4-Volume Set
Imperial Japan and the World, 1931–1945 CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN ASIAN STUDIES Edited and with a new introduction by Antony Best, London School of Economics, UK The transformation of Japan in the years between 1931 and 1945 into an expansionist and potentially hegemonic power that threatened the stability of the international order in East Asia is a topic that is central to any understanding of the region’s history in the twentieth century. This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the best and most influential scholarship on the period, both contemporary and historical. Volumes I and II focus on politics, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Volume III meanwhile covers economic and financial history. Finally, Volume IV assembles key work on social, cultural, and intellectual factors. The collection is fully indexed and includes a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor. Each volume of this essential work of reference is also supplemented with an invaluable list of suggested further reading. Routledge February 2010 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0-415-40676-5
Routledge Major Works
Imperial Japan and the World, 1931–1945 C VOLUME I Politics in Japan, 1931–45
VOLUME II Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, 1931–45
Part 1: Contemporary Essays
Part 1: Contemporary Essays
Shigeharu Matsumoto, ‘Party Battles in Japan’, Pacific Affairs, 1932, 5, 4, 299–305.
26. Yukio Ozaki, ‘Japan and the Manchurian Question’, Nineteenth Century and After, 1932, CXII, 668, 419–30.
Yosuke Matsuoka, ‘Dissolve the Political Parties’, Contemporary Japan, 1932, II, 4, 661–7.
H. Vere Redman, ‘Japan Governed by the “Camp”’, The Fortnightly Review, 1934, CXXXV, 318–29.
27. Inazo Nitobe, ‘Japan, the League of Nations and the Peace Pact’, Lectures on Japan: An Outline of the Development of the Japanese People and Their Culture (Kenkyusha, 1936), pp. 253–74.
Emil Lederer, ‘Fascist Tendencies in Japan’, Pacific Affairs, 1934, 7, 4, 373–85.
Charles Fahs, ‘Recent Japanese Politics’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1937, 193, 145–9.
Fumimaro Konoye, ‘Manchukuo, Precursor of Asiatic Renaissance and the Government by Wang-tao (Kingly Way) Based on Theocracy’, Contemporary Manchuria, 1937, 1, 2, 1–17.
28. Lord Lytton, ‘The Problem of Manchuria’, International Affairs, 1932, 11, 6, 737–56. 29. Yasaka Takaki, ‘World Peace Machinery and the Asia Monroe Doctrine’, Pacific Affairs, 1932, 5, 11, 941–53. 30. Hirosi Saito, ‘A Japanese View of the Manchurian Situation’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1933, 165, 159–66. 31.
Kikujiro Ishii, ‘The Permanent Bases of Japanese Foreign Policy’, Foreign Affairs, 1933, 11, 2, 220–9.
Yasuchi Sekiguchi, ‘The Changing Status of the Cabinet in Japan’, Pacific Affairs, 1938, 11, 1, 198–207.
32. Malcolm Kennedy, ‘Russo–Japanese Friction’, The Nineteenth Century and After, 1934, CXVI, 692, 380–90.
Kenneth Colegrave, ‘Japan as a Totalitarian State’, Amerasia, 1938, II, 1, 11–17.
33. Reijiro Wakatsuki, ‘The Aims of Japan’, Foreign Affairs, 1935, 13, 1, 583–94.
Minoru Uchida, ‘Open Discussion’, Amerasia, 1938, II, 3, 133–6.
