6-Volume Set
International Law CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN LAW Edited by Joseph Weiler, New York University, USA Throughout recorded history, rulers of states, kingdoms, or other political entities have entered into treaties with each other for the purposes of ending or averting violent conflict. However, the formation of the United Nations in 1945 created a means for the world community to enforce international law upon members that violate its charter. The trend towards multilateral commitments has accelerated since then, and it is now meaningful to study international law as a means towards resolving conflicts among states. Traditionally, states were the sole subjects of international law, but recent interpretations of international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international trade law have been inclusive of corporations and even individuals. This new Routledge Major Work, a six-volume collection, covers the current nature, scope, and issues within international law. Routledge November 2009 234x156: 2,400pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-40027-5
Routledge Major Works
International Law CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN LAW VOLUME I Systemic Overview
W. R. Bisschop, ‘Sovereignty’, 2 British Year Book of International Law, 122–33(1921).
Benedict Kingsbury, ‘Sovereignty and Inequality’, 9 European Journal of International Law, 599–625 (1998).
Gerry J. Simpson, ‘The Diffusion of Sovereignty: Self-Determination in the PostColonial Age’, 32 Stanford Journal of International Law, 255 (1996)
Christian Tomuschat, ‘Self-Determination in a Post-Colonial World’, in C. Tomushcat (ed.), Modern Law of Self-Determination (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993), 1–20.
Part 1: Introduction: Methodology 1.
Joseph Weiler, ‘The Geology of International Law: Governance, Democracy and Legitimacy’, 64 Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 547–62 (2004).
Part 2: History of International Law 2.
Wilhelm G. Grewe, ‘Introduction’, The Epochs of International Law, trans. Michael Byers (Walter de Gruyter, 2000), pp. 1–36.
David Kennedy, ‘International Law and the Nineteenth Century: History of an Illusion’, 17 Quarterly Law Review, 99–136 (1977).
Antony Anghie, ‘Finding the Peripheries: Sovereignty and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century International Law’, 40 Harvard International Law Journal, 1–80 (1999).
Part 3: The Concept of International Law 5.
H. L. A. Hart, ‘International Law’, The Concept of Law (Oxford University Press, 1961), pp. 213–37.
Prosper Weil, ‘Towards Normative Relativity in International Law’, 77 American Journal of International Law, 413–42 (1988).
Part 4: International Law and its Self-Identity 7.
Louis B. Sohn, ‘The New International Law: Protection of the Rights of Individuals Rather than States’, 32 American University Law Review, 1–64 (1982).
Bruno Simma, ‘From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International Law’, 250 Recueil des Cours, 217–384 (1994).
Georges Abi-Saab, ‘Whither the International Community’, 9(2) European Journal of International Law, 248–65 (1998).
Part 11: Relationship Between Domestic and International Law 28.
Mattias Kumm, ‘International Law in National Courts: The International Rule of Law and the Limits of the Internationalist Model’, 44 Virginia Journal of International Law, 19–32 (2003).
Eyal Benvenisti, ‘Reclaiming Democracy: The Strategic Uses of Foreign and International Law by National Courts’, 102 American Journal of International Law, 241–74 (2008).
Part 12: Jurisdiction 30.
Part 13: Dispute Resolution 31.
Shabtai Rosenne, ‘Introduction’, The Law and Practice of the International Court of Justice, 1920–2005 (Martinus Nijhoff, 2006).
Anthony D’Amato, ‘Trashing Customary International Law’, 81 American Journal of International Law, 101–5 (1987).
Robert O. Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, ‘Legalized Dispute Resolution: Interstate and Transnational’, 54(3) International Organization, 457–88 (2000).
Jonathan I. Charney, ‘The Impact on the International Legal System of the Growth of International Courts and Tribunals’, 31 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics, 697–708 (1999).
Part 5: Global Administrative Law 10.
Benedict Kingsbury, Nico Krisch, and Richard B. Stewart, ‘The Emergence of Global Administrative Law’, 68 Law & Contemporary Problems, 15–61 (2005).
Part 14: State Responsibility for Violations of International Law 35.
