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4-Volume Set

Feminist Economics CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN ECONOMICS Edited and with a new introduction by Drucilla Barker, University of South Carolina, USA and Edith Kuiper, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands This new Routledge title, edited by two leading scholars, is a four-volume collection of canonical and the very best cutting-edge work in feminist economics, an innovative and dynamic area of scholarship that has broadened the scope of economic inquiry and has allowed a richer and more complex understanding of the ways in which economies function. Volume I (‘Early Conversations, 1800–1960’) gathers foundational work produced before the professionalization and specialization of the social sciences by writers who were variously categorized as journalists, reformers, and—occasionally—as economists. Their writing provides important historical background on subjects such as household production, women’s participations in paid labour, and gender equality, subjects that remain central to feminist economics today. Volume II (‘Households, Labour, and Paid Work’) brings together the best work by professional economists examining various aspects of women’s labour both within and outside the domestic sphere. Topics include reproductive labour, caring labour, women’s labour force participation, the gender wage gap, occupational segregation, and the economics of the family. Volume III (‘Engendering Development and Economic Well-Being’) assembles work with a specifically international or global perspective. Among the topics covered are: women and development; the gendered effects of structural adjustment; property rights; economic transformation; and measures of economic well-being. The final volume in the collection (‘Epistemological and Methodological Considerations’) focuses on a feminist rethinking of economics. Volume IV collects the best scholarship on methodology, the history of economics, and postmodern and postcolonial critiques of both feminist and conventional economics. Fully indexed and with a comprehensive introduction to each volume newly written by the editors, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Feminist Economics is an essential reference work. It is destined to be valued by scholars and students of economics—as well as those working in allied disciplines such as women’s and gender studies—as a vital research resource.

Routledge September 2009 234x156: 1,600pp Set Hb: 978-0415-43916-9

Routledge Major Works

Feminist Economics CRITICAL CONCEPTS IN ECONO VOLUME I Early Conversations, 1800–1960

Part 5: Feminist Economic History 21. Edith Abbott, ‘The Establishment of the Factory System’, Women in Industry: A Study in American Economic History (D. Appleton and Company, 1910), pp. 48–62. 22. Alice Clark, ‘Conclusion’, Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century (Cass, 1919), reprinted by Routledge, 1982, pp. 290–308.

Part 1: Economic Literacy 1. Jane Marcet, Conversations on Political Economy; in which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained, 5th revised and enlarged edn. [1824] (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1816), pp. iii–vi, 1–29. 2.

Harriet Martineau, Weal and Woe in Garveloch: A Tale, from Illustrations of Political Economy, in Nine Volumes, 2nd edn. (Charles Fox, 1832), pp. 1–51.


Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna [Charlotte Elizabeth pseud.], ‘The Little PinHeaders’, The Wrongs of Woman (W. H. Dalton, 1843), pp. 1–25.

Part 2: On Gender Equality, the Family and the Economy 4. William Thompson and Anna Doyle Wheeler, Introductory Letter to Mrs Wheeler, from Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men to Retain them in Political and thence in Civil and Domestic Slavery, in Reply to a Paragraph of Mr Mill’s Celebrated ‘Article On Government’ (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825), title page and pp. v–xiv. 5.

Sarah Grimké, ‘Letter VIII: On the Condition of Women in the United States’, in Elizabeth Ann Bartlett (ed.), Sarah Grimké: Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and Other Essays [1837] (Yale University Press, 1988).


Harriet Taylor Mill, ‘The Enfranchisement of Women’, Westminster Review, 1851, 109.


August Bebel, ‘Woman in the Future’, Woman in the Past, Present & Future, 2nd edn. (1883) (translation of ‘Die Frau und der Sozialismus’ by H. B. Adams Walther, reprinted with an introduction by Moira Donald (Zwan Publications, 1988)), pp. 229-32


Friedrich Engels, ‘The Family’ and ‘The Monogamous Family’, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State [1884] (Pathfinder Press, 1972), pp. 103–13.


Mary Church Terrell, The Progress of Colored Women, An Address Delivered Before the National American Women’s Suffrage Association at the Columbia Theater, Washington D.C. 18 February (Smith Brothers, 1898), pp. 7–15.



Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Women and Economics, A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution (Small, Maynard & Co., 1898), ch. II, reprinted in Sheryl L. Meyering (ed.), Women and Economics (Dover Publications, 1998), pp. 12–20. Olive Schreiner, ‘Introduction’, Woman and Labour (T. F. Unwin, 1911).

