Information Newsletter of Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 AUGUST ,
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Newsletter of Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020 August 4, 2013 Greetings to all our Rotary E-Club members! Welcome to August – Rotary’s Membership Month!! This newsletter will serve to update our club members on the happenings at Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020. It will help to keep everyone informed and in the loop. Discussions about the various topics mentioned here are ongoing. Committees can provide Kitty with updates about their work – and those updates will be posted here. This can be an excellent tool for bringing the club together and keeping us all up to date. Also, members can send Kitty ideas, and through the newsletter everyone will have the opportunity to share their thoughts.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Scheduled Board Meeting – Wednesday, August 14 at 8:00 p.m. All interested members please plan to attend so that we can get a good start on the Rotary year. (2nd Wednesday in the month) To be decided/discussed: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
A complete Board A calendar of events/activities District Governor’s Award Criteria Presidential Citation Criteria Club-of-the-Month Criteria Engagement of all members Caribbean Partnership Celebration Attendance at HHH is a make-up only for Visiting Rotarians.
Weekly meeting. Note that our main meeting is – the blog website at Please attend the weekly meeting at the blog website every week and register your attendance.
August E-Club Newsletter Page 2 of 10 Happy Hour Hangout. The Saturday morning HHH is optional – but it’s an excellent way to meet others from the club and enjoy fellowship.
All you really need to become a vital member of our Rotary E-club of the Caribbean, 7020 is to have
TIME - the time to dedicate to Rotary through the week so that you can join us as a contributing member INTEREST IN ROTARY - a real interest in Rotary, to promote Rotary’s good works INTEREST IN THE CARIBBEAN - a real interest in the Caribbean, District 7020 COMFORT WITH INTERNET - a comfort level with the Internet so that you can participate fully with us PARTICIPATION - a willingness and desire to participate fully and to be part of the best Rotary club
ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT You MUST attend the weekly meeting. It requires a minimum of 30 minutes each week – and that is a very small commitment to Rotary on a weekly basis. Every single member must meet that commitment for our successful club – and to meet Rotary International requirements. You must also complete the Member Attendance record to indicate to us that you have attended the meeting. The link is clearly marked in several places on the meeting website.
FELLOWSHIP Fellowship is one of the great attractions of Rotary, and we will not short-change our members on fellowship. Our E-Club Focus in Membership month will be on Membership care – how do we care for and engage our members? As a result, we have instituted two weekly Happy Hour Hangouts (HHH) – one on a Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time and the other on Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. Atlantic Time for our members to get together online (via Zoom). The drinks are on the house – your house!
We can see each other by video and we can chat face-to-face very comfortably – and get to know one another.
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We also will plan real get-togethers for special activities like our District Conference and for other scheduled Rotary meetings through the year. When our membership increases, we will schedule several optional HHHs through the week to accommodate everyone in small groups at their convenience.
The HHH is optional. Visiting Rotarians to the weekly meeting can earn a make-up.
KNOW YOUR MEETING WEBSITE As a member of the Rotary E-Club of the Caribbean, 7020, be familiar with your meeting website. ATTENDANCE - You MUST attend the weekly meeting at
It requires a minimum of 30 minutes each week. That is a very small commitment to Rotary on a weekly basis. Every single member must meet that commitment for our successful club – and to meet Rotary International requirements.
LEARNING ABOUT ROTARY The meeting website – and other of our websites – contain much Rotary information.
Be familiar with your Meeting Website. Along the right-hand side, there are links. Investigate those links at your convenience – but learn what is there and you can become a better Rotarian. The more informed you are, the better you can become. The graphic at the left shows two links I wish to emphasize at this point – though there are other links you need to know about as well. The first is Rotary References link. Clicking the link opens a page that contains many Rotary links. The second is the District Governor’s Award criteria.
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To guide our activities through the year, we will follow closely the District Governor’s Award Criteria. Every member should be aware of what each document includes! The DG’s Award Criteria document has been prepared and is posted at the following link:
Please click the link above and review the criteria. Focus on how each one of you can participate. We can earn a District Governor’s award with full participation of everyone – and that will give our club an excellent start on the pathway to success!
One interesting point in the District Governor’s Award criteria to make special note of is the following – note the Youth-at-Risk award: See the details on the next page:
Earlier, there had been some discussion within the club about perhaps setting up a Youth-at-risk hotline or website – where individuals could contact us privately and we could respond to provide an online support service. We could take advantage of our E-Club online status to provide a very novel program throughout the entire district for youth-at-risk – something confidential and without local boundaries. We need some serious thought and planning into such a project – but taking advantage of our online status could provide us with another signature project that could be very effective and worthwhile. We can discuss more on this topic …
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DG’s AWARD FOCUS - The three main focus areas of the DG’s award are
Strengthen your clubs – through membership growth and engagement, and through planning, training, and technology – and that latter its well into our E-Club. We can become very innovative and creative!
