2 minute read
National J.O. President Message
By LT Alden "CaSPR" Marton, USN
Our weapon systems and tactics are the standard by which other nations compare, no doubt about it. As a warfighting culture, we have hundreds of mil-tech conferences occurring around the country at any one time. I’m as guilty as the next guy, gear is cool. But as “The Human Advantage” Symposium is rapidly approaching, I’m reminded of the dogma so many of us like to quote: “Man. Train. Equip.” Our lethality comes not just from our equipment, but from our sailor/warriors/ operators. How do we train each other? How do we adapt? Usually operating with fixed equipment, our own individual ability is the x-factor. Our willingness to take our equipment, to experiment, and grow to the limits of our ability is the edge of the warfighting blade.
But just like the equipment we operate, we need maintenance. We need our software updates in the form of professional development. We need our oil inspected in the form of physical health, mental health, and medical services. Too often the squeaky wheel gets the grease so let’s take the time for a periodic inspection of our people. Just as we expect our equipment to perform at 11,000 RPM, we expect the same precision from one another. Two thirds of “Man. Train. Equip.” focuses on the gravity of people-power. Our conviction should mirror the same.
As the proverb states, “an individual too busy to take care of their health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of their tools.” Now is the time to reflect – are we looking out for our most valuable assets? Are our strongest weapons, our warriors, taken care of? Every ounce of effort that goes into honing our people is another sharper tool for the Navy, the Naval Aviation Enterprise (NAE), and the future of vertical lift.
Let’s all make the conscious decision to lean into the people-first mentality this quarter and bring those fresh ideas to the NHA Symposium in Norfolk this spring!