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From the VP for Membership

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Signal Charlie

Signal Charlie

Whiting Field: The Past and the Present

By LCDR Bill "WYLD Bill" Teal, USN

As we start our ramp up for Symposium this spring, it is a great time to round up your wardroom to support NHA. As with past years, the Max Beep Award will be back up for grabs, which means cold hard cash for the winners. Stay tuned to your email to learn about deadlines and the new structure. In the meantime, this is a great time to check your membership status and update your profile. You can also encourage your squadron mates to sign up if they aren’t yet. If you are an NHA squadron representative, feel free to reach out with a current squadron roster to membership@navalhelicopterassn.org and we’ll help you find the membership status of your ready room.

Congratulations to our Newest Life Time Members! NHA for Life

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