12. Mabel Atkinson, The Economic Foundations of the Women’s Movement (Fabian Tract No. 175) (Fabian Society, 1914), pp. 2–24. Part 3: On Household Production and Consumption 13. Ada Heather-Bigg, ‘The Wife’s Contribution to Family Income’, The Economic Journal, 1894, 4, 13, 51–8. 14. Hazel Kyrk, ‘The Nature and Scope of a Study of Consumption’, A Theory of Consumption (Houghton Mifflin, 1923), pp. 1–22. 15. Margaret G. Reid, ‘What is Household Production?’, Economics of Household Production (John Wiley & Sons, 1934), pp. 3–16. Part 4: On Women’s Education, Work and Wages 16. Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon, Women and Work (Bosworth and Harrison, 1857), reprinted in Candida Ann Lacey (ed.), Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon and the Langham Place Group (Routledge, 1987), pp. 36–73. 17. Caroline Wells Healey Dall, ‘Death or Dishonor’ (excerpt), The College, the Market, and the Courts; or Women’s Relation to Education, Labor, and the Law (Lee and Shepard, 1867), reprinted by Arno Press, 1972, pp. 133–45. 18. Josephine E. Grey Butler, The Education and Employment of Women (Macmillan, 1868), pp. 3–28. 19. Clara E. Collet, ‘The Collection and Utilisation of Official Statistics Bearing on the Extent and Effects of the Industrial Employment of Women’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 1898, 61, 2, 219–60. 20. Eleanor F. Rathbone, ‘The Remuneration of Women’s Services’, The Economic Journal, 1917, 27, 105, 55–68.

23. Ivy Pinchbeck, ‘Conclusion’, Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution 1750–1850 [1930] (Frank Cass & Co., 1969), pp. 306–21. Part 6: Feminist Economic Proposals or Change 24. Flora Tristan, ‘Why I Mention Women’, Union Ouvriére (Prévot, 1843), translation with introduction by Beverly Livingston, The Workers’ Union, Urbana and London (University of Illinois Press, 1983), pp. 75–98. 25. Clara Zetkin, ‘Women’s Work and the Organization of Trade Unions’, Die Gleichheit, 1 Nov. 1893, reprinted in Philip Foner (ed.), Clara Zetkin: Selected Writings (International Publishers, 1984), pp. 51–9. 26. Millicent G. Fawcett, ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’, The Economic Journal, 1918, 28, 109, – 1-6. 27. Beatrice Potter Webb, The Wages of Men and Women: Should They be Equal? (Fabian Society, 1919), pp. 3–13, 71–3, 79. 28. Alva Myrdal and Viola Klein, ‘Long Term Goals: Summary and Conclusions’ [1956], Women’s Two Roles, 2nd edn. (Routledge, 1968), pp. 184–96.

VOLUME II Households, Labour and Paid Work Part 7: Household Labour and Reproductive Labour 29. Susan Himmelweit and Simon Mohun, ‘Domestic Labour and Capital’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1977, 1, 1, 15–31. 30. L. Goldschmidt-Clermont, ‘Economic Measurement of Non-market Household Activities: Is it Useful and Feasible?’, International Labour Review, 1990, 129, 3, 279–99. 31.

Duncan Ironmonger, ‘Counting Outputs, Capital Inputs and Caring Labor: Estimating Gross Household Product’, Feminist Economics, 1996, 2, 3, 37–64.

32. Gabrielle Meagher, ‘Is it Wrong to Pay For Housework?’, Hypatia, 2002, 17, 2, 52–66. Part 8: Caring Labour 33. S. Himmelweit, ‘The Discovery of “Unpaid Work”: The Social Consequences of the Expansion of “Work”’, Feminist Economics, 1995, 1, 2, 1–19. 34. M. Jochimsen and U. Knobloch, ‘Making the Hidden Visible: The Importance of Caring Activities and their Principles for any Economy’, Ecological Economics, 1997, 20, 2, 107–12. 35. N. Folbre and J. A. Nelson, ‘For Love or Money—Or Both?’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2000, 14, 4, 123–40. 36. Agneta Stark, ‘Warm Hands in Cold Age: On the Need of a New World Order of Care’, Feminist Economics, 2005, 11, 2, 7–36. Part 9: Economics of the Family 37. Jane Humphries, ‘Class Struggle and the Persistence of the Working-Class Family’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1977, 1, 3, 241–58. 38. Heidi Hartmann, ‘The Family as the Locus of Gender, Class, and Political Struggle: The Example of Housework’, Signs, 1981, 6, 3, 366–94. 39. Martha Macdonald, Shelley Phipps, and Lynn Lethbridge, ‘Taking its Toll: The Influence of Paid and Unpaid Work on Women’s Well-Being’, Feminist Economics, 2005, 11, 1, 63–94. 40. Bina Agarwal, ‘“Bargaining” and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household’, Feminist Economics, 1997, 3, 1, 1–51. Part 10: Discrimination, Occupational Segregation, and the Wage Gap 41. C. Goldin, ‘Female Labor Force Participation: The Origin of Black and White Differences, 1870 and 1880’, The Journal of Economic History, 1977, 37, 1, 87–108. 42. M. H. Strober, ‘Wives’ Labor Force Behavior and Family Consumption Patterns’, The American Economic Review, 1977, 67, 1, 410–17. 43. M. A. Ferber, ‘Labor Market Participation of Young Married Women: Causes and Effects’, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1982, 44, 2, 457–68.