Foster and Increase Humanitarian Service – by engaging the club in greater-impact community service, supporting and benefiting from TRF, and through Youth Service
Enhanced Public Image and Awareness – through enhanced PI and improved awareness
Club-of-the-Month criteria Our club will submit an entry each month for Club-of-the-Month (COTM). The entries must be prepared and submitted by the 5th of the month following. Here is the calendar of themes for each month. The Rotary themes, for your information and planning, are the following: (Please note these are NOT identical to RI Themes) Month August September October November December January February March
Theme Membership & Partnerships New Generations Service: Vocational, Community & International The Rotary Foundation Family and Fellowship Rotary Awareness World Understanding & Public Relations Emphases: Literacy, Health & Hunger, Water
For August, the theme is Membership and Partnerships. We can highlight a few things for our submission:
Membership – We can focus this month more on Taking Care of our Membership, rather than trying to increase our membership at this early stage. We want to be successful and we need to be successful FIRST with our own members – to Engage our Members so that we can, indeed, Engage Rotary and Change Lives.
August E-Club Newsletter Page 6 of 10 Partnership with Rotary E-Club of District 9220 – Mauritius. The meetings for Rachid’s club are held on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (Eastern Daylight Time) and we must try to schedule at least one participation during the month – and perhaps more than just once. The submission template is attached at the end of this document so that you can all see what is required for the submission. We need to talk about what we can do to make this submission an excellent one. The submission will need to include:
Accomplishments Relevance to Rotary theme Impact in the community (online community??) Participation - How many members participated Retention - Did we enhance retention, and so on…
Actually, if we are officially chartered shortly, then our Membership is a winner from the start!
How many of you can list the 10 countries in Rotary District 7020? Here they are below – and you can easily remember them if you learn them in alphabetical order. 10 islands in the Caribbean Rotary District 7020 – the list follows: Anguilla, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Maarten/St. Martin/St. Barth’s (Dutch and French), Turks and Caicos, and US Virgin Islands.
Below is an excerpt from a posting from an Australia E-Club on Membership.
Membership Report Next Rotary year, which is not that far away, I will take on the role of Membership Director. August is membership month and I would like to encourage those of you who are sitting on the outside looking in to seriously consider joining our wonderful E-Club. I was the supportive wife of a Rotarian for many years on the outside helping where I could until I went to the International Convention in Melbourne and that changed my world. I wanted to be a Rotarian.
August E-Club Newsletter Page 7 of 10 I joined Rotary in 1992 and was the first woman in the Rotary Club of Launceston West and Kangaroo Bay. I have also been President of the Rotary Club of West Tamar, when the Beaconsfield Mine Disaster occurred. I was a member of the Rotary Club of Bribie Island and now the E-Club NextGen. Most Rotary Clubs meet Monday to Thursday in the morning before work, at lunch time, ideal for city workers or in the evening. I found that my crazy shift work commitments did not fit into the timeframes of a face to face Rotary Club, but I still wanted to be a Rotarian. The E-Club is ideal for me. I log into a meeting on Tuesday evenings when I can, or just look through our wonderful and informative web site for half an hour at my convenience and that is my meeting. I have met some of the E-Club members at our District Conference and other occasions which makes our Rotary Club even more fun. Don't sit on the fence any longer, join us and a new world will open up to you. This is a glimpse of my Rotary journey, what will yours be? Jane Loxton, Membership Team Leader (
1. There are five standing committees within the Club Leadership Plan. Which committee is responsible for recruitment and retention? a. b. c. d. e.
Club Administration Membership Public Relations Service Projects The Rotary Foundation
2. Clubs may not elect a person to active membership from a classification in which the club already has: a. b. c. d. e.
Five or more members of the said classification One member Three or more members in the classification Five per cent of the club’s active membership is already of the proposed classification None of the above
August E-Club Newsletter Page 8 of 10 3. What are the types of Membership that are recognized by Rotary International? a. b. c. d. e.
Active Senior Active Additional Active Honorary Past Service
Choose all that apply 4. When a club is admitted to membership in RI, it is required to adopt as its constitution the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. True _______ False ______ 5. Rotary Club members are members of Rotary International. True _______ False ______
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2013-14 CLUB OF THE MONTH SUBMISSION TEMPLATE Please follow this format when preparing your club’s submission. Club Name _________________________________________________________ # of Members __________ President 2013-14 __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ 1. Summary of Accomplishments.This month our club completed the following Activitys: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on
2. Relevance to Rotary Theme. How did each Activity tie in with this month’s theme? (Please list in the same order as in Question 1.) 1. 2. 3. 4.
Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on…
3. In the community. Describe briefly the impact of your Activity(s) in the community. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Activity One Activity Two Activity Three …and so on…
4. Participation. How many club members participated? List involvement below: 5. New members. Did you attract new members as a result of the Activity(s)? 6. Membership Retention. Did your action enhance membership retention? 7. Photos. Attach photos if you wish. Please provide identification of each. 8. Final comments.
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