Portfolio of Gary Byrne
Gary Byrne
* All the section titles are clickable. Also, clicking the “contents” heading on the top right of most pages will shortcut you back.
CONTENTS Illustration Logos & Corporate ID Advertising & Design Web About Gary Byrne CV Contact
ILLUSTRATION Android 4 JHB City 5 Immobile Phone 6 Mr. Chimpo & the Hunt for the Beernana
Sweet Lovin’ 8
Technical Info Format Program
‘Android’ began as an illustration based on an Audi ad at the time, between 2005 - 2007. The version I handed over was far simpler than what you see here. This was 1 of my first really technical illustrations and it really helped gain a deeper knowledge of vectors.
This is the Android’s hard outer shell. Initially I hadn’t planned on drawing it but I got a bit tired of drawing gears and mechanical pieces and needed a new direction.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Vector Freehand MX
Contents Illustration
Technical Info Format Program
I was asked to do an illustration of Johannesburg as a boardroom showpiece. At the time, I knew what a vector was but I had no idea of the capabilities. This project was a fantastic learning curve. The final product is a combination of a lot of tracing, punching & unioning, gradients, improvisation and an abundant use of the ‘paste inside’ command.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Vector Freehand MX
Contents Illustration
‘Immobile Phone’ is inspired by the work of Glenn Jones, a New Zealand native with a frustratingly brilliant illustration style. Each of his pieces make you think, and then wish that you’d thought of the idea. My aim here was to create something similar to the work he does. Whether I succeeded or not, I had a blast with the drawing.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Technical Info Format Program
Vector Freehand MX
Contents Illustration
a.k.a Mr Chimpo & the Hunt for the Beernana. Mr. Chimpo is the brain child of my brother Brad. Chimpo has featured as a stickman drawing, on every card I’ve received from Brad for at least 10 years. It occurred to me one day that I needed to take Mr. Chimpo to the next level so I illustrated him as a gift for my brother on his birthday a few years back. I also had it printed on a shirt for him but I doubt it’s ever been worn thanks to the immensely poor production quality.
Original Sketch
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Technical Info Format Program
Vector Freehand MX
Contents Illustration
Technical Info Format Program
‘Sweet Lovin’ is an innocent illustration based on it’s suggestive namesake. At first it was intended as a t-shirt print but the more I got into it, the more complex it became and before I knew it there were way too many colours. So I canned the t-shirt idea and submitted it to my iStockphoto portfolio instead.
Original Sketch
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Vector Freehand MX
Contents Illustration
The Larry Joe portrait was done as a concept illustration for his latest album cover. The album hasn’t yet been release so for confidentiality reasons the name won’t be mentioned, however the title does feature the word “sun”, which is what inspired both the colours and the circular design.
Section Close-up
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Technical Info Format Program
Vector Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop
Contents Illustration
LOGOS & CORPORATE IDENTITY Logo Spread 10 Quietly Capetown CI 11 Wholistic CI 12 Black Swann CI 13
Contents Logos & Corporate Identity
Sport ‘n Surf Surf Store
Black Swann Creative Consultant
African Utility Week Conference
PAWS Cause Charity Initiative
Donation Station SMS Donation Vehicle
Bash Studios Interior Decor
Quietly Capetown Music production company
Larry Joe Musician / Recording artist
Wholistic Employer branding, PR & communications company
Big Dreamz Musician / Recording artist
Zinto Records Record label
Safe Clothing Label
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Logos & Corporate Identity
Headroom Sound Engineer
Drumsheugh Cattle Farm
What Are You Waiting For Dating Company
Christof J. Wuthrich Entrepreneur
Cape Care Cleaning Products & Services
JenDuo DJ collective
DJ Oragne DJ
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
As the payoff line of the logo suggests, Quietly Capetown is a music production and artist management company. They’re a new company but not without a plethora of experience and talent. They’re an awesome bunch of people doing superb work and are responsible for the career launch and success of Larry Joe - a reformed prisoner turned musician.
