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Bookham Wine Club
A virtual journey through the Rhone Valley with wine expert Heather Dougherty
Zoom played its part again in April when club divided into three colours. In the north, robust but members joined Heather Dougherty on a virtual tour fine reds and aromatic whites. In the south, more fullof the delightful Rhone Valley and its vineyards. bodied reds, expressive whites and round and fruity Heather, a leading wine expert, journalist and rosés. Sweet wines complete this large range. educator is always happiest exploring the Before our meeting, members were classic wines of France, and as one of only provided with a ‘shopping list’ of three Certified Rhone Educators in the wines to purchase and taste during the
UK, she was the perfect host to lead us. presentation - and this worked well for Our journey was rich in detail, as Heather members with an extensive range of wines described the Valley’s demanding terrain, at prices to suit all pockets! and how the vineyards (probably the As we progress towards the summer, and oldest in France) produce a range of grape in line with Government regulations, the varieties that are planted and carefully Wine Club are planning a series of small managed across the Northern and Southern areas of outdoor meetings with interesting wines to taste; so if the Rhone Valley. you would like details of these, or info on any aspect
The diversity of the wine-growing areas, due to the of Wine Club activities, please email complex soils and variations of the Mediterranean membership@bookhamwineclub.org.uk climate, give the Rhone Valley wines their unique or visit our website: Inglebourne_88x128mm_Press_Ad_LLB_2.pdf 1 04/02/2021 14:17 character. Mostly reds, the wines of the Rhone are www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk.