Rotary D2452 February Newsletter

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D2452 Towards helping Syria and Turkey after Devastating Earthquakes Issue #8 February 2023 District 2452 DG George Visits Egypt? Rotaract’s DRR Elect (RY 24-25)Revealed Multi-District Public Image Seminar Thoughts from February by PP Souad Assaf Brave Walk-Rotaract Club De Beyrouth District Conference Updates

You may click on the link below to check the index video A special message from RI President Jennifer Jones

So you can stay up to date with our District News, don’t forget to subscribe to our District’s Youtube Channel!

Index Video

Presidential Message

RI President 2022-23

February 2023

Recently, I spent time in the Nakivale refugee settlement in Uganda. As the “settlement” in its name suggests, the people living there are free to move around and integrate as best they can — one thing that makes the place unique. I had a chance to play soccer with boys and girls from about a dozen nations and talk with women who had fled areas of conflict. It was a tapestry of human experience shared through both laughter and tears. As I walked across a school campus at the settlement with a teacher, she shared with me the dire statistics on girls’ education. Most don’t get through grade school. Many are sold into child marriage to pay for food for their families. As I looked around at these young girls, I was gutted. Our work with empowering girls and women is much more than creating equity — sometimes, it’s about health or education. Other times it’s about providing safety. Regardless of the path, it’s always about basic human rights. We can do more to empower girls and women, and we can expand how we share the progress Rotary members and our partners have made toward this goal. There is no shortage of inspiring examples of our work, from interest-free microcredit loans for women in Nigeria, to projects in India that provide girls menstrual hygiene products. Hundreds of projects are taking

place across all Rotary areas of focus and are making a meaningful and often lifesaving difference. Together, we can address the needs and inequities that girls throughout the world face daily. But we must also monitor the impact of these projects and create awareness of Rotary resources and subject matter experts, including Rotary Action Groups, The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers, Rotary Peace Fellows, and others. It is especially important that we tell the stories of our initiatives that have a positive impact on the lives of women and girls. This last point is near and dear to my heart. This means sharing our stories on social media, through local news outlets, in this magazine, and wherever we can inspire others. As you do so, it’s important to provide information that helps our Rotary family connect with others who are implementing activities in their regions, as well as across the world. Let’s share our successes and learn from one another — then proudly tell our stories to a larger audience.

These are exciting times in Rotary, and the world is taking notice. As we work to empower women and girls to step into their full potential, we create new pathways for membership growth and greater collaboration with partners to create positive, lasting change. Thank you for your continued action in this vital effort.

Jennifer Jones

Trustee Chair’s Message

Ian H.S. Riseley

Trustee Chair 2022-23

February 2023

One of the fascinating things about Rotary is that we are many things at once. We are a service organization based on action. We are also a professional and community networking group, not to mention a place to find friendship and fun.

And, when you stop to think about it, you and I are also part of a peace organization. I saw this in 2013 when I represented Rotary at an international symposium on advancing a peaceful democratic transition for Myanmar. Despite recent setbacks, the fact that Rotary was at the table demonstrates that the world sees us as peacebuilders who are not deterred by the most difficult issues.

How did we earn this reputation? Through literacy projects that help people expand their minds and viewpoints. And through water, sanitation, and hygiene projects that create common ground for communities in conflict. The Rotary Action Group for Peace promotes hands-on service projects, and our annual international conventions unite thousands in a celebration of global harmony. Perhaps the most visible face of this cause is the Rotary Peace Centers program, now in its 21st year. Today, more than 1,600 Rotary Peace Fellows are advancing the cause of peace in more than 140 countries. On 1 February, we open applications for the next generation of peace fellows. Encourage your local peacebuilders to learn about Rotary and apply for this unique fellowship.

And soon, we’ll be recruiting fellows for a new peace center in the Middle East and North Africa region as we begin working this year with a recently selected partner university. Made possible by a generous gift of $15.5 million to The Rotary Foundation from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation, the addition of

this center furthers Rotary’s vision of peacemaking in action.

As we celebrate Rotary’s 118th anniversary and Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month, we can be proud of the many ways Rotary promotes peace. Without The Rotary Foundation, and your support of it, none of that would be possible.

You can directly support this work through the Foundation by visiting and selecting the peacebuilding and conflict prevention area of focus. I also encourage you to contribute to the Ian and Juliet Riseley Endowed Fund in The Rotary Foundation to support peace projects. If Paul Harris could see us now, he would be amazed by the astonishing growth of the little club he founded in 1905 and the global force for good — and peace — that Rotary is today.

As we celebrate Rotary’s 118th anniversary and Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month, we can be proud of the many ways Rotary promotes peace.

Ian H.S. Riseley

District Governor’s Message

District 2452 Governor 2022-2023

February’s Message

Congratulations to all of us as we celebrate the 118th Anniversary of Rotary.

The first meeting of Rotary that was held on February 23, 1905, in Chicago opened the doors to the reliable perception of humanity and giving.

Today, our clubs continue to bring new ideas and fresh enthusiasm to the service that has spanned generations. As we are reflecting on past accomplishments, I ask you to continue to lead Rotary into the next century of service. Continue to focus on projects that will help in elevating our communities.

Now, February of every year is celebrated as Peace & Conflict Prevention Month, since we are a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of our mission.

We believe that when we work to make a change in our communities, we create peace. Rotary, Rotaract and Interact are practitioners of goodwill.

We fight diseases, provide clean water and sanitation, improve the health of mothers and

children, support education, and grow local economies that directly builds the optimal conditions for peaceful societies. We are advocates of respect that help communities in being connected, inclusive, and resilient.

As we celebrate these important milestones in our club’s history, remember the responsibility for Rotary is yours. Take pride each day in the decisions you make and the actions you take, because these choices are determining the course of Rotary for us all. I can think of no place better to entrust the strength of this organization than to the members who have built it.

Truly; The Future of Rotary is in Our Hands.

Take pride each day in the decisions you make and the actions you take, because these choices are determining the course of Rotary for us all

Rotary & Peace by District Peace Fellowship Subcommittee Chair

Past President Mona Jarudi

District Peace Fellowship Subcommittee Chair 22-23

Country Membership Chair 20-23

Past President, RC Beirut Cosmopolitan 2018-19

As early as 1934, Rotary has been encouraging conversations to build goodwill within and across cultures, through Rotary’s Institutes of International Understanding. This initiative provided a platform for world leaders, economists, scientists, politicians where they discussed issues such as the economy, world peace and scientific advances. Rotary was present at the inception of the United Nations in 1945 and was one of only 42 organizations invited to serve as consultants to the U.S. delegation to the UN charter conference in San Francisco, California. Throughout that process, Rotary members served as delegates, advisers, and consultants: guiding agendas, drafting resolutions and helping resolve disputes between delegates. Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status offered to a nongovernmental organization by the UN Economic and Social Council, which overseas many UN agencies. As a humanitarian organization, Peace is the

most important pillar of Rotary’s mission and one of its seven areas of focus: Peace and Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Engaging in service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, Rotarians take action to address causes of conflict, which include poverty, discrimination, ethnic tensions, lack of access to education, and an unequal distribution of resources.

Stemming from the belief that peace is an important catalyst to development of individuals and communities, Rotary forged alliances with the Institute of Economics and Peace, formed Rotarian Peace Action Groups and launched the Rotary Peace Centers Program in !999 to train new generations of peace builders.

D-2452, through the years, has been a leader in initiating and implementing major projects in the seven areas of focus. Peace Education has been on its radar since few years. In 2018, a

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”
Mona Jarudi
Eleanor Roosevelt


competition was launched among students in the different countries of the district that was highly received, thus planting the seed of peace building among the youth. Also, in 2018-19, New Generation Peace Building, was a Global Grant, initiated in Lebanon, to target peace education for university students. First time ever in Lebanon and the D-2452, NewGen was launched in the ten top universities in Lebanon. 100 applicants were selected and were offered rigorous training in peace building by the director of the program, Patricia Schafer, in July 2020. This was the period of intense hardships in Lebanon, gas scarcity, internet challenges, yet Against All Odds, the program succeeded and a promising group of peace builders was born. Under the banner of District Peace Fellowship Subcommittee, serious efforts go into promoting the Master’s degree and Certificates programs offered at the seven Peace Centers Worldwide. We can boast that our District-2452 had eight people accepted from Lebanon, Sudan, Palestine and Cyprus. They are now pursuing their higher education in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in Tokyo, Australia, Sweden, Uganda, USA and England.

And, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, in our District and the world, on February 23, 2023, a webinar was set up by Lebanon Chair for Peace Fellowships supported by the District Chair, where three Peace Centers presented their programs to the audience of Rotaractors, Interested Rotarians and friends: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA; Uppsala University in Stockholm, Sweden; and the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan. The speakers from RI and the Peace Centers reiterated the fact that this webinar from D 2452 should be a model to be implemented by all the districts in the world. The journey of Peace Building is a long one. With our belief in the goodness of the human race, with our collective hope to live in harmony in communities based on mutual respect and fellowship, our journey becomes easier to navigate. Let us all work together to equip our young generation with the proper education of how to avoid conflict and be catalysts for Peace. “Rotary believes that if concerned citizens work together to create peace locally, we can create lasting change globally”.


D2452 Distaster Relief Committee Towards Helping Syria & Turkey after the Devastating Earthquakes

Disaster Relief Committee Member 2023-2024

RYLA District 2452 Chairperson 2022-23

Incoming Assistant Governor 2023-24

We all witnessed the devastaing impact of the Kahramanmaras earthquake, a 7.8 magnitude shockwave that devastated southeast Turkey and northwest Syria on February 6th 2023. In the light of this situation, with the geographical proximity of our district to Syria, and in the absence of the Rotary on these territories, Rotarians of District 2452 have decided to take action and help all the people who have been affected by this earthquake.

District Governor George Azar as well as Disaster Relief District Chair PP Hagop Dantziguian have formed a committee of Rotarians and Rotaractors for this purpose and we will be facilitating the dispatch of water, food, first aid kits, cloth, blankets, health and hygiene kits. We will also collaborate with approved organizations in Syria to channel supplies from Beirut directly to the people in need, and further build awareness about hygiene and provide a better way of life to the struggling people.

We count on the Rotarian wheel to keep spinning as we form a worldwide chain of support to areas that are in need of our support.






Joint Multi-District Public Image Seminar

In an attempt to reconnect D2451&D2452, DG George Azar and DG Imad Abdel Wahab partnered up and organized a joint “Public Multi-District Image Seminar” which turned out to be a huge success! This seminar which took place on the 24th & 25th of February 2023 at Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel, in Cairo, Egypt was attended by so many leaders from both Districts:District 2452 Governor George Azar, District Trainer, Past District Governor Jamil Mouawad, Past District Governor Nijad El-Atassi ,District Governor Nominee Designate Peter Achejian , Wajdi Alami - Fellowship D2452 Chair, ARC Ahmad Husseini, RLI District Chair May Chmaitelli, District 2452 Secretary Samar Saab and a number of Lebanese Rotarians. So many members,leaders and Past District Governors from D2451 also attended: PDG Mayan Raslan, PDG Abdelhameed El-Awa and many others. Besides it being a very fruitful joint project in which everybody learned something new, witnessing the revival of bonds between members of the two districts was

“If we do not promote who we are and what we do, how do we expect people to want to join our clubs, help with our projects, or donate to our causes.