Corporate ID
Business Card Letterhead
Logos & Corporate Identity
To whom it may concern,
My Role Layout & Design
Oluptatia a qui tessequo molectu restrum illatem reicipi entenih iliam, ommo omnimus sedignis volorem olores qui cusant, et, quatem que sent officab oribus as reptaquam, cus et exernatis sit la doluptat pores venet et praeceped quunt quiam ipsunt omniet audit et est et hil ipid et repersp idiante porit as iusam asin erum quaernatqui consequ iaectoressum remporu ndander fernatur sinciur? Quiam aborrum natur arum vit a comnist, as experum fugite sinihil luptibus, ius, aspedit vendaectam fugiaeri dicipsu ntiure ipsaepel eost, secto eaquisi blam fugit aut ad mi, tectorum dolorporeped qui blandit aut rem secum niendae caecessitas arum conseque et lias et quias adisitae demqui volorro voluptaquo iur, inum iusa est omnis alitatur, nist et fuga. Nam asperum ullecti bustrum emu quuntis rectatiunte solore magnia ipiet dolupta ssimus, qui omnis aliquo tem ra aceres iment hilitisque a doluptaqui voluptibus.
Ex et, conse lab int est, que pra cus, officit, suntium quati berciisin pa eost, que rectae. Nequossi quunt am hillenist odit estorep udipsap ienectur molupta tquam, eum ipid quate necte labo. Amentotatem estrum assimol orionsendio. Harum fugiaspercil esernam experum quibuscipsam fugia sitatiumquam volupitatur si sus nonseroreium alitates at. Nem fug Nequiatur aliquam.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Corporate ID
Business Card Letterhead
Logos & Corporate Identity
Wholistic specialises in Employer branding, PR, Talent management and Strategic communications. My Role Layout & Design
Dear Sir/Madam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec metus ante, consectetur ut vehicula vel, pellentesque sed sem. Suspendisse ut ligula at augue mollis pulvinar ac sit amet enim. Nullam non velit ac nunc molestie sollicitudin non sed nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet nibh tellus. Pellentesque lobortis, felis a dictum scelerisque, ligula tortor lacinia
marjorie hollander
purus, eget porta elit nisi eget magna. Cras accumsan, nisi ac hendrerit pellentesque, leo metus egestas mi, vel porttitor eros
managing director
nunc in nulla. In hendrerit tempor erat, eu euismod lectus eleifend fermentum. Nullam suscipit cursus dignissim. Duis
marjorie@wholistic.co.za 082 333 3445 37 bright street, somerset west www.wholistic.co.za
tempor nisl et mi pretium suscipit sit amet at sem. Ut mi lectus, suscipit ac faucibus nec, consectetur id velit. Sed tellus diam, pretium vitae vehicula ac, accumsan nec est. Nulla quis consequat ipsum. Quisque condimentum lobortis purus nec lobortis. Phasellus tincidunt ipsum.
Vestibulum lorem sapien, sodales id aliquet sit amet, venenatis in dolor. Integer leo turpis, dignissim eu scelerisque quis, rhoncus a ipsum. Cras varius ultrices ullamcorper. Curabitur rutrum dignissim iaculis. Curabitur condimentum risus ac velit iaculis non euismod neque volutpat. Integer luctus lacus vel risus dictum semper. Aenean auctor porttitor nibh vitae pretium. Praesent condimentum nibh id erat gravida accumsan et quis metus. Sed ultricies lobortis dolor eget vehicula. Suspendisse luctus, augue eget tincidunt vehicula, ipsum risus condimentum augue, at euismod nisi leo a dolor.
Donec tempor velit quis dui vestibulum varius. Nullam ante quam, ullamcorper id convallis in, euismod vitae sapien. Aenean vitae velit libero. Aenean placerat dui dolor, id ornare mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque tincidunt luctus est sed tincidunt. Duis a massa tellus, rutrum consectetur odio. Sed sed nisi ac arcu dapibus accumsan et ac elit. Aliquam congue enim blandit est auctor eget rhoncus diam tincidunt. Maecenas ultrices elit in ipsum tincidunt mollis. Proin ac dignissim tellus.
Yours Sincerely,
marjorie hollander
wholistic growth@wholistic.co.za 082 333 3445 37 bright street, somerset west www.wholistic.co.za
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Corporate ID
Business Card Letterhead
Logos & Corporate Identity
Black Swann is an award winning creative consultant, specialising in copy writing, creative concepts and strategic marketing & advertising. My aim was to create a classy and sophisticated CI with a minimalistic approach to negative space. My Role Layout & Design To whom it may concern,
Oluptatia a qui tessequo molectu restrum illatem reicipi entenih iliam, ommo omnimus sedignis volorem olores qui cusant, et, quatem que sent officab oribus as reptaquam, cus et exernatis sit la doluptat pores venet et praeceped quunt quiam ipsunt omniet audit et est et hil ipid et repersp idiante porit as iusam asin erum quaernatqui
Original Sketch
consequ iaectoressum remporu ndander fernatur sinciur? Quiam aborrum natur arum vit a comnist, as experum fugite sinihil luptibus, ius, aspedit vendaectam fugiaeri dicipsu ntiure ipsaepel eost, secto eaquisi blam fugit aut ad mi, tectorum dolorporeped qui blandit aut rem secum niendae caecessitas arum conseque et lias et quias adisitae demqui volorro voluptaquo iur, inum iusa est omnis alitatur, nist et fuga. Nam asperum ullecti bustrum eum quuntis rectatiunte solore magnia ipiet dolupta ssimus, qui omnis aliquo tem ra aceres iment hilitisque a doluptaqui voluptibus.
