibly weak to cold temperatures, taking constant damage from them (apart from in towns). She is, however, immune to high heat, and can even walk through fire and lava.


Erin’s Abilities •Erin’s Sight Ability is Magpie Vision. Erin can detect the presence of treasure in any room she enters, and when this vision power is activated, an exclamation mark (!) will appear over her head. She can only see it’s hidden location while using her sight ability, but once it’s located, go over to it and press up in front of where it is (NOTE: There will be no icon to indicate this, you’ll have to remember where it is yourself). The treasure will then be unearthed and ripe for the taking. •Erin, like Paku, can eat enemies, but there is one integral difference – She can eat enemies far bigger than herself, up to twice as big if weakened through attacks first. However, there are two exceptions. She can’t eat armored or metal creatures, and refuses to eat any plant-based enemies (she’ll just spit them back out immediately). •Erin loves nature, and it loves her right back. All plant based enemies will be completely non-hostile towards her, and can even be conversed with. She can also easily nurture diseased, damaged or even dead plants back to health to acquire food off them, or to open doors. •Finally, Erin can also climb walls and ceilings. Crawl onto them or press Down by a wall to do so, and jump to get off. She can still do a few attacks while doing this, but cannot wallclimb if she gets too heavy.

Status Effects Your character can be afflicted with various status effects, usually by enemy attacks, potions, or certain abilities. They can occur after certain events as well. Some of them are beneficial, others are harmful, and others can be beneficial or harmful depending on the situation.

Positive Effects EXP Boost 10/20/30% - Grants a multiplier to the amount of Experience the character gets, making them level up faster. Regeneration – Slowly restores the character’s health. ATK up – Sharply increases the amount of Damage you can do with Physical Attacks. DEF up – Sharply decreases the amount of damage you take from attacks. SP.ATK up – Increases the amount of damage you can do with special attacks. Fire Immunity – Blocks all damage done by Fire. Erin has this as a constant effect. Ice Immunity – Blocks all damage done by Ice. Paku has this as a constant effect. Electric Immunity – Blocks damage done by Electricity and stops your character from recoiling from contact with it. Tetra Immunity – Complete immunity to all environmental sources of Fire, Ice and Electricity. However, this will not protect you from enemy attacks. Luck Up – Greatly boosts your luck temporarily.



Neutral Effects Overweightedness – If your character’s Weight bar hits one of the small sections in the bar, this will be immediately inflicted on your character, with increasing effects as it goes higher. 1.-5% Speed, -5% jump height, -15 Heat Resistance, .5% chance of immobility after running, +5% Defence, +20hp, +20 Cold Resistance. 2.-10% Speed, -10% jump height, -30 Heat Resistance, 1% chance of immobility after running, +10% Defence, +40hp, +40 Cold Resistance. Can now break certain platforms by jumping on them. 3.-15% Speed, -15% jump height, -45 Heat Resistance, 1.5% chance of immobility after running, +15% Defence, +60hp, +60 Cold Resistance. Erin loses ability to wallclimb. 4.-20% Speed, -20% jump height, -60 Heat Resistance, 2% chance of immobility after running, +20% Defence, +80hp, +80 Cold Resistance. 5.-25% Speed, -25% jump height, -75 Heat Resistance, 2.5% chance of immobility after running, +25% Defence, +100hp, +100 Cold Resistance. Some platforms can break just by walking on them. Berserker – Attack power sharply increased, but cannot use special attacks. Desperado – Doubles the damage you deal and take. Defender – Halves damage dealt and taken.


