design process book
Yorkton Film Festival standard banner
initial design concept
The concept was to incorporate symbols of the Yorkton Film Festival alongside a film or motion picutre motif.
perfecting the image
This design will be the basis for the final product. Although not finalised, this image serves as an anchor for what the image will look like. The font is undecided at this point. The Impact does simulate the film strip perforations, but suffers from clarity issues.
final product
The client was pleased with the overall design. But the colours did not match the brand identity. My subsequent thought while designing the banner was to capture summer colours. With colours and some minor changes the design was a approved for display. These banners will be raised for the 2012 Yorkton Film Festival.
a second banner
There was a requriment for a second banner to bring some continuity to the street scene. The idea behind this banner was to be soley decorative. This design will also be raised alongside the film stip banner for the 2012 Yorkton Film Fesitval.
koob ssecorp ngised
l av i t s eF m l i F n o t kr oY r e n n a b dr a d n a t s