Ex et, conse lab int est, que pra cus, officit, suntium quati berciisin pa eost, que rectae. Nequossi quunt am hillenist odit estorep udipsap ienectur molupta tquam, eum ipid quate necte labo. Amentotatem estrum assimol orionsendio. Harum fugiaspercil esernam experum quibuscipsam fugia sitatiumquam volupitatur si sus nonseroreium alitates at. Nem fug Nequiatur aliquam excepta turepel eris am, sernam nossuntis quias qui alist accum eat ut rentiusdae nulpariti corepelia quiam as estiis disimil ipis.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
ADVERTISING & DESIGN Powertech - Indoor Switchgear
Powertech - Outdoor Switchgear
Syncorp 22 Colas 24 De Heus 25 VR Brandy 27
DPS Launch advert
Switchgear Campaign
Launch invitation
My concept for the launch invitation is “Powering Africa”. Powertech aren’t a power supplier, however they are involved in the process via their products. The idea was to focus on their African footprint. As you extract the inner card from the folded sleeve, the lights of Africa are switched on. I wanted to include the line “Powering Africa” however client overruled. The folded sleeve was die cut and the holes were laser cut. Physical sample available.
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
My Role
Concept Layout & Design Art Direction Finished Art
Contents Advertising & Design
POWERTECH Switchgear Campaign
The biggest challenge here was to keep as close to the CI guidelines as possible while at the same time trying to improve and advance Powertech’s design look and feel. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Switchgear Indoor Product Brochure
Advertising & Design
Angler fish A4 advert
Switchgear Campaign
Mothership A4 advert
At this stage the Mothership ad still a work in progress. The artwork as you see it has been signed off but the hi-res artwork will only materialise later on in the year. The ship is built entirely in Photoshop using 1 flat flying saucer image and a cityscape of Tokyo. The rest I brushed in and made up. The Angler Fish ad, on the other hand, is complete. Based on the concept scamps, I created a rough layout using low-res images of 3D fish I found on the internet. Once approved, the next challenge was deciding how to produce the artwork. We ended up using an illustrator who built and rendered the image in 3D based on my brief and direction. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Advertising & Design
POWERTECH Switchgear Campaign
A few months after the launch of the Indoor Switchgear, Powertech unveiled their Outdoor Switchgear. The concept lies in the link between Napoleon’s status & stature and that of the outdoor Switchgear - both compact and powerful. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Switchgear Outdoor Launch DPS Advert
Advertising & Design
POWERTECH Switchgear Campaign
The brochure rules were written by the Indoor Switchgear campaign, all that was needed here was a few new pics and a colour change. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Switchgear Outdoor Product Brochure
Advertising & Design
SYNCORP Green is the new black
Syncorp is a company that turns waste into high quality, recycled plastic using innovative techniques. The concept here is that Sycorp is revolutionising the way plastic is plastic is recycled, just like Chanel did to the fashion industry with their little black dress. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Green is the new black DPS Advert
Advertising & Design
SYNCORP Carbon Foot
The ‘Best carbon foot’ ad aimed to punt Syncorp’s low environmental impact in both their operations and products. The layout is clean and uncluttered and allows the bold footprint visual to really stand out. Pun intended. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Best carbon footprint DPS Advert
Advertising & Design
COLAS All round solution
We pitched some really ballsy concepts at the client and included this one as the filler, but as Murphy would have it, the client picked it and insisted it was brilliant. So we did what we had to and made it work as best we could. The images needed a fair amount of work, things like chopping the bike kid off the sand road background and giving him a shirt. Also changing the colour of the road lines and masking the protruding bit of tree. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents All round solution DPS Advert
Advertising & Design
Healthy Pig A4 advert
Healthy Animals Campaign
Healthy Cow A4 advert
Four concepts were pitched at De Heus and all four were firmly caught. The two ads featured here are from the “Healthy Animals” campaign. The headline pretty much sums the campaign up. The animal images were sourced from stock image websites and the firsbee was created in Adobe Illustrator. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Advertising & Design
Smarter Feed A4 advert
Smart Yield Campaign
Greater Yield A4 advert
The two ads featured here are from the “Smarter Yield” campaign. Effectively a clever feed leads to clever reproduction. By using De Heus animal feed, farmers are guaranteed a higher fertility rate. My Role
Layout & Design Art Direction Photo Retouching Finished Art
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Advertising & Design
VR BRANDY Label Design
Back & front label design
