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NHA Historical Society

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Engaging Rotors

Engaging Rotors

Build Your Foundation

By CAPT Bill Personius, USN (Ret.), President, NHAHS LTM #46 / RW#1621

Helo Bubbas, It has been a busy quarter for NHAHS. Here are some of the things we’ve been working on or involved with:

Veterans Day Golf Tournament

NHAHS and NHASF teamed-up to sponsor another successful Charity Golf Tournament at NBC/NASNI Sea and Air Golf Course over the Veteran’s Day Weekend on Friday, November 8, 2024. The Region One President, CDR Kevin Ringlestein, USN, the XO of the Wildcards of HSC-23, and his group of motivated JO’s put on a great tournament and a good time was had by all. Thank you to all those who helped plan and execute the tournament and raise money for the Historical Society and Scholarship Fund.

The 2024 Mark Starr Award

The 2024 Mark Starr Award was presented to CAPT Earle Rogers, USN (Ret.) by several senior members of NHA in connection with the 2024 Fleet Fly In including RADM Gary Jones, USN (Ret.), Chairman of National Flight Academy (NFA), RADM Dan Fillion, USN (Ret.), Chairman of NHA, RADM Kyle Cozad, USN (Ret.), President and CEO of the National Naval Aviation Museum (NNAM), CAPT Ed Driscoll, USN (Ret.), CAPT Shawn Malone, USN (Ret.) from Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company, and CAPT Sandy Clark, USN (Ret.), NHA Principal Trustee. There were also many other members from the NNAM Board of Directors that Earle worked with over the years, in attendance for a ceremony, which was held at the National Flight Academy Conference Room at the end of their staff meeting. CAPT Rogers was accompanied by his wife and several members of his family. CAPT Clark said “Earle related how he had been Mark Starr’s copilot in his first squadron, so the honor was more than a name, it was personal. While Earle was not as mobile as he would like to be, he was sharp, quick witted, and the same man we all admired and loved being around. A wonderful event!”

Lassen SH-60 F Update

SH-60F left the FRCSW Hangar 325 with mounting bracket attached, and was moved to Hangar 340 in the Double Domes in November.

The final preparations to be mounted at the front gate were completed in December.

Installed the transmission water dam, blade tie-downs, rotor system locks for main/tail rotors, mounted the torpedo, did touch-up paint, washed/waxed, etc.).

Crane Practice was performed on December 3, 2024 in preparation to mount the SH-60F on the stanchion on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at the Naval Base Coronado VADM Stockdale Gate.

Completed the Brick Order - Bricks can still be ordered online at https://www.nhahistoricalsociety.org/donations/.

A Great Gift for Valentines Day! Get yours today.

4” x 8” Brick $125

8” x 8” Brick $275

12” x 12” Brick $525

The next order of Commemorative Bricks will be submitted on 21 Feb 2025 and set when they are received.

Mounting Summary

The Lassen Aircraft was lifted on Saturday, 11 January 2025 on what was a perfect day in San Diego. Blue skies and literally no wind. The anemometer on top of the crane was stopped or occasionally just spun infrequently…we could not have had better conditions for the lift. After 5+ hours of preparations which included towing the aircraft to the front gate and through the truck lane, onto Alameda Boulevard and then back into position in the truck lane, lined up with the nose pointing down 3rd Avenue, we were ready for the lift. The Sea Bees from ACB-1 from NAB Coronado provided the crane and the personnel to accomplish the lift. The aircraft took off for her final flight and touched down on the top of the stanchion for what was a perfect landing atop the ring of 10 threaded rods exactly at 11:47AM pacific time. It was a wonderful site and a perfect ending to what was 4 years of detailed work with multiple agencies to get this accomplished. If I don’t say so myself, it is an impressive site, nicely complements the VADM Stockdale Memorial, is another MoH Monument to honor Clyde and his crew, is long overdue, should have been done years ago, is a wonderful tribute to our Navy, Naval Aviation, the Helicopter Community, the base, the cities of Coronado and San Diego, and the 35,000 people who work on the base to support Rotary Wing Aviation on what is this Master Helicopter Base. “That is all I have to say about that”…as Forrest Gump once said. Thank you to all those who participated or contributed to this effort as we would not have been able to accomplish this feat without your support. Commemorative bricks are still available and will be into the future as long as there is physical space at the base of the monument, as the blank bricks can be replaced with those that you may want to order. Contact the NHA Office or place your orders online. As for me…I am taking a break.

CDR Clyde E. Lassen Medal of Honor Memorial Dedication Ceremony

The Lassen Memorial Medal of Honor Ceremony was held in the Lowry Theatre on Saturday, 25 January 2025 at 1000. The event was moved from the front gate to the base theater due to Force Protection/Security Changes made after the terrorist bombing in New Orleans. RADM Gary Jones was the keynote speaker for the event. Base CO, CAPT Monte Montero, USN accepted the gift from NHAHS, and the Air Boss also addressed the crowd of over 500+ people who were in attendance.

Lassen Mt. Soledad Plaque Dedication Ceremony

The Plaque Dedication Ceremony and Fly Over for this ceremony was held Sunday 26 January 2025 at 1300

We had a good turn out for the ceremony. CAPT Jeff "JMEL" Melody MC'ed the ceremony and CAPT Sandy Cark was the guest speaker at the Mt Soledad ceremony dedicating the Lassen Crew plaque. This was the 32nd MoH plaque placed at the Mt. Soledad Memorial.

The crews from HSC-3 and HSM-41 did a nice flyover and everyone in attendance was duly impressed. A special thank you goes out to LT Dean Benson, USN.

Flag Circle Update

All the helicopters to include H-2 Seasprite, H-3 Sea King, H-46 Sea Knight, and SH-60B Seahawk, and mounting stanchions have been restored/repainted. That is five (5) helicopters (including the SH-60F Oceanhawk) that have been restored to their glory on the base in the last 7 months. Thank you to all those personnel who were involved with restoring the aircraft and making them look great again! A big shout out to the USS Midway Hangar 805, all the volunteers and Chief Douglas from HSC-3 who led the coordination efforts and managed the teams to complete the restoration work of all the helicopters and their stanchions. Great work Chief…thank you!

It is the end of another year. 2025 promises to be an exciting year with many things for which to be thankful. I look forward to working with you and look forward to the spring and the 2025 Symposium.

Keep Your Turns Up!

Regards, Bill Personius

CAPT USN (Ret.) LTM-#46, R-16213

President Naval Helicopter Association Historical Society (NHAHS) https://www.nhahistoricalsociety.org/ PO Box 180578

Coronado, CA 92178-0578


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