34. Keishiro Matsui, ‘Anglo-Japanese Relations’, The Fortnightly Review, 1935, CXXXVIII, 513–23.
10. Tadao Yanaihara, ‘Problems of Japanese Administration in Korea’, Pacific Affairs, 1938, 11, 2, 198–207.
35. Yosuke Tsurumi, ‘Japan To-day and To-morrow’, International Affairs, 1936, 15, 6, 807–26.
36. Kenzo Takayanagi, ‘A Japanese View of the Struggle in the Far East’, International Affairs, 1939, XVIII, 1, 27–55.
T. A. Bisson, ‘Observations on Fascism in Japan’, Amerasia, 1938, II, 7, 347–56.
12. Hotsumi Ozaki, ‘The New National Structure’, Contemporary Japan, 1940, IX, 10, 1284–92.
37. Naotake Sato, ‘Future Relations between Japan and China’, Contemporary Japan, 1940, IX, 1, 7–15.
13. George Sansom, ‘Japanese Liberalism’, Foreign Affairs, 1941, 19, 3, 551–60.
38. Toshio Shiratori, ‘Preparing for a New World Order’, Contemporary Japan, 1941, X, 4, 435–42.
14. Chitoshi Yanaga, ‘The Military and the Government in Japan’, The American Political Science Review, 1941, 35, 3, 528–39. 15. Charles Nelson Spinks, ‘Bureaucratic Japan’, Far Eastern Survey, 1941, 10, 19, 219–25. 16. Andrew J. Grajdanzev, ‘The “Ethical Elevation” of Japanese Politics’, Far Eastern Survey, 1943, 12, 7, 67–71. 17. Ben Bruce Blakeney, ‘The Japanese High Command (Part One)’, Military Affairs, 1945, 9, 2, 95–113.
Part 2: Historical Essays 18. Sharon H. Nolte, ‘Women’s Rights and Society’s Needs: Japan’s 1931 Suffrage Bill’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1986, 28, 4, 690–714. 19. Germaine A. Hoston, ‘Tenko: Marxism and the National Question’, Polity, 1983, 16, 1, 96–118. 20. Shin’ichi Kitaoka, ‘The Army as a Bureaucracy’, Journal of Military History, 1993, 57, 5, 67–86. 21.
Gregory J. Kasza, ‘Fascism From Below? A Comparative Perspective on the Japanese Right, 1931–1936’, Journal of Contemporary History, 1984, 19, 4, 607–29.
22. Stephen S. Large, ‘Nationalist Extremism in Early Showa Japan: Inoue Nissho and the “Blood Pledge Corps Incident”, 1932’, Modern Asian Studies, 2001, 35, 3, 533–64. 23. Christopher W. A. Szpilman, ‘Kita Ikki and the Politics of Coercion’, Modern Asian Studies, 2002, 36, 2, 470–90. 24. Ian Nish, ‘The Showa Emperor and the End of the Manchurian Crisis’, Japan Forum, 1989, 1, 2, 265–74. 25. Earl H. Kinmonth, ‘The Mouse That Roared: Saito Takao, Conservative Critic of Japan’s “Holy War” in China’, Journal of Japanese Studies, 1999, 25, 2, 331–60.
Routledge Major Works
Intended Contents
39. William Magistretti, ‘Japan’s New Order in the Pacific’, Pacific Affairs, 1941, 14, 2, 198–206.
Part 2: Historical Essays 40. Tetsuya Sakai, ‘The Soviet Factor in Japanese Foreign Policy, 1923–1937’, Acta Slavica Iaponica, 1988, 6, 27–40. 41. Sandra Wilson, ‘Containing the Crisis: Japan’s Diplomatic Offensive in the West, 1931–33’, Modern Asian Studies, 1995, 29, 2, 337–72. 42. Michael A. Barnhart, ‘Japan’s Economic Security and the Origins of the Pacific War’, Journal of Strategic Studies, 1981, 4, 2, 105–24. 43. Sumio Hatano, ‘The Japanese Navy and the Development of Southward Expansion’, in Shinya Sugiyama and Milagros C. Guerrero (eds.), International Commercial Rivalry in Southeast Asia in the Inter-War Period (Yale University Press, 1994), pp. 95–108. 44. Katsumi Usui, ‘Japanese Approaches to China in the 1930s: Two Alternatives’, in Akira Iriye and Warren Cohen (eds.), American, Chinese and Japanese Perspectives on Wartime Asia 1931–1949 (Scholarly Resources, 1990), pp. 93–116. 45. James B. Crowley, ‘A Reconsideration of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident’, Journal of Asian Studies, 1964, 22, 3, 277–91. 46. John Hunter Boyle, ‘The Road to Sino-Japanese Collaboration: The Background to the Defection of Wang Ching-wei’, Monumenta Nipponica, 1970, 25, 3/4, 267–301. 47. Sadao Asada, ‘The Shocks of the Atomic Bomb and Japan’s Decision to Surrender: A Reconsideration’, Pacific Historical Review, 1998, 67, 4, 477–512.