Every Rotarian is an image that showcases Rotary International. Each one of us is here today, because Rotary has impacted our lives and changed them to the better.

That’s why Rotarians are the icons of change, icons of peace and icons of action takers”,

DG George Azar Speech – Multi-District Seminar – Egypt

12 D2451&D2452 REUNITE!


We are pleased to inform you about the successful online seminar for Palestine Rotary Clubs that was held on the 17th of February 2023 in the presence of DG George Azar. The seminar is part of District 2452 DEI committee action plan towards achieving its DEI goals.

The seminar was attended by members from various Rotary clubs from Palestine and guests from other clubs. It was a great opportunity for us to come together and share our thoughts and experiences on these important subjects.

Our Rotary District 2452 is 90 years old, an already diverse: multiple countries, cultures, and languages. 9 countries, in 3 continents: Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Sudan, Bahrain, UAE, Georgia, Armenia and Palestine. We have always embraced diversity, but we know there is more for us to learn and do in order to ensure that our culture reflects and exemplifies wider diversity, equity and inclusion in all ways.

During the seminar, we had meaningful discussions about the importance of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our clubs and communities. We


explored various strategies that can be implemented to create more inclusive environments, where people from different backgrounds feel welcomed and valued. We also discussed the benefits of having diverse perspectives and ideas, and how they can lead to better outcomes and solutions.

The seminar was led by District 2452 DEI Committee Chair Rana Salhab Ghandour and Palestine Committee Chair Nadeen Baboun who shared their knowledge and expertise in the areas of diversity, equity, and provided us with practical tool kits and techniques that we can use to improve our understanding and practices in these areas.

The insights gained from this seminar will help us to build more inclusive and welcoming culture. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the participants for their active participation and contributions to this important discussion.

Thank you for your continued support of Rotary, and we look forward to more opportunities to come together and learn from each other.

Special Announcement : It’s official: DRR Elect for the RY 2023-2024 is our own team member Elie Gharios,Congratulations !

Rotaract District Conference – the Dubai Edition!

Typically marking the end of our Rotaract Calendar year, the District Conference is a staple that we all look forward. We are blessed in District 2452 to be a part of such a big Rotaract family, spanning across 9 different countries. This makes our District Conference, one to look forward to, its truly a remarkable time when all Rotaractors new and tenured come together in the host country, and build friendships, expand their networks, share a good time, but most importantly rekindle their community devoted fire.

This year, we are truly honoured in the UAE, to be hosting our district’s exceptional fleet of Rotaractors for 3 days of District Conference and 2 Days of Post Conference, to showcase the culture, diversity, and development of our beloved home. We aim to do so by journeying our participants through the past, present and the future of Dubai.

To take a tour into the past, we will be visiting an expo-esque location in Dubai, known as Al Shandgha Museum, for a tour in 4 different houses that represent different aspects of Dubai’s culture and heritage. This visit will be introducing our participants to the humble beginnings of the UAE, the beautiful perfumes produced from Al Anbar and Al

Oud, and its history of pearl divers and trade routes. As per District Conference formalities, the opening ceremony will also be taking place on the first day, featuring the flag ceremony, keynote speeches from notable members of Rotary and Rotaract in the UAE, and opening the discussion on the “Future of Volunteering” through a panel assembly. “The present tour” is an adventurous, funfilled activity day at the glorious Hatta Dam where our participants will get to enjoy the natural, less man-made side of Dubai. We top off our present day with a celebratory evening at one of the most go-to venues in Dubai.

