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From RI South Asia office desk
2022–23 Annual Fund Challenge
Our districts/clubs/members have a special recognition opportunity for their contribution towards Annual Fund. Thanks to the RRFCs from zone 4, 5, 6 and 7 for coming up with a completely new Annual Fund Challenge this Rotary year which not only helps you in achieving your Annual Fund goal for the year but also provides you the opportunity to increase your donor base and per capita giving. For more details refer: http://www.highroadsolution.com/ file_uploader2/files/2022-23_annualfund_challenge.pdf
Note: For APF Challenge this year all contributions made towards Annual Fund since July 1, 2022 will be considered.

Donors should use their My Rotary login to avoid duplicate ID generation and receive timely contribution credit under their membership ID
In the absence of My Rotary login, donors can also use their registered email address while making online contribution
Do not use this channel for contributions from company/ family trust account. Instead you may send cheque/bank draft to RISAO
To get 80G benefit under Income Tax Act, select currency as ‘Indian Rupee’ (INR)
While making personal contribution, club leaders should not select the option ‘This donation is from my club or its members.’
Option of ‘Donate from members’ is available to all club leaders. However 80G receipt will be generated only in the name of club leader whose My Rotary login has been used
For all online contributions, 80G receipt can be generated only in the name of the individual whose My Rotary login has been used.
Statement About Ownership
Statement about ownership and other particulars about Rotary News to be published in the first issue of every year after the last day of February
1.Place of Publication:Chennai - 600 008
2.Periodicity of its publication:Monthly
3.Printer’s Name:PT Prabhakar Nationality:Indian
Address:15, Sivasami Street Mylapore Chennai 600 004
4.Publisher’s Name:PT Prabhakar Nationality:Indian
Address:15, Sivasami Street
Mylapore Chennai 600 004
5.Editor’s Name:Rasheeda Bhagat Nationality:Indian
Address:No. 25
Jayalakshmipuram 1st Street
Chennai - 600 034
6.Name and address of individual:Rotary News Trust who owns the newspaper and Dugar Towers, partner or shareholders 3rd Floor holding more than one percent 34, Marshalls Road of the total capitalEgmore
Chennai - 600 008
I, PT Prabhakar, declare that the particulars given are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Chennai - 600 008sd/1st March, 2023PT Prabhakar