A small team within Distell had the idea to re-design and re-launch VR Brandy. I designed the label as part of a pitch. They wanted to modernize the brand and also try make drinking brandy seem “cool� . They wanted it to have no mention of the word brandy on the front label in order to entice people to pick the bottle up. My Role Layout & Design
Gary Byrne Portfolio - 2011 -
Advertising & Design
WEB Wiehahn 29 Ontrack 30 Genius 31 African Utility Week 32 Sport ‘n Surf 33 Pikitup Eco Rangers 34
WIEHAHN Website Design
I handled the design of Wiehahn’s website and then shipped it off to a web development company who strung it together brilliantly. I worked closely with them, tweaking, changing, hating and loving this project all the way until it’s momentous completion. It’s one of my favourite projects. My Role Layout & Design Art Direction Image Selection & Retouching
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Click here to launch the live site
ONTRACK Website Design
I designed the site’s look & feel and from there created all of the elements in Photoshop. It was then stitched together by a web developer. My Role Layout & Design
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Web
GENIUS Website Design
This project had a low budget so I tried to design a clean and simple corporate site in the shortest time possible. The idea was to focus on beautiful and conceptual photos to help give the site a richer look and let the visuals distract the viewer from the seemingly minimalistic layout and design. My Role Layout & Design Image Selection & Retouching
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents This site is a work in progress and is not yet live
AUW Website Design
African Utility Week (AUW) is an annual conference catering the power utility industry. It attracts numerous big name companies both locally and internationally. The company who organises AUW wanted to overhaul their logo, brochures and website and after a few design revisions, they settled on this as the final product. My Role Layout & Design
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Click here to launch the live site
SPORT ‘N SURF Website Design
Sport ‘n Surf is a well established retail surf store in Long Street, Cape Town. After a 22 years, they decided, for the first time, to revamp their logo and other marketing collateral. At this stage in the project, their logo is a work in progress, as is the website. The texture used in the design is inspired by the interior of the shop itself. It’s not your run of the mill surf shop, it has a unique and rustic, yet specialised and professional vibe. The structured, column-driven layout was chosen to accomodate 2 main requests - a blog and an online store. My Role Layout & Design
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Sport ‘n Surf - website design look & feel
ECO RANGERS Web & Mobisite Design
The Pikitup Eco Rangers campaign was put in place to help educate kids in schools about the benefits of keeping the planet clean and healthy. The website and mobi site needed to appeal to kids as well as teens and teachers. My Role Layout & Design
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Contents Pikitup Eco Rangers - web & mobisite design look & feel
ABOUT ME Contents
Career I was born and raised in Durban, KZN. After matriculating from Westville Boys High School, I
The next chapter of my career began in June 2009 when I started at Ontrack Advertising. Based in
acquired my B-Tech Degree in Graphic Design from the Durban University of Technology [DUT]
Somerset West, Ontrack Advertising is a small but skilled advertising & communications agency.
which, when I started there in 2001, was the Natal Technikon. With my tasseled hat, scroll and
Due to the unfortunate state of the economy in 2010, some staff were retrenched and as a result
gown in tow, I thrust myself into the relentless process of hunting with absolutely no experience.
I remained Ontrack’s one and only permanent designer. It proved to be taxing on my stress levels but rewarding and educational at the same time. I learnt to juggle multiple jobs simultaneously
My search began when I moved to Johannesburg in early 2005. After weeks of trawling through
and work faster, smarter and tighter. I also gained the responsibility of overseeing and art directing
ads, I took a DTP job at a digital printing company called Brand Factory and I was placed under
the freelancers, illustrators and photographers we use on a project to project basis. During my
the wing of a talented, technical and extremely genuine son-of-a-beesting named Barry Mann.
time at Ontrack I was fortunate enough to work with the likes of Nic Jooste (creative director),
Being fresh out of college, I barely knew how to use Freehand but after a month of Barry’s
Anthony Swann (creative director), Greg Smith (copy writer), Ricci Viviers (operations & production
teachings I felt like I could re-write the user manual. Day after day of getting artwork ready for print
guru) and Marcos Cruz (photographer).
wasn’t particularly invigorating but it forced me to pay attention to detail. DTP became stale and unchallenging which left me frustrated and unmotivated so I hung up my inky gloves and bid the
In January 2012, after parting ways with Ontrack, I started at Strika Entertainment, in Woodstock.
growling, fumey print-shop monster ado.
