Institution of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
IBPS • In 1975, the Institution of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is established with the purpose of selecting the best candidates for latest bank job openings in the Indian banking industry.
In 2010-2011, the IBPS successfully filled 79,236 bank job position from an approximate 10 million applicants. The IBPS is recognized by the Government of India to conduct periodic common entrance examination for bank jobs.
CATEGORY OF EXAM Logical thinking ability, reasoning tests and mathematical ability are some of the testing measures followed in the exam, which ensures that the vision of IBPS remains intact.
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IBPS Coaching Center in Chennai • Through IBPS, it is certainly easier for Indian banks to hire skilled personnel. • To clear such exam easily, join in IBPS Coaching Center in Chennai • Many Bank Exam Coaching Centres in Chennai trains the candidates to clear the IBPS exam.