On our final day of the District Conference, we will be visiting the 2022 most beautiful



building in the world, the Museum of the Future, where we learn more about what the future holds for the UAE, and the developmental plans that have been scripted by the UAE leaders for Dubai and its sister emirates. Just before the final day ends, our closing ceremony gala takes course, with a full-fledged evening of awards, celebrations, entertainment, and futuristic vibes. The post conference takes our participants to an entirely new Emirate, Ras Al-Khaimah. In the post conference, we aim to offer a therapeutic experience by ascending to the highest point in the UAE, Jebel Jais and admiring the bewildering views through a fun and thrilling ride on the Jais Sledder, one of the longest and highest roller coasters in the world. Our participants will further enjoy the sought-after coastal beaches at Ras Al Khaimah, recovering from the fully occupied agenda of the District Conference. We believe our well-thought and planned agenda, will deliver one of the most exciting and memorable District Conferences, besides the fact that it will be the first Rotaract District Conference to take place in the UAE. I extend my sincerest congratulations to the

entire District Conference organizing committee for their hard work and dedication in making this event a historic success. Your unwavering commitment to this District Conference, despite my numerous calls, messages, and follow-ups, was truly admirable. I would also like to give a special recognition to DRR Margarita Poposka for her tireless effort and unwavering Rotaract spirit. Her passion made it possible for us to host this District Conference in the UAE. Maggie is a true embodiment of the Rotaract spirit.


The Brave Walk: a Fundraiser Fashion Show!

-President 22-23

Rotaract Club de Beyrouth

-Incoming District Secretary & Executive 23-24

District 2452

The Brave Heart Fund has been the backbone of many families, and has been supporting them in their needed interventions and surgeries, which has become very costly. On the 4th of of February, Rotaract Club de Beyrouth organized a one of a kind Fashion Show Fundraiser at “Casino du Liban”. All the event’s proceeds were aimed at covering children’s heart procedures. The club managed to raise over 10,000$ in contribution to the Brave Walk Fund.

This Fashion Show however, goes beyond the scope of a typical fundraiser. Through this national event, we were also supporting Lebanese local production and young talents. We intentionally aimed to highlight the many talents of the Lebanese youth and of Lebanese designers in this Fashion show, as we firmly believe that the future of this nation lies in the support of its local artistic production. Rotaract Club de Beyrouth, representing the Lebanese youth that continue to believe in a better and hopeful tomorrow, planned to host an event that at a never seen before scope and level, at a level that brave heart and it’s cause deserve.

Besides the community service and finance committees working very hard to make this event possible and to reach its goals, the PR committee managed to secure many sponsorships to make this event come to life and support the brave heart fund like Murex, LIA Assurex, Patchi, Zaatar w Zeit, Pikit Convenience Store, and Alaa El Samer Hairdressing Makeup. We also had the support of Red Cross which

Mira Machmouchi


provided personnel to ensure a safe and smooth experience for all our guests. Lebanese media showed their support to young Lebanese community service initiatives as our members were hosted on Tele Lumiere and live on Tele Liban, along with Virgin Radio’s advertisement, Nidaa Al Watan coverage, and Beiruting live Instagram coverage.

Rotaract Club de Beyrouth was supported by the Rotaract community and the entire Lebanese community. Members from other clubs supported our initiative nationally and internationally by participating as models and by publicizing it further. No door that we knocked rejected our efforts. This project reminded us of exactly what it means to be a Rotaractor and that Rotaract remains the place for us to turn our passions and hobbies into huge impactful journeys.

To the members of Rotaract Club de Beyrouth, the club of my heart, you remain the biggest inspiration of all, and the efforts of each and every one of you, is what made this even a slight possibility. Dream bigger and aim higher always, There are no limits, De Beyrouth.


District 2452 inAction!

Community service projects- Bahrain

Rotary Clubs of Bahrain :Together Against the Winter’s Cold!

The Rotary Clubs of the world have been at the forefront of humanitarian efforts for many years. Recently, the Rotary Clubs of Bahrain have jointly taken up a new initiative in providing winter relief to those in need. Through their Winter Relief Program, Rotary Clubs have distributed heaters and blankets to those who are struggling to keep warm during the colder months. This is a wonderful gesture for those without access to adequate heating systems, and it has been made possible through generous donations from local businesses and individuals. Rotary Cubs of Bahrain worked hand in hand with local charity organizations to help distribute the items to those in need. The Winter Relief Program is just one example of the many ways in which Rotary Clubs are helping those in need. By providing essential items like heaters and blankets, they are helping to ensure that everyone has access to necessary resources during difficult times. It’s an admirable effort that deserves recognition and support from all of us!