Negative Effects EXP 0 – Your character cannot gain exp until this status is removed. Paralysed – Usually a result of electricity, the character temporarily cannot move or attack. Traumatized – Inflicted by certain, terrifying experiences such as events in cutscenes or particular attacks, this causes a crippling drop in speed and loss of being able to jump. Weakness to Fire – Drops a character’s Heat Resistance by 100, and temporarily cancels any Immunities the character has. Weakness to Ice – Drops a character’s Cold Resistance by 100, and temporarily cancels any Immunities the character has. Weakness to Electricity – Increases damage done by Electricity, temporarily cancels any Immunities the character has, and will result in electric attacks always inflicting Paralysis. Poison – Health is being gradually reduced. Most food removes this. Stunted Healing – Inflicted by most weight-loss spells and potions – Reduces the amount of health restored by food for a while. Character Lock – Cannot change characters. All of these Status Effects can be removed with certain spells, items, or waiting for them to wear off.


Menu Screen Gold Nugget - Worth: 50  A small, somewhat unrefined but still valuable piece of gold. 10 can be refined into a gold bar. Craftable Crystallised Taro - Flat Cut - Worth: 100  A strange piece of crystallized tree sap, crafted into a basic pattern. Useful for beginner crafts, but there’s no disguising cheap materials... Craftable Pearl - Worth: 120  A marble-sized pearl. Nothing special, but who can complain about jewelry made with it? Craftable Gold Dust - Worth: 100  A pile of powdered gold. In this form, it’s not only usable for crafting, but also as a high-end cure-all when applied to potions. Craftable Tiamite Bar - Worth: 500  A rare ore refined into a bar, this metal is glowing with an unusual, arcane power. Craftable Platinum Leaf - Worth: 150  A strange leaf blown from the branches of a legendary tree. Don’t pass this off as a knock-off just from it’s origin - it’s unmistakably platinum. Craftable Small Space Rock - Worth: 50  From the massive heat and pressure it’s endured, it may contain ore or gems! Uncraftable Contains objects Star Pieces - Worth: 10  These pretty fragments are always plentiful, but there are people who are interested in collecting them... Uncraftable Pyrite Block - Worth: 100  This block of solid stone is so massive that you wonder for a moment how you can carry it, but shrug and move on. Used for building upgrades. Craftable

The Menu can be accessed at any time by pressing +. Make a selection of what option you want to access by pressing Up or Down on the D-pad or Control Stick, and press A to access the submenu you selected. Take your time while in this screen, as the game is paused while using the menu.


Items This Submenu contains all of the contents of the inventory of your characters - However, Equipment is not stored here - it has a seperate menu slot for this purpose. This Submenu is split into four sections – Food – Contains normal edible items, which are typically healing/Secondary Energy restoration items. You can hold up to 50 of each item, with no limitation on how many kinds of food you can hold. Potions – Various alchemical potions that give certain effects when used. You can only hold 20 of each of these, however.

Treasure and Materials – Various other nonunique items that don’t fall into any other category. You can carry a very large amount of these, up to 200 for each item.

Key Items – Unique items that are important to the game’s completion, such as keys, important artefacts, Crafting Equipment and other objects.

Items from the Food and Treasure/Materials submenus can often be crafted into new items. See Pages 46-48 to see more about this.


Equipment This submenu allows you to change what items your characters wear, changing their statistics and giving other benefits. First, choose which character you want to change the outfit, choose “View All Equipment” to look at all of the items you’ve collected, see what stats they bestow, and how much they can be sold for. (NOTE: some items cannot be sold – usually, this is an indication that only one of this item exists in the game.) Once you’ve selected a character, their equipment screen will appear, showing a preview of the character, their stats, and what they have equipped. In each slot, you can change what they wear, and toggle if it is visible or not (for example, if you like the stats of an item, but don’t like how it looks, you can toggle this off so you don’t see it.). The items fall under the categories on the following page.