International Law Commission Special Rapporteur Roberto Ago, ‘Fifth Report on State Responsibility’, 2(1) Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 3–54 (1976) (UN Doc. A/CN.4/291).
International Law Commission Special Rapporteur James Crawford, ‘Introduction’ to Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts of States (2001).
Philip Allot, ‘State Responsibility and the Unmaking of International Law’, 29 Harvard International Law Journal, 1–26 (1988).
Part 6: International Law and Politics 11.
Elihu Root, ‘The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law’, 1 American Journal of International Law, 1–3 (1907).
Martti Koskenniemi, ‘The Politics of International Law’, 1(1) European Journal of International Law, 4–32 (1990).
VOLUME II Fundamentals of International Law
VOLUME III International Law in and of Peace
Part 7: International Law-Making and the Sources of International Law 13.
P. E. Corbett, ‘The Consent of States and the Sources of the Law of Nations’, 6 British Year Book of International Law, 20–30 (1925).
Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and W. Michael Reisman, ‘The World Constitutive Process of Authoritative Decision’, 19 Journal of Legal Education, 253–300 (1967).
Harold Hongju Koh, ‘Transnational Legal Process’, 75 Nebraska Law Review, 181–207 (1996).
Henry Richard, ‘On the Obligation of Treaties: A Paper Presented to the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations, At Antwerp, Sept. 1877’, 3 Law Magazine and Review: A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, and Quarterly Digest of All Reported Cases, 91–103 (1877–8).
Michael Akehurst, ‘Custom as a Source of International Law’, 47 British Year Book International Law, 1–53 (1975).
Eduardo Jiménez de Aréchaga, ‘Custom’, in Antonio Cassese and Joseph H. H. Weiler (eds.), Change and Stability in International Law-Making (Walter de Gruyter, 1988), pp. 1–3.
Christine Chinkin, ‘The Challenge of Soft Law: Development and Change in International Law’, 38 International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 850–66 (1989).
Antonio Cassese, ‘Modern Constitutions and International Law’, 192 Receil des Cours, 341–476 (1985, III).
Part 15: Law of the Sea 38.
Bernard H. Oxman, ‘The Rule of Law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea’, 7 European Journal of International Law, 353–71 (1996).
Philip Allott, ‘Power Sharing in the Law of the Sea’, 77 American Journal of International Law, 1–30 (1983).
Part 16: International Environmental Law 40.
Günther Handl, ‘Environmental Security and Global Change: The Challenge to International Law’, 1 Year Book of International Environmental Law, 3–43 (1990).
Phillippe J. Sands, ‘The Environment, Community and International Law’, 30 Harvard International Law Journal, 393–420 (1989).
Part 17: International Economic Law 42.
Jean Monnet, ‘Economic Integration: New Forms of Partnership’, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Perspectives on Peace, 1910–1960, 97–107 (1960).
Robert Howse, ‘From Politics to Technocracy—And Back Again: The Fate of the Multilateral Trading Regime’, 96 American Journal of International Law, 94–117 (2002).
Part 8: International Personality: States
Part 18: Protection of Private Investments under Public International Law
James Crawford, ‘The Creation of States in International Law’, 48 British Year Book of International Law, 93–182 (1977).
Part 9: International Personality: Real and Other Legal Persons 21.
Jan Klabbers, ‘Legal Personality: The Concept of Legal Personality’, 11 Ius Gentium, 35–66 (2005).
Giorgio Gaja, ‘A “New” Vienna Convention on Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations: A Critical Commentary’, 58 British Year Book of International Law, 253–69 (1987).
Part 19: Social Dimension of International Law 45.
Philip Alston, ‘‘’Core Labour Standards” and the Transformation of the International Labour Rights Regime’, 15(3) European Journal of International Law, 457–521 (2004).
Brian A Langille, ‘Core Labour Rights: The True Story (Reply to Alston)’, 16(3) European Journal of International Law, 409–37 (2005).
Jacqueline Peel, ‘International Law and the Legitimate Determination of Risk: Is Democratising Expertise the Answer?’, 38(2) Victoria University Wellington Law Review, 363–80 (2007).
Part 10: Territory, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination 23.