Routledge Major Works

OMICS 44. F. D. Blau and A. H. Beller, ‘Trends In Earnings Differentials By Gender, 1971–1981’, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 1988, 41, 4, 513–30.

VOLUME IV Epistemological and Methodological Considerations

45. B. R. Bergmann, ‘Does the Market for Women’s Labor Need Fixing?’, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1989, 3, 1, 43–60. 46. M. V. L. Badgett, ‘The Wage Effects of Sexual Orientation Discrimination’, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 1995, 48, 4, 726–39. 47. R. Albelda and C. Tilley, ‘Women, Income, and Poverty: There’s a Family Connection’, Glass Ceilings and Bottomless Pits: Women’s Work, Women’s Poverty (South End Press, 1997), pp. 1-17. 48. J. Rubery, M. Smith, and C. Fagan, ‘National Working-Time Regimes and Equal Opportunities’, Feminist Economics, 1998, 4, 1, 71–101. 49. E. Mutari, M. Power, and D. M. Figart, ‘Neither Mothers nor Breadwinners: African-American Women’s Exclusion from US Minimum Wage Policies, 1912–38’, Feminist Economics, 2002, 8, 2, 37–61.

Part 14: Methodology 68. J. Seiz, ‘Gender and Economic Research’, in N.B. de Marchi (ed.), PostPopperian Methodology of Economics: Recovering Practice (Kluwer, 1989). 69. S. Feiner and B. Roberts, ‘Hidden by the Invisible Hand: Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Textbook Treatment of Women and Minorities’, Gender & Society, 1990, 4, 2, 159–80. 70. J. A. Nelson, ‘Gender, Metaphor, and the Definition of Economics’, Economics and Philosophy, 1992, 8, 1, 103–25. 71.

VOLUME III Engendering Development and Economic Well-Being Part 11: Women and Development 50. Ester Boserup, ‘Male and Female Farming Systems’, Women’s Role in Economic Development (Allen and Unwin, 1970), pp. 15–36. 51.

Lourdes Beneria and Gita Sen, ‘Accumulation, Reproduction, and Women’s Role in Economic Development: Boserup Revisited’, Signs, 1981, 7, 2, 279–98.

52. Amartya K. Sen, ‘Gender and Cooperative Conflicts’, in Irene Tinker (ed.), Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development (Oxford University Press, 1990), pp. 123–49. 53. Bina Agarwal, ‘The Gender and Environment Debate: Lessons from India’, Feminist Studies, 1992, 18, 119–58. 54. C. D. Deere and M. Leon, ‘The Gender Asset Gap: Land in Latin America’, World Development, 2003, 31, 925–47. Part 12: Feminization of the Labour Force, Structural Adjustment, and Economic Transformation 55. Diane Elson, ‘From Survival Strategies to Transformation Strategies: Women’s Needs & Structural Adjustment’, in Lourdes Beneria and Shelley Feldman (eds.), Unequal Burden: Economic Crises, Persistent Poverty, and Women’s Work (Westview Press, 1992), pp. 26–48. 56. N. Cagatay and S. Ozler, ‘Feminization of the Labor Force: The Effects of Long-Term Development and Structural Adjustment’, World Development, 1995, 23, 11, 1883–94. 57. Ruth Pearson, ‘Nimble Fingers Revisited: Reflections on Women and Third World Industrialization in the Late Twentieth Century’, in Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson (eds.), Feminist Visions of Development: Gender Analysis and Policy (Routledge, 1998), pp. 171–88. 58. G. Standing, ‘Global Feminization through Flexible Labor: A Theme Revisited’, World Development, 1999, 27, 3, 583–602. 59. N. Aslanbeigui and G. Summerfield, ‘The Asian Crisis, Gender, and the International Financial Architecture’, Feminist Economics, 2000, 6, 3, 81–103. 60. Stephanie Seguino, ‘Accounting for Gender in Asian Economic Growth’, Feminist Economics, 2000, 6, 3, 27–58. 61. N. Kabeer, ‘Globalization, Labor Standards, and Women’s Rights: Dilemmas of Collective (In)action in an Interdependent World’, Feminist Economics, 2004, 10, 1, 3–35.