35 Weapon: Changes what you attack with. Some items simply augment your attacks, and others change it completely. Special Attack: This is what your character will use as their special attack (Up+Y). Head: Hats/helmets/other accessories worn on the head that typically increase DEF. Necklace: Jewelry worn around the neck –can increase various stats, or other effects. Accessory: Items that don’t fall under other categories, which usually have special effects such as increasing attack speed. Ring: Does the same sort of things as Necklaces, but you can wear two of them. Overdrive: This is what Overdrive you can perform. Some are restricted to one character, but others can be used by anyone. You can also change how your Overdrive charges up here. To change equipment, select which slot you want to change and press A. You will be presented with a list of items you can change it with, and you can see what stat changes this will bestow. You can see from a glance at the up and down arrows next to the stats if it will improve or worsen a stat in comparison to whatever you already have equipped. Press A to change it to the one you have highlighted in the list.


Stats This screen shows your statistics about your characters and game progress. Press L or R to change between your characters to see information about them. •STR – Strength: Your character’s physical power – dictates how much damage he or she does with a physical attack. •INT – Intelligence: Your character’s mental power – The higher this is, the more damage he or she will do with special abilities. •DEF – Defence: Your character’s fortitude. The higher this is, the less damage they take from physical attacks. •H.R – Heat Resistance – How resilient your current character is to high temperatures. 0 is average, and higher numbers bestow damage resistance against fire/heat based attacks. If this goes over 150, your character will be completely immune to it. However, if the number starts to go below 0, then your character will take increased damage from heat, and if it goes below -50, your character will take gradual damage from even being in a hot environment. •C.R – Cold Resistance – Just the same as Heat Resistance, but reversed - this shows how well your character can take cold temperatures. Again, anything higher than 150 gives an immunity, anything lower than -50 causes damage over time. •Luck – A higher luck stat will increase the drop rates of items, and increase the chance of a Critical Hit – An attack doing more damage than it would usually. NOTE: You may notice that Paku has a critically low Heat Resistance and abnormally high Cold Resistance, and vice versa for Erin. This, unfortunately, can never be permanently changed. Therefore, you may want to be careful of when you use these two. There are other stats here as well, but the majority of them will be hidden at the start of the game, because they tend to describe progress on story events.


Experience Certain actions, such as defeating enemies and completing quests, award Experience. When you get enough of it (how much is needed can be checked on the Status Screen), your characters increase in level. Levelling up will increase your HP, STR, INT and DEF somewhat, and completely heal all of your characters. NOTE: Weak enemies give low experience. If you find you’re levelling up too slowly, try and progress through the game to find harder enemies.

Guides Guides – This Submenu contains several lists of useful information. •Objective – Select this to get a hint of where to go and what to do next. •Enemies – See in-depth information on all of the enemies you’ve fought at least once, including information on items they drop, weaknesses and strengths. Once you’ve obtained a certain item, you can also use this to locate where these enemies can be found, in case you need to fight some and have forgotten their location. •Items – See in depth information about all of the items you’ve collected in the game. This menu is split into Items and Equipment for your convenience. •Abilities - Shows all the abilities your characters can perform, and how to use them. •Crafting Recipes: Shows a list of all the crafting recipes you’ve obtained.


Map Map – When you first select this submenu, it shows the Grid map of the immediate area. This is a close-zoom map that shows all of the rooms of the area you’re in.

Purple rooms are rooms that you’ve uncovered. White edges on the squares represent walls and ceilings, and white edges with a gap in them are doors from room to room. A Red edge to a room indicates a Boss Door. Squares that are only outlined and have no colour are rooms that are marked on a Map File you may have found or bought, but not visited yet. Red rooms are Save Points. Blue Rooms are Warp Points. Blue Rooms with a Cross over them are Inactive Warp Points. This cross will be removed when the warp room functions properly again. Yellow Rooms are Shops. Pressing - will open a list of areas you’ve explored. Select any one of these to view the map of that location.


Saving and Quicksaving As mentioned before, Saving your game is limited to certain times: •Save Points: Mysterious Statues, Bio-Backup Chambers (Including the Combat Chamber (See Page ) and Beds. •Certain events (Usually when you move on to a new planet or major area) allow a one-time save. However, there is also a Quicksave option on the Main Menu. You can select this to interrupt the game at your exact location instead of saving at a save point. To continue an interrupted game, when you next select your save file, choose “Continue from Quicksave”. NOTE: Your progress will NOT be permanently saved – Once you resume your game, this temporary save will be deleted. If you either turn off the game or have a Game Over, you will continue from your last actual save.

