W: www.rotekwatershop.com
E: marketing@rotekwater.com
Tel: +886-8-751-1181
MEdia FiLTraTiOn Rotek manufactures large range of media filtration systems for a wide variety of applications including whole house filtration, reverse osmosis pre-treatment and post-treatment, and commercial industrial uses. Our filtration systems are equipped with automatic or manual control valves for hassle-free regeneration and backwash cycles.
Multi-Media Sand Filter Capacity: 1,000-25,000LPH Multi-Media Filtration contain several types of media and gravel under bedding. It is effective in removing silt, rust, and suspended particles from water with a filtration level of approximately 15 microns.
Evolet Anti-Scale Filter Capacity: 225-11,000LPH Evolet SC3 Anti-Scale systems transform calcium ions into calcium crystals, which are stable and cannot attach to pipes, surfaces, hardware, fixtures or heat exchange components.
Membrane Filtration Rotek Water Systems Co., Ltd has a multitude of pre-engineered models to choose from, as well as customized treatment systems from smaller containerized systems to full water treatment plants.
RL series RO Systems (Heavy Industrial) Capacity: 3,000-50,000LPH (72-1200CMD) The RL reverse osmosis systems are designed for treating low to high TDS feedwaters (below 15,000ppm) encountered in municipal supplies, dam, river waters and brackish water sources.
FiLTEr MEdia Tanks & aaCCEssOriEs Rotek filter media tanks & accessories are made from high performance composite material with FRP filament winding. Media tanks are used in water softeners, multimedia filters, carbon filters, iron filters, calcite filters, and media filters for stand-alone water treatment or as pretreatment to reverse osmosis or other water treatment systems.
FRP PE Tanks
Stainless Steel Tanks
Brine Tanks
Diffuser & Lateral
Address: No.2,S. 1st Rd., Pingtung City, Pingtung County, 900, Taiwan (ROC) Tel. +886-8-751-1181 Email: marketing@rotekwater.com Website: https://www.rotekwatershop.com/