eeting RI director A S Venkatesh at his office in Chennai during a three-day car rally to promote organ donation has been a “big motivation for our team of four Rotaractors from RID 3203,” recalls DRR S Shreevarshan who led the rallyists under Project Ride 2 Rise a Life. The three-day car rally covered a distance of 1,600km passing through eight RI districts in Tamil Nadu to spread the message among the public and Rotarians. “RID Venkatesh advised us to take up long-term, sustainable projects and also focus on selfdevelopment of Rotaractors in our
Project Namma Bhavani is working to restore Bhavani River. Around 50 Rotaractors are volunteering and helping in the documentation process of this five-year project.
Huge public image projects in RID 3203 V Muthukumaran clubs,” says the DRR. “We briefed him about our campaign to promote organ donation across Tamil Nadu.” During the Coimbatore leg of their journey, the four Rotaractors — Sreevarshan, Rtrs R Manikandan, Santhosh Kumar and Sathish Kumar — were honoured at the Yuva festival for youth hosted by RC Coimbatore Texcity. The rallyists also met DGs V R Muthu, RID 3212, and V Selvanathan, RID 2981, in the course of their campaign. The car rally was sponsored by RCs Mettupalayam, Karamadai and DRCC Dr Ismail. “Without their financial support, the project would
have been a non-starter,” says Shreevarshan.
roject Namma Bhavani is working to restore Bhavani River, a major source of drinking water in Erode and nearby villages. Around 50 Rotaractors from RAC Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology are doing volunteering work and helping in