Options Configure some of the options for the game here. •Sound – Change the volume of the Music, Sounds and Voices here. •Graphics – Customise the graphics of the Menu here, such as changing the colours or style of the menu. •Controls - Not happy with the control setup of the game? You can change them here to your liking here. NOTE: This will only affect your current file. Other files will keep their current controller configuration. NOTE: This manual assumes that you are using the default configuration.

Game Objects Save Points

Taking the form of either Mysterious Statues or Bio-Backup Chambers, these allow you to save your game, letting you pick up where you left off if you quit the game, either voluntarily or if you get a Game Over. They also restore your health.

Warp Points

Warp Points allow you to teleport freely between any of them that you’ve seen, assuming they are operational. However, sometimes you have to deal with certain issues before you can use them. The one to the left is an example of a working one.

Boss Door

Boss Doors serve two purposes. Firstly, to give you a warning that whoever resides inside is going to put up a major fight, and secondly, to lock you inside until a victor is decided. Always save before entering one!




There are several areas in Adraxa that you should familiarise yourself with. However, these shops are not limited to Adraxa You’ll find them in various places on other planets.

Shops Food Store –

Unsurprisingly, this is where you can buy various healing items for your adventures. A few quests can also be picked up from here, usually giving free food or items, or an expanded inventory.

Weapon Shop –

This shop allows you to buy new weaponry, armour, mechanical schematics and abilities. Sometimes, though, you need to complete a quest before you can be trained in an ability. Some quests given from here give you the ability right away, but can only be used in the area the quest takes place in until the quest is finished.

Goldsmith’s/Bank –

This place allows you to store your money and items for free, and can also sell you crafting materials and designs for new pieces of jewelry. The shopkeeper can also trade items for certain precious materials, such as Stardust.


Other Buildings Town Hall –

On the wall, there is a billboard full of all sorts of quests for various people in the town, and sometimes for other people from beyond the borders of the planet. All of these give rewards of some sort, so if you feel lacking in the money, experience or weaponry categories, do a few of these. NOTE: This location only exists in Adraxa - There are none on other planets.

Inn –

In Adraxa, A lot of people lost their homes in the attack on the village, so a lot of them have moved in here. You can talk to a lot of them for information, or help them with their plight in any way you see fit. Inns exist in other places, but still offer several quests.

Paku’s House

At the start of the game, Paku’s house will be somewhat wrecked and inaccessible. Eventually, though, it will become available to you again, and will become your main base of operations. It will start off rather empty, but as you unlock more characters and progress further in the story, more features will be added to it.


This is the only room available at the start. The bed will allow you to sleep and restore your health, Save, as well as a few other affects not given by other beds you find in inns and other locations, and these effects can be changed by changing the bed. Another item of note is the Music Player. As you progress through the game, you may find Music Discs. Once brought back here and uploaded into the Player, you can listen to a variety of music. TIP: Want to find a specific music track? Tracks of levels tend to be in the same level, tracks from shops tend to be sold by the same shop (or given as a quest reward), and tracks from Boss rooms can often be acquired by completing a Boss Challenge.




Logan’s home away from home, this is built when Logan joins the party and comes back to Paku’s house. The workbench here is incredibly important – Logan needs to use this to create new mechanical equipment, and needs this for some incredibly high-levelled potions and jewelry. However, the more interesting thing in this room is the VR Chamber. This gives you a large range of extra activities. Feel free to do anything you want in here – Any items you use in here will be returned to you when you leave, and reaching 0 HP in here will not result in a game over, it will just take you back to this menu. Enemy Horde – Fight in a range of pre-programmed battles against hordes of enemies you’ve fought before. You can unlock more by progressing through the game. Boss Rematch – Re-Fight any boss you’ve fought before. A special Boss Challenge will be issued to you for each boss. Complete this and get a special prize! Boss Rush – Fight a selection of bosses from the game, one after the other. The more you’ve fought, the more courses are available to you. Practice Hacking – Review the basics of hacking with Logan, and access some bonus hacking levels, complete with prizes if you do them successfully! Relive Cutscene – Review any cutscene you’ve seen before. Save – Saves the game here.