Fundraising - Jordan

The Rotary Club of Amman Ammon and the Rotary Club of Amman Cosmopolitan held a dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel Amman on February 12, 2023 to celebrate Valentine’s Day and fundraise donations to support various Rotarian projects which help serve our local community.


District 2452 inAction!

Community Service Projects-Lebanon

An Initiative to Promote the Culture of Reading

Club of Zahle Capitol

The Zahle Capitol Rotary Club launched an initiative to promote the culture of reading. In order to achieve this goal, it provided more than 5,000 books in French and English to a number of schools and secondary schools in Zahle and the Bekaa Valley. Religious upbringing, Mar Grace Middle School for the Syriac Orthodox in Zahle. Where the club’s president, Tony Abou Naoum, accompanied by colleagues Samar Afram, Gloria Massad, Nancy Zalaket, and Rasha Bagdou, visited the schools’ administration. The president of the club, Tony Abou Naoum, praised the qualitative educational leap achieved by Zahle schools this year, focusing on the importance of reading and its role. He thanked the Rotary Club of Beirut Cedars for providing the books.

Community Service Project – CYPRUS

Rotary Club of Limassol Kourion

After two years of confinement, our group dynamically returned with its 20th carnival dance and it was epic!

Thank you for supporting us by supporting our mission !


District 2452 inAction!

Community Service Projects-Lebanon


The Rotary Club - Saida, in cooperation with Dr. Mounir Kassir, implemented a campaign of free eye examinations for children from public and semi-free associations and schools. The campaign, which was carried out in three phases at Dr. Kassir’s clinic in Sidon, included about 145 children from 5 to 12 years old, including children under the auspices of “Our People Association” and students from “Saida Public Primary School - Al-Rushdia” in Old Sidon and “Al-Islah School”. Al-Rasmiyah - Al Baasiri neighborhood. The campaign also included securing medical glasses for about 110 children who were included in these examinations and showed that they needed glasses.

Community Service Project - PALESTINE

RC Ramallah begins training for local audiologists from various organizations who will benefit from hearing screening equipment under the Gibson Moore Early Detection in Hearing Prevention in Palestine. The training was conducted by a local medical equipment distributor in anticipation for distribution for hearing aids for children in need. This global grant will help in the prevention of deafness in children as early detection is crucial for giving hearing impaired Palestinian children the opportunity to attend normal school, establish proper speech development and live their best lives possible.

PP/PADG Bishara Joubran presented to middle and high school students about Rotary International and specifically about RC Ramallah on how to motivate youth to provide service for their communities impact that can be achieved, using RC Ramallah’s past projects community service initiatives as examples.

A second vocational training was held by Rtn. Dr. Nadia Abdulhaq in coordination with the Ramallah Friends school targeting middle and high school teacher in order present on how to identify red flags in children facing speech development and how to facilitate these difficulties.



Service is the human responsibility for being. It is the very purpose of life and not something we do in our spare time

To accomplish our life responsibility, Rotary Club Beirut Liberty had been engaged in several projects to improve the quality of life in our community:

-Assistance to the Aged, Maronite Elderly Home, by offering food boxes

-Assistance to the Armenian General benevolent Union in Burj Hammoud: 20 boxes of tooth paste, diapers and napkins for females.

- Planting a smile on the face of 60 Orphans, by offering candies, cookies and chocolate during Christmas holidays.

Three fundraising projects were organized to raise funds for the above service projects:

-Brunch at Ilham Sarieddine’s Residence in Bizibddine

-Brunch at Khadija Jbeily’s Residence in Saida

-Fundraiser at Mona Rasamny’s Residence in Beirut

District 2452

District 2452 inAction!

