Simple level Robots
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Simple level robots are the automatic machines that do not contain the complex circuits. It is developed to extend the potential of human. Washing machine is the example of simple level robots.
Middle level Robots
The middle level robots are programmed and it cannot be reprogrammed. It has sensor based circuit and it can perform many tasks. Fully automatic washing machine is the example for the middle level robots.
Complex level robots
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The complex level robots are programmed and also reprogrammed. It has complex model based circuit. Laptop is the example for the complex level robots.
Robots can perform different jobs in various fields. It has many applications. It can be given in the following.
Domestic robots
The robots that are used in the home is said to be domestic robots. It includes robotic sweepers, robotic pool cleaners, sewer cleaner and vacuum cleaners.
Military robots
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Robots can also be used in the military. It can be used for discarding the bombs and for exploration.
Hobby and competition robots
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These are the robots created by the students. It is the fun robots that are used for the contests.
Service robots
These are the data collecting robots and they are prepared to exhibit technologies. The robots are also involved in the research process.
Industrial robots
The industrial robots are used in the manufacturing process in the industries. These robots are involved in performing tasks like painting, material handling and welding.
Entertainment robots
There are also many entertainment robots are existed.
Medical robots
Robots are used in the medical field for the surgical treatments.
Space robots
The space robots are employed in the space shuttles. It is used for the exploration process.
How to learn robotics
These are the various applications of the robots in numerous fields. The robots can be used in any field. To know more about robots, learn Robotics Courses. Buy Robots Parts in India and try to build your own robot. Improve your robotics knowledge. Robotics is the field which has more scope in the future.