Once Erin joins the group, she can revitalise the burnt, scorched earth behind the house, letting you grow things outside. It will begin small, but you can buy upgrades for it from various places. Find seeds in your travels and bring them here to plant them. After they have been grown to maturity, you can harvest from them, or Erin can spirit the tree back to her planet and receive money in exchange. There are a number of “slots” the plants can go in, but they tend to fall under a few categories – Production – Grows food or other materials for your characters to use. Trade – Certain trees are particularly needed in certain places. You can sell them to these certain people for a large amount of money. Decorative – Some plants, such as flowers, are there only for decorative purposes. While they can be sold, the amount you can get is negligible. The seeds for these also tend to be cheap and plentiful, however, so you can plant whatever you want in these spots, according to what you like. Be creative!

Crafting There are a few ways to create items in the game, to either boost the effects of existing items, or to make brand new items with new effects.

Cooking/Alchemy Making potions and food is dependant on you having recipes. You can find these in treasure chests, get them as drops from enemies, or receive them for completing quests. Cooking can be used by using the stove in Paku’s house or in other locations, and Alchemy can be done anywhere by using the Alchemy Set in your key items when acquired.

When you get into the cooking/alchemy menu, Press A to choose a recipe that you know, and you will be shown a list of the items you need for the recipe, and how many of that item you have. You can then choose to make one, several or as many as your materials allow.



Jewelcrafting Jewelcrafting is a bit more involved. While it does have preset Designs that can be used to make special equipment, it is a lot more freeform and can be experimented with. You need a Jeweller’s Kit to create items. All metals and gems have dormant abilities that can be brought out when made into the right things, such as rings and necklaces. When in this interface, you can see what item has what effect. Choose metals and gems with effects that you need, or you feel would work well together. At first, you can choose one metal and two gems to make your item, but later on, when your Jeweller’s Kit is upgraded, you can apply use an extra kind of metal and an extra gem. (See next page)

48 To start, select what kind of item you want to make. Necklace – Worn in necklace slot. Effects are slightly more powerful than rings. Ring – Worn in either ring slot. Treasure – Make various pieces of treasure, which can be sold for more than the sum of it’s parts. Useful for getting rid of unwanted materials. Designs – Specific patterns that require predefined materials. These work the same as Cooking/Alchemy recipes. Once you’ve chosen one of these, apply metals and gems to the chart, and look at the result on the right. This is how it will look, and what effects it will give. If you want to change what the amulet will be named in your inventory, select the area where the name is and input a new name. Once this is done, you are free to create it, or create several (If you want copies for each character, for example).

Other Characters Friends Lemenza and Uzuki

Paku’s parents. Lemenza is a retired explorer, and Uzuki was a hunter, but when they both ran into each other at the Golden Spire, they gave up on their individual dreams to pursue a new one of raising a family, and wanted their child to have a peaceful existence rather than what they were used to.


Red is a close friend of Lemenza’s, and the owner of a large food shop in the village. He’s rather eccentric and is obsessed with food and overweightedness, but he’s widely liked by everyone in the village.


Emaa is a female fire dragon that runs the forge in the village. She’s into weapons and is more than willing to sell them and teach people in their use.



Factions Zephyrium Enclave

Isaku’s armed forces. Their armour isn’t exactly good camouflage, but they prefer it this way – they prefer to either fight up close and personal with swords, or from distance with magic or ranged weaponry, not hiding in the shadows. They are often stationed in several warzones, and can provide aid to the heroes for a bit of help in return.