R. Y. Jennings, ‘Introduction’, The Acquisition of Territory in International Law, XX (1963).
Routledge Major Works
Intended Contents
Andrew T. Guzman, ‘Why LDCs Sign Treaties that Hurt Them: Explaining the Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties’, 38 Virginia Journal of International Law, 639–88 (1998).
Part 20: Human Rights
Part 28: International Institutional Law
Hersch Lauterpacht, ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’, 25 British Year Book of International Law, 354–81 (1948).
Bruno Simma, ‘Introduction’, The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary, 2nd edn. (Oxford University Press, 2002).
Jochen Von Bernstorff, ‘The Changing Fortunes of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Genesis and Symbolic Dimensions of the Turn to Rights in International Law’, 19(5) European Journal of International Law, 903–24 (2008).
Ari Afilalo and Dennis Patterson, ‘Statecraft, Trade and the Order of States’, 6 Chicago Journal of International Law, 725 (2006).
His Holiness Benedictus XVI Joseph Ratzinger, ‘Address to the United Nations General Assembly of 18 April 2008’.
Mary Anne Glendon, ‘Justice and Human Rights: Reflections on the Address of Pope Benedict to the UN’, 19(5) European Journal of International Law, 925–30 (2008).
Part 30: Legitimacy
Part 21: Consular Law and Diplomatic Immunity 52.
Dapo Akande, ‘International Law Immunities and the International Criminal Court’, 98 American Journal of International Law, 407–33 (2004).
Part 22: Neutrality
Part 29: Supranationalism
Joseph Weiler, ‘The Transformation of Europe’, 100 Yale Law Journal, 2403–83 (1991). Thomas M. Franck, ‘Legitimacy in the International System’, 82(4) American Journal of International Law, 705–59 (1988).
Part 31: Democracy 77.
Eric Stein, ‘International Integration and Democracy: No Love at First Sight’, 95 American Journal of International Law, 489–534 (2001).
Susan Marks, ‘International Law, Democracy and the End of History’, in G. Fox and B. Roth (eds.), Democratic Governance and International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 532–66.
Alexander Pearce Higgins, ‘The Law of Peace’, 4 British Year Book of International Law, 153–9 (1923).
Detlev F. Vagts, ‘The Traditional Legal Concept of Neutrality in a Changing Environment’, 14 American University International Law Review, 83–102 (1998).
Part 32: Globalization 79.
John R. Bolton, ‘Should We Take Global Governance Seriously?’, 1 Chicago Journal of International Law, 205–21 (2000).
VOLUME IV International Law in and of War
Anne-Marie Slaughter, ‘Disaggregated Sovereignty: Towards the Public Accountability of Global Government Networks’, 39(2) Government and Opposition, 159–90 (2004).
Part 23: When States Go to War 55.
Oscar Schachter, ‘The Right of States to Use Armed Force’, 82 Michigan Law Review, 1620–46 (1984).
Thomas M. Franck, ‘Who Killed Article 2(4)?’, 2(4) American Journal of International Law, 809–37 (1970).
Ian Brownlie, ‘The Use of Force in Self-Defence’, 37 British Year Book of International Law, 183–268 (1961).
Alain Pellet, ‘Brief Remarks on the Unilateral Use of Force’, 11(2) European Journal of International Law, 385–92 (2000).
W. Michael Reisman, ‘The Resistance in Afghanistan is Engaged in a War of National Liberation’, 81 American Journal of International Law, 906–9 (1987).
Part 33: Global Administrative Law 81.
Armin von Bogdandy, Philipp Dann, and Matthias Goldmann, ‘Developing the Publicness of Public International Law: Towards a Legal Framework for Global Governance Activities’, German Law Journal, 9/11, 1375–400 (2008).
Part 34: The Other 82.
Hilary Charlesworth, Christine Chinkin, and Shelley Wright, ‘Feminist Approaches to International Law’, 85 American Journal of International Law, 613–45 (1991).
VOLUME VI Interdisciplinary Approaches
Part 24: Conquest and Occupation
Part 35: Economics
Stephen M. Schwebel, ‘What Weight to Conquest?’, 64(2) American Journal of International Law, 344–7 (1970).
Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Joel P. Trachtman, ‘Economic Analysis of International Law’, 24 Yale Journal of International Law, 1–59 (1999).
Adam Roberts, ‘Prolonged Military Occupation: The Israeli-Occupied Territories since 1967’, 84(1) American Journal of International Law, 44–103 (1990).
Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner, ‘A Theory of Customary International Law’, 66 University of Chicago Law Review, 1113–77 (1999).
Part 25: Proxy-Wars, Terrorism, and Non-State Actors
Part 36: Literature
Antonio Cassese, ‘Terrorism is also Disrupting Some Crucial Legal Categories of International Law’, 12 European Journal of International Law, 993–1001 (2001).
Theodor Meron, ‘Shakespeare’s Henry the Fifth and the Law of War’, 86(1) American Journal of International Law, 1–45 (1992).
Tal Becker, ‘Introduction’, Terrorism and the State: Rethinking the Rules of State Responsibility (Hart Publishing, 2006), pp. 1–10.
James Francis Boyle, ‘Ideals and Things: International Legal Scholarship and the Prison-House of Language’, 26 Harvard International Law Journal, 327–59 (1985).
Part 26: International Humanitarian and Criminal Law
Part 37: Philosophy
Oscar M. Uhler et al., ‘Introduction’, in Jean S. Pictet (ed.), The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949: Commentary (1958).
Chris Jochnick and Roger Normand, ‘The Legitimation of Violence: A Critical History of the Laws of War’, 35(1) Harvard International Law Journal, 49–95 (1994).
Richard Tuck, ‘The “Modern” Theory of Natural Law’, in Anthony Pagden (ed.), The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe (Cambridge University Press, 1987), pp. 99–122.
Hans Kelsen, ‘On the Pure Theory of Law’, 1 Israel Law Review, 1–7 (1966).
Part 38: Politics
Yoram Dinstein, ‘The Distinctions Between War Crimes and Crimes Against Peace’, 24 Israel Year Book on Human Rights, 1–18 (1994).
Jose Alvarez, ‘Nuremberg Revisited: The Tadic Case’, 7(2) European Journal of International Law, 245–64 (1996).
Hans Kelsen, ‘Collective and Individual Responsibility for Acts of State in International Law’, The Jewish Year Book of International Law, 226–39 (1948).
Christopher Greenwood, ‘The Relationship Between Ius ad Bellum and Ius in Bello’, 9 Review of International Studies, 221–34 (1983)
J. L. Brierly, ‘Do We Need An International Criminal Court?’, 8 British Year Book of International Law, 81–8 (1927).
Rosalyn Higgins, Conflict of Interests: International Law in a Divided World (The Bodley Head, 1965) (extract).
M. Cherif Bassiouni, ‘The Time Has Come for an International Criminal Court’, 1(1) Indiana International and Comparative Law Review, 1–43 (1991).
Alan Nissel, ‘Equality for Equivalence: A Very Brief Survey of Lex Talionis as a Concept of Justice in the Bible’, in Barry Wimpfheimer (ed.), Chuchmat Batsheva: Essays in Memory of Dr Beth Samuels (forthcoming).
VOLUME V Legitimacy and Governance
Part 41: Sociology
Part 27: Weapons of Mass Destruction 72.
Martti Koskenniemi, ‘Faith, Identity, and the Killing of the Innocent: International Lawyers and Nuclear Weapons’, 10 Leiden Journal of International Law, 137–62 (1997).
[In this part, the editors provide detailed cross-references to items included elsewhere in the collection.] Part 39: Psychology 89.
Anthony Carty, ‘Law and the Postmodern Mind: Interwar German Theories of International Law: The Psychoanalytical and Phenomenological Perspectives of Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt’, 16 Cardozo Law Review, 1235–92 (1995).
Part 40: Religion
Louis Henkin, ‘The Politics of Law Observance’, How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy, 2nd edn. (Columbia University Press, 1979), pp. 39–87.
David Kennedy, ‘Book Review: How Nations Behave’, 21(1) Harvard International Law Journal, 301–21 (1980).
Moshe Hirsch, ‘The Sociology of International Law: Invitation to Study International Rules in their Social Context’, 55 University of Toronto Law Journal, 891–939 (2005).