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Vice President of Membership Report
Three Thousand is a Milestone
By LCDR Bill "WYLD Bill" Teal, USN
It is an exciting time to be a NHA Member!! We are within reach of achieving 3,000 active members! In major league baseball, there are only 32 players who have achieved 3,000 hits during their careers. Those who accomplish this feat are practically guaranteed a future spot in Cooperstown. But what does baseball trivia have to do with NHA? I am glad you asked.
The important thing to realize is that while the attainment of 3,000 hits was a milestone in each of those 32 players’ careers, it was not the pinnacle, but just another step in their paths to greatness. Achieving 3,000 members is not the finish line for NHA, but another milestone in our path to greatness. NHA is running full steam ahead working hard to increase our value to members. Whether it is the annual Symposium, social meetups, mentoring opportunities, networking venues, scholarship opportunities, or historical preservation, NHA is working for you.
The creation of our Lifetime Membership has taken off with over 620 Lifetime Members signing up to date. Our mentorship portal is live, and members can update their profiles right now. Symposium is around the corner with the focus on “The Human Advantage.” You and what each of you bring to the fight makes the difference.
But I know we are missing something, and I bet you know what, or more appropriately, who we are missing. We are truly “Stronger Together and Every Member Counts.” So, give us the competitive edge on our shared path to greatness and become a member. Connect us with WHO we are missing because you are “The Human Advantage.” And we need everyone!!
See you in Norfolk!
LCDR Bill Teal, USNR NHA V.P. for Membership LTM#291 / RW #29418