Priests of the Spectrum Dawn

A large, somewhat reclusive church of superpowered mages, that draw their power from the gods, dreams and imagination. Anyone who is mockingly sceptical of this are always dealt with accordingly. Literally nothing is impossible to them - Bringing new, fully populated planets into existence is trivial, they can change the laws of reality on a whim, and are even capable of creating entire galaxies. The only reason they don’t interfere with any of the battles of the cosmos is that they are believe this would cause additional warring between the races of the universe.


Enemies Warlord Shorn

An evil overlord. He ranges between enslaving planets and keeping them captive just for his own sadistic kicks. He wields both magic and might in equal measure, and can terminate his foes in an instant.

Arcanite Brotherhood

Shorn’s cronies. In stark contrast to their heavily equipped leader, most of them have little to no armour, showing how little they are believed to be worth. This causes quite a bit of unrest in their ranks from time to time‌

Blacklight, Torin and Porin

A terrifying black and red gecko that worryingly resembles Erin in both looks and power. Backed up by the snakes on his back- the sociopathic Torin and level-headed Porin, he is a truly devastating force that seems to want nothing more than to see the heroes die by his hand.

Q&A Q: I keep getting defeated! A: There’s three possible reasons – Firstly, you may be underequipped. Maybe you should buy some better equipment? Secondly, you could be too low level and be trying to do a place that is far too difficult for you at the time. Go somewhere you feel comfortable and defeat monsters there and level up a bit. Also, it helps if you don’t skip enemies constantly. Thirdly – and this applies mostly to bosses – you may need to hone your skills a little more. If it’s a particular enemy or boss that’s giving you major problems, back up a bit and focus on memorising their attack patterns so you can avoid them better. Q: Metal is far too scarce. How can I fix this? A: You can buy Scrap Metal boxes in stores, and don’t forget that you can break metal objects and collect metal off them. Q: I can’t plant anything in a few patches of my garden. Why? A: Those are specially set aside for a few unique seeds. You’ll know what ones they are when you get them. You can get them as rewards for quests, or exploring in a few places. Q: My characters keep getting overweight. How can I prevent this? A: If it’s a really major problem and you need to keep your speed and jumps in perfect condition, then lay off the healing items. Otherwise, you could try to adapt to it. Bear in mind that while it cripples your speed and jumping, it increases your health and defence. If you’re doing a lot of combat, it could be a helpful asset. However, if you need to drop the weight immediately, you can use potions to remove it, but bear in mind this will almost always give you Stunted Healing, which will reduce the health restored by food for a while.


53 Q: A weird purple cross appeared over my character as I entered a room/got hit by a magic attack. What was it? A: That was you being Teleblocked. Some attacks cause it temporarily, and certain rooms will make your characters constantly afflicted with it while they remain in the room. What it does is prevent you from using your Orb of Recall or other teleportation abilities, including Divine Intervention. Exercise extreme caution while you have it on you. Q: A strange black lock is impeding my progress in the Golden Spire. How do I get rid of it? A: For now, you can’t. That lock means that you can’t get any further with your current abilities, and you can’t get the ability yet (usually if you don’t have access to certain characters yet). Go and progress with the story and come back later. Q: The game’s too easy! A: Well, if you’re in need of a challenge, try to complete all the missions. If you still need more, there’s the Boss Chamber, which, when upgraded fully, can allow you to try fighting bosses with your level temporarily reduced to 1, or making any attack against you lethal. If that’s still not enough, you could try a New Game +. Once you have beaten the game, you might notice an extra save slot in each file on the Main Menu. Selecting this allows you to begin a New Game +. This allows you to carry most of your items and abilities over to a new game, but you can put some restrictions on your new game, such as locking your level at 50, 25 or 1. Your existing, normal game will remain in the other slot, so you can strive for 100 % on that one, and just focus on getting through the game alive on your New Game +.


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