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SURREY ROOFING GROUP S R G From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP S R G From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing S R G SURREY ROOFING GR From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of r R G SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing G SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP S R G From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing S R G SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing G SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP S R G From just a broken title to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing R G SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing SURREY ROOFING GROUP From just a broken tile to an entire new roof we cover all aspects of roofing
Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Call us today for a FREE Quotation or visit our website for more details: Ashtead: 01372 886856 24hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Call us today for a FREE Quotation or visit our website for more details: Ashtead: 01372 886856 24hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available 24 hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com Ashtead: 01372 886856 www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New Roofs • Re-roofing • GRP Flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior Painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Call us today for a FREE Quotation or visit our website for more details: Ashtead: 01372 886856 24hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk All roof repairs • New roofs • Re-roofing • GRP flat roofs Chimneys rebuilt / re-pointed • De-mossing roofs • Exterior painting UPVC fascias, soffits, guttering & downpipes Emergency 24hr services available Call us today for a FREE Quotation or visit our website for more details: Ashtead: 01372 886856 24hour: 07901 625145 • surreyroofinggroup@gmail.com www.surreyroofinggroup.co.uk Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork. Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck. © 2013 KrazyDad.com Sudoku #4 Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18 If "everybody knows" such and such, then it ain't so, by at least ten thousand to one. -- Lazarus Long 1 6 4 7 9 7 5 4 6 2 8 6 7 3 2 4 2 1 7 2 5 6 3 7 5 2 1 4 2 5 1 8 4 7 Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess! Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 32234, 33947, 36927, 38445, 55388, 56723, 59840, 74859, 76376, 78926, 81522, 84583, 84725, 84756, 98673, 99082 2374859384756 7586093844563 8575884950272 7322345784321 9847503835035 9867361937511 0495867294749 8594823633947 2092846629722 4757564647298 8736465535531 5463548220245 7847254016375 9836927376512 ©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com sudoku Digi search

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Princess Alice Hospice
The life, loves and longings of Susan Ealey are told in this book of verse compiled from hundreds of handwritten poems discovered by her sons after her death. A Woman’s Verse by Susan Ealey, tells of the highs and lows in the progress from childhood to womanhood, through youth, first love, raising a family, and into later years. It also features the hardship of single parenthood, growing older, loss, secret love and finding one’s place in the world. Susan Ealey was 69 when she died at Princess Alice Hospice in October 2019. Her son Matthew, himself a screenwriter and author, said: “Though my mum was only at the Hospice for two or three days, it made a massive difference in those final days, for her to be out of hospital”. Following Susan’s death, Matthew and his brother Marcus, found 320 unpublished poems she had written over the years, stashed away in a folder under her bed, the pile of handwritten poems had no titles, no dates or explanation. “In finding Mum’s poems and deciding to publish them, we both knew immediately we wanted to give our proceeds to the Hospice as a thank you from us; also, we believe it’s what Mum would’ve wanted.” Her sons dedicated their efforts to choosing and categorising a selection to include in A Woman’s Verse. “It will read as a poetry journey of my mum’s life from youth, to family, to love, to views on the world,” said Matthew. “We want our beautiful and powerful mum’s

words to be read by as many people as possible, in her memory.” Susan was a striking young woman who worked as a PA in Fleet Street and model, in the late Sixties and Seventies. She had her boys in her twenties and continued with her career, later becoming a single mum and juggling work and family. Matthew said he recalls her writing poetry since he was a child, but she always kept her creative work to herself - apart from the occasional verse or two she’d share. “Her own mother died when she was just 23, and she had a lifelong avoidance of hospital,” said Matthew. “Luckily she had always had a very healthy life and was never ill when we were growing up.” “The option of Princess Alice Hospice was just perfect - it gave us the time together in her last couple of days, to hear her final wishes, even plan her funeral with her - in privacy, peace and quiet,” said Matthew. “She had a great room, with a lovely view, which she could enjoy during her favourite season - autumn. She was treated with huge compassion and kindness, dignity and respect. “It was the best place she could have been. We were so impressed - there are no words.” Matthew, 45, and Marcus, 49, have stayed in contact with the Hospice, from which they continue to derive comfort and support. A Woman’s Verse poetry book is available, via Amazon Paperback and Kindle. Proceeds will go to Princess Alice Hospice and Cancer Research.
e: ben@howellrs.com w: www.howellrs.com 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL

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