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Chairman's Brief
NHA Symposium 2023 Wrap Up and Way Forward
By RADM D.H. “Dano” Fillion, USN (Ret.)
Symposium 23 was a HUGE success and much of the feedback was extremely positive! Equally as impressive were the very constructive comments about what members think we, as an organization, can do better for the execution of the event. We received suggestions about the format and scheduling of the panels and got some transportation questions. We heard positives and suggestions from industry on how we can better support our industry partners and we very much value that input.
NHA Staff is here to support the membership because our membership is NHA! The Retired Flag Community was well represented as were our newly weaponized Trustees, thanks to CAPT (Ret.) Sandy Clark! I promise each member that we will hear you and will take action on your recommendations or I will address the reasons why at the start of next year’s Symposium. Bravo Zulu to all who made Symposium 23 a huge success. SYM 23 is now a “track history dot.”
Moving forward we will continue to be a venue for comradery, mentorship and advocacy. Membership will see an increase in NHA outreach providing information on employment opportunities for all of our members. Mentorship across all paygrades within NHA is available by some of the best Officer/Enlisted Leaders, not only in NHA, but across the NAE! NHA outreach is not only for our active duty, but also for those warriors who are retiring or transitioning out prior to twenty years. No matter what your civilian career desires are, NHA can connect you and your family with someone who has done it already! The relentless advocacy of our active and retired rotary wing Master Chiefs and some hard charging Flags inside the Pentagon have now got the long overdue RSB (Rescue Swimmers Badge) with the Navy Uniform Board! The membership of NHA (active/ retired/corporate) as an organization simply does not know how to LOSE!!!
As always, I am, V/r and CNJI (Committed Not Just Involved), Dano