VOLUME IV Social, Cultural, and Intellectual Factors, 1931–45
Part 1: Contemporary Essays
Part 1: Contemporary Essays
48. Shigeichi Mayeda, ‘Our Stricken Agriculture’, Contemporary Japan, 1932, 1, 2, 266–76.
72. Hugh Byas, ‘Japan’s Population Problem’, Asiatic Review, 1933, XXIX, 100, 662–7.
49. G. C. Allen, ‘The Political and Economic Position of Japan’, International Affairs, 1934, 13, 4, 540–57.
73. J. F. Normano, ‘Japanese Emigration to Brazil’, Pacific Affairs, 1934, 7, 1, 42–61.
50. R. S. Sayers, ‘Japan’s Balance of Trade’, Economica, 1935, 2, 5, 51–60.
74. Nyozekan Hasegawa, ‘The National Character of the Japanese’, Contemporary Japan, 1935, 3, 4, 543–50.
William W. Lockwood, Jr. and M. Matsuo, ‘Export Control in Japan’, Far Eastern Survey, 1935, 4, 17, 132–6.
52. Catherine Porter, ‘Mineral Deficiency Versus Self-Sufficiency in Japan’, Far Eastern Survey, 1936, 5, 2, 9–14. 53. Isohi Asahi, ‘Japanese Industrialization and the British Empire’, Asiatic Review, 1936, XXXII, 109, 169–80. 54. M. Matsuo, ‘The Japanese State as Industrialist and Financier’, Far Eastern Survey, 1936, 5, 11, 105–10. 55. Eigo Fukai, ‘The Recent Monetary Policy of Japan’, in A. D. Gayer (ed.), The Lessons of Monetary Experience (Allen & Unwin, 1937), pp. 379–95. 56. Miriam S. Farley, ‘Pygmy Factories: The Backbone of Japanese Industry’, Far Eastern Survey, 1937, 6, 1, 1–7. 57. Gunther Stein, ‘Japanese State Finance’, Pacific Affairs, 1937, 10, 4, 393–406. 58. Nagahara Yasuo, ‘Manchukuo’s New Economic Policy’, Pacific Affairs, 1938, 11, 3, 323–37. 59. William H. Taylor and Robert A. Brady, ‘Policy Centralization in Japan under the Kokutai Principle’, Pacific Affairs, 1941, 14, 1, 51–77. 60. Kurt Bloch, ‘Japan’s War Economy’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1941, 215, 17–23.
75. Baron Dan, ‘Cultural Relations with Japan’, Asiatic Review, 1936, XXXII, 109, 155–68. 78. Samuel I. Hayakawa, ‘Japanese Sensibility’, Harper’s Monthly Magazine, 1936, 174, 98–103. 77. Freda Utley, ‘Population and Conquest’, Pacific Affairs, 1937, 10, 1, 16–29. 78. Sadao Araki, ‘State and Education’, Contemporary Japan, 1938, VII, 3, 421–7. 79. Tokuji Seno, ‘Cinema Censorship in Japan’, Contemporary Japan, 1938, VII, 6, 60–8. 80. Tetsuji Kada, ‘The Theory of an East Asian Unity’, Contemporary Japan, 1939, VIII, 5, 574–81. 81. Tsuyoshi Misao, ‘Our Women in the Emergency’, Contemporary Japan, 1939, VIII, 5, 643–50. 82. Chitoshi Yanaga, ‘Recent Trends in Japanese Political Thought’, Pacific Affairs, 1940, 13, 2, 125–37. 83. David Nelson Rowe, ‘The T’ai Chi Symbol in Japanese War Propaganda’, Public Opinion Quarterly, 1941, 5, 4, 532–47. 84. Shingoro Takaishi, ‘A Pan-Asiatic Union: A Japanese Conception’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1941, 215, 54–60.
61. Louis E. Freehtling, ‘Japan’s Oil Supplies’, Amerasia, 1941, 5, 5, 197–201.
85. Galen M. Fisher, ‘Understanding and Misunderstanding Japan’, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1941, 215, 122–6.