Community Service Project – Dubai

‘WELCOME 2023’, Rotary Club of Dubai fundraising gala was a super success, thanks to the overwhelming attendance and generous support of our members and guests. The funds raised were partly used to help Turkey and Syria after the devestating earthquakes that had hit and the rest for local projects we support in UAE and the orphanage in Tanzania.



Usually our team members pick up people randomly from our District database, drop call and ask members to pick one person who’s been inspiring to them or touched their life in any way and ask them to share a few sentences about that special person .

But the game is not limited to the people we randomly pick. To feature your “gossip” in this page , please feel free to send your content to your designated country’s Newsletter Chair and CC:rita-imad@

email subject: newsletter content / Who talked behind your back


Being part of an organization that’s based on volunteers working together, Rotarians all over the world create bonds and friendships that last for years. Through it all, we all learn a lot about each other, learn to accept and cherish our differences and that’s one of the main things that differentiate Rotary from other organizations. This section has been created as a space to praise these bonds we’ve created and share our experiences with one another.

Yousif Al Najjar May Khoder Amany Dahir Abbas Sibai Hameed Karimi Pierre Geara Bechara Jebran Christine Arzoumanian

Legal Coaching for Law Graduate Jobseekers

Rotary Club of Adliya – March 2023

The Rotary Club of Adliya has recently unveiled a new community project aimed at providing coaching and guidance to unemployed law graduates in Bahrain. The project, which was launched early March 2023, is part of the Club’s commitment to its ongoing efforts to support the local community. The initiative is designed to help young graduates find employment opportunities in their chosen field. Through this project, they will be able to gain insight into the legal sector and develop their skills so they can make informed decisions about their future careers. The project provides coaching sessions with experienced professionals from the legal field who will provide guidance on how to prepare for job interviews, networking, and other related topics. The sessions will also focus on building confidence and understanding how the legal sector works in Bahrain.

Participants will receive advice on how to leverage their skills and experiences for the best possible outcome. The program pair young graduates with experienced professionals from the legal sector who can provide advice and guidance throughout their job search process. This program is intended to help participants build professional networks that can lead them towards successful careers in law. Overall, Rotary Club of Adliya’s Community Project for Coaching for Unemployed Law Graduates is an excellent initiative that provides essential support for young professionals who are looking for opportunities within law-related fields. It offers valuable guidance and resources that can help them reach their full potential and achieve success in their chosen profession.


A Joint Visit to Danat Pearl &Gemstones Lab

The Rotary Clubs of Adliya and Manama recently had the pleasure of conducting a joint visit to Danat Pearl and Gemstones lab to learn more about their operations and services. The visit was a great success, with Rotary Club members getting to experience firsthand knowledge of the Pearl revival strategy in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the opportunities available at Danat. The group was given a tour of the lab and were able to observe how different types of gemstones are cut and tested for quality. They were also able to witness the process of how pearls are handled and graded. The team was also given a demonstration on how computer-aided technologies are used in jewelry testing, as well as seeing examples of 3D printing technology in action. The group also learned how Danat utilizes its unique approach to vocational training, which includes hands-on learning, interactive sessions, and modern technology. Overall, it was an enjoyable day for all involved. The Rotary Club members left feeling inspired by the dedication of Danat staff to providing quality services. They also appreciated being able to gain insight on this important sector of industry that provides a pathway for young people into skilled careers that will help them achieve success in life.


Challenge of the Month:

In order to raise awareness , share a post on your Social Media Platforms on conflict prevention tips and include in your post Rotary’s Logo

Don’t forget to send us a photo/video to


Email Subject : Newsletter / Challenge of the Month

Recipe from Sudan

Gollash (Sudanese meat pie)

Gollash can best be described as a classic Sudanese meat pie. It’s considered a regular dish in most upmarket restaurants in Sudan. The main part of Goulash is the minced meat. It is lightly seasoned with a bit of salt, pepper, and some parsley to keep the natural flavor of the meat. To make Goulash, the meat is first pre-cooked and then layered with filo pastry and taken into an oven.


