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Historical Society
Summer in San Diego
By CAPT Bill Personius, USN (Ret.) / President, NHAHS LTM#46 / RW#16213
Well… it doesn’t seem possible but it is summer again in San Diego. This is the post NHA Symposium edition of the Rotor Review Magazine and a lot has happened since the gathering in Norfolk 11-13 May 2022. While I was unable to travel to Norfolk for the 2022 Symposium because of a recurring medical problem, I am happy to make the following report with regards to the NHA Symposium activities.
NHAHS accomplished the following:
- Presented the Oldest Helix Award to 91 year “young” Captain Paul L. “Scratch” Hryskanich, USN (Ret.) – which was very well received with Scratch accepting the award to a standing ovation.
- NHAHS presented for the first time the Silver Crew Chief Award to Master Chief Bill Moss, USN (Ret.) who is the oldest (read the wisest and most experienced) Naval Helicopter Crew Chief alive.
- Another first…NHAHS presented the Golden Crew Chief Award to Master Chief Drew Smith, USN at a Region One Retired Luncheon after the Symposium as Master Chief Smith was unable to travel to Norfolk to accept the award. This award is presented to the oldest (read the wisest and most experienced) Naval Helicopter Crew Chief on Active Duty. Master Chief Smith will retire in November 2022 and is looking for his relief who will be the recipient of the next award at the 2023 Symposium.
- CAPT Dave Zinger, USN (Ret.) was Awarded the Mark Starr Pioneer Award by CDR Joe Skrzypek, USN (Ret.) after the Symposium. Joe drove up the coast and presented Dave the award at his home with his wife in attendance.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all those who participated in the Top Golf Charity Event that supported both the NHA Historical Society and the NHA Scholarship Fund which was held on the last day of the Symposium on Friday Night in Virginia Beach. I heard it was a great time and raised some much-needed funds for both organizations.
I would also like to recognize Katherine Gillcrist who coordinated an Opportunity Basket Drawing at Symposium which everyone enjoyed and again raised money for both organizations. Katherine thank you for dedicating your time and efforts to coordinate this event. Well done!
Last bit of Symposium business…I would like to pile-on and congratulate CAPT Chuck Deitchman, USN (Ret.) for what has been an outstanding Navy career and all the support that he has provided NHA, the NHA Historical Society and the NHA Scholarship Fund over the years while working for Sikorsky. Chuck thank you on behalf of the entire Rotary Wing Community and Helicopter Family. We wish you and Nancy all the best in retirement!
Update on the SH-60F Project for the Front Gate at NASNI.
I would like to acknowledge the support and very generous donations made by Mr. Dan McKinnon, Benny Hunziker, Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company and General Electric (GE). Your donations are greatly appreciated and we couldn’t do a project of this magnitude without your support. Those people and two companies have been major contributors to the project thus far. For a complete list of donors, see the list here at https://sh60fhoas.navalhelicopterassociation.org/donors/. See the adjoining page if you might be interested in making a donation. I would point out that the engraved brick donations are a nice way to make a lasting tribute to your name or the name of someone else who has served in support of the Helicopter Community by purchasing a brick that will be built into the base of the monument. The SH-60F project is coming along and the plan is to dedicate the project in 2023, commemorating the 55-year anniversary of Clyde Lassen’s Rescue that was performed on 19 June 1968.
Display Aircraft Wash and Upkeep
I would like to recognize the leadership provided by Chief Matt Fleshman from the HSC Wing who planned and coordinated the last aircraft wash at Flag Circle on Thursday, May 19, 2022. This was the second wash performed by a group of volunteers and was a very successful evolution with everyone having a good time while earning 6 hours of volunteer service time toward their Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Award. A BIG “Thank You” goes out to Chief Fleshman, Mr. Walt Loftus and all those volunteers who helped wash the aircraft! Well done!
The next aircraft wash is planned for Friday, September 30, 2022 and will be coordinated and performed by the Chief Selects. I would also like to recognize and thank Mr. Steve Snietzel from Sunbelt Rentals for agreeing to donate a manlift so we can get up to those hard-to-reach areas. In a related project, USS Midway artisans along with volunteers from the Reserve Wing and HSC-85 performed a major paint touch-up effort on the H-3 Sea King at Flag Circle.
NHAHS is also working on helping to make a movie about HC-7 Sea Devils. We continue to raise funds for what will be a two hour documentary film on the squadron for television.
I would also like to thank the pilots and aircrew who supported the fly-over for the LCDR Tom Phillips Memorial Services on Saturday, June 25 which was held on board the USS Midway Museum. We appreciate your flying tribute to Tom.
That is it for now. Consider making a donation to the SH-60F Display Helicopter on a Stick. Until then, keep your turns up.