62. H. T. Oshima, ‘Japan’s “New Economic Structure”’, Pacific Affairs, 1942, 15, 3, 261–79.
86. F. A. Rager, ‘Japanese Emigration and Japan’s Population Pressure’, Pacific Affairs, 1941, 14, 3, 300–21.
Part 2: Historical Essays
87. Selden C. Menefee, ‘Japan’s Psychological Warfare’, Social Forces, 1943, 21, 4, 425–36.
63. Ann Waswo, ‘Japan’s Rural Economy in Crisis’, in Ian Brown (ed.), The Economies of Africa and Asia in the Inter-war Depression (Routledge, 1989), pp. 115–36.
Part 2: Historical Essays
64. Janet Hunter, ‘Female Migration and the Farm Family Economy in Interwar Japan’, in Pamela Sharpe (ed.), Women, Gender and Labour Migration: Historical and Global Perspectives (Routledge, 2001), pp. 244–58. 65. Toru Iwami, Tetsuji Okazaki, and Hiroshi Yoshikawa, ‘The Great Depression in Japan: Why Was it So Short?’, in Trevor J. O. Dick (ed.), Business Cycles Since 1800: New Historical Perspectives from Historical Evidence (Edward Elgar, 1998), pp. 28–48. 66. Richard Smethurst, ‘Takahashi Korekiyo’s Economic Policies in the Great Depression and Their Meiji Roots’ (LSE/STICERD, 2000), pp. 1–24. 67. Kaoru Sugihara, ‘Intra-Asian Trade and East Asia’s Industrialization, 1919–1939’, in Gareth Austin (ed.), Industrial Growth in the Third World, c. 1870–c. 1990: Depressions, Intra-Regional Trade, and Ethnic Networks (LSE Working Papers in Economic History, 44/98, 1998), pp. 25–57. 68. Howard Dick, ‘Japan’s Economic Expansion in the Netherlands Indies Between the First and Second World Wars’, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989, XX, 2, 244–72. 69. Mitsuhiko Kimura, ‘The Economics of Japanese Imperialism in Korea, 1910–1939’, Economic History Review, 1995, XLVIII, 3, 555–74. 70. Richard Rice, ‘Economic Mobilization in Wartime Japan: Business, Bureaucracy, and Military in Conflict’, Journal of Asian Studies, 1979, 38, 4, 689–706. 71.
Janis Mimura, ‘Technocratic Visions of Empire: Technology Bureaucrats and the “New Order” for Science-Technology’, in Harald Fuess (ed.), The Japanese Empire in East Asia and its Postwar Legacy (Indicium, 1998), pp. 97–118.
88. Sheldon M. Garon, ‘State and Religion in Imperial Japan, 1912–1945’, Journal of Japanese Studies, 1986, 12, 2, 273–302. 89. Louise Young, ‘Marketing the Modern: Department Stores, Consumer Culture and the New Middle Class in Interwar Japan’, International Labor and Working Class History, 1999, 55, 52–70. 90. Thomas R. H. Havens, ‘Women and War in Japan, 1937–45’, American Historical Review, 1975, 80, 4, 913–34. 91.
David R. Ambaras, ‘Juvenile Delinquency and the National Defense State: Policing Young Workers in Wartime Japan, 1937–1945’, Journal of Asian Studies, 2004, 63, 1, 31–60.
92. Donald Keene, ‘Japanese Literature and Politics in the 1930s’, Journal of Japanese Studies, 1976, 2, 2, 225–48. 93. Akira Iriye, ‘Culture in Japanese Foreign Affairs’, in T. G. Fraser and Peter Lowe (eds.), Conflict and Amity in East Asia: Essays in Honour of Ian Nish (Macmillan, 1992), pp. 47–58. 94. Peter Duus, ‘Imperialism Without Colonies: The Vision of a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 1996, 7, 1, 54–72. 95. Han Jung-Sun, ‘Rationalizing the Orient: The ”East Asia Cooperative Community” in Prewar Japan’, Monumenta Nipponica, 2005, 60, 4, 481–514. 96. Yoko Arisaka and Nishida Kitaro, ‘The Nishida Enigma: “The Principle of the New Order”’, Monumenta Nipponica, 1996, 51, 1, 81–105.