1.1.2 For the filling

• 1.5 pounds lean ground beef

• 1 diced onion roughly 1 cup

• 1 tablespoon allspice

• 1 teaspoon cinnamon

• 1 teaspoon garlic powder

• 1 teaspoon salt

• ½ teaspoon black pepper

• 2 tablespoons olive oil For the pastry

• 20 phyllo pastry sheets thawed

• ¼ cup melted butter

• ¼ cup melted olive oil

• 1 cup milk full fat or semi-skimmed

• 1 egg

• ¼ teaspoon salt

• dash of black pepper



1. Thaw your phyllo pastry ahead of time either overnight in the fridge or for a few hours on your counter. Ensure you have at least 20 sheets of phyllo dough

2. Preheat your oven to 350F

3. Make the meat filling by cooking the diced onion

first with a bit of olive oil until softened, which takes about 5-7 minutes

4. Add the meat and brown it until the liquid dissolves, about 10 minutes. Add all the spices and mix well, then set aside

5. Melt the butter and mix with the olive oil. Using a 10” x 6” pan (you can use a slightly bigger pan too, the pie will be slightly less thick which is a matter of preference), brush the bottom with the butter/oil mixture

6. Roughly cut the phyllo dough to fit your pan size. It doesn’t have to be exact and its fine if the edges get folded over along the sides (this part will be extra crispy!).

7. Add 2-3 layers of phyllo dough to the pan then brush with the butter/oil mixture. Make sure you’re generous and add a good amount. Add the next 2-3 layers and continue brushing every third layer or so until you reach 10 layers minimum on the bottom (a few more is fine)

8. Spoon the meat mixture onto the dough and flatten it with a spoon

9. Repeat the same steps with the top of the pie, adding 2-3 layers and brushing with butter/oil. Stop when you have reached roughly 10 layers on the top as well

10. Brush the top layer with butter/oil and carefully cut the pie into pieces using a sharp knife. Be sure to go all the way to the bottom and go over the cuts a few times

11. Whisk together the milk, egg and salt/pepper and pour over the top of the pie

12. Bake for 45 minutes until golden brown and crispy on top. You can broil it for a few minutes to get it extra crispy as well but stay nearby so it doesn’t burn

Enjoy it !

Events for the Rotarian Year 2022-2023

March 2023

Thursday March 2nd

RLI District seminar #5: Club Central - Club Reports Time: 18:00

Friday March 3rd

D2452 Medical & Wellness Group’s: Hearing Loss Conference

(Full day panel)

Location: Amphitheater Francois S. Bassil, Campus of Innovation and Sports - USJ, Damascus Road, Beirut Time: 8:30

Thursday March 9 -Sunday March 12

Rotaract District Conference

Al Ghaf, Dubai

Price: $455

Saturday March 18, 2023

PETS session 1 Lebanon

Location: Country Lodge, Bsalim

Time: 8:30 - 15:40

PETS 1 and 2 are mandatory to all IPs

April 2023

Sunday 29th

Rotary Family Day outing

May 2023

Thursday 11th District 2452 Conference

Friday 12th District 2452 Conference

Saturday 13th District 2452 Conference

Sunday 14th District 2452 Conference

Saturday 27th

Rotary Intl Convention Location: Melbourne, Australia

Sunday 28th

Rotary Intl Convention Location: Melbourne, Australia

Monday 29th

Rotary Intl Convention Location: Melbourne, Australia

Tuesday 30th

Rotary Intl Convention Location: Melbourne, Australia

Wednesday 31st

Rotary Intl Convention Location: Melbourne, Australia

29 Calendar

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