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Inspiration Column
Inspiration! Get out - or get real!
Does your brain ever have intruders, slipping in to steal your serenity, leaving behind at best, a feeling of unease or at worst, temporary devastation? Do your thoughts ever get hijacked by unpleasant memories, or derailed by fears of what will probably never happen?
I know what that’s like. My brain used to be an open house to random and even disturbing thoughts. Thoughts that dropped in, reminded me of bad times, and left me feeling vulnerable. Thoughts that led to other thoughts that took me into a downward spiral from which it was hard to climb out. Thoughts that were so loud I couldn’t hear anything else (even the truth!). And thoughts about things that hadn’t even happened, as though I had a crystal ball (and funnily enough, it never seemed to see anything nice!).
Nowadays, most of my thoughts are allowed in by invitation only. I want them to show me reality, opportunities rather than obstacles, to add value to my life and the lives of others, and to bring out the best in me. I’m still happy for thoughts to drop in, as long as they’re well behaved, good fun to hang out with, leave when I want them to, and take their baggage home with them!
How about you? Do your thoughts energise and inspire you, or leave you in a tailspin of despondency and despair?
How to get back on track when things seem to be falling apart Focus on one physical sensation for 10 seconds. (In the May issue, I mentioned that we call these PQ Reps.) fMRI scans have shown that this shift of attention, from thoughts of fear, worry or anger to something real, tangible and neutral in the present, can change the way the brain functions in the moment. Repeated regularly over time, this contributes to mental fitness, helping us choose which thoughts to entertain in our heads. Some simple examples of PQ Reps –close your eyes and: • focus on a distant sound • feel your feet on the floor • wriggle your toes and be aware of each toe • label your thoughts each time you realise they’ve shifted • rub two fingers of one hand together so lightly you can feel the ridges on your fingertips • pay close attention to the sensations of washing your hands for 20 seconds – (that’s two PQ Reps!!)
Do 100 PQ Reps a day for a month. That’s just over three minutes, five times a day. You can do them anywhere, waiting for the kettle to boil, in the bathroom ... Drop me a line to tell me what you notice – I’d love to hear from you.
My clients are having great success with PQ Reps. You can too!
Keep repping,
Sonia Duggan + CPCC PCC +
PS - Want to learn more about changing your internal chatter? Call or email me to claim a 50% discount on an Inspiration! coaching session when you mention LookLocal Weybridge . Coaching with Inspiration! +44 (0) 1932 849309 +44 (0) 7779 064646 info@inspirationcoaching.biz www.inspirationcoaching.biz @inspirationbiz
September at St Mary Oatlands
Reverend Folli Olokose: vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk / 01932 840077 Parish Office : parishoffice@stmaryoatlands.org.uk /01932 231274 / www.oatlandschurch.org.uk Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS
Sunday 6th Sept
10am All Age Worship
Sunday 13th Sept
10am Holy Communion Service with Sunday Juniors
Sunday 20th Sept
10am Holy Communion Service with Sunday Juniors
4pm Family Praise Contact Helen for details on how to take part. familypraise@oatlandschurch. org.uk
Sunday 27th Sept
10am Holy Communion Service with Sunday Juniors
Every Wednesday 10.30am Service of Holy Communion
Wed 9th September 7pm Film Night
Film Night in the hall. Drinks & nibbles from 6.30pm followed by light supper and discussion after film. Limited numbers, please sign up via Parish Office.
Wed 16th Sept 12.30-2.30pm Colouring Club & Knit Wits
Adult Colouring group & Knitting Club. Please bring your own sandwiches and pencils. Hot drinks will be provided.
Friday Fusion Youth Group for Yr 7 children 7-9pm Every Third Friday of the month
Contact Laura for details on how to take part. childrenandfamilies@ oatlandschurch.org.uk or call 07881 786309.
Men’s Curry & Chatter A group for men 25th Sept 7.30pm
‘Men’s Curry & Chatter’ in the Church Hall. A time of Fellowship, Curry & Conversation. Please contact the Parish Office for further details. Small charge applies to cover cost.