D. Strassmann, ‘Not a Free Market: The Rhetoric of Disciplinary Authority in Economics’, in M. Ferber and J. A. Nelson (eds.), Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics (University of Chicago Press, 1993).

72. Rhonda M. Williams, ‘Race, Deconstruction, and the Emergent Agenda of Feminist Economic Theory’, Beyond Economic Man: Feminist Theory and Economics (Chicago University Press, 1993), pp. 144–53. 73. F. R. Woolley, ‘The Feminist Challenge to Neoclassical Economics’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1993, 17, 4, 485–500. 74. S. Harding, ‘Can Feminist Thought Make Economics More Objective?’, Feminist Economics, 1995, 1, 1, 7–32. 75. Tony Lawson, ‘Feminism, Realism, and Universalism’, Feminist Economics, 1999, 5, 2, 25–59. Part 15: History of Thought 76. Barbara S. Libby, ‘Women in the Economics Profession, 1900–1940’, Essays in Economic and Business History, 1984, 3, 173–90. 77. N. Folbre, ‘The Unproductive Housewife: Her Evolution in 19th-Century Economic Thought’, Signs, 1991, 16, 3, 463–84. 78. Robert W. Dimand, ‘The Neglect of Women’s Contributions to Economics’, in M. A. Dimand, R. W. Dimand, and E. L. Forget (eds.), Women of Value: Feminist Essays on the History of Women in Economics (Edward Elgar, 1995), pp. 1–24. 79. M. A. Pujol, ‘Into the Margin!’, in E. Kuiper and J. Sap (eds.), Out of the Margin: Feminist Perspectives on Economics (Routledge, 1995), pp. 17–34. 80. Evelyn L. Forget, ‘Saint-Simonian Feminism’, Feminist Economics, 2001, 7, 1, 79–96. 81. E. Kuiper, ‘The Construction of Masculine Identity in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments’, in D. K. Barker and E. Kuiper (eds.), Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics (Routledge, 2003), pp. 145–60. Part 16: Postcolonial and Postmodern Critical Perspectives 82. Ulla Grapard, ‘Robinson Crusoe: The Quintessential Economic Man?’, Feminist Economics, 1995, 1, 33–52. 83. C. A. Wood, ‘The First World/Third Party Criterion: A Feminist Critique of Production Boundaries in Economics’, Feminist Economics, 1997, 3, 3, 47–68. 84. G. J. Hewitson, ‘The Disavowal of the Sexed Body in Neoclassical Economics’, in Steven Cullenberg, Jack Amariglio, and David Ruccio, (eds.), Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge, (Routledge, 2001), pp. 221-245. 85. S. Bergeron, ‘Political Economy Discourses of Globalization and Feminist Politics’, Signs, 2001, 26, 983–1006. 86. S. Charusheela, ‘Women’s Choices and the Ethnocentrism/Relativism Dilemma’, in Steven Cullenberg, Jack Amariglio, and David Ruccio (eds.), Postmodernism, Economics, and Knowledge (Routledge, 2001), pp. 197–221.

Part 13: Gender and Economic Well-Being 62. Lourdes Beneria, ‘Accounting for Women’s Work: The Progress of Two Decades’, World Development, 1992, 20, 11, 1547–60.

87. Eiman O. Zein-Elabdin, ‘Articulating the Postcolonial (with Economics in Mind)’, in S. Charusheela and Eiman Zein-Elabdin (eds.), Postcolonialism Meets Economics (Routledge, 2004), pp. 21–39.

63. M. S. Floro, ‘Women’s Well-Being, Poverty, and Work Intensity’, Feminist Economics, 1995, 1, 3, 1–25.

88. D. K. Barker, ‘Beyond Women and Economics: Rereading Women’s Work’, Signs, 2005, 30, 4, 2189–209.

64. D. Budlender, ‘The Political Economy of Women’s Budgets in the South’, World Development, 2000, 28, 1365–78. 65. Rhonda Sharp and Ray Broomhill, ‘Budgeting for Equality: The Australian Experience’, Feminist Economics, 2002, 8, 25–47. 66. D. Gasper and I. van Staveren, ‘Development As Freedom? And As What Else?’, Feminist Economics, 2003, 9, 2–3, 137–61. 67. I. Robeyns, ‘The Capability Approach: A Theoretical Survey’, Journal of Human Development, 2005, 6, 1, 93–117. MJWK0917

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