2 minute read
PP. Busabong Jamroendararasame, Ph. Dr., Rotary Club of Phayao
The World after COVID (Pandemic)
An American psychiatrist by the name of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross explains that, there are 5 stages of psychological change, when an individual is affected by the severe grief situation such as: denial, anger, bargain, depression, and finally acceptance. It is called Stages of Grief Model. Each one has the ability to accept each stage in different ways.
In the past few years millions of people have been infected and died from COVID pandemic. Many people still refuse to believe they immune against the virus and do not follow the advice on distancing; and in turn spreading the disease to others. People have become unemployed, in debt, and suffering, psychologically affecting lives, causing sadness and stress around the world. Some many have been assisted but need more. All are in grief. How long it takes to learn and accept the truth depends on each individual. The problems continue to exist.
The business sector has been severely affected, especially tourism, severe and the first. Restaurants, hotels, and travel agents have closed. Many activities were canceled. Many businesses have closed while others were in a chaotic condition. Later everyone recognized to adapt to the situation and resolving it. Whatever rules and regulations used to be strictly followed are now resilient; such as working from home, working in rotation, and changing working hours. It means to do whatever can be done, and later to take into consideration in details. No matter who you are, employer or employee; all are in trouble. One cannot do the same as usual, but needs to be changed, postponed or discontinued. Some need to rethink, redo or reimagine. Others had to change the business type or the business structure.
Organizations have been continuously affected by COVID crisis no less than Rotary. Each must try to be resilient, adapt, and rethink. Rotary is a service organization, established more than 100 years ago. RI set up Disaster Response Fund with 32 million US$. Rotary clubs can provide necessary supplies and equipment when needed. Rotary also supports Global Grant projects to help alleviate COVID situation, by providing priority in the consideration of applications, decreasing the international contribution ratio from 30% to 15%, and allowing for more international contribution for COVID related projects. There have been more than 1,359 projects with the budget of 95.6 million US$. And this year, there are up to 1,900 projects. Rotarians have faced with the changes during the past year, and there will be more changes.
“The world after COVID-19” will not be the same as before. People, business and organizations need to rethink and redo. Things change. However, the communities must be developed and we need to rely on new skills.
December is Vocational Service month, and vocational service is very important. And it will be more important in the world after COVID-19.