2 minute read
Chairman’s Brief
NHA’s Advantage is our Weapons System with a Heart
By RADM D.H. “Dano” Fillion, USN (Ret.)
NHA Symposium 2022 is going to be like no other in the history of NHA. Never before JO and DH Calls with very senior Leadership. Keynote speaker at the opening ceremony this year will be a civilian. Never has that happened at NHA! Panels that are unprecedented will occur every day addressing never before issues / topics that are 100% germane and laser spot on to the theme of this year’s symposium: “The Human Advantage.” The focus of this year’s symposium is in response to your input that informed our efforts. We heard that you want to see what NHA can provide to membership while in the service when you are operating as the “Weapons System with a Heart.” And, when you and your family decide that it is time to move on from serving your country in uniform, that there are things that your organization can do for you and assist you with during your transition. There will be more Retired Flag Officers at this year’s symposium than in previous years and they are all your mentors, just engage them.
Topics and discussions will not only be pertinent to active-duty personnel while more then one event will focus solely on the support systems for the “Weapons System with a Heart,” our families who are the motivation factor to do well and never come off 100% Nr.
It is you, the members who fly, fight, and maintain the rotary component of Naval Aviation that absolutely give the Navy and the nation the “Human Advantage,” to always be ready to deliver strategic deterrence, when called for a decisive response and to always be combat ready.
I am excited to see all of you at NHA Symposium 2022 and eager to hear your feedback; we are your professional organization!
“Remember that life develops what it demands - the toughest path creates the strongest warrior. Pray not for a lighter load; but for stronger shoulders.” Dan Millman, American author
As always, I am, V/r and CNJI (Committed Not Just Involved), Dano Fillion
RADM Dano Fillion, STRATCOM,J3, reading to his son, Daniel Jr., and his preschool class.