I was taken on as Senior Designer and would be working with a much bigger team that what I was used to. Strika Entertainment is well known for it’s flagship product, Supa Strikas. They also
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
My next place of employment was an advertising agency called Addixion. I was brought onboard
produce a large number of other comic titles and also handle a host of corporate clients. Until
primarily to handle one main client which proved to be a DTP job from hell. Initially I wasn’t too
recently, I worked under the creative genius of Jason Lewis aka The Great Beard, until he sadly
chuffed but thankfully I was required to do more than just that particular job. I worked under a world
left the company to persue an unresistable opportunity. Unfortunately I didn’t get to work longer
class creative director named Dean Jensen who schooled me right and successfully transformed
with Jason but I did gain a lot of insight while he was still there. Since his departure, I’ve taken on a
me from a print house skivvy into the ambitious creative designer I am today. Dean also re-kindled
more senior design roll and have been overseeing the work of Strika’s other designer, and in some
the dormant flame of adolescence within me by re-introducing me to the joy of Lego and Hot
cases, the DTP department. It’s my duty to make sure we produce a high and detailed standard of
Wheels. They’re fun, inspirational and have a profoundly positive effect on design and creativity. I
work. I’m a perfectionist which makes being subjective somewhat tricky, but it’s something that
thoroughly enjoyed my time at Addixion and left only because I was raring and ready to move my
I’m working on as I go. 2012 got off to a rocky start but it smoothed itself out nicely and has proven
life down to the Western Cape.
to be a great year.
CV Gary Byrne
A concise summary of need-to-know info
Personal Info Name
- 8 March, 1983
- South African
Home Language
- English
Secondary Language
Drivers Licenses
- Code B (light motor vehicle)
Own Car
Gary Byrne
- Code A1 (125cc motorcycle) - Yes
Education 2000
- Matriculated from Westville Boys High School
2001-2003 - National Diploma in Graphic Design Durban University of Technology 2004-2005 - B-Tech Degree in Graphic Design Durban University of Technology 2010 - Adobe InDesign Training The Creative Train
Career History Company Name
Brand Factory
Nature of Business
Digital print company
Period of Employment
September 2005 - December 2007
Job Description
DTP / Designer
Job Duties -
Receive client’s artwork and prep for printing. Correspond with clients and handle the approval of artwork. Occasional design work for clients as well as in-house projects.
Company Name
Nature of Business
Advertising Agency
Period of Employment
January 2008 - June 2009
Job Description
Receive brief from AE’s, conceptualise (with & without the creative director), design and carry job until print / final production.
Company Name
Nature of Business
Advertising & Communication Agency
Period of Employment
June 2009 - December 2012
Job Description
Graphic Designer & Studio Head
Job Duties -
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Graphic Designer
Job Duties -
Design & Layout, Conceptualising, Art Direction, Finished Art. Work according to the brief, working with and taking direction from the creative director, directing freelancers & suppliers (Illustrators & photographers), completing and overseeing of finished art. Internal presentations & occasional client presentation.
CV Gary Byrne
Career info continued
Company Name
Nature of Business
Advertising & Communication Agency
Period of Employment
June 2009 - December 2012
Job Description
Graphic Designer & Studio Head
Job Duties - Design & Layout, Conceptualising, Art Direction, Finished Art. Work according to the brief, working with and taking direction from the creative director, directing freelancers & suppliers (Illustrators & photographers), completing and overseeing of finished art. Internal presentations & occasional client presentation. Company Name
Nature of Business
Comic Studio - Print & Animation
Period of Employment
January 2012 - Present
Job Description
Job Duties -
Program Knowledge Illustrator & Freehand InDesign Photoshop Flash (beginner)
Gary Byrne’s Portfolio - 2012
Strika Entertainment
Senior Designer Design & Layout, Illustration, Direction, Finished Art. The company is divided into 2 factions - Entertainment & Communication. I work across both, but more so on the communication side. I work according to the brief and alongside the creative director, designers, illustrators & writers, carry jobs from concept to print. I oversee the work of another designer as well as the process of finished art.
CONTACT Gary Byrne [cell]
082 725 8352